


The name of the mc is a tribute to the story Mr. Power’s Class by Manintie .
“Please raise your hand if you give first-class blow-jobs.”
Barbara frowned. As the manager of Access Advantage she thought she should have been informed of the training session before this morning. But it was only at the last minute that Mr. Powers had showed up in her office and informed her that she should erase his medical bills. Then he said she should get everyone in the office together for what he had called an “Obedience Session.”
She shook her head and focused back on the issue at hand. She’d never really enjoyed giving oral sex very much; the implicit submissiveness turned her off, and her gag reflex was unpredictable. She didn’t think there was any measure by which her blowjobs could be considered first class.
She looked around the conference table. Of course Carol was volunteering; she volunteered for everything. And the intern, Naomi, fresh out of college, where she didn’t seem to have learned anything except giggling and chatting on the phone when she should be working. And how to give first-class blow jobs, apparently.
“Okay,” Mr. Powers said. “Let’s test that out then. Come on up here.” He gestured to Carol, thin, fit, put together, over-achieving; their best sales rep. She walked briskly to the front of the conference room, where Mr. Powers was undoing his belt. “I have a truly stupendous penis,” he said matter-of-factly. “Just looking at it is an intense sexual experience.”
His pants dropped and there were gasps, not least from Barbara. It was truly stupendous; looking at it was making her moisten, and her girls were standing at attention under her blouse. She licked her lips; she was regretting not having raised her hand. Carol’s expression had gone from dutiful and focused to hungry and really focused. She reached out to cup his stupendous balls; her tongue slid up the shaft in preparation.
Mr. Powers patted her head absently. “You’re probably wondering why I’ve called you here. Well, I just wanted to tell you that despite your best efforts, I’m not dead. You all denied me coverage for my brain tumor; you said it was inoperable. But it turns out it didn’t kill me! You can cheer.”
Barbara cheered along with everyone else. She was happy that that penis hadn’t died. It was stupendous.
“It made my brain better even. So I figured I’d come over here and share the good news.”
Carol was bobbing on the penis now, which made it difficult to see the stupendousness unfortunately. She pulled off to lick again. Mr. Powers looked dissatisfied.
“Hey,” he said. “I thought you said you could give a first-class blow job. I should have cum down your throat already. What’s the deal?”
“I am first class!” Carol said. Carol didn’t whine, ever, but there was a whine in her voice. “I am! I’ll get you off in a minute, just give me a chance!”
“Fuck that,” said Mr. Powers. “Don’t you even know whether you can suck dick?” He pointed to Barbara. “Is she always like this? Be honest.”
Barbara didn’t like to run down her staff in public, but she didn’t want to lie to Mr. Powers and his stupendous dick either. Also he had said, “be honest,” so she really had to be honest.
“Carol tends to, uh—she can be overly ambitious in her self-assessments?”
“Barbara!” Carol said. “I had the best sales portfolio again last month and I am very good at sucking cock!”
Mr. Powers rolled his eyes. “You’re a stuck-up bitch who needs to lower her estimation of herself. I want you to go to every person here and beg them to let you get them off with your mediocre tongue. That’s what you’re going to do from now on until you can find someone to tell you that you give first class oral sex which will never happen because you don’t.”
He gestured towards Barbara. “Start with your boss over there. Barbara you and everyone need to let her tongue fuck you so you can tell her she sucks at tongue fucking. Help her achieve a less over-inflated view of herself.”
Carol nodded with a very un-Carol-like acquiescence, and started crawling towards Barbara with a very un-Carol-like look of uncertainty. “Can I…can I get you off?” she said. “Please?”
“Carol, I’m not a lesbian and relationships with staff are inappropriate and also I don’t like you—oh!” Barbara said. She had apparently rolled up her skirt and pulled down her panties. Carol’s tongue was right there. It wasn’t first class but looking at the stupendous dick had revved Barbara up.
“I hope you’re better than your friend there,” Mr. Powers said, gesturing at Naomi. The intern didn’t seem to have any doubts. She came sashaying around the desk in that skirt that was too short, too tight and altogether too red for work. Barbara would have to talk to her about that right after she came on Carol’s face. Or after Mr. Powers came. Or both.
Barbara ground against Carol’s tongue in frustration as Naomi kneeled with what looked like practiced ease and gave Mr. Powers’ penis a few efficient jerks. She ran her fingers up the underside of the stupendous cock. Then her head went down. Watching her go on that dick was hotter than Carol’s efforts.
Mr. Powers seemed impressed too. He stopped giving orders and closed his eyes. His hips thrust involuntarily. Then he pulled out and came right on her face. It was really hot watching that dick jerking. Barbara came too against Carol’s mouth. She tried not to be too loud, but Mr. Powers looked over as Naomi set about cleaning him off.
“So, you enjoyed that, huh? Was it first class?”
Carol was looking up at her, eyes wide and vulnerable, mouth wet. Barbara couldn’t lie about it though.
“It was okay. Not as hot as watching Naomi and you, Mr. Powers.”
Mr. Powers laughed. “Better move on, Carol. See if you can find someone to validate you, you pathetic bitch.”
Carol snuffled and crawled over to Ron from accounting. He unzipped without great enthusiasm.
Naomi leaned back on her heel with a satisfied look. Mr. Powers’ cock was semi-hard again. “I bet I could get you off again, baby,” Naomi said.
“Sure,” he said. “Why not?” He looked over at Barbara. “Now this is a first-class employee. You must feel lucky to have her, huh? Be honest, again. Always be honest with me.”
