Max80 Escorts

Max80 Escorts


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ESCORT MAX Ci Intl - лучшая, самая совершенная система обнаружения, обеспечивающая максимальную защиту водителя и защиту от штрафов на планете!
Разработанный для скрытой интеграции в автомобиль, он оснащен фронтальным радар-детекторным блоком, а также передним лазерным шифтером, которые максимально защищают водителя от всех систем контроля скорости.
Полностью обновленный и улучшенный, новый ESCORT MAX Ci Intl имеет более компактные и мощныt ИК диоды в лазерном шифтере для обеспечения высокой дальности и качества распознавания, а также обновляемые фильтры IVT ™, которые отклоняют ложные сигналы от последних систем безопасности транспортных средств (CAS, Distronics, DMZ и прочие).
Новый MAX Ci Intl также включает в себя GPS и Bluetooth® для подключения к "живой" базе ESCORT Live и базе данных DEFENDER® с скоростными и ИК камерами.
Бесплатная доставка радар-детекторов (антирадаров), видеорегистраторов с антирадаром и регистраторов в Санкт-Петербург, Новосибирск, Екатеринбург, Нижний Новгород, Казань, Челябинск, Омск, Самара, Ростов-на-Дону, Уфа, Красноярск, Пермь, Воронеж, Волгоград, Волгоград, Саратов, Саратов, Тольятти, Ижевск, Барнаул, Ульяновск, Иркутск, Хабаровск, Ярославль, Владивосток, Махачкала, Томск, Оренбург, Кемерово, Новокузнецк, Рязань, Астрахань, Набережные Челны, Пенза, Липецк, Киров, Чебоксары, Тула, Калининград, Курск, Севастополь, Улан-Удэ, Ставрополь, Сочи, Тверь, Магнитогорск, Иваново, Брянск, Белгород, Сургут, Владимир, Нижний Тагил, Архангельск, Чита, Симферополь, Калуга, Смоленск, Волжский, Саранск, Курган, Череповец, Орёл, Вологда, Якутск, Владикавказ, Грозный, Мурманск, Тамбов, Стерлитамак, Петрозаводск, Кострома, Нижневартовск, Новороссийск, Йошкар-Ола, Таганрог, Псков, Великий Новгород и многие другие города.

Так же бесплатная доставка радар-детекторов (антирадаров), видеорегистраторов с антирадаром и регистраторов в крупные города Белоруссии - Минск,Витебск, Гомель, Могилёв, Бобруйск, Гродно, Брест и других.

Сигнатурный видеорегистратор с антирадаром 3-в-1 Street Storm STR-9960SE с мощнейшей детектирующей частью на платформе ESP+ и отдельным видеопроцессором Ambarella A7LA50D c разрешением записи SuperHD 2304х1296px. Модель оснащена GPS/GLONASS для быстрого и точного позиционирования и качественной ежедневно обновляемой базой камер. Отличное отсеивание датчиков автомобиля и внешних помех за счет уникальной сигнатурной технологии.
Новинка! Радар-детектор Street Storm STR-5210EX SE с белым дисплеем! Улучшенная сигнатурная технология, модернизированная платформа HSP Plus (улучшение до +20% по дальности приема в К-диапазоне), встроенным Bluetooth для современного обновления через смартфон или планшет и GPS/GLONASS-модулем для отображения опасных стационарных камер и радаров. Отличие моделей с индексом W - только эксклюзивный белый цвет дисплея.
Новый сигнатурный радар-детектор Omni RS-550 имеет некоторые функциональные настройки, присущие канадским детекторам. Чувствительный приемник для приема сложных радаров Скат, Оскон и Кордон, GPS-модуль с базой данных стационарных камер и радаров, учитывающий повороты дороги, но не учитывающий направление камер.
Neoline X-COP 8700s – новейший технологичный радар-детектор премиум класса с международной радарной платформой для детектирования радаров в К и Ка диапазонах. Дизайн X-COP 8700s вобрал в себя элементы хорошо зарекомендовавших себя моделей X-COP 5700 и 8500 и сохранил черты фирменного дизайна радар-детекторов Neoline, которому нет аналогов на рынке. В Neoline X-COP 8700s интегрировано огромное кол-во функций, которые позволяют настроить устройство «под себя».
