Medical Termination of Pregnancy: Myths vs Facts

Medical Termination of Pregnancy: Myths vs Facts

Radhika Singh

Abortion or medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) is one of the most widely scrutinized medical procedures. There are too many myths associated with it, some of which prevent people from getting necessary help. It is crucial to deal with misinformation.


An MTP procedure uses medication that is given in doses for two or more days to terminate a pregnancy. While many are against this method for ending a pregnancy, some believe that women should have the freedom to choose what to do with their bodies. A lot of misinformation sometimes becomes an excellent base to form myths.


MYTH 1- Only Single, Young, and Irresponsible Women Have Abortions

Abortions can be undergone by all women of reproductive age. Some could be older mothers who would not want another child. One could be happily married in a steady relationship but is unable to take care of the child due to financial, professional, or personal reasons. Women who are single and encounter failed contraception might also want to undergo an MTP procedure. All reasons are equally valid.

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MYTH 2- All Women Regret Abortions

Each one feels differently about their set of experiences. While some women might regret their decision, they know they have made the correct choice for their families and themselves. On the other hand, some women might feel relieved and certain about their choices. Pregnancy can have a big impact on your mental health, the way it does on your physical health. Women might regret continuing their pregnancy or experiencing post-natal depression. Those who are free and informed of their choice end up being happier in the long term.


Abortions can present serious issues of mental illnesses, like depressive and anxious thoughts. It is important to consult a psychiatrist or counselor if such feelings persist.


MYTH 3- Abortion Leads to Infertility

One can consult any gynecologist or a child specialist in Delhi to be sure. Abortions are done under a doctor’s supervision, usually do not cause any complications.


Abortion during the first trimester is considered safe and simpler. Due to unsubstantiated data fabricated claims link abortion to miscarriage and infertility. The decriminalization of abortion means that trained professionals now perform this procedure under high-quality conditions, just as they would for another medical procedure.


MYTH 4- The Morning-After and Abortion Pill are the Same

These two pills are something entirely different. A morning-after pill is an emergency type of contraception that needs to be consumed orally in the first 72 hours of having unprotected sex. It is more effective the sooner you take it. This should not be considered a regular method of contraception.

However, abortion pills are only given out using prescriptions that help induce the same effect as a miscarriage. These have to be taken under a doctor’s supervision. A morning pill will not help you abort your pregnancy.


MYTH 5- An MTP Causes Post-Abortion Syndrome

The evidence to support MTP causing a post-abortion syndrome does not exist! Post-abortion syndrome is equated to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The symptoms are usually tearfulness, mood fluctuations, depressive thoughts, grief, and numbness. Different women experience varying emotions. These are not related to the medical procedure for termination of pregnancy.

However, it’s necessary to get help if these feelings persist for a long time.

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The MTP procedure is safe but only allowed before a certain period. Consult your gynaecologist to discuss your options. You might need a surgical procedure if abortion pills don’t lead to the complete expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

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