Mcstories Summer Camp

Mcstories Summer Camp


Mcstories Summer Camp
Synopsis: Cara and her dad plan to spend a little time together by Itchycoo Lake.
Carl inspected the tent. He approved. Cara sat in the car still sulking. She didn’t like the fact he’d left her phone behind.
He looked up at the car. He laughed and she looked away angered.
It was only when he had lunch cooking that she ventured out… hunger.
He had two camp stools by the fire and she picked one up and deliberately moved it further away; to make a ‘point’.
“How do you want your eggs?” he asked
“Unfertilised” she said—it was a punchline to a joke
“Never mind” she said “Over easy” she added
He took a plate and dolled out her bacon and eggs and gave her some bread on the side
They ate their lunch as he occasionally tried some conversation and she pretended not to be interested.
Afterwards she wandered down to the lake.
She stood there for a while looking over its flat shimmering waters. She noticed that it was quiet there. Eerily so
She peeled off her top and under her bra. Then her shorts were dropped. She slipped out of her sandals and wearing only her panties she slipped into the lake
It made her cheer up somewhat as she splashed about. She swam out a little and dived under.
Rising, her long brown hair hung wet, sticking to her bare pale back
Carl came down to the water and she ducked down till the water’s kissed her chin
“Fine” she said, now on speaking terms with him.
She rose up out of the water and he blushed at seeing her small exposed breasts.
He could also see her dark fur under her wet white panties.
As she turned he saw them; leeches… stuck to her back
“Ah, I think you better get out” he said
She looked around and found one on her shoulder, and another on her thigh
“Daddy!” she panicked and ran quickly through the water and out the lake
She stomped on the spot, crying “Get them off! Please”
“Don’t panic!” he said “Just come back up to the camp”
She skipped on the spot and eventually ran back up as he went to their camp
“Try and stand still” he said as she danced on the spot
“Please, Daddy” she cried, still in a panic
He removed one from her shoulder, one from her lower back, the one between her legs was tricky. as she kept stomping in a panic
Then he made her turn around and looked her over.
One was on her butt and before he could say anything she dropped her panties
He got down on his knees and removed it too
There was a trickle of blood running down her inner thigh.
“All done” he said seeing no other bloodsucker on her.
She spun around and threw herself into his arms
Her naked body trembling in his arms.
“Come on, baby” he said standing up “You’re in a bit of shock”
She didn’t just tremble, her whole body was shaking.
He lead her back to the tent and he grabbed a towel and threw it over her shoulders. She pulled back into him and held him tightly. The best he could do was just sit there with her shivering in his arms, and he managed to pull a camp blanket up and wrap that around her too.
He let her down gently and getting into the tent he pulled her in
He looked down at his pale, naked daughter and he drew the blanket up over her.
Carl fixed himself dinner. Cara stuck her head out of the tent, the blanket falling from her, exposing her puffy breasts.
“I know” he said, “There’s nothing to be ashamed of”
“I’m sorry I was such a bitch earlier”
She smiled and ducked back into the tent.
She emerged a short while later with shorts on and a bra, and she was just doing up her shirt buttons as she went and picked up the camp chair. She deliberately moved it closer to him.
“What a day” he thought to himself.
About three in the morning Cara was tossing and turning. Carl woke
“Daddy” she murmured in her sleep “Oh, daddy”
She was sweating profusely. The sweat stuck to the singlet she wore. She threw the blanket off and he could see she was sweaty below the waist too
Her hand dropped between her legs and she rubbed herself.
He had to look away out of embarrassment. “Daddy” she murmured again “Oh, yessssssss”
“Some dream!” he thought to himself….
“Good morning, Daddy” she smiled and stretched. She went up to him and sat on his lap
“I just want to be with you” she said
“I love you so much” she said as she slid along his thigh
“Honey!” he protested as her hand came down between his legs
“Oh, daddy!” she gasped “You’re so hard!”
