Meg Turneyreddit

Meg Turneyreddit


Meg Turneyreddit
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She was streaming with Fredo and Jackie earlier tonight. Stream just ended and she and Jackie posted statements (that I've seen).
They're still going. Switching to DBD
My heart hurts for her. For all of them really. But they were clearly close.
I hate what Ryan did, but I also hope that because he’s probably about to lose everyone that was important to him, he doesn’t do something to hurt himself.
Edit: this comment was made before i knew that this was a pattern of predatory behavior and not a one time icky mistake. I no longer feel this way about the situation.
The thought hadn't crossed my mind, but honestly, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.
I guess I hadn't really considered it when the allegations were first mostly proven, but as it's gotten worse and worse, I can see how he might be in a real bad place in his headspace. When it was just one fuck up, that's something, but when it's a pattern, it's a whole other ballpark.
I can only hope he pulls his shit together and grows as a person.
he doesn’t do something to hurt himself.
While both Adam and Ryan made horrible choices wont view their content ever again, this is my biggest worry.
Every single little aspect of their life was just tossed into the sun. Adam has already publicly admitted to depression in the past. And even if ryan doesnt have depression, he can feel those urges to make literally the worse decision of his life.
I hope they are still have someone close on their side to support them through this.
This has been in the back of my mind for like a day now. The fear that we're going to see a headline about him doing something drastic.
If you're Meg, I imagine you have to wonder now, this person whom she considered a close friend with, did a show with, traveled to Japan with, was it all because they were friends, or he was hoping to bang?
We should probably have a megathread at this point. There's a lot of people making statements now.
I'm not looking forward to Jack or Geoff, and I don't know what'll be worse, the anger or the disappointment.
I see the appeal of a thread where all these are compiled, but I also want to ensure that everyone is heard. Putting them behind one more link can hurt those chances.
That would be nice honestly. Can sort it by active members, spouses, etc.
There's this , which has begun compiling some of the employee responses.
It feels like a wrestler death megathread kinda thing. Links to each tweet about the situation.
" Y’all, I don’t have the words and I don’t know that I’ll ever have them. I can’t describe the shock of being so close to someone and having absolutely no idea - it really is just indescribable. Fuck. Many thanks to my stream peeps for letting me just escape for a bit. Heart you. "
For those of you who don't have a twitter, this is what she said.
Curious what she had to say, Free Play was a favorite show of mine
Wouldn't be surprised if the episode where Ryan goes commando under the kilt gets removed
I can't believe this all happened just as soon as I finished watching Free Play
Free Play was easily one of my favorite series! Meg and Ryan just had a great friendship that made for great content (I used to compare it to what we have with Fiona and Gavin right now.) But I tried watching a video earlier today and I just couldn’t make it past a minute...

