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Filter by. Congo, the Democratic Republic of the. Sierra Leone. South Africa. South Sudan. United Republic of Tanzania. Brunei Darussalam. Hongkong, China. Republic of Korea. Sri Lanka. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Czech Republic. North Macedonia. Republic of Moldova. Russian Federation. United Kingdom. Latin America. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Bolivia, Plurinational State of. Costa Rica. Dominican Republic. El Salvador. Trinidad and Tobago. Saudi Arabia. United Arab Emirates. North America. United States. New Zealand. Papua New Guinea. Espirito Santo. Mato Grosso. Mato Grosso do Sul. Minas Gerais. Rio Grande do Norte. Rio Grande do Sul. Rio de Janeiro. Santa Catarina. Sao Paulo. Emilia Romagna. Friuli Venezia Giulia. Trentino-Alto Adige. As a distributor, we maintain our own stock in order to provide next day delivery. CynexZone is established in and is the leading distributor of security solutions in South Korea. The company employs about people and has more than 44, resellers. Crowned as the Strategic National Distributor of Hikvision, HTL surpasses the an ordinary distributor in several key aspects, the biggest CCTV channel networks, the largest stocks in UAE, fast logistic, enhanced technical support , independent RMA center, wider range of products, and prestigious market credibility with expertise in security sector since the year All of these have made us stand out and a preferred choice for partners. Kamir d. National Distributor Mac Douglas Grup is a leader in import and distribution of security equipment on Romanian market, mostly professional CCTV equipment with its entire range of products: cameras, lenses, monitors, PTZ controllers, digital video recorders, storage equipment, visualization-control and network management software, video processors, power supplies, cables, accessories. Professional Alarm L. C — Kosovo. Founded in and being one of the biggest names in Kosovo, Professional Alarm is one of the most known company for distribution in the sector of electronic security systems in Kosovo. We are focused on offering best solutions and innovative electronic security systems for our market. Also we work closely to meet the needs of our clients, including: small and medium businesses, corporates, public and private sector. As an authorized distributor for Hikvision products, PT. It grows significantly and consistently become a major distributor through hardwork, commitment, dedication, and innovation. Pasifik Teknologi Indonesia continues to expand with the addition of new business units and new products, and currently has distribution channels throughout Indonesia, and continues to expand to all cities in Indonesia. Incorporated in June The group, across its various divisions caters to an extensive range of products, solutions and services. We build true partnerships and guarantee our clients to get the maximum value on their investments. Our expansive knowledge of the ICT industry and the diversity of our workforce enables us to provide end-to-end innovative technology, professional solutions and services to our customers. Smartplus Co. Covering the whole kingdom of Saudi Arabia with multiple warehouses and RMA centers to ensure the highest standards of our quality of services. And within few years we became one of the most important Egyptian leading supplier of video surveillance products and solutions… Speed serves wide range of markets including retail, banking, finance, transportation, education, commercial, governmental, residential, and many different applications. We started with two branches and now we have many branches all over Egypt and also in UAE. SSYC, S. Ultrak Security Systems Sp. Since its inception, the company has been leading the industry with its unique low voltage and computer technology. To this day, UTG has developed into a security company that integrates software, hardware and engineering. The Group has always provided its customers with comprehensive security solutions and unique customized platform services with professional knowledge and globally consistent service standards. It is equipped with a professional service team to respond promptly to customer requests and privide lifelong service. UTG has been honed in the industry for nearly 10 years, based on the new security field, with new technologies and new services as its core competitiveness, and its super strength is trustworthy. АйТиТрейд сегодня - это широкопрофильный дистрибьютор мировых брендов по сетевому оборудованию и системам видеонаблюдения, электроинструменту и технике для дома. Поставщик умных решений и носимой электроники, оптовый партнер по телевизорам, печатной продукции и бытовой технике. Наша компания на рынке видеосистем наблюдения работает более 15 лет, для безопасности объектов мы предлагаем широкий спектр оборудования: контроль доступа, автоматические шлагбаумы, металлодетекторы, турникеты, видеокамеры оптом, а также источники питания и кабели соединения. ИП Толоконников Эдуард Алексеевич. Компания ДЕЛК сегодня — ключевой поставщик систем безопасности, телекоммуникаций в регионе. Среди наших партнеров — крупные промышленные и коммерческие предприятия, компании-установщики оборудования, частные клиенты. Сегодня под данным брендом работает сразу несколько направлений, не имеющих отношения к основной деятельности. Компания диверсифицируется, при этом старается соответствовать своим изначальным принципам: