Mature Young Film

Mature Young Film


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Jon and Caitlin imagine in great detail what disasters may occur if they were to lose their heads, follow their hearts and finally kiss.
Wesley J. Colford(adapted for film by)
Kent Nolan(adapted for film by)
This first-kiss-fairytale blurs the lines between fantasy and reality, exploring the magic that happens all around us when we fall in love for the first time. Teenagers Jon and Caitlin meet every week in their favorite park, if only for 10 minutes, because Caitlin isn't allowed to have a "boyfriend" but perhaps "a boy whose a friend" is okay. The two bond over imagining what disasters may come to pass if they were to disobey the orders of the adults who govern them and finally kiss. As they discuss we watch their fantasies come to life around them.—Katherine Barrell
Written by Gavin Slate
Performed by Gavin Slate
[Played over the end credits]
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