Mature Affair

Mature Affair


Mature Affair

Alex Alexander ,
October 7th 2015

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A disclaimer: I’m in no way promoting having an affair , nor am I assuaging myself of the guilt I carry for my actions, lest anyone should think otherwise. This is just my personal inquiry of the wisdom I can derive at this point in my life as I work to let go of and heal from the impact of this experience.
Let me begin by saying that I’m married to a wonderful man who truly loves and understands me for who I am. But after five years of marriage and a vivacious three-year-old son, I felt my life — what was left — slipping out of my grasp.
I wanted and needed to grab onto something … someone that would help me feel like my “old” self. And sure enough, I met that very person.
I met “Noah” at the gym at the beginning of 2015. I’d seen him there a few times before our first actual introduction and asked a mutual acquaintance what his situation was. Was he married, girlfriend, gay? None of the above.
He was separated and had been living alone for a while. Since I was obviously married, my first inclination was to set him up with good friend of mine. So I took the first step and showed her his LinkedIn profile, and surprisingly she wasn’t interested.
The next day at the gym, Noah curiously asked me if I found out what I was looking for. I was dumbfounded by his question. Then he mentioned he knew that I looked at his LinkedIn profile.
I gave him a very weak answer which of course he didn’t believe, but then admitted he was flattered and impressed by my boldness. I then bolted from the gym in total embarrassment.
After the drive home, I realized my reaction was a bit silly. After all, it seemed like he just wanted to get to know me. So I decided to send him a connection request on LinkedIn. His response was immediate and I was thrilled. We spent the next few days exchanging text messages and pictures, and I was totally overwhelmed.
Our first phone conversation was just as stimulating as our first hello. We talked for well over an hour and learned a great deal about each other. I know what you’re thinking … you talked to this guy for an hour and you think you know him? Yes, because I felt something just by talking to him that I never felt before. It felt real.
We decided to have lunch early that week and he was just as I’d hoped he would be. He was chivalrous, polite, and very assertive, which was a complete turn-on. Halfway through our meal, he leaned over and asked me, “Do you think you could love me?”
My heart dropped. How is this even possible? Unless he’s a total fraud and just does this kind of thing for fun. I nodded my head yes. He made me so nervous at times that I really couldn’t even speak; I just let him do most of the talking.
We agreed to meet later after work for a drink and more conversation. He invited me over to his house. I was a bit hesitant at first because I was fairly certain how I already felt about this man and knew we would have sex.
And we did.
That was the beginning of our 7-month affair. Noah and I continued to meet at his house whenever we could, whenever our work and family schedules permitted time together.
It was difficult for me to carve out more than a couple of hours each time without causing suspicion with my husband. So our time together was always limited to the boundaries of my situation: my marriage. But Noah was always very understanding and supportive.
We had our ups and downs during those 7 months — more ups than downs. I like to think the downs were attributed to our restrictions because we could never be a “real” couple.
Eventually, my excuses got very sloppy and I had a hard time trying to cover up where I had been for hours at a time. My affair ended when my husband became aware of my relationship with Noah. He was suspicious for some time before he got confirmation for himself by having me followed.
Like all cheaters, I tried to lie my way out of it. But in the end I confessed and actually felt relieved because I was exhausted by the lies and double life I was leading.
Ultimately, I learned a great deal about myself that I would never have discovered had I not encountered Noah. What my affair taught me:
The biggest deception that I carried around was all of the things I once categorized as “I would never!” Having an affair was the biggest, juiciest doozy on that list. It was the one thing I thought I’d truly never do. It wasn’t who I am as a woman.
I considered myself “better than that.” However, my affair with Noah became the undoing of who I always thought I was. It was the removal of the innermost layer of self-righteousness that kept me from being “one of those people.”
In this way of decidedly ridding myself of this self-image, I learned genuine compassion for my fellow human beings. I learned not to be so quick to judge or judge harshly. Everyone’s circumstances are different and now I’m much less quick to judge people and their life events.
Now, hear me out. I know it may seem crazy or impossible — because hello, how could I distract myself from the life I was living? I was immersed in it after all. But it’s true. Having an affair was the easiest method through which I could distract myself.
It was my drug of choice, simply for the gigantic intoxication factor of the potent emotions I experienced. It quickly grew into my most intense craving, the withdrawals of which were exquisitely painful.
There’s always a reason for beginning an affair, and it relates to some issue in your existing relationship. It’s far better to face and resolve that first. You don’t just “find” yourself having an affair or “end up” in bed with someone. It’s your choice, but it’s a choice that can be beautifully rationalized.
I kept telling myself that there are no wrong paths; there are no bad intentions; that we’re all doing the best we can do, given where we are on our path and the resources we have available at the time.
Before it’s too late, take a look at what’s missing or unfulfilling in your relationship, why that is, and whether you can (or even want to) do something about it. It’s preferable to try renewing your relationship, or end it with mutual respect.
So, would I ever do this again? No, because I learned what forgiveness takes. My husband has since forgiven me for my transgressions and I would never want to jeopardize his trust in me again.
Going forward, I know it will be extremely hard for him to not visualize me with this other man and question my whereabouts at any given time. And it’s going to be an uphill battle for me to earn his trust and faith in me. But I know it’s worth it because I know where my heart is.
Affairs aren’t for everyone. If you’re contemplating having one, make sure you have a very good understanding of what it is you’ll lose if things should end up going south.
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Before you dive into the world of married dating sites, you’ve got to make sure you’re hip to the most common scams, so you don’t end up getting suckered. The sad fact is that most websites advertising mature, married women looking for affairs are scams. There are tons of them out there, and even legit

