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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. By this volume, we wanted to address a few key issues raised in historical and archaeological studies of Byzantium, Genoese Gazaria and Golden Horde. Issue number one: we want to demonstrate possibilities for integration of different types of sources while studying broad historical problems through archaeological methods; number two — searching new ways to elucidation and understanding of different narratives of Eurasian medieval history through material culture; and number three — identification of specific features in material manifestations of vital activities by states, as a whole, and by their local regions, in particular. The articles collected in the second volume mainly address historical, geographical and archaeological studies of the vast Mongol Empire, which functioned across Eurasia in 12th—14th centuries. Having appeared in the 12th century, it then got divided into a number of new states, which, in their turn, were to cardinally change the political map of the Old World. The previous volume lay the beginnings for a fundamental overview of Eurasian archaeology of the mentioned period, using the modern knowledge of sources. With this volume, we have managed to expand the studied territory — from the Danube to the Amur, and from the Upper Volga to the Black Sea. Thus, we have added the historical regions where the Mongol ethnicity evolved and then spread its statehood in Far East, Transbaikalia, Siberia and Middle Asia — to the traditionally studied Eastern-European lands in the Volga and the Black Sea region. In the west, the studies in this volume encompassed territories in the Northern Caucasus, Dniester and Danube basins. The electronic edition will enable free access to the published studies for all interested readers. The territory of Far East is addressed in papers examining such cultural phenomena predating the emergence of the Mongol state as Jurchen architecture N. Artemieva and use of celadon — one of the most common and recognizable groups of porcelain ceramics E. It is examined whether the archaeological sources can make corrections to the history of function of Primorye sites in Mongol time O. Some recent archaeological studies on the Khirkhira hillfort and one of its necropolises contribute with some new data to a better understanding of the history of the Transbaikalia S. Baksheeva, E. Kovychev, N. Kradin, S. Prokopets, M. Rykun, A. A set of papers on specific features of Mongol archaeological sites across the whole territory of Siberia — from its eastern to its western boundaries — are brought together in the same volume for the first time. A number of researchers have demonstrated cultural transformations in the regions due to an inflow of new populations during the Mongol time: to Lower Angara region P. Senotrusova, P. Mandryka , Middle Yenisei region S. Skobelev, A. Vybornov , south of Western Siberia and Altai A. Some precious knowledge is offered by studies into the role played by different types of Medieval archaeological sites as sources helping to distinguish internal and external regional boundaries in Southern Siberia I. Kyzlasov , and by a review of the current condition of Mongol urban sites in Tuva D. Archaeologists who study Middle Asia also identified a number of material and cultural-religious innovations that emerged in Chuya Valley V. Kolchenko and Western Kazakhstan A. Bizhanova, A. Bisembaev, E. Zilivinskaya, M. Kalmenov during the Mongol Time. Studies into medieval archaeology of the Middle Volga region address a variety of topics. Questions are addressed about specific ethnic features of the population in Bulgar Ulus of the Golden Horde E. Vorobyeva, K. Rudenko, D. Stashenkov, M. A few authors examine the issues of organization and functioning of the cities in the Middle Volga region during the Golden Horde D. Badeev, S. Valiulina, V. Several authors addressed post-Mongol epigraphic inscriptions in the region A. Gainutdinov, A. Sitdikov, A. Two articles examine ethnic and religious aspects in the composition of the population of Ukek town and its environs D. Kubankin, L. Nedashkovsky, M. Materials of archaeological studies on the unique complex of mausoleums in Voronezh Oblast are offered for the academic discussion M. Tsybin, N. The same section contains a publication of new data obtained through a detailed study of an extraordinary burial of a warrior from the Shumaev barrow cemetery Z. Works on Byzantine and Golden Horde archaeology of the South Russia encompass the Northern Caucasus, Black Sea region, including the Crimean Peninsula, and up to the Danube region, and demonstrate a