Max Gentlemen Sexy Business Porn

Max Gentlemen Sexy Business Porn


Max Gentlemen Sexy Business Porn

By Brad Gallaway
on July 31, 2020
in Reviews
Brad Gallaway has been playing games since arcades were a thing and Atari was the new hotness. He's been at GameCritics since 2000. Currently, he's juggling editing duties, being a homeschooling dad, a devoted husband, and he does try to play a game once in a while. Brad is a MOTU stan, loves Transformers, is on Marvel Puzzle Quest when nobody's looking, and his favorite game of all time is a toss-up between Mass Effect and The Witcher 3. You can catch his written work here at GameCritics and you can hear him weekly on the @SoVideogames Podcast. Follow Brad on Twitter and Instagram at @BradGallaway, or contact him via email: bradgallaway a t gmail dot com
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HIGH Great combination of titillation and gameplay.
LOW Needing to click like crazy to disperse crowds.
The observation has been made many times, but I still find it strange that as a culture we hardly blink at violence – even extreme, gory violence – yet we cringe and recoil from anything showing a little skin.
Personally, I have no issue with nudity, sex or sexuality as long as it’s handled with care appropriate to the situation, and I’m all for seeing more of it in games as a change of pace from exploding heads and impaling enemies. After going through a string of grimdark titles killing countless foes with extreme prejudice, I was in the mood for something completely different. Max Gentlemen Sexy Business! was absolutely that.
The premise is that the player is a wealthy person in a vaguely ‘ye olde timey’ England. Things are going along swimmingly (as they do for the rich) until they discover their entire fortune has been swiped by their Rival. The only thing to do? Get it back as quickly as possible, of course!
From here, the player creates an avatar from hand-drawn 2D assets. Although the range of choices in clothing and accessories isn’t massive, the creator is surprisingly flexible in that players can be male, female, transwoman or transman. Interestingly, they’ll also be asked to craft the appearance of the Rival and have complete freedom to design them as any sort of person they wish.
Gameplay is incredibly simple. The entire world of MGSB! is a single screen overview of a town with several buildings, and each building generates a specific resource. At the beginning, the player has only one employee at their disposal, so they must choose to send them to the Bank (earns cash), the Boxing Ring (increases attack power of the employee), the Slums (generates followers) and more. The employee will then passively collect that resource until they run out of energy, at which point they must be taken off the map to recharge.
Although the resource map never changes, the player will have to fight their way through several zones populated with the Rival’s henchmen, each one ending in a boss encounter. In order to overcome the evildoers, the player must collect more employees, harvest multiple resources simultaneously, grow their resource pools, toughen up the employees, and eventually reclaim their empire.
It might sound a bit overwhelming in this description, but when all is said and done, it’s as easy as clicking an employee icon, dragging it to a location, and then watching one meter rise while another falls — it’s a straightforward numbers game that, while fairly hypnotic on its own, wouldn’t be quite enough to sell MGSB! . No, that’s where the sex comes in because the player’s employees are also their romantic interests.
Max Gentlemen Sexy Business! offers six men and six women who can potentially work for the player. Each one is a fully-scripted character with a distinct personality, a multi-step relationship quest and stats which make them more or less efficient at gathering certain resources or performing tasks. 
At this point, it’s important to call out that Max Gentlemen Sexy Business! is not necessarily an ‘Adults Only’ title. The devs offer settings which can scale the risqué stuff down to almost nothing, and the most explicit content must be downloaded into the game as a separate free patch. For players who only want the economic resource side of things, it’s entirely possible to play it that way. As for me? I’m a mature, consenting adult who chose to play this game intentionally, and I wanted the full meal deal.
After downloading the ‘adult’ patch and cranking all of the settings to max, I was delighted to find that the devs do a wonderful job of blending the economics with dating sim-style content in a way that elevates the entire experience.
As the player collects resources, story-based events pop up and offer a chance to earn the affection of an employee – figure out what they like to drink at teatime, +2 hearts. Beat them at arm wrestling or blackjack, +3 hearts, and so on. Once enough hearts have been earned, an option to go on a date unlocks. Each date advances their individual story, and it’s here where MGSB! shines thanks to wacky hjinks, a script that’s totally irreverent and full of great laughs, and plenty of innuendo and nudity.
Bonbon is out to make her brothel the preeminent establishment in town, Penny is obsessed with time travel, Vicki’s working hard to summon dark spirits, Pip is out to solve a murder, and every one of the remaining eight characters all go on one sort of personal journey or another, bringing the player along for the ride. I was always eager to get the next installment, and I was honestly sad when I’d wrapped up most of their stories – when the upcoming DLC is released, I’m coming back immediately. 
In terms of how explicit MGSB! can be, with the DLC installed and all the settings topped, players can expect to eventually unlock several still images of both male and female characters completely nude and in various poses. Characters can also be fully disrobed during gameplay if those specific ‘costumes’ are unlocked, and many dialogue scenes (especially towards the end of each character’s arc) offer detailed descriptions of sexual acts, but only in text form – there’s no visual depiction of sex at any point.
Again, this is all optional content that isn’t required to enjoy the economic side of the game, but I found the balance between crunching numbers and then laughing a bit while ogling a good dose of T&A (or D, if preferred) before getting back to business was exactly the right way to break up both halves of MGSB! . Each aspect kept the other fresh, and the contrast kept everything exciting and enjoyable for the length of the campaign.
I may be an experienced game critic with over 20 years in the biz, but I can’t say that I’ve played many games with the kind of sexually-oriented content that Max Gentlemen Sexy Business! offers. However, I had an absolutely great time with it. The eye candy is appealing, it’s LGBTQ-conscious, the writing is on point and the gameplay is just engaging enough to keep a player’s clicking finger busy on the quest to reclaim their fortune. Spending time on the spicier side was exactly the change of pace I needed, and I’m 100% on board with whatever these developers cook up next.
Disclosures: This game is developed and published by The Men Who Wear Many Hats . It is currently available on PC . This copy of the game was obtained via paid download and reviewed on the PC. Approximately 10 hours of play were devoted to the single-player mode, and the game was completed (the Rival was defeated but there is more content coming this fall.) There are no multiplayer modes.
Parents: This game is not rated by the ESRB , but it would most certainly be an AO if it was. Although it can be tamed a bit, any kid with access to this game would be able to read racy passages and see plenty of skin, if not every inch. Absolutely for the grownups, this one is.
Colorblind Modes: There are no colorblind modes available in the options.
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Gamers: No problems here. I played the game entirely on mute and had no issues at all — dialogue is subtitled (font can’t be resized or recolored) and there are no audio cues needed for play. This game is fully accessible .
Remappable Controls: No, this game’s controls are not remappable. The game is entirely mouse-driven. The majority of play is clicking on an employee’s picture and dragging it to a location, or simply clicking on text. Occasionally the player will have to rapidly click to disperse crowds when people “riot” in town.

