Mature Kuni

Mature Kuni


Mature Kuni
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These are my favorite Japanese dramas and films that I would label "dark" and/or "mature" for various reasons: the subject matter, the intensity of the plot or the storyline, etc. The two terms don't always mean the same thing, and shouldn't always be conflated. Some of these dramas are certainly dark, but some just require a more mature audience to appreciate them. They aren't for everyone, but for whatever reason (acting, superior writing) they captivated me. They're listed in order of preference here. 
"Alice in Borderland" on Netflix US. One of the best dramas out there, period.
Brilliant from beginning to end. Make sure you watch Todome no Parallel after this!
"Million Yen Women" on Netflix US. I had no expectations going into this, and I was completely blown away by the acting (especially from the ML) and the writing.
This is sweet romantic goodness with Suzuki Jin breaking your heart at every turn.
Layered and intricate and intense, all wrapped up with some phenomenal acting.
Their chemistry was fire, from beginning to end.
This isn't dark at all, in fact the whole drama is bursting with color. But it takes a mature audience to grasp the profound lessons this drama wants to teach.
More people should watch this! Tightly-paced, and interesting, and Yoshizawa Ryo shines like a well-polished diamond.
Kaneko Daichi has a film and a drama on this list for good reason.
This drama had multiple things going for it: 1) Yokohama Ryusei showing off how ridiculously talented he is; he's not only a great actor, he's apparently also a gymnast and parkour expert as well. 2) Funny costumes and action on the slippery slope towards slapstick, but with a serious undertone that keeps you glued to the screen. And 3) "Panda!"
Excellent character development and great acting. I didn't love all of the characters' choices, though, however it felt more 'real' than other dramas.
You have to watch the whole way through to figure out what's going on, and for me the ending made it worth the wait.
It was weird, and dark....and weird. And I liked it way more than I thought I would. I was confused for a while in the middle, but the final episode pulled it all together. The drama highlights the concept of fragmented selves and the ways the mind will do whatever is necessary to make meaning out of seemingly meaningless and disparate things. Ikeda Elaiza is an absolute revelation here, and Yoshizawa Ryo is great, as usual.
This is a polarizing drama - you either love or passionately hate it. I happen to love it...mostly, that is. Yes, there are a few scenes that made me angry, but honestly it's closer to the overly-hormonalized adolescent angst that many of us experienced - much more so than the all of the too-syrupy-sweet, too-pure-for-words high school dramas out there. However, in no way would I ever recommend making a few of the choices they made (in fact at least one of them was outright illegal), but there is something to be said for finding comfort in the arms of a friend, even if the reasons why are iffy.
Revenge hurts everyone, but is often interesting to watch.
This should be shown in sex ed classes.
I certainly didn't agree with all of the characters' choices here, but the drama was really well done.
It's total trash, but quite enjoyable.
Actress Yoo Joo Eun passed away at the age of 27.
Let's take a short look into actress Seo Hyun Jin's life story !
tvN confirmed the premiere of "Alchemy of Souls: Part 2."
Jeon Yeo Been and After School Nana's upcoming drama "Glitch" will be out next month!
Here are some of your favorite K-pop idols who also acted in dramas and movies!

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Getting Started with Kunekune Pigs

History of Kunekune Pigs

A Guide to Buying Kunekune Pigs

Kunekune Colours

Keeping Kunekunes

Selection & the breed standard

A Guide to Keeping Kunekune Pigs

Showing & Judging Kunekune Pigs

Disease Prevention

Raising Kunekunes for Meat

The BKKPS Pedigree Meat Scheme

Breeding Kunekune Pigs

Responsibilities of the Breeder

Kunekune Breed Standard

A Guide to Litter Notifications

Pedigree Registrations

Ear Tagging Requirements

Selecting Breeding Stock Videos

Castrating Boars

Coefficient Of Inbreeding

The British Kunekune Pig Society

Contact The BKKPS

About The BKKPS

How to Join the BKKPS

Membership Benefits

BKKPS Statement on Micro Pigs

Kunekune Sustainability Paper

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A Guide to Keeping Kunekune Pigs

