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How to Preload for best experience, and Postload to prevent hangover. Staying hydrated is very important when dancing, drink water to prevent Heatstroke , and replenish your electrolytes with salty snacks! If you are on any of these, but not limited to, medications, it is wise to stop taking them for a few weeks before ingesting MDMA. Buy a test kit! Places with free lab testing! ReagentTesting - dedicated to providing accurate information about testing drugs. What about the legal analogues? Are they equally good options? MDMA was a research drug 30 years ago! Where have you heard that? Also the 'legal analogs' are only legal if you are using them for research or chemistry, you seem to be implying human consumption which would be illegal. You sound like me a few years ago. I used to walk a straight and narrow path. They are life changing in so many positive ways. As someone who has done both countless times, I can attest to that. The problem is, no one has made 6-APB for about a year because the synthesis is so hard. The method used to make it requires about 12 reaction steps to be anywhere close to cost-effective. As far as long-term safety, no one knows. If I had to venture a guess though, it feels a lot less toxic on the body. Once I sleep after taking it I basically feel fine. The effects of the drug last about hours, with a peak effect of which can be extended indefinitely with redosing. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Upvoting posts that you like helps more people in the community see them. Already have an account? Reddit is filled with interest based communities, offering something for everyone. Check out some communities and we recommend you subscribe to at least 5. Your username is how other community members will see you. This name will be used to credit you for things you share on Reddit. What should we call you? Having a hard time picking a name? Here are some available suggestions. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Know what it is you are ingesting! No talking about where to buy or get hold of MDMA or other illegal drugs. No selling or other customer baiting. No asking for advice on how to sell drugs. This is an archived post. MDMA submitted 2 years ago by stephenfryr. Want to add to the discussion? I bet you would touch it if you could get a hold of it. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months. You must create an account or log in to vote on posts on Reddit. Find the good stuff Reddit is filled with interest based communities, offering something for everyone. Choose your username Your username is how other community members will see you.

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