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15 Mature Actresses Who Went Bare On Screen

Steven John
Aug 20, 2017

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There are plenty of good reasons for an actor or actress to bare some skin (or bare it all) on screen. Many scenes call for nudity to help advance the plot and/or deepen the perceived connection between characters, with the exposure fitting the narrative of a romantic scene. Other films use nudity to heighten the raw, powerful emotions of a moment, with nakedness of the human body serving as a visual metaphor for nakedness of the human soul. The rest of the time, movies show naked actors and actresses because people like to look at other people who are naked.
The mature actress can choose to do a nude scene for various reasons. She might decide she wants to expose her body to display the beauty and femininity she still celebrates after many years on earth. She might feel the material of a great script is so powerful that she will willingly go nude despite her advanced age in the name of art. And of course many mature actresses who got naked on screen were also motivated by a larger pay check. Today we’ll take a look (albeit a censored one — you can do your Google image searches on your own time) at 15 mature actresses who did nude scenes in movies. You can decide for yourself if each instance was artistic, gratuitous, or somewhere in between.
Julianne Moore is yet another actress who has never been accused of being scared to take on challenging roles or of showing some skin in the course of filming a movie. Both of these qualities were in full display in the 2009 movie Chloe , in which Moore carries on a steamy lesbian affair with her co-star, Amanda Seyfried. Moore was 49 years old at the time, yet she manages to handle herself quite well with the much younger woman.

Jane Seymour was one of the more famous mature actresses on the scene in 2005 thanks largely to her role in the James Bond classic Live and Let Die from 1973 and her star turn in the hit TV show Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman , which ran for five seasons in the 1990s. So it was notable when, in 2005, at the age of 54, she bared her breasts in the hit comedy The Wedding Crashers . And for the record, the former Bond Girl hardly looked to be well into her 50s in the movie; Seymour’s nude scenes would have been appreciated even without her pedigree, I’ll wager.

Celebrated and highly respected actress Helen Mirren has showed that a woman can get naked countless (actually, I’m sure many people have very carefully counted) times during her screen career without losing a bit of her respect and prestige. Thus it was that Mirren’s nude screen time in the 2003 film Calendar Girls raised few eyebrows despite the fact that the lady was almost sixty years old at the time. In fact, she was 58. And in quite good shape for that age, you will likely note.

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Pam Grier was one of the most famous females on screen during the 1970s. Her facial features, statuesque frame, and her undeniable talent as an actress made her a defining star of the blaxploitation films popular in the day. She was no stranger to nudity then, and, much to the delight of many viewers, she didn’t grow shy about showing skin even as she got older. As a cast member of the multi-season hit show The L Word , Grier went nude several times. She was well into her fifties when the series commenced in January of 2004.

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Jennifer Connelly has never been accused of being shy. That goes both for getting naked on screen as well as for the daring roles she has taken on, which include the stunning, heart-rending performance she gives as a heroin addict in Requiem for a Dream . Connelly’s nudity is always organic-feeling, moving the story ahead and defining the character; it’s not just a gratuitous ploy to keep eyes on the screen. Though… doesn’t hurt. She was 43 at the time of filming for the movie Shelter , in which she once again got nekked.

Now, to be fair, “nude” is a term that can be equivocal. After all, the film in question, The Proposal , was rated PG-13, so you know no one’s actual reproductive organs are getting any screen time. But there is nonetheless a protracted scene in which Sandra Bullock, who was 44 at the time, is 100% naked. Though all the audience actually sees is her posterior (and that of Ryan Reynolds, FYI) thanks to careful camera angles and surely even more careful editing, the woman is undeniably naked. Why does this Sandra Bullock nude scene exist? Because she’s a good sport; she read the script, realized the movie called for nudity for the bit to work, and she stripped down.

In the moving 2012 film The Sessions , respected actress Helen Hunt got very naked indeed. As in total, fully frontal nudity. And nudity from behind, too. And from the sides! The woman was naked, basically, is the point. She embraced the nude scenes because the film, in which sex plays a central and complicated role, absolutely necessitated it to advance the story and create the relationship between the charters. While Hunt was certainly easy on the eyes even one year shy of fifty, the nude scenes don’t feel scandalous or in any way pornographic, but rather like a part of the storytelling.