remarkable intertwining of various academic topics. Some papers are dedicated to the historical-geographic studies of vast territories S. Bocharov, E. Kravchenko, A. Minaev, N. The authors address history of architecture, urban topography and specific issues of studies of urban necropolises, localization and attribution of outstanding archaeological sites and phenomens V. Babenko, A. Dmitriev, S. Dyachkov, Yu. Zelenskiy, V. Kirilko, A. Maslovskiy, E. Narozhniy, L. Studies in economic history of the Golden Horde based on archaeo-zoological evidence deserve special attention L. Yavorskaya, L. Bejenaru, S. It will be impossible to meet modern requirements in trying to understand the history of the Russian statehood and the affinity of its peoples without undertaking a fundamental overview of material culture of the two superpowers, which had an important impact on its evolution: the Byzantine heritage, on the one hand, and the Golden Horde heritage, on the other. Sergey Bocharov. Issue number one: we want to demonstrate possibilities for integration of different types of sources while studying broad historical problems through archaeological methods; number two — searching new ways to elucidation and understanding of different narratives of Eurasian medieval history through material culture; and number three — identifi cation of specifi c features in material manifestations of vital activities by states, as a whole, and by their local regions, in particular. Второй выпуск сборника статей «Генуэзская Газария и Золотая Орда» посвящён памяти выдающегося деятеля отечественной науки, археолога, историка и нумизмата, основателя российской школы золотоордынской археологии, профессора МГУ Г. Освещает вопросы историко-географических исследований территорий и историко-топографического изучения городов и памятников археологии Византийской империи, Монгольского государства, Золотой Орды, Генуэзской Газарии в XIII—XV вв. В него вошли статьи, которые подготовили пятьдесят шесть исследователей из Казахстана, Киргизии, Молдовы, России, Румынии и Украины. Сборник научных статей предназначен для историков, археологов, этнографов, музееведов, специалистов по истории культурного наследия, студентов гуманитарного профиля обучения и имеет познавательную ценность для краеведов и широкого круга читателей. Этногеография Булгарской области Золотой Орды по археологическим материалам. Константин Руденко. The paper discusses peoples who lived on the territory of Bulgar Ulus of the Golden Horde in 13th—14th centuries, which can be proven by archaeological sources. All these peoples closely interacted between themselves. At the same time, there were also some small local ethnic groups, such as the Permians and the Udmurts, who managed to preserve their identity. As a whole, Bulgar Ulus of the Golden Horde was multiethnic, which continued the tradition formed before the Mongol invasion. Сборник статей посвящен историко-географическим исследованиям территорий и историко- топографическому изучению городов Византийской империи, Золотой Орды, Генуэзской республики в XIII—XV вв. В него вошли статьи, подготовленные девятнадцатью исследователями из России, Украины, Молдовы и Казахстана. Бочаров The articles in this volume titled The Genoese Gazaria and the Golden Horde focus on the period of 13th—15th centuries, when vast lands spanning from the Danube to the Urals — a huge territory for the Middle Ages — saw evolvement and active development of a state ruled by a Mongol dynasty. At the same time, the Pontic possessions of the declining Byzantine Empire saw evolvement of a new West-European formation founded by the Genoese Republic, which is known to the academic circles as Genoese Gazaria. The thirteenth century was marked by some dramatic political changes in the South-Eastern Europe. The changes were connected with a number of events: emergence of the Mongol state, rebirth of the Byzantine Empire in when Emperor Michael VIII, following the Treaty of Nymphaeum, allowed the Genoese to lead free trade on the Black Sea and offered them some commercial privileges. Thus, Western European merchants started coming to the Black Sea region and built their trading settlements known as factories. That is how the Asian terrestrial and the European maritime trade routes met in the Northern Pontic area; the latter turned into a crossroads with streams of goods coming from the West and the East. Further historical events were determined by these states and their successors — the Golden Horde, followed by the Crimean, Kazan and Astrakhan khanates; the Greek Trabzon Empire, then by the Feodoro Principality, the Genoese and the Venice Republics. Dmitriy Kubankin. Multinational population of the