Mature Feet Stories

Mature Feet Stories


Mature Feet Stories


I came home from the hospital white...
When i came home early, i saw me...
I'm h**** a lot recently thinking about...
Hi All I don't know why but I have a...
Meeting my future husband at the altar...


Im facing something extremely difficult...
Ive been an addict since i started...
I am a male and have been secretly...
My wife is in the shower, singing Bon...
I am a horrible person...I am in love...


About eight weeks ago I walked in on my...
My husband bought me a dog for breeding...
I came home from the hospital white...
Hell My name is Elsie I am an Elderly...
When i came home early, i saw me...

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I'm 22 years old at the time of me typing this. I've always been attracted to my mother for as long as i could remember (mostly in a romantic way) but she's always treated me like another one of her sons (obviously) but it was around the age of 13 i noticed i began to develop a sexual love, not directly to my mother but to my mothers feet. I know it sounds very odd, strange even but whenever her bare feet where up i would always tend to look at them (she never noticed from what i remember), sometimes when she was out at work i would go to her room and take one of her socks to "" with them, i couldn't return them (for obvious reasons) so i always took others especially dirty ones, she would look all over the house for them but i would just hide them underneath carpets, in the very back of pantries, under my mattress, etc. when she would be done looking she would just buy more for herself which for me seemed like Christmas on a regular basis. she's 49 years old as of now and I still do the same thing when I can. Recently on winter(christmas) breaks from college I would take candid photographs of my mothers feet and show them to my friends since they too have a similar appreciation for feet, I have just over a hundred photos of her feet on my computer and even have back up files encase something happens to the originals. you can call me sick or twisted but i am what i am, it would be cool to hear other stories similar to mine or your own thoughts on my experiences. thanks for reading my confession.

And I love to smell my mom's feet! And my dream is to be her slave :(

I e been jerking off smelling my mother's shoes my whole life. Wish I could do it with her feet in my face

I don't think it is weird at all. I have had a mad ass foot and leg fetish for as long as I can remember. I told my wife about it, after our first anniversary, she didn't take to kindly to it, I guess she judged me and never really accepted it. I gave all the hints over the years we dated. Jeesh who else would hold, kiss and suck her toes except someone who adored feet? Anyway it took a fling with a married woman for me to "Come out" so to speak. She loved it, would rub me with them in the car or under the table at a restaurant for no reason other than to turn us both on. She made her feet the center of attention for me which always led to the most passionate and exciting love making I ever imagined. She was our relator, she noticed me admiring her legs especially when she dangled her shoes. She approached me and asked... You love feet don't you? I for the first time in my life said... I love your feet. Would you like to hold them and suck them. Oh god yes. I would love that too she said. 13 Years with her as a side lover and now I am back to only my wife's beautiful feet, but always feeling like a "Heel" after playing with them. There is nothing worse than feeling crappy about who you are and to have your life long partner not acknowledge or freely participate in your predilection. It is born in you. I remember admiring my aunts pretty feet under the table when I was younger than 5, she couldn't have been more than 22. My sister told me her oldest son confided in her that he has a foot fetish, she asked me how to handle it. I asked why are you asking me. Because you are a man! Whew. My 25 year old daughter once said about a guy who asked her out. Oh god, imagine if he was some sicko foot freak. And therein lies our plight. I guess as much as I accept my fetish, I know others think its weird, so I keep it to myself and will take it to the grave.

I have always had a thing for my mother's feet also I used to and occasionally still do smell her dirty socks the scent of her feet is a massive turn on for me I love it

I don't think thats weird at all. As long as you don't go too crazy, i think its pretty cute and wholesome

I have always loved feet and I used to love it my ex used footjob me and I usedto c** straight away, the best o***** I used to get

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A couple years ago I was doing custodial work in a hospital and was in charge of cleaning the Nurse's breakrooms. On a couple of occasions, at the end of the day, I had noticed this one tall brunette (around 5'10" or so) nurse who used to take off her shoes and relax her bare feet on the chair next to her. She had the prettiest painted purple toes and what looked to be very large, soft feet. The next day, before she decided to sit down and still had her shoes on, I had overheard that she was having car problems and was waiting for the bus to arrive, which there was a gap between the end of her shift. Knowing that I was done with my shift to, here was a chance to make my move.... I told her I am done now too and would be more than happy to give you a ride home. She responded " OMG I really appreciate that, you don't mind, do you?" I said of course not (thinking in my head if she only knew)

