Meg White Tits

Meg White Tits


Meg White Tits
More stories to check out before you go
Meg White of The White Stripes can look pretty hot, sexy and cute in photos, so we decided to gather some of Meg’s sexy best shots at award shows or in concert…
Here’s some of Meg behind the drums with The White Stripes …
If you have any hot photos of Meg , shoot us an email.
sometimes? she IS hot. boy you guys are condescending male bitches aintcha
Love Meg but Jack still rocks my knickers off
I love that you guys put this collection together. Meg is knock-your-socks-off gorgeous, though because she exhibits classic, Renaissance-style curves rather than new-age musculature, her sensual beauty hasn’t been recognized by the media as much as she (and each of us!) deserves. Thanks guys!

More stories to check out before you go
Meg White of The White Stripes can look pretty hot, sexy and cute in photos, so we decided to gather some of Meg’s sexy best shots at award shows or in concert…
Here’s some of Meg behind the drums with The White Stripes …
If you have any hot photos of Meg , shoot us an email.
sometimes? she IS hot. boy you guys are condescending male bitches aintcha
Love Meg but Jack still rocks my knickers off
I love that you guys put this collection together. Meg is knock-your-socks-off gorgeous, though because she exhibits classic, Renaissance-style curves rather than new-age musculature, her sensual beauty hasn’t been recognized by the media as much as she (and each of us!) deserves. Thanks guys!

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We don't pick on Meg White because chicks "can't play drums." Plenty of chicks play drums, and a lot of 'em are awesome at it. We pick on Meg White because MEG WHITE couldn't play her way out of a wet paper bag with a click track and a rudiments chart in her back pocket. The fact that she counts on diminished expectations in order to scrape by with an indiscernible level of talent is the reason Evelyn Glennie cries herself to sleep every night.
And yet there are capable drummers in bands that make shiatty music. Crazy world.
That wasn't music! It was the sound of chaos! I knew it was the sound of chaos because you could hear pigs being slaughtered. Women were weeping and men were gnashing their teeth, and there were sounds so horrible that I cannot repeat them to you, or you would flee from this room in horror!
I used to think that drums were instruments for people who couldn't play an instrument. But I've played with enough talented percussionists over the years that my respect level for them has gone way up. Good percussionists are rare, but they really bring something special to a band. Jay Bellerose is a good example of a musician who can do this -- his work on the Krauss/Plant album Raising Sand is stellar. That being said: I've seen many, many drummers who could safely be replaced with drum machines.
I'll never understand why, just because someone plays very simply, they're bad. Punk was rather simple. That was the point. Nothing wrong with that.
My brother-in-law said it pretty good. We were discussing the White Stripes and I said Meg is not very good on the drums, and he replied: "Meg White doesn't play the drums. She plays the drum." I laffed.
Tits > talent. And that's what's wrong with music.
This band will never be famous - that's the most boring music video I've ever seen.
MaxxLarge: We don't pick on Meg White because chicks "can't play drums." Plenty of chicks play drums, and a lot of 'em are awesome at it. We pick on Meg White because MEG WHITE couldn't play her way out of a wet paper bag with a click track and a rudiments chart in her back pocket. The fact that she counts on diminished expectations in order to scrape by with an indiscernible level of talent is the reason Evelyn Glennie cries herself to sleep every night. what's worse is the argument of "that's Jack's intention with WS". If it is, I hate them even more.
I pick on Meg White because from the neck up, she looks like she lost a fight with a pickup truck. A pickup truck driven by Manny Pacquiao.
douchebag/hater: Exactly. This thread is filled with people that think Keith Moon is a great drummer. He wasn't. Moon at least understood TEMPO (when he wasn't f*cked out of his mind). Watch The Who's performance on Rock-n-Roll Circus and tell me he's not good. Jerry Speiser who played with Men at Work was a simple drummer. On beat, tasteful, got the job done. Meg White sucks ass and her apologists don't understand rhythm.
The people who think she's the worst seem to have forgotten about The Shaggs.
I dunno. I can't get all worked up about Meg White. I've seen lots of worse drummers -- at least she isn't aggressively bad. I've played with drummers whose tempo comes and goes like the tides; whose dynamics fade in and out like a balky AM radio signal; and who take extended (bad) drum solos at the drop of a hat. I worked with one guy who'd throw his sticks in the air as a finishing move, and then fail to catch them more often than not (depending on how drunk he was at the time). Good percussionists are a pearl of great price, and are correspondingly rare. The bad ones...well, that's why drum machines were invented.
But what exactly is wrong with a simple 1-2-3-4 beat if the song(s) call for it? Nothing, but a drum machine could do the job just as well in that situation. So why have a person sitting there if all you want is a simplistic on-the-beat 4/4 tempo? (The visuals, I'm guessing.)
