Mature Sleep Son

Mature Sleep Son


Entertainment & Pop Culture
4 hours ago
Kristin W.
Vancouver, WA
3 friends
51 reviews
I am babysitting for a family that seems ... just plain wrong... To make things short, the mom asks the son if he wants to be in our tiny little bathroom here with her while she goes pee, has told me stories of her son "accidentally" falling into the BATHTUB with her while she is taking a bath, then the son tells me things about how he sleeps in his underwear with his mom every night and they snuggle together. The mom is super weird, she told me that her 5 year old can spell his name, write his letters and sing the alphabet - all stuff a five year old should be doing anyway, but he doesn't. He has the mental capacity of about a 2 year old. He has bizarre behavior and the first day he was here he talked my three year old daughter into taking off all of her clothes to put on a dress...... I am so freaked out by all of this, I watch this five year old boy and his 12 month old son that cries NONSTOP if you are not holding him - a practice that she says is typical of him and he needs me to hold him while I do everything from making lunch to doing dishes or .. typing this! Anyway, she calls her boys her 'specials' and is super touchy feely and makes me uncomfortable. Is there any law to being naked around your five year old son? Or being in the bathroom with him like that? She is going to have me stop watching him because she says weird things like how she 'misses him and he just needs me around for him all the time' this kid should be in fucking kindergarten for fucks sake... what is wrong with this lady?!?!
Kristin W.
Vancouver, WA
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51 reviews
I have to mention that everything she has said is a lie, she told me her son eats well but every day for a month she has taken him out for chocolate milk and a chocolate donut at starbucks because he wanted to go on a 'date' with her. He wont touch any food that I make for him, instead he whines for donuts and cake. He has a serious speech problem and the mom got upset when I mentioned it in a nice way to her and asked how I could help. She says weird things about how he spends the weekend with his dad even though his stories are always opposite.. I could go on and on, really.
Nina W.
Everett, WA
271 friends
507 reviews
I guess you could call CPS anonymously, if you feel the child is malnourished and not developing at a resonable rate for his age. And the baby crying, that's just weird.

I agree. Weird.
Tacoma, WA
108 friends
34 reviews
Honestly Kristin, a lot of that doesn't seem that weird to me. My son busts in the bathroom and talks to me all the time when I am going pee. As a little kid he HAD to come into the stall with me when we were out shopping, grocery store, etc.. so really its not that big of a deal. My son sleeps in his under-roo's all the time and he will come in our bed with us in the middle of the night.. I make a big deal about the fact he should sleep in is own bed because he is a big boy but not the fact he is in his underwear. He is my kid!

Now the lying stuff,crying non stop and the kid asking your kid to change does seem kinda weird, but families are different. The way you were raised may have been polar opposite of this family, some families are extremely close. I once has a neighbor tell me they did the "family bed" thing, all slept together and her daughter was like 17! OK- that is weird!
Michelle L.
Everett, WA
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80 reviews
Kristin-follow your gut. I know all families are different..and kids being in the bathroom isn't that big of a deal..but she seems pretty co-dependant on her son..and why isn't he in school? Has he been tested and determined not to be ready for kindergarten? Have you met the dad?? I don't know, this sound really wierd to me..I would give a little more time...but in the end you are there, follow your gut..
Cynthia A.
Alameda, CA
74 friends
165 reviews
OK ...
1: Does the kid have autism? If he had any kind of neurological issue that's why he could be acting that way. Maybe she's embarrassed about it.
2: If a kid's born later in the year sometimes they're not allowed into kindergarten until the next school year.
3: I don't find much of what you're talking about as weird. Kids are picky eaters, and I don't see anything wrong with the rest of what you find as issues.
Amanda B.
Salt Lake City, UT
9 friends
20 reviews
I also don't think it sounds that weird. Different, yes, but harmful? I'm not seeing that. If you're really concerned you should call CPS, and let them handle it.
Eduardo F.
Seattle, WA
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0 reviews
I dare say, she may be "weird" (even very weird), but you're the one being a bit childish and passive aggressive. Don't like where you work or the people you work for? Quit. Don't come onto a public website and post unethical descriptions of this person's private life. You've given plenty of information that, if one of this woman's friends Yelped, would give her away quite easily. If you were my employee and I found these posts, not only would I fire you on the spot, but consider hiring a lawyer as well.