постоянное саморазвитие, содействие бизнесу партнеров, ответственность перед клиентом. SmartU — многопрофильный бизнес-интегратор. Мы предлагаем комплексный портфель решений в сфере безопасности и умных технологий от ключевых производителей. Мы предлагаем систему инструментов, стимулов и поддержки, которая поможет построить эффективный бизнес вместе с нами. Сегодня «ИнтерКом» - это удачное сочетание высоких технологий, креативной студии и опытного коллектива. Ответственное отношение к работе и ориентированность на клиента — вот главные отличия нашей компании. А положительные отзывы и рекомендации друзьям лишь подтверждают тот факт, что мы являемся профессионалами в своем деле. Миссия компании «ИнтерКом»: с помощью современных технологий сделать жизнь людей более безопасной, независимой, интересной и комфортной. Уже 15 лет мы продаем решения в области технических средств безопасности любой сложностиУ нас большой опыт и мощный потенциал. Нам больше всего нравится решать сложные задачи, требующие инженерного подхода и глубоких знаний. Являемся официальным дилером бренда HiWatch. Сотрудники компании помогут Вам в выборе оборудования и продемонстрируют его работу. Группа компаний 'АИСТ' осуществляет консультации, проектирование, поставку, монтаж и обслуживание систем охранно-пожарной сигнализации, пожаротушения, видеонаблюдения, контроля доступа, систем автоматики, оповещения и связи и производит их ремонт. Нужное оборудование, уникальные специалисты, высококвалифицированный монтаж - залог успеха ГК 'АИСТ' на рынке средств технической безопасности и связи. В нашем магазине представлен широкий ассортимент камер видеонаблюдения, устройств контроля и управления доступом, элементов автоматики. Мы являемся официальным дистрибьютором бренда HiWatch. ООО 'Дистрибуция Контроль' — это динамично развивающийся поставщик систем видеонаблюдения, контроля доступа, кабельной продукции. Наша команда — это группа специалистов, многие из которых имеют опыт на этом рынке больше ти лет. Многолетний опыт работы наших сотрудников позволяет сделать для наших Клиентов максимально выгодные условия на оборудование практически любого производителя рынка безопасности. ООО 'Компьютерный Салон'. ООО 'Пятый Элемент'. Цель компании с помощью современных технологий сделать жизнь людей более безопасной, комфортной и интересной. Наша компания предлагает полный перечень товаров для инженерно-технических систем безопасности любого уровня сложности. Торговый дом «Видос Групп» начал свой путь в году командой амбициозных профессионалов в области видеонаблюдения и безопасности. Ассортимент продаваемой продукции постоянно растет и сейчас включает в себя несколько десятков тысяч позиций. Для партнеров компании существует специальная гибкая ценовая политика, обеспечивающая комфортные условия сотрудничества всем участникам рынка систем видеонаблюдения и телевидения в Белгородской области. Компания RVN-Group РВН-Групп представляет системы видеонаблюдения способные обеспечить техническую и экономическую безопасность квартиры или загородного дома, крупного завода, оптового склада, фирмы с множеством офисов в том числе и разбросанных по всему городу. Для огромного количества владельцев охранное видеонаблюдение — непревзойденный комфорт и удобство эксплуатации, , бесперебойная работа, которая обеспечивает высокий уровень безопасности. Наша компания предоставляет полный спектр услуг по установке систем видеонаблюдения на объектах любой сложности. Мы предложим Вам решение, максимально удовлетворяющее Вашим потребностям. Мы имеем богатый опыт установки всех продаваемых нами систем и можем проконсультировать Вас по любому вопросу, связанному с оборудованием, приобретенным у нас. Наши сотрудники помогут Вам в выборе видеокамер и продемонстрируют их работу. В ГК Бастион Вы сможете найти информацию по многим интересующим Вас вопросам: по системам видеонаблюдения, системам контроля и учета доступа, охранно-пожарной сигнализации, GSM сигнализации, видеодомофонам, ознакомиться с типовыми решениями по охране объектов и видеонаблюдению для офиса, магазина, квартиры, дачи, коттеджа, стоянки, гаража, подъезда и т. Задать вопрос или выслать нашим специалистам тех. Сатро-Паладин - одна из старейших компаний на рынке систем безопасности России, работает с года. Компания поставляет широкий спектр оборудования для систем безопасности и сопутствующих товаров. Сатро-Паладин предоставляет гибкие финансовые условия приобретения, квалифицированную техподдержку по сложным вопросам, услуги собственного сервисного центра. Системы связи и безопасности. Лайта — динамично развивающийся федеральный дистрибьютор по системам безопасности, обеспечивающий комплексные поставки в проекты на территории России, Казахстана и БеларусиПрофессиональная команда пресейл-инженеров и менеджеров готова помочь в проектах на любом этапе. А такие сервисы, как бесплатная доставка, отложенная отгрузка, кредитная линия, сделают наше взаимодействие еще более комфортным. Компания 'ЭкспертВидео' имеем многолетний, положительный опыт работы на рынке систем видеонаблюдения и безопасности. Мы ценим и бережем добрые отношения со всеми клиентами, ориентируемся на долгосрочное сотрудничество и положительный результат. Мы нацелены только на честные и открытые отношения с нашими клиентами. All Nations Comercio Exterior S. This is how we make the difference in the market. This is how we lead and set standards in the market for near two decades. Krobel Promet is leading security distributor and solution provider for Croatia with over 20 years of