You don’t need to be married to meet and hook up with other married women. However this step is designed to help those men that are from getting caught. Aside from scams, you next biggest fear is probably getting caught. Let me reassure you that this is a totally avoidable situation, but only if you

One of the best ways to ensure that you are able to quickly and easily meet married women for the type of hot affairs you’re dreaming of is to diversify your portfolio by using multiple married dating sites. By having profiles on several sites like: Ashleymadison, LonelyWivesClub, and AffairsClub, you’ll not only be able to

When creating a profile for married dating sites, you’ve got to remember that the goal isn’t just to attract any woman. The goal is to attract the right woman. The effort you put into this part of the process will be one of the single most important things you can do to ensure that you

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In order to meet married women for affairs, first you have to make enough of an impression online for them to want to see you in person. If you’re worried that you’ve never been that smooth with women, you can relax. There’s no magical quality that some guys possess and you lack. I’m going to

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Top Married Dating Sites #1



When it comes to hooking up, choosing a mature, married woman looking for an affair has numerous advantages over getting sexually involved with a younger woman or one that is single. Older married women are typically more experienced and discreet . This is especially true when they’re in an unhappy marriage, because they’ll be as motivated as you are to keep your romps under wraps. And despite the hype over the sexual superiority of younger women, cougars know far more about pleasing a man in bed, and they’re at their sexual prime, meaning their appetites in bed are typically voracious. If you’re looking for discreet, no-strings sex, isn’t this the best possible scenario? Married dating makes it possible!
The good news is that there are absolutely tons of married women trying to find an affair online. Over 40% of all married women cheat on their partners, and statistically speaking, the chances that a woman will stray go up every single year that she remains married, with a dramatic jump occurring after the seventh year. Of the marriages that survive more than ten years, nearly 63% of the women in those relationships admit to at least one incident of infidelity. While these women used to look for affairs at the office or local bars, almost all of them now turn to the internet and married dating sites because it’s safer, more convenient, they have a larger selection of men to choose from, and they’re less likely to get caught.
In this guide, we’re going to reveal everything you need to know to have successful affairs with married women, using married dating sites.
If you’re married yourself and dying to have an affair , but you’re either too afraid you’ll get caught or you just feel like you don’t have a clue what you’re doing, you’re not alone. You’re also being smart by doing your research. The fact is, most men who cheat do get caught, even though it’s a totally avoidable situation. If they had put in the time to do what you’re doing, chances are high that they could have continued their affairs undiscovered for as long as they wanted. By learning the techniques we’ve compiled, you’ll be calm, cool, and confident in your abilities to keep your extramarital trysts from being discovered. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too. Whoever told you that you couldn’t was obviously frequenting the wrong bakery.
The Internet is full of cheating wives looking for sex with other men, and by the time you’re done reading, you’ll be an expert in attracting and hooking up with married women . We’ve made this guide totally free , even though we know we could make a ton of money selling it as an ebook, because all of our expert site reviewers are guys exactly like you. There was a time when none of us knew what we were doing when it came to finding affairs with married women. We fumbled and stumbled our way through the process, hitting a lot of bumps along the way. We committed ourselves to figuring out what works and what doesn’t, creating the web’s most comprehensive guide on the subject. We compiled tons of data and statistics, developed step-by-step reviewing processes, analyzed and wrote about every part of the process, and had a lot of great sex along the way. We guarantee that if you do exactly what we’re recommending, you will, too!

Posted on August 25, 2014
- By
Raven Carter
 At the time, my boyfriend , Cody, was in the thick of pledging a fraternity. I found the whole Greek fraternity/sorority scene distasteful at best. When you’ve lived on your own since the age of 16, a bunch of 18-year-old hooligans drunkenly jumping off balconies celebrating the fact they no longer live at home is not exciting, it’s annoying. On the flip side, the dashing, handsome millionaire who drove a Jaguar, dined at all the top restaurants in Salt Lake City and entertained the notion of a career in politics appeared, to me, a king among men. Oh, and not to mention: Ryan was also an excellent father. My crush on him grew. I created excuses to chat with him in his office and I began to look forward to evening babysitting hours because I’d get to see his good fathering in action.

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By Monica Bielanko, From YourTango 
Before you think anything about anything let me just say this: I know. I know it’s not the best thing in the world to be dating a guy twice your age. Especially when he’s married and you work for his wife. I KNOW. Cut me a little slack though wouldja? 
I was brand new to Salt Lake City. I’d finally escaped the Mormon bubble and was puffed with pride over my bona fide college student status. I answered an ad in the classifieds and nabbed employment as a nanny (rich folk term for babysitter) of a cherubic-faced 2-year-old.
Her father, Ryan, was definitely older. 40 to my 19. He was also definitely married. With children. It began innocently enough. After babysitting for the family for a few months, Ryan approached me with an offer. He owned a company and was in need of a “file girl,” who could hang around the office for a couple of hours every afternoon. Ryan agreed to pay me under the table and I accepted. I could babysit my beloved 2-year-old in the morning, attend college classes in the afternoon, then head to the office.
But I was young. I never thought a man as old as my dad would be interested in me. So the night Ryan let his hand linger on my arm after walking me to my car left me reeling.
I drove home with a pack of rabid butterflies banging around my stomach. I debated what Ryan meant with the lingering hand. Was it intentional? Maybe he didn’t realize he’d done it. After a restless night of sleep, I wrote off the lengthy squeeze as the imaginations of a goofy teenager with a crush.
Read more about this affair at 
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