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15 Mature Actresses Who Went Bare On Screen

Steven John
Aug 20, 2017

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There are plenty of good reasons for an actor or actress to bare some skin (or bare it all) on screen. Many scenes call for nudity to help advance the plot and/or deepen the perceived connection between characters, with the exposure fitting the narrative of a romantic scene. Other films use nudity to heighten the raw, powerful emotions of a moment, with nakedness of the human body serving as a visual metaphor for nakedness of the human soul. The rest of the time, movies show naked actors and actresses because people like to look at other people who are naked.
The mature actress can choose to do a nude scene for various reasons. She might decide she wants to expose her body to display the beauty and femininity she still celebrates after many years on earth. She might feel the material of a great script is so powerful that she will willingly go nude despite her advanced age in the name of art. And of course many mature actresses who got naked on screen were also motivated by a larger pay check. Today we’ll take a look (albeit a censored one — you can do your Google image searches on your own time) at 15 mature actresses who did nude scenes in movies. You can decide for yourself if each instance was artistic, gratuitous, or somewhere in between.
Julianne Moore is yet another actress who has never been accused of being scared to take on challenging roles or of showing some skin in the course of filming a movie. Both of these qualities were in full display in the 2009 movie Chloe , in which Moore carries on a steamy lesbian affair with her co-star, Amanda Seyfried. Moore was 49 years old at the time, yet she manages to handle herself quite well with the much younger woman.

Jane Seymour was one of the more famous mature actresses on the scene in 2005 thanks largely to her role in the James Bond classic Live and Let Die from 1973 and her star turn in the hit TV show Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman , which ran for five seasons in the 1990s. So it was notable when, in 2005, at the age of 54, she bared her breasts in the hit comedy The Wedding Crashers . And for the record, the former Bond Girl hardly looked to be well into her 50s in the movie; Seymour’s nude scenes would have been appreciated even without her pedigree, I’ll wager.

Celebrated and highly respected actress Helen Mirren has showed that a woman can get naked countless (actually, I’m sure many people have very carefully counted) times during her screen career without losing a bit of her respect and prestige. Thus it was that Mirren’s nude screen time in the 2003 film Calendar Girls raised few eyebrows despite the fact that the lady was almost sixty years old at the time. In fact, she was 58. And in quite good shape for that age, you will likely note.

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Pam Grier was one of the most famous females on screen during the 1970s. Her facial features, statuesque frame, and her undeniable talent as an actress made her a defining star of the blaxploitation films popular in the day. She was no stranger to nudity then, and, much to the delight of many viewers, she didn’t grow shy about showing skin even as she got older. As a cast member of the multi-season hit show The L Word , Grier went nude several times. She was well into her fifties when the series commenced in January of 2004.

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Jennifer Connelly has never been accused of being shy. That goes both for getting naked on screen as well as for the daring roles she has taken on, which include the stunning, heart-rending performance she gives as a heroin addict in Requiem for a Dream . Connelly’s nudity is always organic-feeling, moving the story ahead and defining the character; it’s not just a gratuitous ploy to keep eyes on the screen. Though… doesn’t hurt. She was 43 at the time of filming for the movie Shelter , in which she once again got nekked.

Now, to be fair, “nude” is a term that can be equivocal. After all, the film in question, The Proposal , was rated PG-13, so you know no one’s actual reproductive organs are getting any screen time. But there is nonetheless a protracted scene in which Sandra Bullock, who was 44 at the time, is 100% naked. Though all the audience actually sees is her posterior (and that of Ryan Reynolds, FYI) thanks to careful camera angles and surely even more careful editing, the woman is undeniably naked. Why does this Sandra Bullock nude scene exist? Because she’s a good sport; she read the script, realized the movie called for nudity for the bit to work, and she stripped down.

In the moving 2012 film The Sessions , respected actress Helen Hunt got very naked indeed. As in total, fully frontal nudity. And nudity from behind, too. And from the sides! The woman was naked, basically, is the point. She embraced the nude scenes because the film, in which sex plays a central and complicated role, absolutely necessitated it to advance the story and create the relationship between the charters. While Hunt was certainly easy on the eyes even one year shy of fifty, the nude scenes don’t feel scandalous or in any way pornographic, but rather like a part of the storytelling.

Nicole Kidman has been naked on screen a few times, though you might have missed the full frontal nude scenes she filmed in the 2015 thriller Strangerland. Why? Because pretty much everyone on earth missed this film, which got poor critical reviews and a very limited release. Oh well, at least the movie did prove that Kidman hardly looked to be 48 years old during the shoot. She is, shall we say, aging very well. Which is to say apparently she is hardly at all.

The dramatic film A Map of the World released just a month or so before actress Sigourney Weaver turned 50. In the film, she gave her many fans the present of a good amount of time on screen sans clothing. Weaver had been naked on screen before, but remember that this is also a woman who has kicked several aliens’ asses over the years, so you should probably maintain a respectful air when you meet her and praise her acting instead of her naked body.