experience in solution provide in CCTV, security, telecommunication, CCTV and developing software. Four years ago, Metra established the Value Business Unit VBU which converted Metra performance from just a typical distributor to a completely value added distributor offering comprehensive solutions, technical support, and commercial facilities to various market segments and its wide date-base of partners. Schulungen, Vorabkonfigurationen, 3D-Planungen und Ferndiagnose. Sejahtera Mandiri Perkasa. As an authorized distributor for Hikvision products since , PT. It grows significantly and consistently become a major distributor in Indonesian through hardwork, dedication, commitment and innovation With a very clear vision and mission PT. Sejahtera Mandiri Perkasa, will always be a professional company. Sherwood was founded in year and provide wide range of solutions designated to technological leading entities in Palestine. Welfare Electronic Component ltd. In the past 28 years Alarm automatika developed operations in 10 countries in SEE region and we are regional leader in technical protection industry. We are one of the leading system integrators in technical protection in Croatia and holders of direct contracts of different range and scope with the eminent clients in Croatia and the region. As regional market leader with extensive range of equipment and related services we can provide everything necessary for fully functional technical security system of all sizes and purposes: system components, technical and project support, execution and maintenance, development of softwares for centralization and integration, training and implementation of new technologies in our security solutions. Also, we received a lot of awards for innovation and in case study competitions. Delta-Opti Monika Matysiak. Hi-Systems Sicherheitstechnik GmbH. It provides specialized industrial and comprehensive services in physical, technical, informational, banking, fire and technological safety in all regions of the country on the basis of common quality standards. PT Global Sekurindo Bersama. PT Global Sekurindo Bersama adalah sebuah perusahaan dan system integrator yang bergerak dalam bidang penyediaan peralatan sistem keamanan seperti CCTV, surveillance system, biometric fingerprint attendance system dan door access control. Sebagai distributor dari CCTV merek HIKVISION, salah satu pabrikan CCTV terkemuka dari China yang sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun, kami menawarkan produk yang berkualitas dan beragam untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keamanan anda dengan jaminan service yang dapat diandalkan serta adanya ketersediaan suku cadang yang terjamin. Layanan kami meliputi penjualan produk termasuk purna purna jualnya, jasa instalasi, maintenance dan konsultasi. Produk andalan yang kami tawarkan tidak hanya CCTV, tetapi juga meliputi biometric fingerprint attendance system yang dapat berdiri sendiri stand alone maupun dikombinasikan dengan door access control. Lebih jauh lagi dengan IP based integrated access control system, maka selain door access anda juga dapat mengontrol elevator access, guard tour, parking control hingga visitor management didalam sebuah Central Monitoring System yang terpadu. PT Global Sekurindo Bersama is a distributor and system integrator company engaged in providing security system equipment such as CCTV surveillance systems, biometric fingerprint attendance systems and door access control. Our services include selling products including after-sales, installation, and maintenance and consulting services. The flagship product that we offer is not only CCTV, but also includes a biometric fingerprint attendance system that can stand alone or combined with door access control. Furthermore, with an IP based integrated access control system, you can also control elevator access, guard tours, parking control to visitor management in an integrated Central Monitoring System. Die Kundenzufriedenheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. National Distributor Founded in , TELESYSTEM is one of the more dynamic distribution companies in Romania, offering professional solutions and equipment addressed exclusively to installers that are active on the Romanian market as well as other European countries. The main component of its success is guaranteed by the ethical way through which the company has created and sustained relations with business partners. E-Commerce Partners Sp. Distribuidora Oficial das melhores marcas mundiais de tecnologia para todo o Brasil. Ever since foundation it has created a strong bond between his partners by supplying a great variety of high quality products and professional services in security field. Davon besteht seit mehr als 10 Jahren eine Partnerschaft mit Hikvision. Our success is built on innovation and ingenuity in creating a strong competitive advantage for now and for the future. Our company provides nationwide distribution and implementation of the equipments through the offices opened in Cluj, Brasov, Timisoara, Iasi and Bucharest. Interfach 2 Magierek i Osowscy S. Sentral Telekomindo Antariksa Raya. Sentra Telekomindo Antariksa Raya established on Since its inception in , it sees itself as a catalyst in the way things are done by making available technology services. Our running experience insures that you will receive a solution that has been completely through with expandability and flexibility tailored to your specific Security system needs. In addition, the ease of operation of the proposed integrated systems leads to the efficiency of the activity and optimization of the security budgets. Janex International Sp. Our nationalwide distribution and network of skilled installers make us the go-to solution for all your security needs. Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service and support, ensuring that our clients receive the highest level of protection and peace of mind. We believe in long-term relationships with our clients and we make our best to surpass their expectations with every opportunity. Regional Dsitributor Most popular company in retail and distribution for security industry. With the largest and most various range of products, SPY SHOP offers national coverage, project consultancy, professional technical support and fast delivery for partners. Regional Dsitributor Vonrep has more than 20 years of experience in security market and established itself as a reliable partner and supplier of security equipment. As an importer for 7 years in Romania, our company provides essential services in the development of CCTV. RO is your reliable partner when discussing the safety of you, your family and your business. Our team is made up of responsible, professional people, able to meet the highest and most demanding standards, and our services can easily adapt to any requirements. We provide complete solutions for video surveillance and video analysis, alarm systems, access control, video intercom, gate automation, networking, in general everything related to this matter. We only have approved products and technical staff qualified by the major manufacturers in the field. We address all categories of clients, but especially those who are aware of the benefits of security, those who prefer to prevent, rather than bear the consequences sometimes far too great. Regional Distributor YLI is a Romanian company established in with HQ in Cluj and offices and warehouses in Bucharest and Budapest, importer and distributor of access control and security solutions. YLI promised its customers, since , to deliver quality products at competitive prices on the market, as well as the commitment of maximum availability to the customer, both in the order phase and in the support phase. All our customers benefit from free technical support for any of the purchased products. Over time, the focus has been on evolution. As a result, since , we continue to provide the same high-quality services through trusted partners and our online platform. Customer satisfaction is the main goal and we will pursue it to the end. Regional Distributor Incorporated 20 years ago Tora Security has been adapted always to the new market trends and became one of the main value added distributors in the security product market. Tora Security has a large portfolio of products covering all areas of interest in the field: CCTV, intrusion alarm, fire detection alarm, access control, VDP, networking, related software and accessories. With headquarters in Bucharest and a warehouse with more than sqm we offer fast delivery to our customers all over the country. We have a large technical team including technicians, engineers and design engineers who can offer support for even the most complex projects to all our customers. IMSEC s. Euroalarm Sp. Security Office Sp. Our cooperation of distribution, projecting and integrations in Armenia includes various levels: Government RA, banks and financial institutions, international organizations in Armenia, hypermarkets, trade centers, factories, end-users and reseller partners, installer professionals of security products in Armenia. Complete security solution fully with AMS! Everything from networking to life safety, we have you covered. As the leader in security industry, we provide the cutting-edge technologies and integrated solutions based on client needs. Компания имеет огромную клиентскую базу, сотрудничает с более чем 25 крупными дилерами систем видеонаблюдения по всей Республике. Наша компания располагает складами общей площадью более 20 кв. Мы нацелены на развитие наших дилеров и партнеров посредством обучений, и качественно оказанной технической поддержки клиентам. Security distributor for over 50 years with tech support and expert knowledge to build your project needs. We value your loyalty and back our products with warranty and support. Our focus is on building reliable solutions for the future and growing with your business needs. We are here to support you. Let us show you why dealers across the world put their trust in Advanced Communication Products. Ademco CZ s. Aden Tech established in in Aden Governorate, under exceptional circumstances, and specialized in the most important areas of technology networks, monitoring and control systems. Since then, we have established a customer base shops - companies, institutions - individuals spread across most of the governorates of the Republic because we seek to provide the best service and product and we are moving forward with a steady plan to provide what is new and useful to our customers. For more than 25 years, professional contractors, dealers and installers have relied on ADI for products and solutions as well as knowledge and support for projects and value-added services like industry training. Our inventory is available for prompt delivery, including same-day delivery on in-stock products in some locations, or fast branch pickup options. We also deliver expert advice every day on products and specific