Yes, as a drummer Meg White is mediocre at best. But it's just music, people; it's nothing to get all worked up over. If you want to play, play. Meg White doing her thing doesn't take away from anything. Just do what I do: ignore their music, enjoy looking at her boobs. /boobs
As with many things in life, big tits make up for a lack of ability.
downstairs: I would never say Meg is technically "better" than Moon. But what exactly is wrong with a simple 1-2-3-4 beat if the song(s) call for it? The Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" is a rockin' and fun song. And anyone could probably play it. So what? the issue is that she can't even do that much. You can't keep the best of power pop songs if your part comes back in on somewhere between the upbeat/downbeat area. Look, some of the best drummers flub up parts. Bonham falls off in the middle of "In My Time of Dying" and comes right back like nothing happened. Copeland rushes his share of songs on a few Police tracks. What separates them from rest is that they're consistent players. A mistake here and there makes a recording sound raw and live. Perhaps even adding to the appeal of the sound. But when your whole sound revolves around an incompetent player that's compensated by another player (Jack's guitar), it comes off as ...well... sorta like the Shaggs .
Meg is the right drummer for The White Stripes. /that is all
Meg White is a way better drummer than Neil Pert.
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MaxxLarge : We don't pick on Meg White because chicks "can't play drums." Plenty of chicks play drums, and a lot of 'em are awesome at it.
AiryAnne : And yet there are capable drummers in bands that make shiatty music. Crazy world.
downstairs : Punk was rather simple.
downstairs : Punk was rather simple. That was the point. Nothing wrong with that.
Spade : downstairs: Punk was rather simple. That was the point. Nothing wrong with that. There's a difference between "this is simple because that's the point" and "this is simple because I can't do better".
Spade : downstairs: Punk was rather simple. That was the point. Nothing wrong with that. There's a difference between "this is simple because that's the point" and "this is simple because I can't do better".
GreenAdder : downstairs: Punk was rather simple. "Jack White" and "punk" go together like "Batman" and "Marvel Comics."
AiryAnne : And yet there are capable drummers in bands that make shiatty music. Crazy world.
Spade : downstairs: Punk was rather simple. That was the point. Nothing wrong with that. There's a difference between "this is simple because that's the point" and "this is simple because I can't do better".
InmanRoshi : Spade: downstairs: Punk was rather simple. That was the point. Nothing wrong with that. There's a difference between "this is simple because that's the point" and "this is simple because I can't do better". I'm not sure this guy knew the difference...
GreenAdder : MaxxLarge: We don't pick on Meg White because chicks "can't play drums." Plenty of chicks play drums, and a lot of 'em are awesome at it. This. It has nothing to do with gender. Greg Land can't draw without tracing, for instance. I'm not picking on him because he's male. I'm picking on him because he's Greg Land.
apeiron242 : You're picking on her because she's in a popular band that you didn't get into soon enough to impress your friends. They beat you to it, and you resent that. Or, you got into them right away and then they became popular and now have to insult them to maintain your indie cred.
apeiron242 : You're picking on her because she's in a popular band that you didn't get into soon enough to impress your friends. They beat you to it, and you resent that. Or, you got into them right away and then they became popular and now have to insult them to maintain your indie cred.
MaxxLarge : But feel free to pigeonhole me based on your own limited experience, even though doing so only serves to demonstrate that only one of us knows what the hell he's talking about.
MaxxLarge : apeiron242: You're picking on her because she's in a popular band that you didn't get into soon enough to impress your friends. They beat you to it, and you resent that. Or, you got into them right away and then they became popular and now have to insult them to maintain your indie cred. Wrong. I'm picking on her because I've been playing drums since I was nine years old, Taught them on and off for more than a decade, and worked at a drum shop for four years. I therefore feel like I can speak with some level authority on the subject of her skill level. And I'm sorry...There are plenty of drummers who deserve to be famous, because they have worked hard to hone their craft, possess buckets full of natural talent, or some respectable combination of both. But Meg White is NOT one of them. Meg White is a bad drummer in every way you can be a bad drummer. Her tempo sucks, she has no sense of dynamics, her technique is for $#!+, and the parts she comes up with would still be inappropriate for the arrangements in question even if she had the chops to play them properly. But feel free to pigeonhole me based on your own limited experience, even though doing so only serves to demonstrate that only one of us knows what the hell he's talking about.
downstairs : I'll never understand why, just because someone plays very simply, they're bad. Punk was rather simple. That was the point. Nothing wrong with that.