Nicole Kidman has been naked on screen a few times, though you might have missed the full frontal nude scenes she filmed in the 2015 thriller Strangerland. Why? Because pretty much everyone on earth missed this film, which got poor critical reviews and a very limited release. Oh well, at least the movie did prove that Kidman hardly looked to be 48 years old during the shoot. She is, shall we say, aging very well. Which is to say apparently she is hardly at all.

The dramatic film A Map of the World released just a month or so before actress Sigourney Weaver turned 50. In the film, she gave her many fans the present of a good amount of time on screen sans clothing. Weaver had been naked on screen before, but remember that this is also a woman who has kicked several aliens’ asses over the years, so you should probably maintain a respectful air when you meet her and praise her acting instead of her naked body.

Anyone who watched the hugely successful show Sex and the City can tell you that with lots of sex comes lots of nudity. The show had plenty of it, so many of you probably saw Kim Cattrall naked on the small screen plenty times. She took it all off again (and put some sushi on) in the 2008 movie inspired by the television series and also called Sex in the City . The movie was not well-loved by critics, but few people were complaining when the still-lithe 50-something Cattrall got naked once again.

Tilda Swinton is one of the most remarkable character actresses alive, and I don’t use that term in the backhanded way many people use it. While “character actress or actor” is usually used to refer to someone skilled at acting but not all that attractive, she is capable of being beautiful. She is also capable of looking like a man. Or like a vampire. Or like an elderly woman. And so on. She is an oddly magnetic actress precisely because she is so hard to nail down. And she is fearless, too, not just for the range of roles she has accepted, but also for going nude at 52.

You might know actress Charlotte Rampling from the hit Showtime series Dexter . Or you might know her from the 1974 movie The Night Porter . Or you might know her from… well, a lot. She was born in 1946 and has been in a hell of a lot of movies and shows since then. She showed she still had plenty of feminine beauty and mystique when, at the age of 62, she was on screen naked. And seducing a much younger man, by the way. Scandalous stuff, that…deception.

British Actress Anne Reid is not as widely known as some of the other actresses on this list, although much of her work has met with plenty of critical success. While she has never been a household name around the globe, the TV, stage, and film actress can be universally admired for her boldness. She went nude in the 2003 film The Mother when 68 years of age. The scenes are pretty explicit, as well: this is no quick flash of a breast, but is rather a pretty accurate-looking depiction of intercourse.

Diane Keaton was 31 when she starred in Woody Allen’s film Annie Hall and stole hearts all around the globe. Also, she won an Academy Award for Best Actress. She has been a revered presence in Hollywood ever since, so it was to the surprise and delight of many when she got 100% naked in the 2003 movie Something’s Gotta Give . She was 57 years old when the movie came out, and proved she had kept herself in fine repair.

48 is hardly old. It’s not even considered middle aged by most people anymore. But it’s not young, certainly, and it’s indeed considered older for an actress these days. But that’s how old Sharon Stone was when the movie Basic Instinct 2 was released in 2006. (So OK, she was 47 when it was filmed.) The movie was a sequel to the famously sexy Basic Instinct from 1992, a film that put Stone on the map and in the minds of men and teenage boys all around the world. In the sequel, she not only reprised her role as (suspected) killed Catherine Tramell, she also once again spent a lot of screen time naked.
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ON paper, Kirie Redfield is every inch the respectable businesswoman. She runs her own limited company and she pays VAT every quarter.
Every week she sends her books to her accountant to make sure all her tax affairs are in order.
It’s only the nature of her business that might make the men at Revenue and Customs look twice.
Kirie’s company comes under the banner ‘adult modelling’ although in real terms it’s a bit more than that: she’s a prostitute – she prefers the word escort – plying her trade from a motor home in which she travels all over the country, while her driver-turned- ‘business partner’ sits in the front coordinating her next appointments via her website.
All sorts are on offer too: as she proudly proclaims on her site her services range from the ‘totally perverse’ to ‘bareback & water sports’ and pretty much everything else in between.
And make no mistake - she’s completely unapologetic about it too.
"I do what I do because I love it," she insists. "I've got nothing to hide – I’m not ashamed of what I do. I love the fact that I can use my body to make money."
Of course, Kirie is one of thousands of women in the UK earning an income from her silicone enhanced curves - but probably one of the only ones who is officially registered with Companies House, the government's company registration agency.
Her unconventional business came to light in the Channel 4 series 24 Hours in Police Custody.
Kirie - who says she is in her thirties - was unwittingly caught up in a blackmail scam when a serving police officer attempted to extort money from one of the punters who had visited her van while it was parked on an industrial estate in Luton.
The first Kirie knew of it was when a detective arrived at her home in Whitby, Yorkshire, to question her about her potential involvement.
"I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I told him I was clean as a whistle and I could prove it.
"When he asked me if I could remember the punter I had to tell him I can’t remember most of the people I see – I can see up to 30 men a day and to be honest I forget what they look like."
It’s typical of the matter of fact approach Kirie brings to her business.

