Mature Teen Orgasm

Mature Teen Orgasm


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Watch This Cute Video About the Clitoris
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The clitoris is pretty cool. Its the only organ in the human body made solely for pleasure, but despite it's incredible powers, it's unfortunately often overlooked. But, why? One French filmmaker is just as confused about it as we are, which is why she made a video to call attention to the VIP of human pleasure.
In her animated documentary, Le Clitoris, Lori Malépart-Traversy turns attention to how important yet ignored the clitoris really is. The educational (and adorable) video reminds us not only what exactly the clitoris is, but also why we should be paying more attention to it. The answer? Because we can.
The clitoris is an organ which is dedicated solely to giving you pleasure — it has no other purpose. You might be familiar with the to part of it, the spot nestled inside your labia that can bring you to orgasm, but there's actually way more to our little friend than meets the eye. About 3/4 of the clitoris is located inside your body. It functions kind of like a penis, swelling when it's aroused, but it's actually way more sensitive than a penis (meaning it can make you feel way more awesome). A clitoris has double the amount of nerve endings than a penis.
Despite all that potential, Lori's video points out we don't give the clitoris enough attention — and that's a problem we've had throughout history. Even though we've known about the clitoris since the times of Ancient Greece (and honestly, people who have them likely have known about them, well, forever), the clitoris has been "discovered" numerous times, and then forgotten about.
"It wasn't until 1559 that Italian surgeon Realdo Colombo officially identified [the clitoris]," the video says. "Two years later, another man proclaimed that it was he who discovered it! Since then, the clitoris has continued to be forgotten or misrepresented in literature. Many men have squabbled around the subject of the clitoris and the female orgasm."
The video points out stimulation of the clitoris for orgasm has been encouraged in history, then admonished. It's been said that "mature" people orgasm through vaginal penetration, even though science indicates that most people don't reach orgasm through intercourse alone. The clitoris has even been declared a useless organ. But if you have one, you know it's far from useless. That's exactly why we should be getting to know it a little better.
"Today, the clitoris is still living in obscurity. Caresses are often seen as foreplay! Yet this dear clitoris asks only to be loved," the video says. "Since it exists only for your pleasure, why not use it?"
Exactly. And if you doubt your clitoris needs more love, just imagine it as a precious little animation that gets so happy when you tickle it. You won't be able to resist.
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23 kvinnor fotograferas när de får orgasm
Fotoprojektet är tänkt att motverka tabut kring kvinnlig njutning och onani.
Fotografen Marcos Alberti, som slog igenom stort med sitt projekt som visade hur vårt utseende förändras efter ett, två och tre glas vin, har precis slutfört ett nytt fotoprojekt i samma stil.
Den här gången handlar det i stället om sex, och mer specifikt kvinnors njutning. Tillsammans med Smile Makers, som gör intimprodukter för kvinnor, har han skapat ”O project”, för att bryta ner stigmat kring kvinnors sexualitet genom att lyfta fram det ofta tabubelagda ämnet som är kvinnors onani.
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”Kvinnors sexualitet är ofta överskuggat av skam och tystnad. Tillsammans med Marcos har vi kunnat skapa de här bildserierna för att vända uppochner på det sociala stigmat kring kvinnlig sexualitet och uppmuntra normaliseringen av kvinnors njutning, säger Smile Makers brand manager, Fan Yang, till Indy 100.
När projektet inleddes fick Marcos först in över 2 000 ansökningar från kvinnor som var intresserade av att bli fotograferade, men allt eftersom han förklarade vad som skulle ske backade många av dem ur. Till slut återstod 22 stycken som ville låta sig fotograferas, från bröstkorgen och uppåt, samtidigt som de onanerade.
”Ett av mina största orosmoment med det här projektet var att få kvinnorna att känna sig trygga i studion. Jag skapade en gardin med ett litet hål för kameran, men jag visste inte om de skulle kunna koppla bort att kameran var där, men det gjorde de”, säger Fan Yang.
Så här såg det ut i studion under fotograferingen.
Fotografen Marcos Alberti berättar att humor har gjort det lättare att få fram de äkta känslorna och uttrycken i projektet.
”När man närmar sig det tabubelagda ämnet sex med humor öppnar människor upp sig och delar sina åsikter friare, vilket kan leda till en monumental förändring i människors mentalitet”, säger han.
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