Golden Horde towns used to practice various religions. To a certain extent, this diversity may be traced in the material culture of Ukek. Islamic necropolises and occasional cult-related items are indicative of the large number of Muslims and of their presence in the town as early as in the 13th century. Some Mordovians could have been islamized. The objects of the Christian cult are concentrated mostly in the southern part of the settlement, in the whereabouts of the Christian quarter. Substantial amounts of the Old Russian ceramics are encountered there, minor amounts of Mordovian and Italian pottery occur invariably. Items associated with pagan rites are scarce. Those are dated back not just to the 13th century, but to the second half of the 14th century, as well. Small amount of the Old Russian and Mordovian crockery and ceramics of the Finno-Ugrians from the Kama region was found in various parts of the town. Это разнообразие про- слеживается в материальной культуре Укека. Исламские некрополи и единичные предметы, связанные с культом, указыва- ют на многочисленность мусульман и их присутствие в городе еще в XIII в. Часть мордвы, вероятно, была исламизирована. Предметы христианского культа сосредоточены преимущественно в южной части городища, где существовал христианский квартал. Здесь сосредоточена в большом количестве древнерусская керамика, стабильно встречается в незначительном объеме мордовская и итальянская посуда. Предметы, связанные с языческим обрядом, немногочисленны. Они датируются не только XIII в. В малом количестве древнерусская и мордовская посуда, а также керамика финно-угров Прикамья, обнаружена в различных частях города. Генуэзская Газария и Золотая Орда. Том 2. Памяти Г. Казань - Кишинев. Dmitry Stashenkov. Статья посвящена исследованиям грунтового могильника кон. XIII — сер. XIV в. Погребальный обряд и предметы из 16 захоронений находят аналогии в Муранском, Барбашинском, Усинском грунтовых могильниках, связываемых преимущественно с мордовскими группами. Появление в Среднем Поволжье крупных мордовских могильников обусловлено политикой хозяйственного освоения Поволжья, проводимой золотоордынской администрацией. Свидетельств существования этих памятников после х гг. Artur Kharinskii. The cemetery Okoshki 1 is located in South-Eastern Transbaikalia. Majority of these burials belong to the middle of the 13th — the beginning of the 15th centuries. Iryna Teslenko. Studies of 14th—15th cc. The earliest of them were vessels of group I — locally produced thick red clay barrels. By the 15th c. One should not exclude possible early medieval traditions of manufacturing such vessels conserved in some regions of Taurica. Imported pithoi of group II became predominant later. They were produced and used for not more than — years. Further studies must be carried out to identify the region where vessels with such morphological characteristics originated from. The latest to appear were the so called wine jars of group III. They existed for not more than — years. Their detailed chronology and origin of forms require further investigation. It should be mentioned that the Greek-Byzantine traditional manufacturing and use of pithoi were common in the Crimea in 14th—15th cc. Relics of these traditions can be still marked in ethnography of peoples living in wine-making regions — Caucasus, Balkans, Pyrenees, etc. The site was attributed based on written, cartographic and archaeological sources. The author questions why this castle was built and why it was built here. В статье публикуются полные коллекции археологических материалов из раскопок — и гг. На основании письменных, картографических и археологических источников осуществлена атрибуция памятника. Замок был возведен генуэзской администрацией Каффы во второй половине XIV в. Название замка — Калиера, по имени ближайшего средневекового населенного пункта. Рассмотрены вопросы, почему был построен этот замок и почему он был возведен именно в этом месте. The article primarily focuses on the historical geography of the Crimean territories of the Genoese Gazaria. In general, there were no clear state borders in the Genoese Gazaria: those were coastal zones under the rule of the khans of the Golden Horde, where the Genoese would be given separate quarters in the cities and would enjoy autonomous rights, or would establish their settlements on the coast. The Crimean peninsula was an exception in this system, there the Genoese settled a whole system of cities and rural districts, with clear political and administrative borders. The domain of the Genoese on the Crimean peninsula developed into independent political and administrative system during a long and gradual process, which took a hundred