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Escort's radar detectors are designed to be very user-friendly and easy to use. Their detectors do a good job at catering to the everyday driver who wants a plug-and-play radar detector, without necessarily needing to be a radar detector expert. It's for that reason that even though there are many different brands of detectors, I've often recommended Escort radar detectors to friends and even my own family.
Now Escort makes several different radar detectors at different price points, each one with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Different detectors are best for different people. Let's go through their lineup and look at the main pros and cons of each radar detector.
All of our reviews are based on market research, expert input, or practical experience with most products we include. This way, we offer genuine, accurate guides to help you find the best picks.
The Escort Max 360c is their top of the line model and my personal favorite. It offers long-range performance, some of the best false alert filtering in the business (thanks to the Max's more advanced digital platform), plus directional arrows to help you locate the threat which is extremely useful in practice.
GPS is built-in so that as you drive around, the Max 360c can learn the stationary false alerts around town from speed signs and drugstore door openers. As you drive around, it automatically learns those and begins filtering them out for you so it gets better the more you drive. Escort also has a red light camera and speed camera alerts built-in and they update their database regularly.
The arrows on the front of the detector (hence the '360' in the name) point front, side, or rear to indicate where the police officer is, letting you know when you've passed him, or if there's a second officer up ahead after you passed the first one. This is very helpful.
The Max 360c is also a connected detector (hence the 'c' in the name) with both Bluetooth and WiFi built-in. It can connect to the cloud using your phone or a WiFi hotspot in your car to automatically share alerts with other drivers. This way you get the benefit of knowing not only what your Max 360c sees, but also what all the other Escort drivers ahead of you see, giving you an additional layer of protection against more difficult instant on and laser threats.
As a bonus, when you're connected to the cloud, Escort's detectors can display the current speed limit on the screen right next to your current speed, making it easy to tell if you're speeding and what the speed limit is. It doesn't take into account temporary speed limit drops for school zones or construction zones and the database only works for major roads, but it's a very helpful feature to have.
If you have WiFi in your car or at home, the detector can automatically keep itself updated, downloading the latest software and RLC databases so you no longer have to plug the detector into your computer for updates. It takes care of everything for you automatically.
The Max 360c is Escort's most feature-packed and well-rounded detector. If you're looking for Escort's ultimate windshield mount radar detector, this is their top of the line option.
Note: If you buy the Max 360c direct from Escort, they also offer a 1-year speeding ticket guarantee.
The Escort Max 360c is their top of the line model and my personal favorite. It offers long-range performance, some of the best false alert filtering in the business (thanks to the Max's more advanced digital platform), plus directional arrows to help you locate the threat which is extremely useful in practice.
GPS is built-in so that as you drive around, the Max 360c can learn the stationary false alerts around town from speed signs and drugstore door openers. As you drive around, it automatically learns those and begins filtering them out for you so it gets better the more you drive. Escort also has a red light camera and speed camera alerts built-in and they update their database regularly.
The arrows on the front of the detector (hence the '360' in the name) point front, side, or rear to indicate where the police officer is, letting you know when you've passed him, or if there's a second officer up ahead after you passed the first one. This is very helpful.
The Max 360c is also a connected detector (hence the 'c' in the name) with both Bluetooth and WiFi built-in. It can connect to the cloud using your phone or a WiFi hotspot in your car to automatically share alerts with other drivers. This way you get the benefit of knowing not only what your Max 360c sees, but also what all the other Escort drivers ahead of you see, giving you an additional layer of protection against more difficult instant on and laser threats.
As a bonus, when you're connected to the cloud, Escort's detectors can display the current speed limit on the screen right next to your current speed, making it easy to tell if you're speeding and what the speed limit is. It doesn't take into account temporary speed limit drops for school zones or construction zones and the database only works for major roads, but it's a very helpful feature to have.