individual project needs, project registration to help our customers win more bids, device programming on cameras and other products and complete systems design assistance for installations and large projects. ADI is the leading global wholesale distributor of security and low voltage products with more than worldwide locations to serve you. ADI Global Distribution is committed to building trusted and personal business partnerships by providing the necessary tools and security systems to enhance your capabilities and expand your business today, and in the future. It keeps very rapid growth for each year. Advance Security Solution Lda. We at Advantage pride ourselves on being a full solution 'one-stop-shop' for low voltage technicians and security integrators. We are low voltage distribution with a personalized touch, placing an emphasis on training the next generation of integrators in the industry. With 20 years market experience on the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina, A. Dedicated to grow and empower our network of resellers and installers, we emphasize on training and knowledge as well as keeping track with the ever changing technological environment. Distribution Partner of Hikvision since Reliable and trust distributor with respect to the Integrators and a powerful reseller network in all regions of Cyprus. Reliable and trust distributor with respect to the Integrators and a powerful reseller network in all regions of Greece. We offer our customers peace of mind when it comes to designing and implementing Security Systems solutions because of our strong team, heritage and exceptional reputation in the local market. Al-Thobhani for Computer and Energy Systems is a company that provides computer , computer accessories, security systems, surveillance cameras, integrated network solutions, time attendance devices, access control, intercom, PBX analog-IP and Energy systems. Alarm automatika d. In nearly 30 years Alarm automatika expanded and became the largest distributer of technical security equipment in the region and one of the largest system integrators of technical security in Croatia. Our position as regional leader is assured by our extraordinary offer range of equipment and by supporting services which enable us to take over the necessary steps of implementation of technical security systems of all sizes and purposes: supply of system components, technical and project support, installation and maintenance, development of software that allows integration and centralization and continuous partner education. Alarm Products Distributors. APD has served this industry since , and we have grown and adapted as the technology has evolved. When you need an expert to count on, one with real industry experience you can rely on, APD is in your corner ready to provide the products and knowledge you need to succeed! The Alberta Group is a global provider of total solutions. Backed by over quarter of a century of experience in trading, the Group has grown very successful businesses in various sectors and countries, by providing high-quality, cost-effective security solutions. Allcomm Data Supplies Inc. AllComm Data Supply was founded on the simple principals of providing great products with exceptional customer service; all while keeping a competitive edge in the structured cabling and low voltage market. In AllComm started in a small garage, with a big vision of bringing real customer service and relationships back to the industry. Now, with two fully stocked warehouses in Denver and the Western Slope, we still offer free local delivery to keep things fast and convenient for our customers. No more waiting aimlessly at a will-call counter trying to talk to an angry zombie. AllComm Data Supply has well over 50 years of combined experience in the structured cabling industry from designing to implementation of most low voltage systems. We are an awesome group of veteran technology professionals and look forward to helping you on your next structured cabling project! Дистрибьютор полного ассортимента систем безопасности и компьютерной техники. Almarsad Security has completed many successful works and projects with public or private organizations. Almarsad Security targets at giving the best service and best price to our honored customers. Almotaheda for Information Technology. Almotaheda For Information Technology is a professional company in the IT solutions, security and surveillance field. And within a few years we became one of the most important Libyan leading suppliers of video surveillance products and network solutions… Almotaheda serves wide range of markets including retail, banking, finance, transportation, education, commercial, governmental, residential, and many different applications. Alshihab Tec for Electronics and Energy. We have a professional team to support you in installation and all after-sales services. Isanenterprisededicatedtoweakcurrentsecurityengineeringand intelligentsystems. Sinceitsestablishment,thecompanyhasbeenengagedinthedesignand installationofmanyweakcurrentprojectsincludingcctv,remotemonitoring,access control system,parkinglotsystem,alarmsystem,publicbroadcasting,buildingintercom,wificoverage, signal booster, network wiring, Serverroom construction, etc. The company has an experiencedconstructionteam,projectcontracting,upgradingandmaintenance,debugging andmaintenance,etc. Applicationareasinclude:Governmentagencies,publictransportation, warehousing,buildings, communities,shoppingmalls, entertainment