years: from the origin of the main regional center in Caff a around to The author addresses historical geography of the various administrative parts of the Genoese Gazaria on the Crimean peninsula: the rural district of Caff a, Consulates of Soldaia, Cembalo and Vosporo, and possessions on the Southern Coast of the Crimea, the Kerch Peninsula and the Tarkhankut Peninsula. He also analyzes fi ndings of a study into the historical topography of the four fortifi ed Genoese cities — Caff a, Soldaia, Cembalo and Vosporo. Генуэзская Газария — это вся совокупность генуэзских владений на землях Золотой Орды, в особенности на прибрежных северопричерноморских территориях, где под средневековым топонимом «Газария» понимается государство Золотая Орда. Чётких государственных границ в прямом смысле у Генуэзской Газарии в целом не было — это прибрежные зоны, находившиеся под властью ханов Золотой Орды, где в городах генуэзцы получали отдельные кварталы и пользовались автономными правами или основывали на побережье свои поселения. Крымский полуостров был исключением в этой системе: там генуэзцы обустроили целую систему городов с сельскими округами, с чёткими политическими и административными границами. Владения генуэзцев на Крымском полуострове сложились в единую политико-административную систему в ходе длительного и многоэтапного процесса, занявшего период более ста лет от возникновения основного центра региона — Каффы около г. Рассматривается историческая география различных административных единиц Генуэзской Газарии на Крымском полуострове, таких как сельская округа Каффы, консульства Солдайское, Чембальское, Воспорское, владения на Южном берегу Крыма, Керченском и Тарханкутском полуостровах. Представлены результаты изучения исторической топографии четырёх укреплённых генуэзских городов: Каффы, Солдайи, Чембало и Воспоро. Christian Cemetery of Mongol Time at Burana Town according to archival documents on excavations in In , two Christian medieval cemeteries were opened in the north of present-day Kyrgyzstan, in the Chuy Valley. They were identified from the finds of gravestones with Syrian epitaphs. Soon the epitaphs were translated and published by D. Khvolson and S. Archaeological excavations were carried out on the necropolis of Buranа town, in —, but the data from these studies were not published. Data on the excavations in late 19th century on the medieval cemetery near the settlement of Burana are cited and analyzed in this article. Most of the burials were made in pits. The second largest group is the burial in the pits with niches. All the deceased lay stretched on their backs heading west. The burials contained no grave goods, but sometimes they contain personal adornments or wearable crosses. At the end of the article, the burials from Burana Christian cemetery are compared with the burials from the necropolises of Ak-Beshim, Krasnaya Rechka and Belovodskaya fortresses, also located in the Chuy Valley. By comparing them, we come to conclusion about a break in development of Christianity in the Chuy Valley, and emergence of a new cultural tradition, associated with gravestones with epitaphs, at the beginning of 13th century. В г. Они были идентифицированы по находкам намогильных камней с сирийскими эпитафиями. Вскоре эпитафии были переведены и опубликованы Д. Хвольсоном и С. На некрополе городища Бурана в — гг. В настоящее время эти материалы хранятся в Архиве Института истории материальной культуры РАН среди документов Императорской Археологической комиссии. Данные о раскопках конца XIX века на средневековом кладбище у городища Бурана приводятся и анализируются в настоящей статье. Большинство погребений было совершено в простых ямах. Вторую по численности группу оставляют погребения в ямах с подбоем. Все погребённые лежали вытянуто на спине головой на запад. Погребения безынвентарные, но в некоторых найдены личные украшения, нательный крест. Погребения Буранского христианского кладбища сравниваются с погребениями некрополей городищ Ак-Бешим, Красная Речка и Беловодская крепость, также расположенных в Чуйской долине. На основании сравнения мы приходим к выводу о прерыве в развитии христианства Чуйской долины и появлении в начале XIII в. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Volume 2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Moldavian Archaeology. Related Papers. The Genoese Gazaria and the Golden Horde. Этногеография Булгарской области Золотой Орды по археологическим материалам Булгарский улус-этногеография. The Genoese Gazaria and the Golden Hord. Том 1. Religious and Ethnic Compositions of the Ukek Population. К вопросу об этноконфессиональной топографии городища.

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