“Cara!” he spat and stood up, knocking her off his lap
She landed on the ground but she wasn’t upset. She sat there, knees in the air, and she opened her legs “Don’t you love me?” she grinned
“I want you to love me” she said opening and closing her knees
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you” he said
“I want you to get into me” she smiled opening her legs wide
She drew her hand down her front and into her panties “I love you so much” she said
He grabbed her by the arms “Enough!” he said
He swung around, sitting on a log he pulled her up over his knees, and spanked her bottom
“Oh, yes, Daddy” she mewed. She was incorrigible—his hand on her soft bottom only encouraged her
He decided he’d made a mistake as his cock was rock hard
“I can feel you want me Daddy” she said.
He had to jump up. He had a hard-on. She could see it
He took a few steps around the camp-oven to distance himself from her.
“Let’s go for a swim, Daddy” she smiled
“Not after what happened yesterday” he said “That lake must be full of those blood-suckers…”
“You’ll feel much better if you do” she smiled
“You didn’t get rid of all of them…” she smiled wryly.
Suddenly she lifted her arms out to her sides. She stood there shaking
Her eyes seemed to roll up onto her head
“Cara?” he gasped, he went to her and grabbed her by the shoulders
She grabbed the back of his head and brought it down to hers, her mouth opening wider and up it came through her throat
He was held fast as the parasite pressed up and into his throat
His body tried to convulse as the thing pressed down his throat
Suddenly she released him as the tail of it disapproved into his mouth
He fell to the ground clutching his stomach in pain as it went deeper into him
“It’s okay, Daddy” she smiled as she caressed his head “It will be better in a few moments”
She then stepped away from him and undressed.
“Let me help” she said and she undid his belt buckle
She grabbed the bottom of his pants legs and pulled them off
He pulled his cock out of his boxers and she got on him, squatting down, taking his cock into her pussy.
“Oh, Daddy” she responded as she sat on his cock
They fucked through the night, and into the daybreak
In the end they were filthy; dirty, sweat, come, blood.
They fucked so many times, came so many times.
They walked hand in hand down to the lake and washed.
“That was wonderful, Daddy” she said
“Let’s go bring mom down here” she said
“Yes, let’s” he said as hand in hand they walked back to the car.

The girls at a retreat for summer camp counselors are the target of a powerful mind controller.

Dawn Massey looked up at the bus that she and the rest of her schools cheerleaders and girls volleyball team was going to get a ride on to their destination; some kind of special training camp. It was a modified version of one of the new, super luxurious Greyhound Dreamliner bus; a double decker bus that was roughly fifty feet long, had memory foam seats, and all the amenities of a first class plane flight.
It was a modern luxury bus designed for long hauls across the roads, with a dark tinted windows, nice seats, air conditioning, high quality TV’s and large ear-covering headphones for every seat. The isles were slightly wider, but every seat was large and conformable, each one practically a cocoon of comfort for the long drive to this exclusive training camp called the “Bovinity Female Athletic Summer Training Camp,” which was out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but fields and farmland all around it. There were apparently a couple of camp groups from other schools there had been combined into one large, all-purpose summer camp for female high school and college athletes and cheerleaders, with several large dorms for all the girls surrounded by farm fields and pastures for cows and pigs.
She knew that because like everyone else on the team and squad, she’d been googling it for hours at night, trying to learn about it. There just wasn’t much to know; it was very new, and was trying to make a name for itself by inviting lots of random teams and squads from various schools in the cities, and the local suburbs and towns around them. Dawn suspected their dorms were probably just refurbished animal stalls, and their camp was probably set in the middle of what used to be a pig sty and cow field.
So we’re going to be training by running around in a grassy field and rolling around in the mud? She thought darkly as they slowly piled into the bus. She glanced at the side of the bus and rolled her eyes at the cows and pigs on the side of it, advertising some farm product of some kind. Subtle much? She thought sarcastically as she filed past her coach, Ms. Sloan, and their bus driver, a Mr. Gringler, who was big, fit, and handsome, despite his intense, leering look as he watched all of the teenage senior girls file onto his bus, most of them wearing tight clothes that generally left little to the imagination.
Truthfully, if he didn’t leer at them at least a little, she’d think they were doing something wrong; even a gay guy would stare at them a little, at their clothes if nothing else.
However, this trip had been sprung on them out of nowhere, and it was going to be ALL summer long! Plus some of their early school weeks, with tutors apparently hired to come and teach them so they didn’t fall behind in their classes. They wouldn’t be back until sometime in October!
