Mature Stock

Mature Stock


Mature Stock

Will Kenton is an expert on the economy and investing laws and regulations. He previously held senior editorial roles at Investopedia and Kapitall Wire and holds a MA in Economics from The New School for Social Research and Doctor of Philosophy in English literature from NYU.

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A mature firm is a company that is well-established in its industry, with a well-known product and loyal customer following. Mature firms typically face steady competition and exhibit slow and steady growth. Mature companies also tend to pay dividends and can boost profits through cost cuts and efficiency improvements.

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A mature firm is a company that is well-established in its industry with a well-known product and loyal customer following. Mature firms are categorized by their business stage, in which they typically exhibit slow and steady growth.

Mature companies also tend to have several equally well-established competitors, making price competition a significant factor in their ability to increase profits.

Mature firms have been around for many years and sell products that consumers and businesses use on a regular basis. However, mature companies usually face ongoing and significant competition.

A company's growth tends to go through phases that might include:

Companies in the start-up and expansion phases tend to experience significant growth that exceeds the growth rate in the economy. As a company ages and matures, its growth rate slows and trends with the growth in the overall economy. Companies in the decline phase tend to underperform the expansion rate in the economy.

Although the characteristics of mature companies can vary, they typically exhibit certain traits that make them a well-established force in their industry.

Mature firms often experience a leveling off in sales, since the revenue trajectory experienced during the high growth phase is often unsustainable. Mature companies are well-known and have expanded their client base over the years to the point that they're not likely to experience significant increases in new clients.

The slow growth in sales can be a source of consternation for the management teams of mature companies. Mature firms must transition away from rapid-growth strategies and adjust to strategies built around sustaining levels of reasonable growth and profitability.

Mature firms are usually larger companies and thus have a substantial operation in place, including manufacturing facilities and distribution channels that might include trucking and warehousing.

As a result, during times of slow economic growth, mature firms can reduce their costs to boost earnings or profit and make up for the lack of, or slow revenue growth. The cost cuts, though small in percentage terms, have a significant impact on earnings because of the sheer size of the overall operation.

The ability to cut their spending on overhead and operating costs allows mature firms to improve their earnings or profit even while producing small percentage gains in revenue growth.

Because of their ability to generate steady revenue and profit growth for many years, mature firms typically have a significant sum of accumulated profits called retained earnings . The retained earnings account, which is similar to a savings account, can be used to invest in new equipment, manufacturing facilities, or pay down debt.

However, the accumulated cash is also used to pay dividends , which are cash rewards given to shareholders. As a result, companies that tend to pay dividends consistently over many years are usually mature, well-established, and profitable companies.

Mature organizations have effective planning, data management, and resourcing processes. They also typically have the processes and technology in place to enable them to capture information consistently in a repeatable way.

Data management and tracking that's performed on an enterprise-wide level can allow mature companies to improve efficiencies, manage costs, and boost sales organically.

Since mature firms have large customer bases, new products and services can be offered through cross-selling techniques within the organization.

Also, by seeing the processes on a holistic level, project managers and resource managers of mature firms can report information such as consumer behavior or preferences, process inefficiencies, and report the progress to senior management.

Successful mature organizations have effective strategies for not only managing resources and data but also for developing strategies for what-if scenarios.

For example, if a competitor introduces a new product to the market, and the company needs to respond, leaders can see through their data how any decisions might impact various products or projects.

Apple Inc. ( AAPL ) is one of the most innovative technology companies in the world today. As a mature company, Apple has had to adjust to slow and steady revenue growth. However, the company tends to produce higher growth than most mature companies given its industry and loyal client base . Revenue for 2021 was $361 billion, a 33% increase from 2020. 1

Apple's most recent dividend was $0.22 a share. 2 Coca-Cola's most recent dividend was $0.42 a share. 3

Coca-Cola Company ( KO ) has one of the most recognized brands in the world, which has been selling the same product for over 100 years. It has branched out into other offerings but has been a mature company for a very long time.

The company's revenue for the nine months ending Oct. 1, 2021, was $29 billion. This was a 21% increase from the same period in 2020, while profits grew 23% year-over-year. Despite being a mature company, Coca-Cola is still able to demonstrate growth, both in revenues and profits. 4

Well-known mature companies include IBM, Walmart, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Intel, and Xerox.
A mature industry is one that has moved beyond the emerging and growth phase. The companies in a mature industry are older, larger, and stable. Mature industries start with many companies, experience a shakeout phase as some companies fail, those that last seek growth, economies of scale, and market share. A company becomes mature when it is firmly established and will not experience significant growth.
Examples of mature industries include the tobacco industry, the automotive industry, though this is changing with self-driving cars and electric vehicles, and the petroleum industry.
Apple. " Form 10-K ," Page 29. Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.
Apple. " Dividend History ." Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.
Coca-Cola. " Dividends ." Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.
Coca-Cola. " 10-Q ," Page 2. Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.










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