Mdma drug

Mdma drug

Mdma drug

Mdma drug

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Types Of Drug Tests: Drug Test By Drug. MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxy- N -methamphetamine , most commonly known today by the street name ecstasy often abbreviated E , X , or XTC , is a semisynthetic member of the amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs, a subclass of the phenethylamines. It is also considered unusual for its tendency to produce a sense of intimacy with others and diminished feelings of fear and anxiety. These effects have led some to suggest it might have therapeutic benefits to some individuals. Before it was made a controlled substance, MDMA was used to aid psychotherapy, often couples therapy, the results of which are poorly documented. Studies have also recently been initiated to examine the therapeutic potential of MDMA for post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety associated with cancer. Use of MDMA is limited to licensed scientific and medical research. It is commonly associated with the rave culture and its related genres of music. There have been debates within science, health care, and drug policy circles about the risks of MDMA, specifically the possibility of neurotoxic damage to the central nervous system. Regulatory authorities in several locations around the world have approved studies administering MDMA to humans to examine either its therapeutic potential or, more commonly, its basic effects. At the end of the 19th century, the Merck company of Germany was interested in developing substances that stopped abnormal bleeding. One of the most important compounds was hydrastinine. The plant from which it was isolated became rarer, and they started looking for alternatives. The scientific reports from the laboratory from and show that they wanted to use 3-methyl-hydrastinine as an alternative. They believed that this methylated analog of hydrastinine might be similarly effective. In the newly developed synthetic pathway to 3-methyl-hydrastinine, MDMA was mentioned as one of several key precursors under the name of methylsafrylamin. The patent started on December 24, It is a procedural patent for compounds which are key precursors for therapeutics. MDMA was not the purpose of the patent. Research on the substance was stopped for economic reasons, and the substance was buried in oblivion for some decades. In the s the American and German armies were interested in psychotropic agents; MDMA was among the tested substances. In his laboratory journal of Dr. The research on these substances led to the marketing of Reaktivin in Its chemical structure is not related to MDMA. It is written in Polish by Biniecki and Krajewski and remains almost unknown. Army did, however, carry out lethal dose studies of MDMA and several other compounds on animals in the mids. MDMA first appeared sporadically as a street drug in the early s after its counterculture analogue, MDA, became criminalized in the United States in MDMA use, however, remained very limited until the end of the decade. However, no formal measures of these putative effects were made and blinded or placebo-controlled trials were not conducted. A small number of therapists, including George Greer, Joseph Downing, and Philip Wolfson, used it in their practices until it was made illegal. Although some therapists continued to conduct therapy illegally, MDMA was not legally given to humans until Charles Grob initiated an ascending-dose safety study in healthy volunteers. From there, use spread to rave clubs in major cities around the country, and then to mainstream society. Spreading along with rave culture, illicit MDMA use became increasingly widespread among young adults in universities and later in high schools. MDMA became one of the four most widely used illicit drugs in the United States, along with cocaine, heroin and cannabis. Today in the US, according to some estimates, only cannabis will attract more first-time users. There have long been suggestions that MDMA might be useful in psychotherapy, facilitating self-examination with reduced fear. In a subsequent publication on the treatment method, the authors reported that one patient with severe pain from terminal cancer experienced lasting pain relief and improved quality of life. However, few of the results in this early MDMA psychotherapy were measured using methods considered reliable or convincing in scientific practice. For example, the questionnaires used might not have been sensitive to negative changes and it is not known to what extent similar patients might improve from chance or from psychotherapy. The therapeutic potential of MDMA is currently being tested in several ongoing studies, some sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Studies in the US and other countries are evaluating the efficacy of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for treating those diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD or anxiety related to cancer. However, these reports focus on individual participants. Statistical results from the entire study will need to be published and, ultimately, results will need to be confirmed in studies by other scientists to demonstrate the efficacy of MDMA as a psychotherapeutic agent. SERTs are the part of the serotonergic neuron which remove serotonin from the synapse to be recycled or stored for later use. Not only does MDMA inhibit the reuptake of serotonin into this pump, but it reverses the action of the transporter so that it begins pumping serotonin into the synapse from inside the cell. In addition, MDMA induces the release of norepinephrine and dopamine. However, the evidence that oxytocin is involved in the effects of MDMA is derived from studies