Their families had agreed to it, since the whole thing was paid for, and it offered lots of college credits to just about any college out there, and it would keep their daughters out of trouble and out of the house for a few months. None of the girls were all that happy about it, but it had too many benefits to pass up, plus if they didn’t participate they wouldn’t be starting, or even playing. They’d be off the team, and it was hinted that they would get a black ball letter sent to whatever college they went too.
So it was basically: shut up and show up, and waste a summer running around in a field of grass and mud doing workouts and drills, and probably some scrimmages against other teams.
It wasn’t really fair, at all, but their choice and say in the matter had been overridden by everyone involved. Their parents wanted them out of the house, and the more help for college the better, plus the camp would keep them in shape. The school was getting a good deal, Dawn suspected there had even been “donations” to various departments for the schools consent. And their teams and squads got to stay together longer and hopefully have more fun, and lots more training, so those that moved up would be better than new recruits by a wide margin, and the ones who left for college or other schools would have a more impressive showing in tryouts.
A win-win for everyone except the girls who hadn’t been asked, or even offered a choice.
At this point though, most had just resigned themselves to the coming trip, since they’d all already tried to get out of it in some way, and had been firmly pushed back on.
Sighing, she strolled up into the, admittedly, very nice interior of the bus, looking for a seat. She was a volleyball player, and the players and cheerleaders had different sections on the bus. The cheerleaders were on the second floor of the double decker bus, while the volleyball players were on the first. Normally the fight was always for a window seat, but with luxurious cocoons like these, there was really no need, besides, most of the window seats had already been taken, so she took an isle seat in the bus, and promptly plopped down into the chair.
Her body jiggled slightly from the motion, which she found both amusing and annoying. She worked hard, practiced a lot, and ate right, not to mention played sports, and still she had lots of curves and jiggly parts all over her. She was a 5′ 6″ redhead with long orange hair, pale skin, blue eyes, freckles, almost D cup breasts, a generally thin waist but wide hips, and just a step shy of a bubble butt. She worked hard to tone her body, but while she was in excellent shape, she still looked soft and squishy.
She enjoyed the extra attention from the boys, (the ones she liked anyway), but it still annoyed her that she looked more like a geeks cartoon-girl wet dream come to life, rather than the dedicated young athlete she actually was.
Especially when the anime nerds started calling her Cow Girl from some anime about some armored lunatic always hunting little green monsters! The fact that she happened to look a lot like that character only made it worse.
Still, on this trip they’d all be sitting, or occasionally standing and pacing, and it was all girls except for the bus driver, so she supposed it didn’t really matter.
She pulled her legs aside as several cheerleaders filed past for the second level. She waved to Anna, the squad captain and old friend of hers as the buxom brunette filed past. Anna waved back, but then focused on getting to the stairs for the inevitable battle to find her own seat, and Dawn went back to slowly fitting into her own seat.
Sighing again she turned next to her teammate sitting across from her, Jenny Hindsdale, and nodded to her. Jenny was a teenage blonde bombshell, with full on DD cup breasts, a bubble butt, toned abs, long blonde hair with natural highlights, blue eyes, and skin that was almost as pale as Dawns. She had pouty lips to go with her button nose, and recently braces-free straight white teeth. She was also 6′ 1″, so her proportions, and jiggly body, actually balanced out better than Dawns did.
Both of them got along, had been friends for years, and were both underwhelmed about the camp they were going to be stuck at.
“Hey Jenny,” Dawn sighed as she slid into the cocoon of a seat, amused just how much she sank into it, though it was oddly lumpy in parts, mostly in the seat between her legs. However, she moved around a little and found that if she spread her legs open slightly and slid back a little more, the lumps disappeared. Looking down she noticed Jenny was sitting spread-legs just like she was. Good thing they all had jeans and sweatpants on, or the poor bus driver would’ve crashed them into a pole sooner or later, ’cause he wouldn’t be looking at the road.
“Hey Dawn.” Jenny nodded back to her, turning the TV set up in the back of the chair/cocoon facing her, with the giant heavy industrial head-can head phones already resting around her neck. “No one was able to get out of this stupid waste of our summer, huh?”