You may not like how this woman parents her children or her as a person in general, but where does that leave you considering you STILL continue to work for her and do her bidding, and then rant about your problems with her to complete strangers on a public website?
Aaron E.
Seattle, WA
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471 reviews
Everyone has different parenting styles. If you don't agree with what you see than I think you should quit.  I completely agree with Cynthia that the kid might not have made the cutoff for kindergarten. Some of what you mention does sound different from most families but I think you're being horribly judgmental and to an extent, I agree with Eduardo and if I were the parents I'd fire you immediately if I came across this.
Jeff B.
Seattle, WA
67 friends
185 reviews
People rant about their problems on public websites all the time and people have asked questions that make this topic seem lame. Seems this really struck a nerve with you Eduardo. She didn't name names or locations, just asked for people's thoughts. And why would a lawyer be needed?????
Y L.
Redmond, WA
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Tacoma, WA
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34 reviews
p.s. Kristin- my son didn't start kindergarten until age 6. His b-day is in Sept. I know alot of schools suggest if the child's b--day is may-sept. they could suggest waiting a year, some don't even start until close til 7 depending on the kids social skills, etc ... it is ultimately up to the parent.
Josh H.
Columbus, OH
40 friends
160 reviews
Weird yes, poor parenting yes, but abuse? Doesn't sound like it to me. Get a different gig.
Mike F.
Everett, WA
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92 reviews
My son is almost 6 and he still crawls in bed with me or his Mom. Its a comfort thing for some kids. My friend who is going on his 4th child told me kids grow out of it.

My son also has delayed speach and has been going to a speach therapist since he was almost 4 yearsold. Its a free service provided by the school distract, and he is a late starter for school. His birthday is in early January. And my son is a picky eater. So much to the point that if he really doesnt like it he will make him self vomit.

As for the mother telling tall tales. Let her. Some parents use that as a copeing mechanism. I have a neighbor who is like that. You cant do much about it. She knows she isnt telling the truth.
Kristin W.
Vancouver, WA
3 friends
51 reviews
A lawyer? Are you kidding me?! I did not give ANY personal information and I posted it because I wanted to know if there was some law about being naked with a FIVE year old. I know that she did not try to put him into kindergarten and she thinks that there is nothing at all wrong with where he is developmentally. Not to mention, I didn't make you read the bloody post, I simply asked a question and I have seen other posts on here with similar rants. I also am not being passive-aggressive, I have shared all of my concerns with this lady but she either ignored me outright, lied about the situation, or denied it. I have done nothing but try to help but something is OFF about her parenting and this kid is not getting what he needs.

As far as the other posts, -without giving personal info- he would be 6 somewhere very near the beginning of the school year. Isn't there some obligation as a parent to home school or get your child ready? This lady wants to keep him home so she can 'snuggle' with him and has no interest in helping him learn at all. I looked up signs of sexual abuse and this lady fit many of the descriptions as well as the kid. I am very worried for them but I thought that posting on here for some opinions of people living in the same state as me might give me another idea or maybe someone could offer help if they were familiar with WA state laws. I shouldn't have to say this but just in case, no, there are no physical marks (as far as I know) otherwise I would have notified a higher authority...
Christian C.
Seattle, WA
3 friends
11 reviews
Really, I'm fine. But thanks for your concern. Mom and I keep the underwear on at all times.

And I don't have a speech defect--my mouth's just full of chocolate milk.