venues, etc. From beginningtoend,the companyadherestothebusinessphilosophyof 'Integrity,dedication, truth-seeking andinnovation',adherestothemanagement conceptof 'People-oriented, scientificmanagement',andwinstherecognitionofcustomersandthehigh-qualityserviceof 'Customerfirst,reputationfirst'. Ameta International Co. Ameta is dedicated to providing customers with world class products, knowledgeable sales account managers, exceptional technical support and local servicing, and an array of financial and marketing services to help our customers succeed. Ameta is proud to do business with thousands of VARs, system integrators, dealers, national and regional retailers and consultants from coast to coast. Honesty and integrity are essential components of our methods of conducting business. We are committed to create a business environment conducive to build long-term relationships with our customers. Our sales philosophy is to help customers make informed decisions regarding their present and future business needs. Ameta is a big player in the security industry and plans to keep growing our influence. Founded in in the city of Plovdiv, Andy is one of the leading Bulgarian companies in the field of design, supply of equipment, construction and maintenance of security systems, low current and electrical installations. Nuestras soluciones ahorran tiempo, reducen costos y mitigan los riesgos. Antenal doo Bosnia and Herzegovina, a wholesale company specialized in security technology, products and services, was established in As a reliable partner, we successfully provide solutions to our customers and strive to satisfy their needs through the highest possible level of quality in all processes. Antenall dooSerbia, a wholesale company specialized in security technology, products and services, was established in We are a successful partner, both in individual orders and in large projects. In our stores you can find video surveillance cameras IP, thermal imaging, analog , video recorders, video servers, access control systems, digital intercoms, alarm systems, barrier and switching systems, fire protection systems, luggage screening systems, voice alarm systems, LED screens and video walls, modems, switches. Among our clients there are both government agencies and private companies as ministries. Art Work Trading Company Limited. Establish in Myanmar since Our vision is to help and support the security of the people of Myanmar. ASI is a leader in the distribution of IT products for over 35 years and also offers custom integration on notebooks, desktops, servers, and NAS systems. Founded in , the company has rapidly grown to become the partner of choice for over 8, VARs throughout North America. Founded in , ASI Corp. For over 30 years, ASI has continually taken a lead role in setting new standards in the distribution of IT solutions and value-add services. Today, ASI carries over product lines and has over 10, of the most in-demand products. We believe every customer is a VIP and thus every account is assigned a highly trained regional account manager and given access to our veteran technical support team. Atlas Gentech NZ Limited. Atlas Gentech is a leading nationwide provider of technology solutions. A trusted name for over 25 years, we pride ourselves on the quality of our people and our shared purpose — from apprentices to company directors — we strive for deep long-term relationships with our customers. Atlas Gentech is built on a vision. We aspire to be industry leaders, influencers and agitators for change. Founded in , the company changed its logo and slogan in to rebrand in order to increase brand recognition. AVICOM has implemented a number of large scale projects using modern information technologies in both private and public organizations. The goal of our company is always being lead in the country and the world market, providing high quality, modern and effective business solutions that meet the needs and requirements of our customers. AVISEC LLC offers many solutions such as video surveillance, access control, turnstile, barrier, alarm, fire alarm systems, as well as IT infrastructure, modern security, system integration. Unser Fokus liegt auf einer kompetenten Beratung, Planung und erstklassigem Service auch nach dem Kauf. Retrouvez toutes les solutions Hikvision sur notre site internet. The main activity of company is the distribution of popular brands in the territory of Kazakhstan. Each of the presented brands is a brand among the leaders in its class, working only with high-quality products that have proven themselves in the market, we provide our customers with the Best solutions! The company provides a pre-sale and post-sale services such as installation and maintenance of all security cameras and alarm systems. Region of intensive activities covers Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. We are established in the largest cities of the Baltic States and we have all the possibilities for expeditious and quality cooperation. Bondwell is a leading retail and solution providing company in the world of technology and communications. Offering dynamic customer retail based services and specialized support. We are also committed to providing comprehensive solution and services to midmarket businesses and focused strategic consulting services to enterprise businesses. As an IT services focused company we provide end-to-end solutions and needs driven consultations. In a nutshell, we assist