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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. What was it. In , not consciously, not intentionally, it was not a proletarian revolution that took place, but an outwardly very similar ethnic coup. And under the slogans of 'internationalism' national minorities came to power: Finno-Ugric, Caucasian peoples, Mongoloids and others. The Slavs lost their power and their territory. Russia lost more than million people in the 20th century due to wars, mostly Slavs. John H Lind. Published in The Encyclopedia of War, ed. Gordon Martel, Dustin Hosseini. There are two slightly different versions of this paper. The one you see here is the one I wrote as an undergraduate student. The one that I had published by the journal Vestnik is very slightly different - you can find that one in the link below. Read both if you wish! You can cite the unpublished paper as: Hosseini, D. The Effects of the Mongol Empire on Russia. Unpublished paper. University of Texas at Arlington. Arlington, Texas. Or for the published paper: Hosseini, D. Vestnik, Winter 3. Any comments, critiques, and questions are welcomed. Otto Pohl. A number of these trains were later diverted to the Urals and other regions of the R. Those sent to Uzbekistan were initially settled mostly on kolkhozes and sovkhozes, but due to very poor material conditions on these farms a large number of them migrated to industrial concerns such as mines, construction sites, and factories within the republic to work. Despite this migration, tens of thousands of Crimean Tatars in Uzbekistan still perished from such causes as malaria, malnutrition, and dysentery. In the Urals tens of thousands of Crimean Tatars ended up in wet forests where the able bodied adults felled trees and the rest of the population suffered from hunger and contagious diseases. Finally, a small group of Crimean Tatar men were mobilized as forced labourers in the coal mines of the Moscow and Tula oblasts. The Soviet government only released the Crimean Tatars from special settlement restrictions on April 28, It lifted the collective charges of treason against the nationality on September 5, But, it only allowed the Crimean Tatars to return home in large numbers after November 14, The Crimean Tatar response to the current Russian occupation of Crimea cannot be understood without reference to the history of their deportation and suffering under the special settlement regime. Selim Tezcan. This article demonstrates how, with the rise of Russia as a major power in Caucasia and the Black Sea regions, the people of Crimea lost their independence and homeland. In the fifteenth century, two centuries after its conquest by a grandson of Genghis Khan, the Crimea came to house an independent Khanate. Inner struggles in the Khanate and its rivalry with the Genoese traders along the coast led to its vassaldom to the Ottomans. The rivalry that subsequently developed with Russia caused the contested regions to keep changing hands for the next two centuries. By the mid-seventeenth century, the Rus-sians had gained considerable power throughout East Europe. The dispossession process ended with the deportation of the entire Tatar population from the Crimea in May Although the Tatars began returning to the Crimea in large numbers after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they met with a hostile reception and continued to be excluded from the ranks of government. In fact, the Russian historians are unwilling to admit that the Tatars and the states they had formed dominated Russia for almost years 13thth centuries. Moreover, nationalist Russian historians deny the real and significant contribution of the Tatars in the formation and development of the Russian state centred on the Grand Duchy of Moscow. For hundreds of years — and still today — Russia has been propagating a negative image of the Tatars with the subsequent aim of justifying the systemic invasion of the territories that once belonged to the Tatars. The chief preoccupation of the Russian historiography is related to the imperial legitimacy, a highly relevant issue for Russia. The Russian politics focused on the conquest and destruction of the Tatar states, first the Tatar khanate of Kazan in , then the other Tatars khanates Astrakhan, Kasim, Siberia, Nogay, and, eventually, Crimea. These politics were dictated by the wish of the self-proclaimed Russian emperor to legitimize his new position in the world and in history. The only imperial justification that the Russian tsars could make was with the inheritance of the great empire of the Golden Horde To this view, the Russian tsars prioritised the conquest of the abovementioned Tatar states that remained of the Golden Horde so as to present themselves as the upholders of this empire. The Russian tsars appropriated imperial titles and symbols of the Golden Horde, being constantly preoccupied with the recognition of their imperial power by the whole world. Thus, the Eurasia project was put into practice, designed precisely on the immense area once belonging to the Golden Horde. But, as the Golden Horde was a state of Turk-Islamic Tatar essence, it did not formally correspond to the plans and pretentions of the pravoslavnic Russian empire. Hence, the obsessive desire to remove the Tatars from history and to mystify the substance of the Golden Horde. In many recent works, including under the aegis of renowned publishing houses in the U. There is a clear attempt to remove Tatars from history. This study starts from two volumes recently published in the U. Claudia Pretto. Metin Sonmez. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Alexandr I Dubinyansky. Related Papers. Mongol invasions of Russia. Soviet Ethnic Cleansing of the Crimean Tatars. Reflections on the Caucasus: 21 May

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