Media Protocol Review —  Build and Reward Audience Networks

Media Protocol Review —  Build and Reward Audience Networks

Today, traditional sources of content distribution are unsustainable and ineffective. Though centralized media to form a monopoly, they can’t provide the creators, publishers and consumers, equitable basis, without intermediaries for the creation, consumption and distribution of content. BASED on all this follows a number of problems that media Protocol seeks to solve.

Content curation is still a wild west regarding direct compensation of content creators for their time, intellectual property and efforts. For years, as the digital age has grown, there has been a gap in the media space for a platform that redistributes power from existing media owners (third parties who benefit from exchange of information in a centralized location) to the creators, consumers, and publishers.

The current content creation monopolization by media owners that are centralized is unsustainable and highly inefficient. Consumers, publishers and creators want more transparency and control, and wish to consume, distribute and create equitably, without the need for intermediaries holding all the cards.

The MEDIA Protocol decentralized platform works to provide:

  • Data that publishers are looking to analyze
  • Rewards that creators deserve for their works
  • Relevance desired by the driven consumer

The Advantages of Media Protocol

The potential success of the blockchain based platform is going to depend on the number of creators that they can get signed up, but there are a number of different advantages that should make it easier to convince them to join the platform. Clearly, their ability to draw people in is key even though it could be a difficult thing to do at the outset until they are more established.

First, the content creator has greater control over who gets access to their content. Next, as payments are made via the blockchain this does mean that transactions are processed faster, at a lower fee, and also they cross international borders since only the cryptocurrency from Media Protocol will be used.

Other content solutions charge too much, so the creator ends up missing out on a substantial amount of money but that problem is solved thanks to the blockchain. This then means they could charge less for access and still get more money in the process which has to be a major selling point for all sides.

ICO and tokens

MEDIA Protocol FOR the full-scale operation of its system will release media tokens, with which the participants of the system will be able to exchange values, which ultimately can be easily exchanged for Fiat. As for the details related to the ICO, the development team has designated the first and second quarter of 2018 for the full sale OF media tokens.

Authored by: duyhenry


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