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Most data may be viewed interactively on screen and downloaded in Excel format. All countries. Topics A-Z. The content in this section is aimed at anyone involved in planning, implementing or making decisions about health and social responses. Best practice. We have developed a systemic approach that brings together the human networks, processes and scientific tools necessary for collecting, analysing and reporting on the many aspects of the European drugs phenomenon. Explore our wide range of publications, videos and infographics on the drugs problem and how Europe is responding to it. All publications. More news. MDMA is a synthetic drug chemically related to the amphetamines, but with somewhat different effects. In Europe, MDMA use has generally been associated with episodic patterns of consumption in the context of nightlife and entertainment settings. On this page, you can find the latest analysis of the drug situation for MDMA in Europe, including prevalence of use, seizures, price and purity and more. European Drug Report — home. The drug situation in Europe up to Drug supply, production and precursors. Synthetic stimulants. Heroin and other opioids. New psychoactive substances. Other drugs. Injecting drug use in Europe. Drug-related infectious diseases. Drug-induced deaths. Opioid agonist treatment. Harm reduction. Reported use of the drug appeared to decline temporarily during periods of social distancing during the early phases of the COVID pandemic. The currently available data would, however, suggest an overall relatively stable level of consumption but with national variations in the recent trends observed and the caveat that overall supply side indicators are suggestive of a slight recent decline in availability. About half of the European cities reporting wastewater analysis found an increase in MDMA residues between and , although in most other cities some decline was noted. Overall, available indicators suggest that MDMA production continues within Europe, both for domestic consumption and for export to non-EU markets. The information available is strongly suggestive that most MDMA production continues to be largely concentrated in or around the Netherlands. There are some signs of a reduction in the volume being manufactured in the most recent data. An important caveat here is that this information mostly covers the first years of the pandemic and needs to be interpreted with caution. In addition, while overall the average MDMA content of tablets and purity of powders remained stable in , a recent decrease in the MDMA content of ecstasy tablets was noted in some important source countries, most notably the Netherlands. With a typical MDMA content of to milligrams, the overall strength of tablets available on the retail marketplace still remains high by historical standards. It is difficult to interpret the more recent data with any certainty, but a possible decline in production volumes and some reductions noted in MDMA tablet content may indicate that producers have experienced greater problems sourcing precursor chemicals or that some producers may have switched to producing other substances, either because of market demand or because they are more profitable. It may also reflect a perceived consumer demand for lower-strength products. The use of MDMA is rarely cited as a reason for entering drug treatment in Europe but acute poisonings and deaths are sometimes associated with the consumption of this substance. The use of MDMA therefore continues to represent an important issue for prevention and harm reduction messaging and interventions. The availability of higher strength products potentially increases the risk of adverse health outcomes associated with the consumption of this substance. Interestingly, a decline in MDMA-related presentations by a quarter was observed in sentinel hospital emergency departments with data for and This data set, however, is difficult to interpret in respect to overall trends, as it is not nationally representative, has limited coverage and may reflect either changes in consumption or reporting during the pandemic. While it is again difficult to generalise due to limitations in national and European coverage, the available information from drug checking services suggests that MDMA products are generally less subject to adulteration than other illicit drugs they screened in This does occur however, as illustrated by the inclusion of synthetic cathinones in MDMA tablets observed on some occasions. These sorts of mixtures may also increase the risk to consumers of experiencing unexpected adverse effects and potential harm. This data explorer enables you to view our data on the prevalence of MDMA use by recall period and age range. You can access data by country by clicking on the map or selecting a country from the dropdown menu. Prevalence data presented here are based on general population surveys submitted to the EMCDDA by national focal points. For the latest data and detailed methodological information please see the Statistical Bulletin Prevalence of drug use. Graphics showing the most recent data for a country are based on studies carried out between and Mean daily amounts of MDMA in milligrams per population. Sampling was carried out over a week in March and April Show source tables. Back to list of tables. Homepage Quick links Quick links. GO Results hosted on duckduckgo. Main navigation Data Open related submenu Data. Latest datasets Prevalence of drug use Drug-induced deaths Infectious diseases Problem drug use Treatment demand Seizures of drugs Price, purity and potency. Drug use and prison Drug law offences Health and social response Drug checking Hospital emergencies data Syringe residues data Wastewater analysis Data catalogue. Selected topics Alternatives to coercive sanctions Cannabis Cannabis policy Cocaine Darknet markets Drug checking Drug consumption facilities Drug markets Drug-related deaths Drug-related infectious diseases. Activities We have developed a systemic approach that brings together the human networks, processes and scientific tools necessary for collecting, analysing and reporting on the many aspects of the European drugs phenomenon. Recently published Single programming document — EU Drug Market: Heroin and other opioids. European Drug Emergencies Network Euro…. Joint report on drug consumption…. Migrants: responses miniguide. Drug policy evaluation in Europe — …. HIV among people who inject drugs: Data…. Health risk communication strategies…. Online Training. Milan, Italy Conference. Lisbon, Portugal Training. Quick links Search news Subscribe newsletter for recent news Subscribe to news releases. This make take up to a minute. Once the PDF is ready it will appear in this tab. Sorry, the download of the PDF failed. Table of contents Search within the book. Search within the book Operator Any match. Exact term match only. No overall trend emerges from the data on MDMA use. Of the 11 European countries that undertook surveys since and provided confidence intervals, 1 reported higher estimates than their previous comparable survey, 9 reported stable estimates and 1 reported a decrease. Seizures of MDMA precursors increased to 2. The Netherlands, however, reported a lower average MDMA content of ecstasy tablets mg per tablet. MDMA market in Europe. Table 2. Prevalence of drug use in Europe, trends Country Country code Geographical scope Substance Recall period Age Austria AT National Table 3. Masaryk Water Resesrch institute, p. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table Main subject. Target audience. Publication type. European Drug Report main page. Forensic Toxicology Labs. Prevalence data presented here are based on general populaton surveys submitted to the EMCDDA by national focal points.