Brad Gallaway has been playing games since arcades were a thing and Atari was the new hotness. He's been at GameCritics since 2000. Currently, he's juggling editing duties, being a homeschooling dad, a devoted husband, and he does try to play a game once in a while.

Brad is a MOTU stan, loves Transformers, is on Marvel Puzzle Quest when nobody's looking, and his favorite game of all time is a toss-up between Mass Effect and The Witcher 3.

You can catch his written work here at GameCritics and you can hear him weekly on the @SoVideogames Podcast.

Follow Brad on Twitter and Instagram at @BradGallaway, or contact him via email:

bradgallaway a t gmail dot com
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The CEO of your business. A highly respected member of society, an unparalleled business mogul, and a daring adventurer with more than enough charisma and attractiveness to spare, until your rival steals said business while you were on vacation and utterly ruins your reputation and standing in society while they're at it. Undeterred by utter ruin and with their loyal retainers Business Maid and Battle Butler by their side, they set off to rebuild the family business, claim back their family's good name, and get revenge (or some good old fashioned Dating Catwoman ) with their Rival. The Ace : Is noted to succeed at pretty much everything they have ever attempted in their entire life, along with being astoundingly charismatic and attractive to the point where one random event is the employees being far too distracted by your good lucks to the point of unproductiveness. They have also had all manner of zany and wild adventures in the years past, such as saving the Pope from some disaster and having close ties to almost all of upper-class society. Dating Catwoman : You are totally free to sympathize and honestly flirt with your Rival, should you choose to. Flat-Earth Atheist : You can choose to disbelieve in an afterlife despite the fact that ghosts demonstrably exist, and in fact occasionally harass your workforce. Heroic Comedic Sociopath : Thanks to dialogue options that constantly Crosses the Line Twice . Lovable Sex Maniac : You're free to play your character as a rich, highly successful business mogul with a libido as high as their profit margins and an inversely proportional level of shame, openly admitting to being motivated primarily by sex with their desired individuals and propositioning them even in the most inappropriate of times. No Kill Like Overkill : When Max Gentlemen asks him how they managed to acquire the meat of a rare albino rhino for a banquet, you have the option of the protagonist having hunted it themselves. To quote, "It never saw that cannonball coming." Too Dumb to Live : During Summer Starling's initial dates where she's totally not trying to murder you, the Protagonist can gleefully and enthusiastically walk right into all of her death traps and blatantly obvious murder attempts in spite of all the incredibly obvious hints like a sign warning about sharks in the water, Summer openly admitting the muskets you're using are wildly inaccurate, and her bringing you alone to an isolated cabin in the woods that is full of highly flammable material. Of course, the player can just interpret it as them playing along for amusement, knowing full well they could (and can) easily get out alive with their vast and impressive skillset, should it come to that. You have the option of going gleefully head-first into Max Gentlemen's insanely dangerous stunts, such as jousting a train with explosive-tipped lances, fighting the hordes of wild, exotic, and dangerous animals that were on said train, and finally, jumping out of a plane with several tons of TNT strapped to your backs and no parachutes. Upper-Class Twit : It's not mandatory, but the dialogue options give you the opportunity to play a ditzy mess who blunders from one success to another on the backs of your servants.