conducted on rats where the emotional effects can only be indirectly measured, in this case by the time animals spend in close proximity to one another. Controlled human studies have not yet been carried out, and it is not known conclusively if MDMA has oxytocinergic action in humans. The question of why other serotonergic drugs do not produce a similarly profound emotional state like MDMA also remains unanswered. The primary effects attributable to MDMA consumption are predictable and fairly consistent amongst users. The most common effects include: The long-term health effects of ecstasy use are generally not well-known, and the research that has been devoted to addressing the relevant issues thus far has been largely inconclusive. Some further studies have also shown that this damage causes increased rates of depression and anxiety, even after quitting the drug. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime claimed in its World Drug Report that typical US retail prices are higher, at 15 to 20 dollars per tablet, or can be from 5 to 10 dollars per tablet if bought in stacks of 10 or more. MDMA, which has been made criminally illegal worldwide, is taken most commonly in pill form. MDMA hydrochloride is used to manufacture ecstasy pills. Some users take this powdered form for recreation. Generally, the unlicensed use, sale or manufacture of MDMA are all criminal offenses. In , responding to a mandate from the U. The Convention has a provision in Article 7 a that allows use of Schedule I drugs for 'scientific and very limited medical purposes. The Expert Committee held extensive discussions concerning therapeutic usefulness of 3,4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. While the Expert Committee found the reports intriguing, it felt that the studies lacked the appropriate methodological design necessary to ascertain the reliability of the observations. There was, however, sufficient interest expressed to recommend that investigations be encouraged to follow up these preliminary findings. To that end, the Expert Committee urged countries to use the provisions of article 7 of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances to facilitate research on this interesting substance. While the short-term adverse effects and contraindications of MDMA are fairly well known, there is significant debate within the scientific and medical communities possible regarding long-term physical and psychological effects of MDMA. Continuous activity without sufficient rest or rehydration may cause body temperature to rise to dangerous levels, and loss of fluid via excessive perspiration puts the body at further risk as the stimulatory and euphoric qualities of the drug may render the user oblivious to their energy expenditure for quite some time. Diuretics such as alcohol may exacerbate these risks further. The rate at which the brain recovers from serotonergic changes is unclear. Some studies show that MDMA may be neurotoxic in humans. Other studies, however, suggest that any potential brain damage may be at least partially reversible following prolonged abstinence from MDMA. Depression and deficits in memory have been shown to occur more frequently in long-term MDMA users. However, some recent studies have suggested that MDMA use may not be associated with chronic depression. Ricaurte blamed this mistake on the chemical supply company that sold the material to his lab. Most studies have found that levels of the dopamine transporter or other markers of dopamine function in MDMA users deserve further study or are normal. Due to its near-universal illegality, the purity of a substance sold as ecstasy is unknown to the typical user. The MDMA content of tablets varies widely between regions and different brands of pills and fluctuates somewhat each year. Pills may contain other active substances meant to stimulate in a way similar to MDMA, such as amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine, or caffeine, all of which may be comparatively cheap to produce and can help to boost profit overall. In some cases, tablets sold as ecstasy do not even contain any MDMA. Instead they may contain an assortment of presumably undesirable drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc. There have been a number of deaths attributed to PMA, a potent and highly neurotoxic hallucinogenic amphetamine, being sold as Ecstasy. PMA is unique in its ability to quickly elevate body temperature and heart rate at relatively low doses, especially in comparison to MDMA. When combined with an ecstasy-like substance, serotonin syndrome can result. Individuals who have stopped taking any type of SSRI after prolonged medication may not be able to experience the desired effects of MDMA for as long as several months following discontinuation of the medication. Most people who die while under the influence of MDMA have also consumed significant quantities of at least one other drug. The risk of MDMA-induced death overall is minimal. The use of MDMA can be dangerous when combined with other drugs particularly monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOIs and antiretroviral drugs, in particular ritonavir. MAO-B inhibitors such as deprenyl do not seem to carry these risks when taken at selective doses, and have been used to completely block neurotoxicity in rats. MDMA is occasionally known for being taken in conjunction with psychedelic drugs, such as LSD or psilocybin mushrooms. This sometimes has deleterious results on the upper respiratory tract. Some also drink orange juice with the pill, which they believe heightens the effects. Give Us A Call: All Rights Reserved Back to Top. Give us a call. Friendly professionals ready to answer your call at:

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