Born and bred in Yorkshire, the daughter of a single mother, she had a conventional upbringing and did well in her school exams but after initially training as a nurse - not to mention spending some time working in a factory making chess pieces – she turned to sex work in her mid-twenties.
"I knew people that ran sex parties and I thought 'I could do that'. I tried it, loved it and knew I could make money," she recalls.
"It was such a different kind of life. I was always used to getting attention I picked up on that and I enjoyed the attention."
She quickly moved into the porn business, making films in Germany, which she claims is the "best" porn in the world. "I was on the cover of a lot of magazines and DVDs there," she boasts.
She also did escort work as a sideline gig but while she insists she’s always worked legitimately and paid her taxes, two years ago she decided to formalise her affairs further and set up a limited company.
"I knew I wanted to do it properly," she says. "A friend of mine had a site on the internet advertising her services but she was moving abroad so I took her profile and I put all my stuff on there and it went from there.
"I get paid in cash, but everything I get paid goes in a book and at the end of the week I take it to my accountant and he works everything out."
And while she won’t be drawn into exactly how much she makes, she confirms that she earns "a very healthy income".
"It’s a lot more than when I was making chess pieces, a hell of a lot more."
Still, she has to put the hours in, touring the country for at least three days a week.
"I got sick of hotels which is why I got the van – it gives me a lot of flexibility," she says.
That’s one way of putting it: when we chat she is in the Derbyshire dales on the way home from a "busy time" in Birmingham, taking a day off before heading to Newcastle.
"It usually works as three days on four days off to recover as they’re long days," she says.

On average her punters range from thirty something to fifty-somethings and they want anything from "a quickie" to something more exotic.
"I offer a whole range of services - nothing phases me really although there are things I won’t do – I won’t see anyone under 21, I won’t do any rough stuff and I won’t do animals," she says.
Surprisingly given the dangers inherent in prostitution Kirie insists she’s never had any difficult encounters with her punters.
"I’ve never had anything dodgy," she says. "All the men have been respectful and never tried anything out of order."
It helps that she has a degree of protection in the form of her male driver and business partner, who is sat just feet away whenever she meets clients, while the fact she works out of a van means that none of her customers know her home address.
"I never ask their names, I’m not interested. A lot of them are married – I can see their wedding rings but it’s not always what people think it is.
"A lot of the people I see are lonely, they just want company. "Some just want to do things their wives won’t do.
"People in my line of work don’t want to get husbands to cheat on their wives – the way I see it, it’s up to the men what they choose to do."
Besides, her punters are not the only ones who are married: six years ago Kirie got hitched to a man who doesn’t work in the sex industry.
"He’s not in that world at all – he’s a music composer for video games," she says.
"I met him when I was 25 and, although he wasn’t happy when he realised what I did for a living, I made it clear that this was who I was and if he wanted to be with me he had to accept it."
Today the couple share their home with two dogs and eleven rescue cats.
"I love animals so I get a kick out of the fact that my work helps me give a lot of money to animal charities," Kirie says.
"My husband understands how important that is to me, although we don’t talk about what I do.
"To be honest he blanks a lot of it out. His friends know and some of them have seen my website but they are all very respectful about it."

Estranged from her own family, she says her handful of friends are also aware of her trade.
"I keep myself to myself so I don’t talk to many people," she says. "It’s not that I’m ashamed, far from it - I’m not doing anything wrong."
It’s a statement confirmed by the police officers in 24 Hours in Police Custody who discuss the fact that Kirie isn’t doing anything illegal: "What she does with her body is her own business" is how one of them puts it.
Of course, some people will still judge her for her unorthodox line of work, however much she gives to the taxman.
"I’d tell them to get a life," says Kirie. "People can say what they want but I’m doing what makes me happy.
"There are people out there doing a lot worse than what happens in the back of my van."
And what’s more she intends to carry on working for as long as she can. "I will do this job as long as people want my services," she says.
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