Your Gent-sona's most prominent foe, who took the fall for a murder/was defeated in a duel/is a scorned ex-lover/etc. and seeks revenge. Big Bad : Defeating their business is the goal of the initial storyline, as well as the final storyline . Demoted to Dragon : After the player's first victory, it's revealed that they've been working for Cashious all along, and they act as a mid-boss in the second storyline... Dragon Ascendant : ...Followed by reclaiming their position of main threat in the final storyline. Friendly Rival : Potentially, if you choose to flirt with them. Hello, [Insert Name Here] : Subverted; you're given insulting choices such as "Dr. Bitch", but cannot actually choose your rival's name, and they're only referred to as "Your Rival". Multiple-Choice Past : How you originally came to blows is entirely up to your choices, and you can even have three separate incidents that sparked it. One-Winged Angel : Parodied in the final storyline. First they use demonic energy to transform from a human to a demon, and claim it's their final form. Then, after being beaten, they turn into a demi- Eldritch Abomination with green skin and tentacles and claim it's their "third and most final form". And then , after being beaten again , they turn into a grey-skinned angel and claim it's their "final-est form". The Rival : Their defining trait is being yours.
    Cashious Villionaire (Spoilers!) 
A mustached spirit riding atop a white stallion, who introduces the player to the world of sexy business before the story starts. Minor Major Character : Despite his name and being the first intelligent being the player interacts with, there is never any mention of him ever again. The supernatural elements that are used are implied to be more infernal in nature though an evil counterpart is never even hinted at.

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The first of your two most loyal retainers, Business Maid handles the boring day-to-day drudgery of administration such as taxes and paperwork so you may handle the exciting work like punching your corporate rivals to death in the town square. She is calm, rational, and always professional, though she is not above getting flustered when your dealings get particularly zany or the risks start to involve blood and body parts.
The second of your two most loyal retainers, Battle Butler both brings your tea to you and your guests and the pain to your enemies, all with a smile, perfect poise, and very, very vocal enthusiasm.
Victorian-Era Gentlemanhood taken to the absolute furthest extreme you can, Max Gentlemen is your executive in the Food Industry. He has a love of meat, hunting, and feats of great strength and daring like wrestling a lake full of crocodiles with his bare hands. He also has a dark, tragic history, but he doesn't really prefer to talk about that.
A prolific writer, editor, and publisher (largely because he is loath to give up any of his creative rights whatsoever), Gunn Moses is your executive in the Publishing Industry. He is highly intelligent, extremely well-read and cultured, and impeccably groomed at all times, though this does not stop him from engaging in the dirty business of hostile takeovers.
A rather average and unremarkable man except whenever horses are involved, a bet ended with Antoine Hardmeat becoming your executive in the Law Industry. He is painfully shy, socially awkward, but a total sweetheart and quite willing to help with your business ventures regardless.
As daring with his latest designs as he is when setting off to adventure, Samuel Finch is your executive in the Fashion Industry. Refined, posh, and more than a little out-there, whether it's searching for, preserving, and studying rare and exotic creatures, or setting the new standards for high fashion in London, you can be damn sure he will look good doing it.
Big, jolly, and generous, Sinterklaas is your executive in the Banking Industry. With his massive hoards of wealth and influence, he makes it his life's mission to spread joy, good cheer, and smiles throughout the world, partnering with you to do so.
Reserved, calm, and logical, Vlad Nibblesome is your executive in the Lumber Industry, though it's really more as a means to fund his true passion: science. At present, his current focus is on discovering an objective basis for love.
Skilled inventor and academic, Penny Farthing is your executive in the Metalwork Industry. As a key pillar in the "Futurist Society", she constantly has her eyes towards scientific progress and the future, especially when it comes to matters involving gears and the steam engine.
Energetic, driven, and ever-curious, Pip Whipple is your executive in the Construction Industry. Though her days as a chil
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