If you have WiFi in your car or at home, the detector can automatically keep itself updated, downloading the latest software and RLC databases so you no longer have to plug the detector into your computer for updates. It takes care of everything for you automatically.
The Max 360c is Escort's most feature-packed and well-rounded detector. If you're looking for Escort's ultimate windshield mount radar detector, this is their top of the line option.
Note: If you buy the Max 360c direct from Escort, they also offer a 1-year speeding ticket guarantee.
Now if you're interested in the Max 360c, but you don't have WiFi in your car and/or you don't mind taking the detector home periodically to plug it into your computer for updates, take a look at the original Escort Max 360. 
The Max 360 offers the same performance and filtering capabilities as the 360c. The main difference is that it doesn't have WiFi built-in for automatic updates and instead uses Bluetooth for the cloud integration, as most of Escort's other current detectors. Using Bluetooth and running the Escort Live app on your phone (Android or iOS), the Max 360 can talk to other drivers' radar detectors on the road, sharing alerts with them in real-time. It's similar to Waze but automatic and hands-free. Plus you can use your phone to more easily configure and adjust settings on your detector.
The Max 360 has arrows to help you locate police officers around you, automatic GPS lockouts to learn where stationary false alerts are located, red light camera and speed camera alerts, and alert sharing capabilities in the cloud. If you don't need the WiFi capabilities and/or want to save a few bucks off the Max 360c, get the original Max 360. For a lot of drivers, I think this is the best choice.
Now if you're interested in the Max 360c, but you don't have WiFi in your car and/or you don't mind taking the detector home periodically to plug it into your computer for updates, take a look at the original Escort Max 360. 
The Max 360 offers the same performance and filtering capabilities as the 360c. The main difference is that it doesn't have WiFi built-in for automatic updates and instead uses Bluetooth for the cloud integration, as most of Escort's other current detectors. Using Bluetooth and running the Escort Live app on your phone (Android or iOS), the Max 360 can talk to other drivers' radar detectors on the road, sharing alerts with them in real-time. It's similar to Waze but automatic and hands-free. Plus you can use your phone to more easily configure and adjust settings on your detector.
The Max 360 has arrows to help you locate police officers around you, automatic GPS lockouts to learn where stationary false alerts are located, red light camera and speed camera alerts, and alert sharing capabilities in the cloud. If you don't need the WiFi capabilities and/or want to save a few bucks off the Max 360c, get the original Max 360. For a lot of drivers, I think this is the best choice.
The Escort Redline EX is Escort's stealth detector. For those of you needing a windshield mount Escort radar detector that is undetectable by radar detector detectors, this is the one to get. It also has the ability to detect the new MultaRadar radar guns that are starting to show up across the country.
Starting off with the stealth component, radar detectors are legal in most of the US. They are, however, illegal in VA and Washington D.C. They are also illegal on military bases, in commercial vehicles over 10,000 lbs, and in all vehicles over 18,000 lbs. For this reason, police officers use a radar detector known as the Spectre and the Redline EX has special stealth technology to make it undetectable to the Spectre.
Next, it is capable of detecting the low powered MultaRadar CD and CT radar guns. The MultaRadar is difficult to detect a radar gun that requires specialized hardware in the radar detector to pick up. The Redline EX is Escort's only current North American windshield mount radar detector capable of picking it up. The MultaRadar is in use in Chicago, Maryland, NYC, and Washington D.C. In Canada, it is currently being used in Quebec and heavily in Alberta. If you drive in these areas, the Redline EX would be the preferred choice.
The Redline EX also offers Bluetooth so it can pair with your phone and share alerts with other drivers in real-time. If you don't need the stealth or MRCD capabilities, I would generally recommend the Max 360 or Max 360c instead due to their arrows and superior blind spot filtering capabilities. For most drivers, the Max series would be a more well-rounded choice. The Redline EX is more of a specialty detector.
The Escort Redline EX is Escort's stealth detector. For those of you needing a windshield mount Escort radar detector that is undetectable by radar detector detectors, this is the one to get. It also has the ability to detect the new MultaRadar radar guns that are starting to show up across the country.