A guide to the care of kunekune pigs from The British Kunekune Pig Society

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The Kunekune pig comes from New Zealand. How they got there is a mystery as they
are not indigenous to that country. They were kept by the
for meat, living not in enclosures, but free to scavenge around the houses. This
probably explains their love of humans and excellent temperament. In 1976 things
were looking desperate for the Kunes, and very few were left, but thanks to Michael
Willis and John Simister buying every Kune they could find, 18 in all, the New Zealand
Kunekune pig association was formed. They have done an excellent job and there
are now over 1000 pigs in New Zealand.

Kunekune pigs vary from 24" to 30" high and weigh between 140-220 lbs.
They are covered in long hair, which can be straight, wavy or curly. There is a
wide range of colours, from cream through gold, tan and brown to black. They also
come in a variety of spotty colours. An interesting feature is they have a pair
of tassels under their chin called Piri Piri. They have a medium to short head with
either prick or semi lop ears. Their body is best described as non-extreme, not
long and lean like a commercial pig, or short and pot bellied like the Vietnamese

Kunes have a steady temperament, and are extremely easy to handle. They are very
gentle, and ideally suit the new pig keeper who may be intimidated by larger more
boisterous pigs. Because of their small size they do not cut the land up as much
as larger pigs.

Kunes thrive on a diet of grass, fresh fruit and vegetables. They differ from commercial
pigs in that they do not need high levels of protein. Kunes need a maximum of 16%
protein, and by preference a little less. They also need much more fibre than commercial
pigs. Kunekune pigs live on grass and vegetables in summer, in autumn this can
be supplemented with apples. In the winter when the grass loses its goodness 1 lb.
of 16% protein sow and weaner meal mixed with 1 lb. grass pellets and water in to
a hot mash can be given. This amount will vary with the condition of the pigs. There
is a Pot Bellied pig food on the market that is suitable for Kunes.
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Scraps of waste human food must never be fed to pet pigs. Waste food is defined
by law as any meat, bones, blood, offal or other part of the carcass of any livestock
or of any poultry, or product derived therefrom or hatchery waste or eggs or eggshells.
Also no broken or waste foodstuffs (including table or kitchen refuse, scraps or
waste) which contain or have been in contact with meat, bones, blood, offal or with
any other part of the carcass of any livestock or of any poultry. Great care must
be taken in this matter, for example bread from a meat sandwich must be not given
to pigs because it has been in contact with meat, which is a prohibited food.
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As Kunes thrive on grass it is very important that they have enough grazing for
most of the year. The normal recommendation for keeping outdoor pigs is 5-6 pigs
to the acre. It must be remembered that as well as eating grass they also walk on
it all the time, and in wet weather the land will get cut up especially in gateways
etc. you therefore get better use from your land if you can divide it up in to fairly
small areas, either with pig wire or electric fencing. Your grazing will also last
longer if you have some hard standing, a pen, a yard or a stable, where you can
keep them if the land is very wet.
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If you have a stable Kunes will do very well with a thick straw bed in the corner
of it. Alternatively they will live in a sty or an Arc in the field. There are many
different types of arcs including wood, plastic and corrugated iron. Kunes are hardy
animals and do not really need an insulated arc. They will do well in any of the
above with plenty of bedding in winter (barley or wheat straw or old hay is ideal).

