Mature Wrinkled Soles

Mature Wrinkled Soles


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SpoiledBlackPrincess Princess Simone
Comments do you think they smell?
Washing away some of the moorland mud! The cold water following over my bare feet felt invigorating.
Comments do you think they smell?
Marilena, 19 y.o., spreading her toes, size 36 in europ. Smelly: intensive!!
Maria, 21 y.o., spreading her toes, size 39 in europ. Smelly: medium
barefoot babe showing her soft wrinkled soles
Please leave comments, whether nice or nasty, and especially if you add as a favorite. For more pictures of my wife's legs and or feet check out our album
Please leave comments, whether nice or nasty, and especially if you add as a favorite. For more pictures of my wife's legs and or feet check out our album
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View all All Photos Tagged wrinkled soles

SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Our time at Small Heath came to a very abrupt end. Unfortunately we never got to play The Wraiths so I am now building a popup level on my own sim so we can bring our characters there. Anyone is welcome to join us there. The only thing we're bringing is the era - circa 1910-1920 and the location - somewhere in England.
See if you can figure out why I always declare my alts and tend not to play 2 people in the same scene....
[2021/09/07 06:06] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): Marcus paced up and down waiting for his brother. He was doing fancy twirly movements with his rifle which earned him some wary looks from passers by. If he caught their eye he would wink and grin widely. "Come see the show next week!" he would say, as they hurried away. There was no show. And this was no prop. He checked his pocket watch and frowned.
[2021/09/07 06:09] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me had his normal scowl on his lips as he looked around at the people " They are not Yorkshire are they " and he kisses his teeth in disgust and then kicks someones trycycle that was in his way
[2021/09/07 06:11] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): "Oh there you are Dick," and since it was his brother kicking, he would join in the tricycle vandalism. "Obviously not from our neck of the woods or they would be running faster.... I could really murder a sausage right not... Fancy a sausage in a bun?"
[2021/09/07 06:17] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me scowls again the air and heavy pollution in Birmingham not help his mood " Was that a dig at me" he asks and places a hand over his groin " you know I don't eat sausages not since the incident, I have quite gone off Cumberlands" He was finding it hard to keep a straight face though and he sniggered as he wipes his shoe bottom on te tyre of the trycycle . He seemed to have trodden in something " Damm dogs down here - even they don't know where to shit"
[2021/09/07 06:22] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): "Oh sorry Dickie old chap.... that was quite insensitive of me.... what about a steak sandwich...." He wrinkled his nose up when the smell hit him. "Watch where you're walking, that is foul! I've gone off me food I have!" And that was a big thing. It took a lot to put Marcus off his food. "We should start shaking down the businesses here. I'll put the rifle in the car... Let's do the old good brother, bad brother act...."
[2021/09/07 06:26] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): " Quite fancy a lamb chop is we are going to.." he stops and looks over at his brother and tris to finish wiping stuff off his sole " ahh ok - could hit the dress shop and tread the shit all over their carpet as a starter " and he half laughs half giggles in a manic way . He had a strange and distinctive laugh but he didn't see anything wrong with it himself " who is going to be the nice one today - I have been prctising you know . I've nearly got it down pat"
[2021/09/07 06:28] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): "Yeah alright, you can be Mr. Nice Guy today... just get that shit off yer shoe and we'll be champion..." He walked to their flashy car to put the rifle in the trunk. They always had flashy cars, and they changed cars very often. Except for that swan car. They didn't like that one.
[2021/09/07 06:31] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me leaned through the window of their latest wheels and grabbed a rag from the glove compartment and wiped the offending material from his show and dropped the rag in the nearby bin" Ok Mr Nice Dickie it is"
[2021/09/07 06:31] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): shoe*
[2021/09/07 06:33] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): Marcus squared his shoulders and put on his meanest squint. "Let's pay Miss Tailor a visit." Miss Tailor turned out to be Mr. Tailor who had a penchant for squealing and a nervous tic. He stared as the men entered the shop. "How can I help you fine gentlemen?" he asked. "I am eager to serve such handsome men, my suit fittings are the best in Birmingham if not all of England!"
[2021/09/07 06:52] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me beamed a smile at the Tailor " ahh so business is going well" he asked as he ran his fingers over some samples" Do you get a lot of the local elite in here?
[2021/09/07 06:54] Lucius Templar: "Oh yes sir, my double breasted jackets are all the rage. They go well with pants down to your ankles sir. Would you like to try a sample? Er.... would you friend like to try on a jacket too?" He eyed Marcus' feral expression with some nervousness. "Um... is he quite alright sir?"
[2021/09/07 07:00] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me looks over at Marcus " Why does he want to know about my underwear" he frowns and looks again at the tailor He forgets that he is supposed to be the nice one and if the tailor didn't move he would find Dickies hand at his throat " what have you heard about my underwear eh Who has been talking " and his hand would squeeze tighter " Talk"
[2021/09/07 07:04] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): Marcus cleared his throat. "Remember... Nice one......" he said in a sing song voice. Would he have to apologise and take the nice role again. How very boring. The tailor gibbered as he looked at the brothers with wide eyes, completely clueless about what he said wrong. "Pants, sir...." said Marcus with a solemn tone. "I would remind you that you are in England, and here we refer to them as Stitched Leg Tubes. Repeat after me... stitched Leg Tubes. You are to refer to them as such when we are around my good man... understand?" Marcus ran his fingers over one corner of his waxed moustache. He was a bit of a prankster.