 I end up taking her home and when she was ready to leave the car, she thanked me several times and asked" What do I owe you for gas money?" I said nonsense don't worry about it, you are not that far from me. After going back and forth she finally gave in and said "Well ok, well I certainly owe you." As she opened the car door, I said wait, there is one thing..... I am turning really red at this point and said I can't help it but you have the most beautiful feet I ever seen. Do you like your feet massaged?" Very shocked she answered I knew you liked my feet, you kept staring at them. I love my feet massaged. Do you want to come in the house?" I said sure. We get in her house and I have to say I was a little surprised, the place was an absolute mess. I wouldn't expected an attractive professional nurse to live the way that she did.... dishes piled in the sink, laundry all over, it was like a zoo she had dogs, cats, birds, it stunk in there. She reiterated a few times to "Please excuse the mess and that she can't stand a clean house" (and giggled) So after moving a couple things off her couch in her very messy living room, she proceeds to kick off her very well-worn light blue Asics sneakers… She then says "Oh my feet ache so bad, you came to the rescue." She then gets to the socks, which were mismatched multi colored and stained.... I could already sense of strong smell brewing, Once she kicked off those it was game over and vinegar and strong cheesy blend permeated the room. She laughed and said " I hope you like stinky feet" I said I do. I proceeded to give them a big solid long whiff and was so turned on. I then went ahead and gave her a long, 30 min foot massage and smelled her feet, shoes and socks over and over. It was like I was in heaven.... This was our little secret. She had switched jobs and haven't had as much contact but do still call her every now and then. She had some of the best size 10 soles I have seen. I wish I had some pics. 
Wow, so , did you met her again

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So... after several attempts and missed phone calls and texts me and the nurse finally reconnected last night.... it was fantastic!
Update, I did reconnect with the Nurse last night. I have tried to connect with her more often. i have tried texting, calling, etc. Finally around last week she returned my call and we chatted. I explained how much I love her beautiful feet and would love to massage and worship them more frequently. After going back and forth she basically said look I appreciate you and all, but it is a little weird and she giggled. She goes I mean I like my feet massaged and all, but I can't believe you really enjoy this. I told her that it's a fetish I have had for a very long time. She started to understand and replied I see, I see. Well in that case, she said what's in it it for me? - I mean I like having my feet massaged but what else am I getting out of it other than your personal pleasure? I said good point, as I thought in my head what to say next. 

Then all the sudden she goes I'll make you a deal and giggled.... She says remember your mother's delicious food? I said yeah of course (My mother is straight from Italy and makes amazing homemade Italian food. One time when the Nurse was over my mom had brought four homemade cannolis over for my sons and me, just before the Nurse arrived. The Nurse had other plans and wasn't going to share LOL... she ate all four of the cannolis LOL) Remembering this she said I remember those cannolis were sooooo good and remember you saying what a good cook she is. You bring me her food, then you can massage my feet. Knowing that my mother is constantly making delicious food, I figure this is no problem at all.

A week passes and its finally time to meet up with the Nurse at her house - it's still a pig pen and a complete mess LOL. I greet her and hug her and make a little small talk about COVID and all. During this time she is eyeing the Tupperware and what treats I have. As I was telling her something, she interrupts and says so what do you got for food and laughed and explained that she was so hungry after working all day. I showed her the pasta dish and she practically ripped it out of my hand and immediately attacked the piece of bread that went with it. She explained let me eat before we get into the feet. Side note, I know other guys are into the burping fetish too, when she was eating the pasta dish she gulped down a big swig of Coke and let out one of the biggest, longest burps I have ever heard. I looked in disbelief as she giggled. I said I can't believe you just burped out loud like that.... the men in my family never do that lol. She looked at me and laughed and said, you see the way I keep my house, I'm a pig Oink, Oink, Oink!  