Anyone who watched the hugely successful show Sex and the City can tell you that with lots of sex comes lots of nudity. The show had plenty of it, so many of you probably saw Kim Cattrall naked on the small screen plenty times. She took it all off again (and put some sushi on) in the 2008 movie inspired by the television series and also called Sex in the City . The movie was not well-loved by critics, but few people were complaining when the still-lithe 50-something Cattrall got naked once again.

Tilda Swinton is one of the most remarkable character actresses alive, and I don’t use that term in the backhanded way many people use it. While “character actress or actor” is usually used to refer to someone skilled at acting but not all that attractive, she is capable of being beautiful. She is also capable of looking like a man. Or like a vampire. Or like an elderly woman. And so on. She is an oddly magnetic actress precisely because she is so hard to nail down. And she is fearless, too, not just for the range of roles she has accepted, but also for going nude at 52.

You might know actress Charlotte Rampling from the hit Showtime series Dexter . Or you might know her from the 1974 movie The Night Porter . Or you might know her from… well, a lot. She was born in 1946 and has been in a hell of a lot of movies and shows since then. She showed she still had plenty of feminine beauty and mystique when, at the age of 62, she was on screen naked. And seducing a much younger man, by the way. Scandalous stuff, that…deception.

British Actress Anne Reid is not as widely known as some of the other actresses on this list, although much of her work has met with plenty of critical success. While she has never been a household name around the globe, the TV, stage, and film actress can be universally admired for her boldness. She went nude in the 2003 film The Mother when 68 years of age. The scenes are pretty explicit, as well: this is no quick flash of a breast, but is rather a pretty accurate-looking depiction of intercourse.

Diane Keaton was 31 when she starred in Woody Allen’s film Annie Hall and stole hearts all around the globe. Also, she won an Academy Award for Best Actress. She has been a revered presence in Hollywood ever since, so it was to the surprise and delight of many when she got 100% naked in the 2003 movie Something’s Gotta Give . She was 57 years old when the movie came out, and proved she had kept herself in fine repair.

48 is hardly old. It’s not even considered middle aged by most people anymore. But it’s not young, certainly, and it’s indeed considered older for an actress these days. But that’s how old Sharon Stone was when the movie Basic Instinct 2 was released in 2006. (So OK, she was 47 when it was filmed.) The movie was a sequel to the famously sexy Basic Instinct from 1992, a film that put Stone on the map and in the minds of men and teenage boys all around the world. In the sequel, she not only reprised her role as (suspected) killed Catherine Tramell, she also once again spent a lot of screen time naked.
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By Mary Smith . Updated: March 28, 2017
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I’ve been married to my 2nd wife for 19 years, I am 61 and she is 56. I have health issues that is compounded by E. D. and use meds for it. Anyway about 9 years ago I had a bout of Lymphoma and since my diagnosis, she completely cut me off. This after being very sexually active for 10 years and we had sex 4 to 5 times a week, now I can’t even touch her, I get pushed away. Our sex life was all about pleasing her, I never allowed myself to have an orgasm until she had at least 2. My question is, How can I get her in the mood? I have tried many different approaches and keep being pushed away.

Hi J. E.,

There are many possible reasons your partner chooses to refuse sex, but they are specific to her situation. You will need to talk openly with her and try to come to a resolution. Looking at her perspective and considering her needs will help you to know the problem, something which will be mutually beneficial. If this doesn't help, speaking to a professional counsellor who can both assess your situation and provide practical help for it will be a good option.

I had been married years ago up in NY for 4 years before we split up after I becme ill wth MS and many things had changed for me. I now get around with a mobile wheel chair and can for local things. It is a big trade off with some good and bad, I have been very happy here no w over all!

how do I show my interests if she doesn't notice me

Hi Junior,

Getting someone to notice you is often the hardest step. Here is an article which might help:

i am disabled from a brain injury but no scars but im very physically fit and healthy havent had sex for about 10 years because i have ed but every morning i wakeup with a huge erection but i can make any lady orgasam under 5 minutes anytime without erection i am looking for a older lady for their experence and teach me everything no matter what i want to make you shake taking your breath away then orgasam all over my face first then wild sex for hours you will never forget me most guys dont care they want their orgasam thats all BUT ill never stop untill you orgasam vaginal clitorious the ANAL just want you to SHAKE

Should not matter to a woman if you have a brain injury or not. I just lost my husband in Sept of 2021 and he was still my husband no matter what. He was completely confined to be as he had cancer and could barely walk. But he could still please me as I could also please him.

it is not easy to make a connection with older women,if you cannot get logged in

My Ex is 56
Had 3 sexual lovers from age 16 got married on 17 with a male +14 years older
She prefers Girth and missionary style
At 56 she stop sex and prefer fondling herself

I am 64 did not had sex +4 years because of this relationship

I like oral sex on her.

Any advice

My wife gave up on sex when she was in her 50's, we have been married 54 years, no sex, no touching in private places, no hugging and certain no kissing for the last 15 or so years. I have never cheated on my wife and I don't think she has cheated on me. I would like sex everyday, if I could get it. I am 76 and I enjoyed sex when I was younger and think about the younger days what I would do different.

