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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. В книге в словарной форме описана семейная и календарная обрядность, народные заговоры и молитвы, молодежные и детские развлечения и игры, различные типы несказочной прозы предания, былички, анекдоты и детского фольклора, записанные в Северном Белозерье. Издание предваряется очерком истории заселения Белозерского края и описанием основных его этнографических и языковых особенностей. The edition is preceded by a sketch of the history of settlement Belozerskiy edge and a description of its basic ethnographic and linguistic characteristics. Сергей Мызников. Elena L. Berezovich , Олеся Сурикова. The article analyzes lexically not grammatically expressed designations of chronotope, which are found directly in the texts of curses. This material enriches our knowledge of the value marking of time and space in folk mind; additionally, it helps to characterize the lexical structure and principles of folk curse texts organization — a genre of folk speech which has not been studied in detail. The analysis reveals that there are much more space markers in curse models than time markers. They mostly refer to «cursed» places — loci to which the speaker sends the addressee, — real slough, marsh, objects called by local place names or unreal hell. The article establishes a correlation between time-space markers and methods of organization of a magical text for example, the method of lexical inertia. Nikita Petrov. В книге собраны фольклорные легенды и предания, связанные с мифологией пространства. В публикуемых текстах рассказывается о различных событиях — страшных, чудесных, необычных и загадочных, произошедших или происходящих в доме, в окрестностях села, в лесу или поле, у реки или на берегу озера — в пространстве «чужом», таинственном или родном, «своем». Псевдоисторические или мифологические сюжеты: приезд царя, столкновения с древними жителями края, чудесные особенности «прежних» людей, загадочные знамения перед войной, явление нечистой силы, проявления колдовской или невероятной физической силы, таинственные и необъяснимые события — все это делает пространство села и вокруг него необыкновенным, неоднородным и дает возможность заглянуть в далекое или близкое прошлое, выйти за границу повседневности и увидеть в простом сложное и неоднозначное. Публикуемые тексты записаны в нескольких районах Архангельской области Каргопольском, Няндомском, Вельском, Приморском и хранятся в архиве лаборатории фольклористики Российского государственного гуманитарного университета. За небольшим исключением все тексты публикуются впервые. Книга адресована специалистам по фольклору, а также всем интересующимся традиционной культурой. Elena Smilyanskaya. Petersburg, and Tomsk analyze various aspects of biographical narratives, and oral interpretations of religious texts and social practices assembled from work conducted out in the field as well as archival records. The book is divided into four sections. In the first section Olga Fishman and Elena Smorgunova discuss the experience of fieldwork and specific aspects of collecting biographical narratives. The author explores the profound changes brought about by the declining role of the book in the Old Believer confessional culture at the end of the twentieth century. The conversations between scholars and Old Believers that took place in the decades from the s until the early s demonstrate major generational changes in the religious outlooks of the representatives of these confessional rural communities, resulting in the diminution of their roles in reading and interpreting sacred text which for centuries had been at the core of communal religiosity. In textual communities the role played by learned members is minimal: the learned elders merely familiarize the illiterate with the sacred texts and stimulate the faithful to come up with interpretations of their own. This shift became apparent as early as the latter part of the s. While clinging to material traditions, such as prescribed types of clothing, shoes, and food, and specific ways of preparing food , religious leaders embraced new interpretations of spiritual and theological values, involving such things as justification of the faith, intercession of the saints, and the symbolism of sacred space. Their renditions of biblical and hagiographical texts became increasingly divorced from the written word and instead created an original legendary tradition that interpreted given liturgical and doctrinal norms in novel ways. As they creatively adapted to the demands of modernity, they nonetheless clung stubbornly to ancient cultural norms.. The decline of book-centered religiosity among the Old Believer traditionalist communities resulted in a fusing of ancient and novel interpretational models that guided the faithful in their quest for personal salvation. Elena Dutchak in her chapter presents narratives about daily life in monastic Old Believer communities, which voluntarily chose confessional isolation and asceticism. The history of these monastic-type communities skits in Siberia is connected to the colonization of the Russian hinterlands. These communities manifest two social-cultural patterns? One finds, on the one hand, a traditional understanding of monasticism as providing apostolic service to the whole world Old Believers emphasized primarily messianism and their confessional exclusiveness , and, on the other hand, a negative attitude towards the macro-social processes of collectivization, Soviet atheism, and other aspects of Soviet life. The skit narratives help explain why the Old Believer monastic-type communities remain a unique phenomenon in the contemporary world. The author demonstrates that the regulation of behavior and the practice of repentance, as well as the transmission of confessional knowledge through new forms of oral narratives are helping these communities to resist the growing influence of the outside world and to preserve their collective identities. His presentation of narratives on these issues is accompanied by a historical study of the ways in which the Komi settled along the Pechora River and its tributaries, as well as by his observations about the unique features of the contemporary religiosity of the Komi Old Believers of both Pomortsy and Stranniki denominations , including their understandings of righteousness and unrighteousness, and their eschatological outlooks. In studying different types of constructions of the image of the enemy among Russian Old Believers, the author focuses on the ways in which Patriarch Nikon became a precursor of the end of the world for Russian Old Ritualists. She argues that the image of Nikon as enemy is one of the important components in determining and preserving religious identity for this religious denomination. Ekaterina Publichuk and Andrey Toporkov focus their attention on the biography, beliefs and everyday magical practices of the healer Baba Mania from the Vologda village of Andoma. She demonstrated simple techniques of magical healing and even dictated the «spells» that accompany the healing rituals. In comparing those texts that convey a similar motif, the authors determine the degree to which a particular text is stable t i. They also analyze the hermeneutic problems of dialogue between an informant and a researcher. The author tries to find answers to many questions. What meanings does the legendary village, which played such a remarkable role in the history of Old Believers, have for contemporary Old Believers? What losses are irreplaceable for its former residents? How do the cultural concepts of Old Believers influence their understanding of the disaster? In what ways do personal emotional experiences reflect group experiences? And finally, why are some of the old residents returning to their abandoned houses and graves of their ancestors to celebrate the annual festival in spite of the fact the village still poses health risks. Evgeny Platonov. Ridha Afzal. A ce jour, les meilleurs rendements de conversion photovoltaique ont ete obtenus avec des cellules solaires multi-jonctions a base de materiaux semi-conducteurs III-V monocristallins sous eclairement solaire concentre. Cependant, le recours aux substrats III-V dans la fabrication de cellules solaires a haut rendement pose le probleme des couts consequents de ces materiaux. Nous explorons deux approches de cellules III-V sur Silicium : les cellules tandem et les heterojonctions. Stephen Lamont. Vahid Tabatabaee. Mobile radio communication networks in the operational theater exhibit volatile network topology with rapid connectivity changes due to node mobility and the harsh conditions in the battlefield environment. Reliable packet transport becomes a challenging task in view of the constant connectivity changes. In this paper we present a systematic approach for reliable packet routing in mobile networks. A class of topology models that is broad enough to capture the topology changes encountered in a mobile network is introduced. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Духовная культура Северного Белозерья. Морозов, И. Слепцова, Е. Островский, С. Смольников, Е. The Ethnodialect Dictionary. Irina Kyzlasova Sleptsova. Related Papers. Русские говоры Беломорья. Виноградова РАН: Гл. XII: Диалектология. Cоавтор: О. Сакральная топография деревень в нижнем течении реки Шелонь. Towards III-V on silicon solar cells. Applied Radiation and Isotopes Reference materials for neptunium determination. Loading Preview.

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