“Nope, everyone was here, accounted for, and miserable,” Dawn replied, chuckling as the rest of the team and squad filed past, filling up seats or heading up to the second floor to do the same thing.
“Yeah, we even had to get here so stupid early in the morning!” Jenny growled, looking out the window at the still dark sky. “The suns only now starting to come up for crying out loud! We’re not in the city, and most of the drive takes us on highways and interstates, so trying to beat traffic’s not a concern. What the hell?”
“Yeah I know,” Dawn yawned, rolling her eyes in annoyance as the last of the girls filed past her to claim the last of the open seats. “It makes no sense. It’s like they wanted all us on this bus so early so we’d fall asleep on it and make it easier and quieter on the drive.”
“That’s probably it,” Jenny chuckled, pushing through the selection on her digital seat TV. “I swear, with this whole farm motif, it’s like they’re treating us like cattle, herding us around on this bus and to camp at all hours of the day and night. It sucks!”
“Oh well, at least we have TV,” Dawn sighed, settling herself into her seat and grabbing the headphones, too tired from the early morning wake up and arrival to really want to socialize.
“A decent selection of videos too, if you’re into farms, cows, pigs and general livestock documentaries.” Jenny rolled her own eyes with a sigh. “There’s a decent selection of videos and shows, but it’s buried by a massive clump of documentaries about farms and farm animals.”
“Lame.” Dawn sighed, slipping the bulky, (if well cushioned and comfortable), headphones on over her hears before she cued up her own TV, and started digging through the library of digital movies and shows for something to watch and zone out to. She would’ve preferred her smart phone, but Coach Sloan had confiscated all of them before everyone boarded the bus. She said she’d hand them back out once they were on the move and everything had been taken care of, but until then, they all had to pay attention.
Very lame, and really annoying! Dawn thought darkly as she kept digging through the annoying documentaries.
A few minutes later, she was still channel surfing as the bus finally pulled out, and their coach Ms. Sloan stood up and brought a microphone to her lips.
“Alright everyone, we’re finally underway to the Bovinity Summer Training Camp, where we’ll be at for the next few months. All our luggage is stowed, and we’re on our way.” Coach Sloan sighed, her voice echoing over the bus’s PA system. “It’s going to be a very long trip, but before we get into that, there’s a video the camp sent us to watch. An info video about where we’ll be staying and what we’ll be doing.“
Nobody else had a PA system besides Coach Sloan, but every single girl on the bus groaned loudly at the mention of having to watch an annoying info video. On both floors.
“I know, I know,” Sloan replied, sighing and clearly rolling her eyes, even if no one could see her. “I don’t care for it either. But it’s a required part of the trip, and the bus has video cameras on all of us, for legal and safety reasons. So just put up with it for twenty minutes, and then you can watch whatever you want, or just pass out and sleep.”
So saying, she put the mike down in a slot at her chair, put on some headphones, and waited, staring at the TV in front of her. Sighing, Dawn and Jenny looked at one another, before Jenny shrugged, and they put on their headphones and looked at their TVs as well. Slowly, out of the corner of her eye, Dawn saw everyone else do the same, until everyone had done it, and she assumed the girls on the second deck of the bus had done the same as well.
On the TV screens all across the bus, a logo appeared, followed by swirling colors and some annoying tune, and before she knew it, she was watching a documentary about the farming group that was putting them up; the Bovinty group. She stared at the screen, hearing the music and soft playing tones, wondering how long she was going to be subjected to it. Dawn sighed as a woman appeared, wearing the traditional T-Shirt, overalls, and big hay hat, to start blabbing at them about cows.
“We at the Bovinity Training Group don’t just train athletes, we also handle all sorts of livestock, but most regularly cows and pigs.” The TV Woman remarked, as pictures of cows in fields and pigs in muddy sty’s appeared with swirling colors behind them. “We’ve refined all the techniques of handling livestock, especially the dumb cows and pigs. They really are dumb animals that have to be looked after so they can fulfill their purposes in life, and we’re the best at caring for these important, but very dumb animals!“
Very cheerful, considering how mean she’s being about the animals she’s in charge of dealing with. Dawn thought, feeling a little sluggish all of a sudden, and slowly sinking into the seat more, her legs spreading and her back arching slightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jenny do the same, before her attent
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