Barbara cleared her throat. She felt distantly nervous, but again she didn’t think she could lie to Mr. Powers. Or to his penis which was getting harder again as Naomi lovingly sucked the balls, her hand jerking gently at the head. Naomi’s skirt had gotten rucked up and Barbara could see her panties, improbably patterned with flowers it looked like. Carol’s own recently tongue-fucked cunt was paying attention in an uncomfortable way.
“Well…actually Naomi is kind of terrible? She comes in late and spends all her time on her phone. We only hired her because her dad’s on the board of directors. She’s a brat.” Barbara paused. “She’s hot, though. I hadn’t noticed but now I seem to be into girls and I was looking at her panties which are wet.” She paused again. “I don’t know why I said that last part.”
“Huh,” Mr. Powers said. “So I’m fucking some muckety-muck’s daughter. That’s cool.” He pointed at Barbara. “But frankly, she’s been spending her time much more usefully than you have. She’s learned how to suck dick like a real pro. Meanwhile all you do is sit around and deny claims to people like me. Right?”
Barbara felt like there was some flaw in his argument, but she was having trouble seeing it. “I guess…?” she said.
“You know it. You’re a bitch. Naomi here is a lot better than you. She should be your role model. Go on and tell your employees.”
Barbara found herself standing up by Mr. Powers. His penis was still out; it was hard to look away. She cleared her throat.
“Everyone, we’ve uh…I’ve called this meeting because Naomi is a lot better than me. She should be my role model.”
Mr. Powers nodded. “Exactly. Now Naomi, how could Barbara here go about being less of a bitch and more like you?”
Naomi didn’t have to think for a moment. “She needs to be less of a bitch!” she said, enthusiastically.
“Right,” said Mr. Powers. “But what does that mean, exactly. You’re her role model, so tell her what she needs to do.”
“See?” Barbara said. “I told you she’s annoying.”
“Let’s try another approach,” said Mr. Powers patiently. “Naomi, what does Barbara do that you wish she didn’t?”
Ron in accounting came suddenly on Carol’s tits. Naomi laughed. “Way to go Carol!” she said. “I should get a picture of that; my friends Kiera and Julie would think the cum on her tits was hysterical.”
“Focus, Naomi,” Mr. Powers said sternly, swatting her ass. She swished teasingly in the skirt against his cock. The cock twitched. Naomi seemed inclined to try with her mouth yet again.
Barbara felt somewhat relieved. Maybe they’d forget about her and she could interpret the role model thing within broad parameters. She wouldn’t mind coming in late a couple days a week. That would be okay.
“No more cock-sucking until we get Barbara focused here,” Mr. Powers said.
Naomi pouted. “Oh, fine,” she said. “Barbara’s a bitch.”
Barbara rolled her eyes. “You said that already.”
“See!?” Naomi said. “Like, she’s always like that. Just nag nag nag and telling you she’s always so smart. Stop nagging! Stop being so smart! Stop thinking work is so important! Work’s not important! Like, clothes and boys and stuff. That’s important. Don’t be such an uptight bitch! And also!” She stuck her finger in Barbara’s face. “I think you probably need to get fucked a lot more.”
Mr. Powers nodded. “Those are good ideas to get started. And as long as we’re all here together, let’s brainstorm on implementation. What are some concrete steps that Barbara can take to be more like carefree, fuckable Naomi?”
Jeanie, an administrative assistant who obviously made good use of her gym membership, raised her hand and stood up when Mr. Powers called on her. “I think Barbara is not the right name for a bratty party girl who likes to fuck?” she said. “Maybe she could go by Barbie?”
Mr. Powers nodded. “That’s a good idea. As a reward why don’t you come down here and I’ll fuck your ass for you.”
Jeanie gave a little squeal of delight and rushed to the front of the room. Her ass really was a thing of beauty. Naomi stared at it openly and gave it a nice, hard slap before Mr. Powers got going. Barbie wished she could have done that.
Mr. Powers got a good rhythm established, with Jeanie making grunting noises, her firm tits squashed against the desk top. “Okay,” said Mr. Powers. “What else should Barbie here do to be more like Naomi, care less about work, and get fucked more. Don’t worry about raising your hand! If you’ve got a good idea just call it out.”
“She needs a new wardrobe,” Linda said. “Naomi always wears flirty tight outfits with skin. Barbie has too much coverage and not enough sexy. She has big eye-catching boobs; a tight top would really make people know she’s not serious and is down to fuck.”
“I think she needs to go out to more parties and get drunk and come into work drunk,” said George. “And get high too. I’ve seen Naomi get high in the bathroom. Barbie should do that.”
Carol paused for a minute where she was bobbing on George’s dick. “I think she should let me go down on her again. I liked going down on her. I could make her cum and relax.”
Barbie was trying to process all these new ideas and suggestions from her coworkers. She didn’t really want to be high and falling out of her top all the time. Her job was demanding; she was good at it. She couldn’t do it well if she were constantly focused on dick and clothes and dick.
She tried to put these thoughts in order, but it didn’t come out quite right. “I guess tight tops would help me get fucked?” she said. “Carol, though, you sad bitch, you aren’t very good at giving head and you’ve got other people to suck off.” She patted her crotch. “I’m going to get fucked way better than you can do it!”
Her hand maneuvered into her sweet cunny, recently tongue-fucked indifferently by Carol. “First-class fucking,” she said dreamily.
Thanks for reading! The rest of the story, and many more, is already available at Sponsus . You can also commission pieces. And/or, email me at to share encouragement.

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Fun story. I've always wondered about HH myself, lol. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.
Loved the thought process behind it, and loved your writing even more!
An unexpected twist! I'm looking forward to seeing where it leads. Thanks for posting it
Hope you will follow your vision and complete the story.
Love the story, but please do a round of editing? It's hard to follow in certain places.
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