[2021/09/07 07:09] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): It was a sensitive subject to Dickie there was no doubt " but does he know about the socks eh " looks at the tailor and shakes him a little " Eh?" before dropping him " never talk about ny pants again - got it?"
[2021/09/07 07:13] Lucius Templar: The tailor raised his hands in despair. "Yes sir... understood sir..." Marcus leaned forwards, peering down at the tailor cowering in the corner. "You know... for a fee... I could perhaps protect you against mean people. Like say for example, if someone like my brother here decides to take offence about something. All you had to do was come to me, and I would make it not worth their while to be so... belligerent. You know what I mean? Not clear? Well let me explain. How about you give me 5 pounds... and I'll show you." The man looked indignant. "5 pounds?? That's nearly a whole day's work to even earn 2 pounds sir!" Marcus would look towards Dickie as he said, "It's 5 guineas now.... you know guineas is what you pay gentlemen don't you..."
[2021/09/07 07:16] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me was busy taking out his irritation on the Tailors display cabinets . Crack - as his shoe made contact with glass " No one" crack again " no one talks about my special pants" NO FUCKING ONE" the glass gave way under the last kick " Yeah there is no doubt you need protection against clients that you insult . Lots of fucking protection"
[2021/09/07 07:22] Lucius Templar: Marcus attempted to grab Dickie by the collar, as the tailor gasped in horror. If successful would pull him back and away from the glass. "No one is talking about your special pants. Now you've been a very naughty boy. Promise not to do this again?" If Dickie agreed he would tilt his head at the tailor and put out his hand. "5 guineas please...." If Dickie did not play along, he would very surely earn a clip to the back of the head.
[2021/09/07 07:26] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me was yanked away from his final kick . Marcus was quite strong in that way " If" he spat out " if he apologizes properly - on his knees" he said glowering at the fortunate tailor " gives you the money and apologies ..or I will be back with my special stick"
[2021/09/07 07:29] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): "Now now, we know Mr. Tailor here, will be nice and pay us for our great services. He will realise that we are good value for money... but yes... go ahead sir. Apologise to Dickie here for hurting his feelings. Go on...." The tailor looked at both men uncertainly. "I'm sorry sir....." He stammered. "I don't have that much money in the shop today. But I can give you 2 pounds. I will need to go to the bank to get such a large amount...." Marcus looked at Dickie. "Do you think we will let him pay us the rest tomorrow?" He asked his brother.
[2021/09/07 07:31] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me sniffed and scowled " need something else from him as a guarantee to make sure he goes to the bank " he looks at the tailor " got any daughters?"
[2021/09/07 07:36] Lucius Templar: "No... no daughters... or sons.... but I do have a poodle...." The tailor remained on his knees. "I promise I will give you the money the minute the bank opens and I can make a withdrawal. I promise.... You don't have to hurt anyone!" Marcus sighed. Dickie was so much better as the bad guy. He had that wild look on his face whereas Marcus could only squint like he was constipated. "We need collateral son.... and a guarantee that you're not going to flap yer gums to the coppers."
[2021/09/07 07:40] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): /me eyes widened " Was it your dog that shat on the pavement" There was a vein pulsing on his forehead again and Dickie wiped his fairly clean sole on te carpet " Yeah take the dog as collateral" he then closed his lips and glared at the unfortunate shop owner
[2021/09/07 07:43] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): The shop owner gibbered and cried out in despair as Marcus walked over to pick up the yapping poodle. "We'll be back tomorrow," he said. "Don't worry, we'll take good care of him. Unless you talk to the coppers... then we'll really take good care of him." He drew a finger over the dog's neck. The dog barked and licked Marcus' hand cos poodles were dumb like that. If he wanted a guard dog he should have got a rottweiler instead. "Come on then Dickie..." said Marcus. "I have some feedback for you...." He would leave the shop with the dog under his arm.
[2021/09/07 07:45] Dickie Braithwaite (camulus.avro): Took one long last look at the Tailor and said " get the money or the poodle becomes a puddle" he then turns on his heal and follows his brother out of the shop
[2021/09/07 07:46] Marcus Braithwaite (captain.covfefe): "Hehe good one...." said Marcus. The poodle would be shoved in the car before they drove off in a cloud of petrol fumes.
My second (and last) sunrise session at the saltpans of Cervia (with my 14 years old son Jack - see my Wrinkled thoughts dawning for detail about his initiation to sunrise shooting :-)) was ending: the sun had already climbed the horizon, the scant clouds were melting away like snow under the relentless radiance of the new day - and, well, those obnoxious mosquitos were devouring us. But a diverse life was rousing to the new day, so we tried some last shots (and Jack took really enjoying the super zoom of his Nikon Coolpix 610). I like this scene for its light in the sky and in the still water of the saltpan - and, of course, for the bird quietly strolling for her savoured & muddy breakfast *. Hope that you will enjoy it, too :-)
I have obtained this picture by blending an exposure bracketing [-1.7/0/+1.7 EV] by luminosity masks in the Gimp (EXIF data, as usual, refer to the "normal exposure" shot); I have straightforwardly cloned out the ghosts of the strolling bird in the dark and light photos, retaining only that of the "normal exposure", where the bird featured a better posture. Added some final touchs with Nik Color Efex Pro 4.