Best wishes!
Josh H.
Columbus, OH
40 friends
160 reviews
Kristin, I gotta be honest. I appreciate your concern, but this is not your battle to fight. Its not your child.

Frankly I think you should find other work, and send the woman a letter expressing your concerns, and be done with it.

I think I have to be a bit more honest. Your creeping me out a little bit.
Beth C.
Victoria, Canada
65 friends
157 reviews
I don't see anything wrong with you anonymously asking for input here, given your concern, at all. I don't think you gave away anything to identify the family.

That said, some of it does sound unusual, but the evidence you've given as possible indicators as sexual abuse - snuggling, bathroom time, sleeping in the same bed as underwear - doesn't strike me as unusual at all, or in any way a cause for alarm. Families are different. I slept in my mom's bed when I was little pretty frequently, if I was sick, fussy, nightmare whatever, and sometimes she slept in underwear or even the buff, and it was entirely nonsexual - it was just my mom. The only traumatic part was her snoring, and my being tsked at for flailing around too much.

I think it's admirable you're concerned, but unless there are far more damning indicators than what you've provided, I don't think you have adequate basis to worry about sexual abuse.

As far as everything else, it sucks that he gets too much sugar, and maybe isn't getting schooled as fast as some kids, but those ones are just pretty much not your business.
Eduardo F.
Seattle, WA
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I think your information is far from anonymous and I think you know that as well. It's pretty clear that you've given plenty of information about this woman and her children that anyone who actually knows them could use to identify them, and if you don't know that, you really should given what you do for a living. You may not like how this woman treats her child (and I completely understand that; it does sound odd), but using that as an excuse to slander her is, in fact, illegal and could warrant a lawsuit on her part if she really wanted to take it to that level.

I've said my peace. Simply put, in the future, I'd simply consider quitting, or even calling some sort of child service agency if you really had serious concerns. The fact that you still work for this woman while openly trashing her as a parent makes me suspect of your intentions, and it definitely makes me highly suspect of your professional demeanor. Quit the job and ask Yelp to remove this thread before it does come back to haunt you. This is the internet, and Seattle isn't really that big of a town.

Plus, if you really are that concerned, call protective services and file a PRIVATE complaint with a group of people that (a) know what is or isn't illegal (as opposed to public strangers), and (b) stop taking this woman's money. This isn't rocket science, and if you don't know this, you're in for a world of hurt the further along you continue to simultaneously nanny children and then go onto public websites and bash your boss' parenting skills!
This Yelper's account has been closed.
This Space For Rent C.
Seattle, WA
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I agree with Eduardo's most recent post. You should be very careful about what you say about your employer, particularly if you are privy to information from inside their home. I don't think that you should have posted that here.

I don't have kids and am not around them much, so I really can't give input there as to how unusual that is. I would say if your gut is telling you something is wrong then talk to someone qualified to answer your questions and/or child protective services.
Eugene C.
Seattle, WA
60 friends
134 reviews
Elle speaking words of wisdom.

It's ridiculously easy to find out what he said/she said in real life.
Michelle L.
Everett, WA
28 friends
80 reviews
+++100000Elle and have children of your own..if you are that concerned call CPS, ASAP!!
Emily T.
Portland, OR
348 friends
622 reviews
Kristin- Were you the one who also had neighbors that you were considering calling CPS about? If so, how did that ever turn out?

My two cents, I don't find it that weird. At least she's still not breast feeding the kid.
Nina W.
Everett, WA
271 friends
507 reviews
There are freaks and weirdos no matter where you go- in real life or on the interweb.

And I think some of your responses are a little brash. Some people cannot afford to just quit working. She wanted advice, not a tounge-lashing from someone with a holier than thou attitude.

She reached out because she wanted to know if anyone else felt the same, if she was just being overly concerned.