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A subreddit for content regarding Rooster Teeth Productions, including Red vs. Blue, Achievement Hunter, RWBY, Rooster Teeth Podcast, etc.
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Man, this is such a shitty and awful situation for both Meg and Gav, but Meg's 1000% right, the best thing to do is to just focus on the things that make her happy and feel safe. I dont think any 'true' fan would want her prioritizing a youtube channel over her health and wellbeing. Keep kicking ass Meg <3
It really is important to remember the long term effects these incidents can have on people. You can't just forget about it and it can really influence your daily life. Thankfully, it seems they've been able to support each other really well. I hope Meg continues to go at her own pace and I'm glad she still finds time to hop on Twitch with Ryan for a few hours here and there.
A strong support system is imperative to healing emotional trauma like this. It's awesome that Her and Gav have seemed to share such a rare connection from the beginning, kinda like the Temple of Doom stones that glow when in close proximity.
Having a support system helps but it's also important to see a therapist or a similar 3rd party. I highly encourage anyone who as been through anything traumatizing to go and seek a therapist. There may be somethings you've been suppressing or building your life around that you would never have though about.
parasocial relationship i think is the name for it. Man i thaught Gavin had decent security on his house to start with. It must be like Fort Knox now.
God, what a tough subject to tackle.
Trauma manifests in a lot of different ways and I can completely see where Meg is coming from. Trauma never really goes away and it can be difficult to articulate that. It can be even more difficult for those unaffected by said trauma to understand how deep it goes.
I've really missed Meg's YouTube videos and I'm glad she was able to put together a video explaining her hesitance to return. While I miss the content, I also understand and support her need for separation. Whatever path she chooses for her channel, I hope it allows her feel comfortable and continue to move forward.
Trauma is shitty and even shittier when you live a lot of your life in the public eye.
This must have been very difficult for her to post, I'm glad she did it. I cannot possibly imagine coping with that situation, I'm surprised Gav hasn't also gone in depth. I hope they continue to get positive support from their fans and not selfish acts of violence.
This was incredibly tough to watch. I cannot imagine how it is to go through something like that. I just hope her and Gavin can live as normal of a life as possible.
I had such an overwhelming huge sense of dread watching this. It hurts so much to sense her pain.
Listening was hard enough for me, I couldn't watch this video. Personally, It felt like I was listening to a close family member that was on the verge of tears.
I think feeling angry and/or protective of someone you admire, look up to, or relate to, are normal feelings, and I certainly felt those.
But the past is gone, now I just hope Gav and Meg never have to repeat this again, and it will just be a distant memory.
What she and Gavin went through is horrific. I think it’s extremely brave of them to continue doing what they love in spite of what happened. I just hope Meg takes it at her own pace without feeling external pressures to behave or cope in a certain way.
Thought I should post this here because it relates to the events that happened with her and Gavin earlier in the year and the effect that it has had on her content.
Nothing but respect for Meg and Gavin, not sure what else to say.
Hope that they can get the help they need by speaking to a mental health specialist to minimize as much trauma as possible would be the only other thing I could say. But I don’t doubt they’re already getting help.
people don't simply "get over" or adapt to life as it was before something traumatic like that happens. so I hope her fans are understanding.
I think it's time for the community to look at problems like this. We aren't friends with RT staff. We know them very well, we see them every day, but they have no idea who we are individually. They like us as fans, but they don't really know us all individually. They haven't even met most of us. I love RT and all they've given to us, but am not under any illusion that RT knows who I am personally. I think the guy who did this was a lunatic, but he exhibited this "Internet best friend" idea. I think it's also worse for female entertainers. People fantasize about them being more than just their friend, and instead imagine them as their "Internet girlfriend" of sorts.
It's something that people need to start understanding. I know FunHaus have talked about it, and think Geoff and Burnie have commented on the "internet best friend" thing before. The people you watch everyday online appreciate that you enjoy what they do, but they don't know who you are on a personal level. It's a one sided relationship. That sounds very harsh, but it is the truth. Please don't think that the entertainers you see everyday on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch etc. are your personal friends.
I feel like most people understand they aren't their friends, unfortunately a very scary & small group of people takes things too far
Thank you for saying this and articulating it so well.
As the internet has blossomed and these new forms of entertainment take shape, new issues like this arise. So it's important for everyone to remind themselves that these people make content for us to enjoy, nothing more. Even if the content is more personal in nature.
Funhaus actually did an incredible podcast a while back about the subject of people seeing them as their friends.
I think the only thing I'd disagree with (which also adds to your point) is that we don't actually know them very well. The YouTube content they are in is a specific slice of their lives and many amp up their personality for the purposes of the videos so you don't actually know them as people, you know them as an internet personality.
But people like to think they know their personalities and interests from watching this stuff instead of understanding that it's never entirely real. Even vloggers who make constant content do the same like Toby Turner who had done daily vlogs but any other YouTuber who talked about meeting him said how he was the complete opposite of the person he shows in videos every day.
After watching so many podcasts and AH content I feel like their sense of humour and mine mesh really well (obviously since I'm a fan) and if I was to visit the AH office I'd fit in, but that doesn't mean that I know them personally and that I have any right to expect anything from them.

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