* Alas, I am not an expert on birds - but several Flickr friends of mine are, so I hope to identify the species with their help...
“WE ARE BAILING OUT!”, I promptly shouted.
And so I halted the car on the top of a snowy mountain range and made a U-turn. It was the tipping point of the mental state I was in - the result of a nerve wrecking drive on icy roads with dozens of hairpin turns, no-grip ascends and slippery descends.
I failed to rent a 4x4 earlier that day, and the standard transportation vehicle they gave me didn’t come with snow chains. With the hills getting steeper and steeper my ambition dropped drastically. This was proper rural exploration: no barrier between us and the deep. Stall and you lose.
We both agreed on calling off this suicide mission, and headed back towards civilisation. Upon doing so I could spot a small car coming towards our direction. The sole car we saw since we left a small village half an hour ago. I was baffled someone took their chances up-hill.
A worn-out 80s Fiat passed us and an old man in his late seventies was behind the steering wheel. His face was all wrinkled and grooved - he’d seen more winters than us, foolish youngsters.
This old fella was oozing confidence and persistence, he was going to nail that mountain top. While passing our snow-stranded car he greeted us with the biggest smile ever. And this, my friends, was a sign. Maybe not an act of God, or a supernatural occurrence that science can’t explain. But it was a sign nevertheless. Telling us one thing: there’s nothing to it but doing it.
One of my female friends... I've managed to use the perfect sunlight
and captured this shot of her amazing soles while extensive shoeplay.
Thank you (again) / Danke /Bedankt / Merci / Tak / شكرا /Gracias ! /Obrigado/ Grazie / спасибо, ありがとう!ευχαριστώ 謝謝 Shukriya /teşekkür / благодаря / kiitos / Multumesc / trugarez / Hvala / Շնորհակալություն / Terima kasih
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SpoiledBlackPrincess Princess Simone
Pedicure is a layered combination of Sinful Daddy's Girl (2 coats) over Sinful Dream On (one coat).
European Black Slug red brown morph, it is a common species of large air-breathing terrestrial slugs in the family Arionidae. Native to the U.K. and Europe. It is found in gardens, fields, pastures and similar damp vegetated habitats. Brown wrinkled body with a contrasting pale yellow or orange sole. Generally black in colour but they are a variable species with brown, grey, orange or rust coloured forms being seen. They grow to about 10–15cm (4–6in) in length and are an omnivorous species, eating carrion and dung as well as vegetable matter.
L'iperico è pianta perenne dalle utilissime proprietà, in questo periodo si mettono i suoi fiori, perfetti splendidi soli, a macerare in olio evo per 40 giorni al sole, al termine l'olio sarà di colore rosso intenso e si usa per scottature, come cicatrizzante e ottimo doposole, come antirughe e persino per dolori muscolari, insomma un ottimo rimedio casalingo di primo soccorso, Grande Madre Natura !
Hypericum is a perennial plant with very useful properties, in this period its flowers are put, perfect splendid suns, to macerate in extra virgin olive oil for 40 days in the sun, at the end the oil will be of an intense red color and is used for burns, as a healing and excellent after-sun, as an anti-wrinkle and even for muscle pain, in short, an excellent first aid home remedy, Great Mother Nature!
You start at my sexy feet and you stay there for awhile and maybe I'll let you go farther
This is a lovely 17 or 18 years old (at the time this photo was taken) Belgian Model, named Charlotte. Though lovely and very sweet, she showed up almost 1 hour late and wore wrinkled clothes. Most of the photos would be outdoors. I was disappointed that she had not ironed her clothing or wore something that was more suitable for what we wanted to achieve, photographically. I am not taking anything away from this Model, but she had serious potential and what if she had showed up on time or even a bit early and ready to create a masterpiece? Like any endeavor or goal you want to reach, you must give it 100% of your time and effort, 100% of the time.
I had some interest in Fashion Photography, at one time.
Location, hair-do, make-up, wardrobe, pose, and professional gear, proper exposure is all that is required. Oh, and someone else to pay for all that, other than me.
I refuse to pay for hair and make-up.
Wardrobe is either provided by a fashion-label or a Model.
What I cannot stand is a Model, whether male or female showing up with a duffle bag of wrinkled, smelly clothing and want me to create a magazine cover photo out of that mess.
What I cannot stand is a Model wearing dirty or scuffed shoes, especially the soles of the shoes, if th
Fat Legs Slut
Dictionary German Roman
Y3df Sonofka Incest Orgie
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wrinkled soles photos on Flickr | Flickr
My entire wrinkled soles collection - The MousePad
Janet's Mature Wrinkled Soles - YouTube
Mature Wrinkled Soles

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