Mature And Son Porn

Mature And Son Porn

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A man goes for a walk through the countryside with his dying mother.
A slow and poignant story of love and patience told via a dying mother nursed by her devoted son. The simple narrative is a thread woven among the deeply spiritual images of the countryside and cottage.β€”Archie Moore
In "Mother and Son" Sokurov used special lenses, distorting mirrors placed on the sides of the camera, and painted glass set directly in front of the lens to create his unique dreamlike world.
Son: Don't die then. Who is forcing you?
The most exquisitely beautiful film that I have ever seen.
There is very little in the movies today that is anything like Mother and Son. Certainly the slow movement, which mirrors life itself, is far away from any editing that we normally see. But what is there to prepare one for the absolute exquisite beauty, scene after scene. Because of the slowness, because of the beauty, because of the subject, it is painfully exquisite. One feels, at once, the heavy pain and suffering of this life and its beautifulness. The two seem to coexist like oil and water, pulling one in two directions at once. Of plot, in the normal sense, there is little or none. Everything is about the hiddeness and mystery of all things, all relationships, the blowing of the grass in the wind, a young man carrying his mother, Death. What more is there to say?
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Mom Son Videos and HD Footage - Getty Images
Mother and Son - IMDb
Mother and Son (1997) - IMDb
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Mature And Son Porn

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