You are making a real contradiction when you tell someone if they don't like what's going on with their work, just quit.
Well, if you don't like or give two shits about what she said in this post, why waste the time and effort typing a lenghty response that totally insults the other person's intelligence, and makes you look like a hypocrite?
Eric j.
Issaquah, WA
42 friends
0 reviews
I wish i knew. Life is like that, what seems funny to others. Is normal someplace else.
Misty M.
Tacoma, WA
45 friends
144 reviews
Just an afterthought here, compulsory school age is 8-18 in WA state. So until that kid turns 8, she isn't obligated to have him in school or be performing any sort of homeschooling at all.
This Yelper's account has been closed.
Jay S.
Tacoma, WA
318 friends
739 reviews
Please consider: homeschooling, & learning in general, encompass many different philosophies and styles. Is this child being educated in any way? Is the mother a proponent of "unschooling" or does she believe in late entry? For instance - the Moores, well-known advocates and authors of various references (Home Grown Learning, etc) advocate starting formal reading instruction as late as 9.

Many children don't read at 5 and are fine - more than fine. Some kids read when they're 3 - doesn't automatically make them a genius. My children cross the spectrum in learning ability, from mild dyslexia to super high functioning, but- bottom line is, they're all okay.  

Some families believe some learning issues will "shake themselves out" as the child gets older. This is similar to the immunization debate: how a family approaches fundamental issues re: child rearing. We all have opinions and live accordingly, and mercifully - we all get to decide what we believe.

If you have serious suspicions about your employer, call CPS. Please think about it though - yes, it is heartbreaking to see selfish or indifferent parents, there are lots of them around us. BUT - that isn't criminal. Sometimes we don't like the way someone parents or their choices make us uncomfortable ("I can't believe they give their kids pop!, "Where do they get protein if they don't eat meat?", "I don't believe in a family bed!","They let the baby cry to sleep!") BUT - you can't choose for them.

It's one thing if you think it's creepy that they sleep together in underwear. It's another if you believe the mother touches the child inappropriately or exploits him in any way.

Elise L.
Seattle, WA
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64 reviews
1. She wouldn't be sued for slander, because this is written. She'd be sued for libel.
2. If what she's saying is TRUE, as in, that the child sleep with his mother in his underwear, demands chocolate cake, and that the baby cries a bunch, then there is no case.
3. Nor can you make a case based on someone giving their opinion - ie, "I think there's something wrong with her." It would be the same for seeking opinion. She's not saying this lady is a child molester, she's asking IF there are resources she should consult and if a wider selection of the public thinks that this profile is odd.
4. There are not, in fact, real identifying details in her post. All we know is that there's a divorced lady with two children, one of which likes chocolate and cuddle-time with mommy. No details on location, names, hair color... I don't think this is any worse than writing in to your average advice columnist.

Frankly, the advice columnist would have been better move. Here you're basically just asking random people on the street for an opinion. Good for finding restaurants, probably not so good for protecting children. But, since you are seeking opinions, based on what you've said it seems to me like this kid is extremely poorly socialized, but I'm not so sure that it extends to abuse. I do believe that he might have some mommy-induced relationship issues by the time he grows up, though.
Trish Q.
Seattle, WA
143 friends
97 reviews
+10 to Nina........

This does not sound like abuse to me. If the child shows no signs of abuse ie bruises, wetting the bed, not letting you change his clothes, acting out at bath time, wanting to touch others inappropriately, crying when you touch him or had made comments, acting out in weird ways, I would say call CPS. I think that this does however warrant paying attention too.

At that age children always climb in to bed with their parents. I can still remember doing that kids can be scared to sleep alone, especially if one parent is gone etc. Feelings of abandonment.

People have different parenting skills, unfortunately that is not abuse. It does not sound like someone who is abusive but maybe just is a very loving parent but not great at the line between parenting and friending your child. Is she a young mom? A girl i went to high school with believes the body is art and they all are nudists now including their kids. She asked me to come visit I respectfully declined. but she is still a great mo
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