Medical Sector Strike Declaration

Medical Sector Strike Declaration

關公廟 Kwan Kung Temple

Chinese version (original)

We are a group of frontline medical workers. We are also a group of Hongkongers who wish to stay true to professional ethics, defend humanitarian principles, and vow to safeguard citizens’ health and lives. 

Since 9 June, a peaceful and rational movement has quickly escalated into clashes between civilians and the Hong Kong Police Force (“HKPF”), and has even evolved into a revolution. Nevertheless, the HKSAR Government has ignored the will of the public; failed to heed the calls of many organisations and professions; distorted the meaning of protesters’ actions; employed Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”)-owned media to portray Hong Kong society as unstable, vilifying a group of peaceful young people as ‘rioters’. There have been multiple occasions where collusion between the HKPF and thugs were observed. The thugs have assaulted civilians indiscriminately while the police stood idly by, without the slightest respect for human life.  

Since the “21 July Yuen Long Nightmare”, the HKPF have abandoned all humanity during their operations. They aimed at demonstrators’ heads multiple times; punched and kicked already-subdued protestors; imposed unlawful punishments onto those arrested inside police stations; and even arrested frontline medical volunteers and obstructed their rescue efforts. They even ambushed emergency wards in order to detain the injured and impede them from receiving medical treatments.

Apart from frontliners, police have also arrested residents from various districts in the city; deliberately fired excessive amounts of tear gas in residential areas, MTR stations, on train tracks, near elderly homes and schools, affecting unsuspecting civilians with no protective gear, from 1-year old toddlers to 80-year old elderly men – they have not spared anyone. These actions will create long-term, irreversible adverse health impacts on citizens. Every single one of these endless violations is an act of dehumanization. Recently, the police have engaged in indiscriminate arrests and stop-and-searches, including arresting Keith Fong and accusing him of possessing offensive weapons – an absolutely absurd charge. On August 11, during their protest clearance and arrest operations, the police disguised themselves as protesters and conducted arrests; shot protesters at close proximity in Tai Koo Station, fired tear gas inside Kwai Fong Station, and also opened fire on a female protester leading to severe injuries in her eyes, with the likely chance that she will lose her sight. The police’s strategies are despicable and shameful. 

Refusing to repent, the HKSAR government has also been condemning demonstrators ruthlessly and one-sidedly. The government has not only refused any communication with the public, but also tried to resurrect the so-called ‘dead’ extradition bill by reintroducing it into the government agenda. And the police, acting under the protection of the government, has gone into a violent frenzy, endangering civilians’ safety, engaging in arbitrary arrests – without any fear of accountability – and even assisting in abuses and violations. This is a complete repetition of the bloody violence and barbarity of the June Fourth Tiananmen Massacre.  

As frontline medical workers, we have always regarded citizens’ physical and mental health to be our utmost responsibility. But when we take off our uniform, we are just like everyone else – Hongkongers who seek justice, truth, and freedom.

End violence against Hong Kong citizens

Stop destroying Rule of Law in Hong Kong

Stop manipulating citizens to polarise the society

Implement genuine universal suffrage

From 12 August onwards, medical workers will go on an indefinite strike until the day the HKSAR Government and the Hospital Authority respond to the general citizens’ and our five core demands; until the spirit of humanitarian actions is respected; and until the lives of all citizens – be it protestors or residents in a neighbourhood – are safeguarded.


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