Mdma samui

Mdma samui

Mdma samui

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MDMA can be done more or less safely. Emphasizing safety makes the experience more enjoyable, lessons negative comedowns, and reduces the risk of adverse reaction. MDMA has risks and is illegal. We do not promote the use of illegal psychoactive substances. This content has been created strictly for harm reduction purposes, and you should note that the only way to be perfectly safe using MDMA is to not take it at all. The same is true with alcohol, skydiving, and sex - the only way to be perfectly safe in these activities is to not do them. Do you prefer watching videos to reading text? Many people prefer text, and many people prefer video. Consuming a substance that is not MDMA. Like all serotonergic drugs, MDMA increases heat stroke risk due to its effects on the hypothalamus, the part of our brain that helps us regulate body temperature. Generally caused by drinking too much water. MDMA causes water retention. Overcompensating by drinking too much water can be fatal. Used too frequently, MDMA can temporarily exacerbate symptoms of depression in people who suffer from clinical depression Sferios. This is unfortunate, especially considering that MDMA is on a path to be used as a prescription medicine to assist therapy. Malignant hyperthermia is a rare genetic disorder. Many individuals with the condition do not know they have it. If either of your parents have it, or if you have any first or second-degree relatives who have had an adverse reaction to anesthesia, you may have it. Read here for more. For example, Alpha Lipoic Acid. Read which supplements are recommended, supplement dosage and timing on the page for MDMA Supplements. RaveBox is a collection of some supplements in one box. The less often the better. Three months is a reasonable anecdotal-based Ann Shulgin rule of thumb, and waiting longer than three months is always better, from a safety perspective. Read more at MDMA frequency of use. If finger dipping powder: Low doses may be particularly important for your first few uses, as you might unknowingly have a health condition like malignant hyperthermia that makes MDMA more dangerous. A study found that MDMA desirable effects are maximized, and undesirable effects minimized, at doses between mg. This dosage advice is only relevant if you actually have MDMA! If possible, you should weigh your MDMA dosage out using a milligram scale , or if you have pills, get them tested at a lab or at minimum look online to estimate how much MDMA they contain. If drinking water only, make sure to eat a reasonable quantity of salty foods. No more than 1 regular sized glass of fluid per hour. Ideally Gatorade or another electrolyte beverage. If drinking water only, keep up sodium levels by eating some salty snacks. MDMA makes you feel thirstier than you actually are by increasing saliva production and increasing temperature. Consuming isotonic or electrolyte containing fluids helps prevent hyponatremia which is caused by low sodium, and hyponatremia has been the cause of some MDMA-related deaths in women. To prevent hyponatremia, avoid over hydrating, and consume electrolyte containing fluids like Gatorade, coconut water, etc. See the rodent studies. We know it is important for rat toxicity, but it might not be for humans. This may be due to the fact that MDMA is often consumed in a positive environment - dancing, with friends, and music that you enjoy. This does not mean that they had a bad trip, it just means they experienced anxiety. Only consume MDMA in a positive environment to minimize the chance of a negative experience. Being at home can be more enjoyable than being out. As a bonus, MDMA is generally safer in a house instead of a club: It can also be more enjoyable to avoid drunk people, even if you know them. If you experience or see early signs of heat exhaustion, move to a cooler location, lie down, loosen your clothing, and apply cool and wet cloths to as much of your body as possible. If you see any of the signs of heat stroke above, this is a medical emergency. Call , move the person to a cooler environment, use cool cloths or a cool bath. Do not give fluids. This may be especially relevant for MDMA use that is particularly suboptimal - e. Please read this free guide: Remember, no drug use is perfectly safe. But you can take MDMA in a safer manner. Why is this important? Things to learn next References. Avoid if you have any of these contraindicated conditions: Cardiovascular disease 11 12 Cerebrovascular disease 11 Uncontrolled hypertension 11 Malignant Hyperthermia, anhydrosis, central core disease, or any condition that increases the risk of heat stroke or hyperthermia. This includes if you currently have a fever or if you know you are particularly heat sensitive. Susceptibility to seizures 13 Liver problems 13 Malignant hyperthermia is a rare genetic disorder. Nardil, Parnate, Marplan, Ayahuasca within the last 3 weeks due to potential risk of death 11 There is no high quality evidence that 5-HTP is dangerous to combine with MDMA, though there are rumors that this is a bad combination. If you know of good evidence either way, please send it to us. SJW has a high potential for drug interactions, some of which may be serious. Read about testing your MDMA and the recommended test kits. Results from an online testing service \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[return\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] https: Department of Health and Human Services. Just the Basics An acronym to help remember the following is: And you can always visit this page again later when you need it. You might even be the sort of helpful and generous person who helps make sure your friends are also safe when using. Have you given up on hoping for a better future?


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