Hi Billie,

Have you spoken to your wife about your problem and how you can solve it together?

My question ever since i was a 13year old boy, I have never been interested in girls and women who are my age, I am now 63year single male again, when I was 50yo I met up with Liz she was 70yo at first she did not believe me tell her that I not only fancy her I wanted to take her out & take her to bed, it take me 3week to believe what I told her that I was not interested in her daughter or her friends & I was not interested in any of her money all I was interested in was a long term relationship with her, cut along story short Liz & myself​ were together in & out of bed we enjoy 10year happy year together. Even though so call friends call us name behind our back never to our face, she sadly passed away three years ago in my arms, on Xmas day morning she was my best friend, and for her age most physical relationship I have ever had she was 80year old when she passed away,I was 60year old after three years of sit at home I am ready to find someone new, & I don't know we're to go looking anymore for the older women i am still the same only interested in meeting up with women who are 70 year old or older, were would you say should I look please help if you can thanks

Hi I am 62yo now when I was 50yo & work part time for my stepbrother as a electrian, every day from 6am until lunch time, then at 2-30pm untill 5pm I work in my local pub, hardly anyone called in until one Monday a lady who was 70yo just moved in a flat facing a block of bungalow,I told her that I live in the bungalow facing were she lived we hit it off from day one I told her my name louie 50yo & if she needs anything or any electric work doing just ask me, she told me , she was 70yo, her ex-husband would beat her up,& move were she now lives, aventually he would find her and drag her back to uppermill & he beat her again, please Louie don't tell anyone what she told me,I told her Liz I only have one condition if you want me to keep quiet & that she comes out one evening with me any restaurant of her choice, also we get on so well,& enjoy each other company, instead of me just walk her to her front door I arrange for us to go for a meal, she in need of some one to look out for her treat her how a lady should be treated it became a regular every Friday evening , so after about 3months of chat & every Friday out together,I say Liz we get on so well, we enjoy each other company, what would she say if asked her if we start to go out with each other more than just Fri lunch, she ask me why would a 50yo man be interested in a elderly old woman who only got one breast & is 70yo ether your after robbing me,or it to show her up in front of my friends have a good laugh, before she left to go for Xmas at her daughter,I told her I am not interested in her money, & I would never do anything to hurt her or up set her she I know she just sit at home feeling lonely this is why I know because I feel the same after I walk her to her get door, instead of sit alone get upset worry if you're ex go to turn up, try to make her leave with him he have to go through me have nice Xmas think about what I told you what I mean is never having to feel lonely again, or Being Beaten up again by her ex,,,-im embarrassed to say as she was leaving I told her all I want for Xmas is her she look at me say piss off don't trust you. It felt really bad & boring working behind the bar with no 1 there it was coming upto the bell ring in the new year I was about to leave, when Liz came in, bought her1/2 lager, myself pint of larger, she had nearly finished her drink I had 1/2 left she wispered in my ear Louie was you being serious say you fancy me even though you know about my losing a Brest I say yes and liz I am going no were ever again with out her she said finish your drink& come to my flat before she even left the pub I was outside I left my drink she kept saying she must be mad,,& in the morning I do one before she wakes up & I never see me again, I don't need to tell you about the night together, ok she was right about me seeking away in the morning what she it was my turn to open up my stepbrother firm after about 3hour my stepbrother phone up say close up, we have the rest of week off as put phone down my personal phone start ring I thought it was my stepbrother say don't close up, it was Liz say I new you be gone by the time I woke up you be gone I say what one minute let me tell you I went to work, just got off the work phone, do me one thing please don't go back to sleep because he given rest of week off,& do you know what I'm going to be doing I already told my friend I have to work longer so I can not open up the bar Liz say why won't you, I told her I'm about 3min away from your u have to press buzzer to let me in, I press door bell 3time so know it me, I walk across Liz front room, gently pull her in to my arms she said I expect you go soon I stop her there and passionatel kiss her nearly take her breath away,I am not in work until a week from now, Liz I told you I all I want was her & don't need to worry about ex-husband again if he knock on your door I tell him this time I do nothing to him if he calls again then it be him go in to hospita

I was 52yo & work part time in my local pub at lunch time that was 10year ago, a lovely lady who told me she 70yo, call Liz, when hit it off from the start about a month later she told me her ex-husband would punch her , I told her Liz if I was with you I would never hit you , or ignore you, she say why would a guy 52yo be interested in me a elderly old aged woman who 70yo, I told her I fancy you wlt take you out any time I not working as a electrican, treat you like a sexy lady who I want to enjoy day out & evening in she told me to get lost about a weekend later she walked into the pub about 5min to close time, I bought her 1/2 larger it was very noisy because dart team won, she leaned forward & Whisper in my ear Louie please tell me
Yhivi ne dit jamais NON à une rencontre sexuelle
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