As dinner is ending she is making her way to the living room for the main event. I told her that I needed to get something out of car (a surprise) She says okay I'm going to lay on the couch. I come back in and give her the surprise - its a tray of assorted homemade Italian cookies. At this point the Nurse is ecstatic and is saying I thought the dinner was delicious enough and was very grateful. As she started eat a couple she was in heaven, ooing and awwwing at how good they were. She said if you bring me this food you can worship my feet all you want.  

Eating them left and right, she looked at me and says ok massage my smelly feet and giggled.I proceed to take off her socks (ST Patrick's themed- the Nurse is Irish) She said that she had worn the same socks for 5 shifts straight once she found out I was coming. I am so turned on at this point as she is letting me worship these rancid socks all the while she is still pigging out on cookies. I have never seen anybody eat as many cookies as she did. One after another with what seemed like one was tastier than the previous. She was very gluttonous LOL.  

Smelling her socks was one of the best experiences i have ever had. Once I got to her feet I couldn't be more happier. She had green painted nails and waved them in my face. Over and over she kept laughing saying to smell her feet and give me more cookies.... it was the hottest thing ever.  The smell was more vinegary than the previous times. We both had a lot of fun. As I was getting ready to leave she thanked me for the food and reiterated you bring me this kind of food you can worship my feet whenever you want....looks like I found a new strategy LOL.  
Wow, this sounds like it could be the intro to an awesome (fictional) story where you become the nurse's cleanup servant (eventually slave) in return for being allowed to worship her feet.
All( 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sounds fictional! With so many encounters not a single picture?
Personally I don't want this to turn fictional unless things end and we're told about it. I think it's interesting enough as it is. Sounds kind of fun/funny and I've always wanted to find someone who is on their feet alot to worship like this, still seeking someone currently that can really appreciate the massages and attention too so I can relate.

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Got to talk to the nurse yesterday!
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Foot-fetish erotic literature; try your hand at writing foot-smelling fact or fiction.


I came home from the hospital white...
When i came home early, i saw me...
I'm h**** a lot recently thinking about...
Hi All I don't know why but I have a...
Meeting my future husband at the altar...


I'm super inlove with a boy that'll...
If there are so many ways to cheat? I'm...
I hadn't slept with anyone before I got...
My gf and I love teasing each other - a...
I heard that in India, when you get in...


About eight weeks ago I walked in on my...
My husband bought me a dog for breeding...
I came home from the hospital white...
Hell My name is Elsie I am an Elderly...
When i came home early, i saw me...

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I am definitely a foot guy (females only) drives me crazy. Nylons, trouser socks, bare,clean or smelly but well manicured. Feet are one of those things that are either beautiful or disgusting its all in the care and presentation. I happen to think my wife has the sexiest most beautiful and delightfully pungent and smelly feet in the world. She knows about and indulges me in my fetish. I have always wondered if my mother-in-law's feet were as smelly as my wife's, I would love to find out. Normally when I want to smell my wife's feet I will lay on the floor in front of the tv with my knees bent and feet flat on the floor. My wife sits on my stomach leans back against my legs kicks off her shoes and using both feet wraps those delightful little toes around my nostrils and using the space under her toes gently rubs back and forth and fanning her toes out as she rubs, it really makes her foot odor permeate through my nose, I love every second of it. I have always wished that her and my mother-in-law would both take turns doing this to me, I think (wish) my m-in-law would love to have me in this position and have me there often along with a couple of my wife's friends. Sometimes my wife sits on me making me smell her feet for long periods watching movies and that sort of thing. Sometimes I wish my m-in-law would follow behind her when my stomach is already sore from my wife sitting on it for so long. I wish they would tie down arms so that I couldn't make them stop and I wish they would both wear nylons and not change then for two or three days and take turns sitting on my stomach and making smell their feet for hours, and I wish my stomach would be so sore that I would be begging them to get off of it, but I wish they wouldn't and the more I begged them the more I wish they would enjoy it.

A young groom must learn to accept his subservient role to his mother-in-law. He should serve her submissively by asking her politely whether he may perform one or the other menial service. He has to
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