MaxxLarge : Wrong. I'm picking on her because I've been playing drums since I was nine years old, Taught them on and off for more than a decade, and worked at a drum shop for four years. I therefore feel like I can speak with some level authority on the subject of her skill level. And I'm sorry...There are plenty of drummers who deserve to be famous, because they have worked hard to hone their craft, possess buckets full of natural talent, or some respectable combination of both. But Meg White is NOT one of them. Meg White is a bad drummer in every way you can be a bad drummer. Her tempo sucks, she has no sense of dynamics, her technique is for $#!+, and the parts she comes up with would still be inappropriate for the arrangements in question even if she had the chops to play them properly. But feel free to pigeonhole me based on your own limited experience, even though doing so only serves to demonstrate that only one of us knows what the hell he's talking about.
meatofmystery : douchebag/hater: Exactly. This thread is filled with people that think Keith Moon is a great drummer. He wasn't. Moon at least understood TEMPO (when he wasn't f*cked out of his mind). Watch The Who's performance on Rock-n-Roll Circus and tell me he's not good.
meatofmystery : douchebag/hater: Exactly. This thread is filled with people that think Keith Moon is a great drummer. He wasn't. Moon at least understood TEMPO (when he wasn't f*cked out of his mind). Watch The Who's performance on Rock-n-Roll Circus and tell me he's not good. Jerry Speiser who played with Men at Work was a simple drummer. On beat, tasteful, got the job done. Meg White sucks ass and her apologists don't understand rhythm.
Barry McCackiner : Yet she is a wealthy musician who plays drums in a hit band and you are a person posting on fark complaining about her talent. Funny how life works.
Snot Monster from Outer Space : Now, she may be a shiatty drummer with shiatty technique. But if a shiatty drummer with shiatty technique can make songs that sound effing great then all you're really saying is that a drummer's technique really doesn't matter much for the overall sound of a band. Or, at least, that it only matters to a select group of drum-nerds.
meatofmystery : downstairs: I would never say Meg is technically "better" than Moon. But what exactly is wrong with a simple 1-2-3-4 beat if the song(s) call for it? The Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" is a rockin' and fun song. And anyone could probably play it. So what? the issue is that she can't even do that much. You can't keep the best of power pop songs if your part comes back in on somewhere between the upbeat/downbeat area. Look, some of the best drummers flub up parts. Bonham falls off in the middle of "In My Time of Dying" and comes right back like nothing happened. Copeland rushes his share of songs on a few Police tracks. What separates them from rest is that they're consistent players. A mistake here and there makes a recording sound raw and live. Perhaps even adding to the appeal of the sound. But when your whole sound revolves around an incompetent player that's compensated by another player (Jack's guitar), it comes off as ...well...sorta like the Shaggs.
meatofmystery : the issue is that she can't even do that much.
Snot Monster from Outer Space : Barry McCackiner: Yet she is a wealthy musician who plays drums in a hit band and you are a person posting on fark complaining about her talent. Funny how life works. The "wealthy" part of this seems irrelevant (plenty of people get rich while being crappy at something and plenty of people are brilliant at something at die in obscurity). I think the real problem with the "OMG MEG WHITE SUCKS SO BAD MY BRAIN IS GOING TO EXPLODE!!!" people is that many, many thousands of people think the White Stripes music is great. They think the albums are great. They think they sound great in concert. And that's all with Meg White playing on the drums. Now, she may be a shiatty drummer with shiatty technique. But if a shiatty drummer with shiatty technique can make songs that sound effing great then all you're really saying is that a drummer's technique really doesn't matter much for the overall sound of a band. Or, at least, that it only matters to a select group of drum-nerds. I wish more bands were as "bad" as the White Stripes.
Barry McCackiner : Her playing skills are mostly irrelevant though. She does well enough to keep time. I've seen the White Stripes live and they are a power house. She does well enough to tour the world and to record a half dozen hit albums. Is that mostly because of Jack White? Maybe yes and maybe no. But the point is the critics are on the side lines and she (at least before she had a nervous breakdown) is on the front lines doing what she wants and making some damn good music while she does it.
MaxxLarge : apeiron242: Wrong. I'm picking on her because I've been playing drums since I was nine years old, Taught them on and off for more than a decade, and worked at a drum shop for four years. I therefore feel like I can speak with some level authority on the subject of her skill level. And I'm sorry...There are plenty of drummers who deserve to be famous, because they have worked hard to hone their craft, possess buckets full of natural talent, or some respectable combination of both. But Meg White is NOT one of them. Meg White is a bad drummer in every way you can be a bad drummer. Her tempo sucks, she has no sense of dynamics, her technique is for $#!+, and the parts she comes up with would still be inappropriate for the arrangements in question even if she had the chops to play them properly. But feel free to pigeonhole me based on your own limited experience, even though doing so only serves to demonstrate that only one of us knows what the hell he's talking about.
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