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Влияние пищи на биодоступность МДМА у здоровых добровольцев (MPKF)

MDMA, otherwise known as ecstasy, is being given to patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD as part of a clinical study in Switzerland. It is the first time that the illegal drug, which has been linked to a number of deaths, has been approved for research on a group of patients by the Swiss authorities. A dozen trauma victims are expected to take part in the study, which began in October last year and is due to finish in One patient has completed the treatment; two more have been enrolled and will receive MDMA-assisted psychotherapy shortly. The Swiss trial is running parallel to a similar study being carried out by researchers in the United States. Clearance finally came through in August last year. Oehen said the process had gone 'very smoothly' and with few delays. Those selected for the trial must be over 18, they must have been diagnosed with PTSD and they must not have used ecstasy more than five times or within the previous six months. They also have to speak German. Eight of them will get a full dose of MDMA — mg with a booster after two-and-a-half hours of The effects of the drug last several hours. Oehen admitted that researchers faced a tough task in gaining respectability for the drug after a considerable number of negative headlines over the past two decades. Question marks have been raised over the effects of MDMA on the nervous system and whether it damages cognitive function among heavy users. Oehen said this was hard to investigate because of a number of confounding factors: heavy users usually combine ecstasy with other drugs and have irregular lifestyles including repeated sleep and fluid deprivation. They had quite favourable results but it was not in a clinical scientific setting. She said that while the authorities recognised the risks associated with MDMA, the law allowed the possibility of research under strict conditions. It was used therapeutically by the chemist Alexander Shulgin in the late s. Dubbed ecstasy, it became a global party drug in the s. It is banned in most countries including Switzerland. Participants are also undergoing tests before and after MDMA-assisted therapy to see which areas of the brain are affected by PTSD and whether the therapy improves brain function. The next step, once the US and Swiss trials are completed, will be for a global study of up to patients. More: SWI swissinfo. You can find an overview of ongoing debates with our journalists here. Please join us! If you want to start a conversation about a topic raised in this article or want to report factual errors, email us at english swissinfo. This content was published on Jan 6, Jan 6, A treatment centre has opened in Geneva for so-called 'new addictions' such as the internet, gambling and ecstasy. The facility, said to be the In this annual report, we take you on a journey through a selection of articles that gave readers around the world something to talk about. Your web browser is outdated. Please use a modern web browser for a better experience. Chrome Firefox Edge. This content was published on February 14, - February 14, - End of insertion. In compliance with the JTI standards. Sort by Newest first Oldest first. Read more More More. Centre seeks to break 'new addictions' This content was published on Jan 6, Jan 6, A treatment centre has opened in Geneva for so-called 'new addictions' such as the internet, gambling and ecstasy. More More. SWI swissinfo. Choose a profile picture. Change your password Current password. New password. Confirm new password. Change your password Cancel. Do you really want to delete your profile? Delete profile Cancel. Close Your subscription could not be saved. Please try again. Almost finished We need to confirm your email address. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Discover our weekly must-reads for free! Sign up to get our top stories straight into your mailbox. I consent to the use of my data for the SWI swissinfo.

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