Mature Pregnant 45 Week

Mature Pregnant 45 Week


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Hi, im 49 & almost 4 days late, always have normal regular cycles...not sure what to think. I have 4 kids 16-30yrs old, & 3 granddaughters. I had ALOT of vaginal mucous recently im really tired and fuller breasts let me know your symptoms and results, thx
I just replied to your other post, but I had a healthy baby naturally at 43 and I'm expecting again at 45. I have Celiac which may've contributed to my difficulty conceiving. Once I knew, about 5-6 years ago I switched to a gluten free diet. About a year after I conceived 2 times but miscarried in the 1st trimester. Each time I conceived I happened to be following a paleo diet which is grain free, dairy free and free of all processed foods. When I was pregnant with my daughter I did introduce some grains but, stayed away from processed foods and ate organic. I do believe diet can impact as Celiac is treated by diet change and untreated can cause infertility. Surprise, I recently conceived again and I'm trying to steer clear of processed foods and stay organic. But, in this case, although I follow a fairly clean diet I wasn't following this as strictly. Good Luck!
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This is going to be long and probably very unorganized as the thoughts spill out of me. My fiancé, we can call him Kevin has a 5 year old daughter. We can call her Sarah. Her mother, we can call Cathy, is 45 and unreasonable and rude and refuses...
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Remarried in September, and we were not planning on having any more children since he had two and I had two, all teenagers! What a surprise when I found out two days ago we are expecting. Mixture of emotions....can I really do this at 45? My doctor says YES!!!
Congratulations I'm 44 and my hubby is 55 !!! So I bit of a shock. He has 3 children all grown up and I have two in their twenties xx great fun
I am so in shock!!! Congrats to you and your husband...I am still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. My youngest is almost 15! Lol
I am 46 and my husband is 48. We had a baby last year with donor egg ivf. He just turned one year at the end of December and we are expecting baby #2 in March. Talk about surprised! We feel so blessed and I'm so tired! :) But it's totally worth it. 
I remember my Dr warning me about getting on birth control. Obviously I didn't take her seriously. Lol My husband has 3 grandsons so things are definitely Interesting in our family. 
Was it natural or did you have help
Me too, 45 very unexpected, my last child took 3 yrs to conceive, this one crept in between an implant removal and an appointment for the coil haha. I already have 4 children from 19-5 yrs
Only 5wks so I know there is along way to go, trying not to get to carried away, just incase :/
This is how I feel. I'm 5 weeks and found out I was pregnant 3 days after my 46th bday. Just trying to take it one day at a time. Without my nightly glass of wine.
Hi everyone, introducing myself and echoing many of your thoughts and feelings......I am 44 and 6 weeks pregnant (naturally). I will be 45 at delivery. My husband is 53. We have a 6 year old daughter. That pregnancy was a breeze. I am beyond happy and I simply want this so very much. We miscarried 3 years ago at 12 weeks so that's adding to my fears. I have my first ultrasound on the 2/12. We're keeping this to ourselves as long as possible. Praying we hang in here together.
I LOVE this! Keep posting HOPE! I turned 45 in Feb. I had MMC (conceived naturally) end of January and now in the TWW after first complete cycle post D&C. Seeing your posts gives me such HOPE:) Wishing blessings and healthy, happy pregnancies to you ALL!!!
Just wanted to give all of you ladies hope. My fiancée just turned 46 today, and our baby girl is 5 and a half months old and very healthy. So there is hope for a happy healthy baby when your 45. So good luck.
Awe congrats. Great to see some positive stories on this site.
Hi there! Congratulations! Im here to ease ur mind. Im45 and delivered a beautiful baby boy in August. I am to remarried and have a 20 and 18 year olds. You will do just great!! Here is one of the loves of my life. Enjoy you pregnancy.
Thanks for posting a pic of your handsome little boy. Congrats!!
Hi y'all, I can't believe that this is happening to me. I'm turning 47 on Thursday and I strongly feel that I'm pregnant with my 5th child! My younger is 11 y/o. Oldest is 27. Nobody knows yet but my hubby. I bought the HPT but am so nervous to use it. I'm so scared for the baby's health and to everyone else's reaction :(
Hello all!...I turned 45 in February and my husband is 44. We met late in life and are trying to have a baby. Docs (OBGYN and Fertility specialists) told us we had a less than 2% chance of conceiving naturally due to my age so we gave up. Then we got pregnant?! We were overjoyed, but unfortunately we miscarried...twice now in 6mos.
I'm trying to find out from other moms who conceived naturally and had healthy pregnancies in their mid-40's how you did it. Any tips ladies? Meds, foods, therapies, etc?? I'd love to hear from you all. Thank you!
Congrats!! I'm 46 and my son just turned one! I got pregnant the first month we tried. I have a 20 and 18 year old and yes I was crazy enough to start all over again. He's an absolute joy! My hubby also has a 8 and 6 year old.
This is great! I'm 45 and 6 weeks 4 days... Naturally! I'm excited and nervous. First ultra sound February 8th :)
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Mature Pregnant 45 Week

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