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Pig wire as its name suggests is a good fencing although small piglets will go through
the mesh. It is a good idea to run one strand of barbed wire or a rail along the
bottom of the wire to prevent them pushing it up. Electric fencing can be very effective
with pigs. With electric fencing several different pens of pigs can be kept in the
same field, in separate units living in arcs. Also pigs can be constantly moved
so they do not graze off their own droppings.
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Pigs need to wallow in summer to keep cool and prevent sunburn. You can either keep
an area moist so they can turn it into mud or provide a metal wallow bath. If you
do not provide a wallow they will often knock over their water in an effort to create
one themselves. They only like mud when they are hot. In winter they are very unhappy
to be wet and dirty as this can cause rheumatism and arthritis.
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No, as discussed above, in winter they love to be warm and dry. Pigs never soil
their beds if they have a choice and will always have toilet areas away from their
beds that are easily cleaned.
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The more boars kept the better for the breed, as there will be more genetic variability.
A boar cannot be kept with the sow all the time, unless you want two litters of
piglets a year so you will need additional housing and grazing. The boars are easy
to handle, and great characters, but all male pigs grow tusks, and like goats and
cows with horns, you have to be careful they do not catch you by mistake, if you're
worried by the tusks, they can be removed.
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In this country they have between 3-14 piglets, after a gestation period of 112-116
days. Pigs in general give birth easily, and Kunes are very good mothers who do
not seem to mind you handling the piglets at all.
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16% protein sow and weaner meal and access to plenty of fresh grass. Food intake
may double during lactation.
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Kunes need vaccinating against Erysipelas. There are two initial injections, followed
by one every six months. If you are going to breed, they can be vaccinated against
Parvo virus, which causes embryo death and mummification. The parvo virus can be
carried in boars and sows without any symptoms and vaccination is good breeding
management practice.
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Yes, every 4-6 months. Good land management helps prevent worm numbers building
up. Any frequently used paddocks should be mucked out daily. If you use electric
fencing you can move the fence frequently so they are not eating off their own droppings.
Ivomectin injections treat all worm infections, but oral preparations can be used
if roundworm infection is heavy.
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Yes. You may need planning permission, check with your local council. Some house
deeds say that you cannot keep pigs or poultry. If you have close neighbours it
is much better to talk to them before you get a pig than to fall out with them afterwards,
or even to have to get rid of the pig. Pigs can be very noisy at times.
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You need to register with your local branch of DEFRA, who will give you a holding

To move any pig from one premise to another you require a movement licence. Failure
to do this will result in a very heavy fine. You must also keep a book with all
pig movements listed in it. Another book listing medications given must be kept
if you are going to use pigs for meat. To get a certificate to exercise your pet
you must: a) specify a route that you will be using b) keep your pet on a lead at
all times when exercising or moving it; c) there must be no contact with any other
pig; d) your pet must not have been fed any waste food at any time; and e) you must
not exercise your pet on agricultural land. A certificate, when authorized, will
last 12 months, after which it must be renewed. A condition of the certificate is
that the owner must carry it whilst the pet is being exercised and produce it on
demand to a police constable, inspector or other officer of the Ministry of Agriculture.
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Yes. If reared outdoors on grass they will
need to be approximately 9-12 months old before they are ready for slaughter.

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Cold weather advice - In extremely cold weather
it is advisable to increase the amount of protien (pig feed) you are feeding to
your pigs, ensure they have fresh water to drink and plenty of dry bedding. Where
possible make sure that pigs are kept in groups of two or more for warmth.

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The British Kunekune Pig Society is run on a non-profit basis to further the interests of the pigs, the pedigree breed and of those who love to keep them.
Membership of the BKKPS is open to anyone wherever you are in the world; if you are already a prospective owner, existing breeder, pet owner or if you are simply interested in learning more and helping kunekune pigs.

Questions and Answers on keeping Kunekunes

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I wish i could shoot this better. I used automatic focus and it needs to have the digital white thingee defeated. This top is silver threads and blinding light...and digital won't catch it...
you can see a bit on the back shoe...that shining silver.
The bottom is ENCRUSTED WITH STONES. It's crepe, that stetches,
assymetrical hem has a up flip in the front.
What a find this is. A treasure. It's above my knees but looks so cute.
I will wear this to church...its crisscross bustline...and fits so beautiful. Even the sleeves have wrists. These slits are ez access.
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