Starting off with the stealth component, radar detectors are legal in most of the US. They are, however, illegal in VA and Washington D.C. They are also illegal on military bases, in commercial vehicles over 10,000 lbs, and in all vehicles over 18,000 lbs. For this reason, police officers use a radar detector known as the Spectre and the Redline EX has special stealth technology to make it undetectable to the Spectre.
Next, it is capable of detecting the low powered MultaRadar CD and CT radar guns. The MultaRadar is difficult to detect a radar gun that requires specialized hardware in the radar detector to pick up. The Redline EX is Escort's only current North American windshield mount radar detector capable of picking it up. The MultaRadar is in use in Chicago, Maryland, NYC, and Washington D.C. In Canada, it is currently being used in Quebec and heavily in Alberta. If you drive in these areas, the Redline EX would be the preferred choice.
The Redline EX also offers Bluetooth so it can pair with your phone and share alerts with other drivers in real-time. If you don't need the stealth or MRCD capabilities, I would generally recommend the Max 360 or Max 360c instead due to their arrows and superior blind spot filtering capabilities. For most drivers, the Max series would be a more well-rounded choice. The Redline EX is more of a specialty detector.
Next, let's take a look at the Escort iXc. This is an upper/mid-tier detector. Like the Max 360c, it features both Bluetooth and WiFi with all the same cloud sharing and automatic updating capabilities. It is Escort's second "connected car" detector. However, like the Redline EX, it only has one front-facing antenna so there are no arrows to point to the location of the threat.
With the integrated GPS, it also features the same automatic learning of stationary false alerts, low-speed muting to keep it quiet around town, and the red light camera/speed camera alerts.
My biggest complaint about the iXc is the way it handles false alerts from nearby vehicles with radar-based collision avoidance systems. Every radar detector will false to some cars with blind spot monitoring systems, some more than others, but the false alerts also sound different too. With the iXc, instead of giving you a weak alert, it likes to scream full tilt, making you think you need to immediately slam on the brakes. This gets old pretty quick and is the biggest reason I'm not a huge fan of this detector.
The iXc is the successor to the Escort iX (which is in the process of being discontinued). The iXc has some tweaks under the hood for longer range and better false alert filtering than the original iX, plus a different colored case, but the biggest difference is that the iXc adds WiFi so you aren't reliant upon your phone for cloud integration. If you don't need the WiFi capabilities, you can consider the original Escort iX which is being discounted quite a bit before it goes away.
Next, let's take a look at the Escort iXc. This is an upper/mid-tier detector. Like the Max 360c, it features both Bluetooth and WiFi with all the same cloud sharing and automatic updating capabilities. It is Escort's second "connected car" detector. However, like the Redline EX, it only has one front-facing antenna so there are no arrows to point to the location of the threat.
With the integrated GPS, it also features the same automatic learning of stationary false alerts, low-speed muting to keep it quiet around town, and the red light camera/speed camera alerts.
My biggest complaint about the iXc is the way it handles false alerts from nearby vehicles with radar-based collision avoidance systems. Every radar detector will false to some cars with blind spot monitoring systems, some more than others, but the false alerts also sound different too. With the iXc, instead of giving you a weak alert, it likes to scream full tilt, making you think you need to immediately slam on the brakes. This gets old pretty quick and is the biggest reason I'm not a huge fan of this detector.
The iXc is the successor to the Escort iX (which is in the process of being discontinued). The iXc has some tweaks under the hood for longer range and better false alert filtering than the original iX, plus a different colored case, but the biggest difference is that the iXc adds WiFi so you aren't reliant upon your phone for cloud integration. If you don't need the WiFi capabilities, you can consider the original Escort iX which is being discounted quite a bit before it goes away.
If you like the idea of saving money over Escort's top tier detectors, you don't need arrows, and you still want better false alert filtering than what the iX and iXc offer, I would point you towards the Escort Max2. It is essentially a Max 360 without arrows.
Now the Max2 is being discontinued so it won't be available much longer. You can still find the Max2 for a little while longer. I like it better than the iX (also being discontinued) because it offers better performance and filtering for a roughly similar price. I also think it's a better value than the iXc if you're looking for mo
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