dynamic organizations align their IT needs and services with their business requirements. Since the beginning, we own the strongest and enthusiastic team of Project managers, Specialists and Support Personnel available in the commercial enterprise. Bricomp International Pte Ltd. BLVS pride ourselves in providing new and cutting edge solutions with the installer in mind. Build Technology Supply Sdn Bhd. With More than decade of proven industry expertise, The Build Technology promise of fast-track supply and serviceis delivered each day by its advanced logistics network across 5 major cities nationwide including East Malaysia. Anticipating the future and meeting ever-changing needs. Build Technology moves forward with new technologies and a progressive work culture which deliver geniune solutions,empowers businesses, and creates value for communities. Mais de 6. With an impressive product portfolio and extensive knowledge and experience, since C. V Centar Master was established in , we have become the largest distributor of security systems in the Southeast European market. Wir von cambuy. Central Security Distribution. As a market-leading distributor of electronic security equipment in Australia, CSD delivers world-class products and exceptional service to an extensive security installer and system integrator customer base. Centronic Sociedad Anonima. In the ever-changing low voltage industry, we provide over 40 years of experience to bring peace of mind to our customers, in every project. City Systems Trading Est. They are very strong and experienced in distributing cost effective but high quality products to the market. And now they are one of our main distributors in KSA. Компания «CITY NET» является дистрибьютором интеллектуальных технологий и систем безопасности от ведущего производителя Hikvision, а также представляет комплексные решения любого масштаба. На сегодняшний день мы являемся одним из лидеров в области IT технологий в Узбекистане. Вместе с Hikvision, Многолетний опыт работы позволяет предоставлять заказчикам наиболее выгодные и гибкие условия сотрудничества. Collinworld Electrical Gambia. AT Computer Distribution, we strive to establish long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with vendors and channel organizations in the North and West Africa, by supporting our partners need to succeed. CONSULTIT is a company that stands out in different areas of information technology, more precisely in electronic security, telecommunications and software development. Sustained growth and strong partnerships are part of our values. We have value engineered every process in our company, from pre to post-sales support; to reinvesting in our infrastructure to benefit our customers. The company provides computers,printers, networking, data storage, mobile phones, software, industrial andconsumer electronics, LED and domotica solutions. In addition, Copaco offers abroad portfolio of services like servers, storage, mobility, logisticfulfilment and cloud services. Copiax AB, the largest security wholesaler in Sweden, daily delivers security products and services to installers and system integrators in Sweden. The company offers Swedish security installers a complete range of mechanical, electro mechanical and electronic security products - intrusion protection, access control, video surveillance, fire alarm systems, safety and door automation. DCE Distribution is one of the largest industry-known security system distributor in Malaysia. As a vital link in the security industry, we offer a wide range of security systems, from monitoring to access control management, provide professional engineering and system integration solutions. Delta Tech - проектная организация, которая занимается крупными решениями, в сфере систем безопасности и видеонаблюдения, для любого вида бизнеса по всему Кыргызстану. VE TİC. Through these products Domain is able to provide complete solutions to many large corporates, companies and Data centers. With our headquarters based in Cardiff and sales support across the whole of the Country, DVS has experienced huge growth in recent years and have further expansion plans. We are committed and pleased to be a HIKVision leading distributor. Dynamic CCTV Ltd commenced trading in and has continued to go from strength to strength due to our quality commitment. We pride ourselves on being able to offer competitively priced products without compromising quality or reliability. The main direction of the partner is the project direction. We are engaged in both medium and large projects of security and video surveillance systems. With us, the world will become safer. La experiencia local siempre ha sido un principio en EET. Hoy estan presentes en 24 mercados europeos. The group employs more than employees, servicing more than 46, dealers and handling more than , deliveries per year. The EET Group and its logistics center are located in Denmark and deliveries are processed annually over 1 Today represented by 26 sales offices in 24 countries spread across Europe. We service more than EET wants to be the preferred and most efficient value-added niche distributor in European market with the strongest assortment and the deepest know-how within Security and Surveillance business. Hoje, estamos presentes em 24 mercados europeus. Electrocraft is an Australian leading electronics wholesaler. Electronic Security Company. We are here ready to make Ghana more safer.

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