Masturbation Marathon

Masturbation Marathon


Masturbation Marathon

Masturbation Marathon: Tips for Beginners

MLA Style Citation:

Dugan, John "Masturbation Marathon: Tips for Beginners."
Masturbation Marathon: Tips for Beginners .
1 Jan. 2017
30 Jun. 2022 <­Marathon:-­Tips-­for-­Beginners&id=9610719 >.

APA Style Citation:

Dugan, J. (2017, January 1). Masturbation Marathon: Tips for Beginners .
Retrieved June 30, 2022, from­Marathon:-­Tips-­for-­Beginners&id=9610719

Chicago Style Citation:

Dugan, John "Masturbation Marathon: Tips for Beginners." Masturbation Marathon: Tips for Beginners .­Marathon:-­Tips-­for-­Beginners&id=9610719

John Dugan  |  

Submitted On January 01, 2017

For a lot of guys, masturbation is simply a fun way to bring about a little pleasure and is usually a fairly brief encounter between a man and his penis. But some men really make masturbation a major part of their lives, in some cases indulging in marathon sessions that can last several hours. Clearly, a man inclined to spend so much time masturbating his member needs to be sure he takes steps to ensure proper penis care - and this article can help provide some tips. (For that matter, these tips can be helpful to a man even if his masturbation plans are for self-focused activities of a much shorter duration.)
In an ideal situation, a man about to go on a masturbation marathon would give his member some "down time" before the big event. Refraining from masturbation the day before is often advised, especially if there has been frequent and/or aggressive masturbation (or other sexual activity) recently. If the penis is raw and sore, it needs time to recover, especially before an endurance event. Otherwise, a man may find his marathon gets cut short due to pain.
Before a man's first masturbation marathon, he should determine what he is interested in. Does he want to masturbate to orgasm several times? Or is he more interested in one long masturbation session that leads to a final release? It's also important to have an idea of how long this marathon will last. For some men, one hour would be considered a marathon; for others, that's just a sprint, and they may be looking at several hours in a row. Alternatively, a man may want his marathon to consist of several sessions with time out in between them. Having a good idea of the desired routine ahead of time can be valuable.
Once a man knows what his routine will be, he can train appropriately. For example, a man who wants his marathon to be one long session with only a final release may want to practice plenty of edging in the days leading up the event. (Edging is masturbating until just about to ejaculate, then stopping and letting the feeling subside, and then masturbating again until near ejaculation - and repeating as often as possible.)
On the other hand, a man who wants to masturbate to ejaculation several times in a row should try this in a shorter form as practice. He needs to see what he needs to do in order to retain or regain his state of arousal after ejaculation. For some men, this may mean employing different strokes and/or rhythms. For others, it may require utilizing other forms of stimulation, such as mental fantasies or visual pornographic aids.
Whether going for one long haul or many short bursts, a man needs to be sure he has plenty of lubricant for his marathon session. No guy wants to run out halfway through a session and have to finish it without something to keep the penis well-lubed.
Prep (and treat) with the right crème
To survive a masturbation marathon, a penis needs to be in prime health, and one of the essentials for maintaining that health is the regular and consistent use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . For a marathon session, the penis skin needs to be well and truly moisturized, so regularly using a crème with a combination of hydrators, such as natural Shea butter and vitamin E, is highly advisable. All of that rubbing for a marathon can desensitize the penis by rubbing the nerves raw; using a crème with acetyl L carnitine, which protects against peripheral nerve damage, can help protect desired penile sensation.
Visit for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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The Greatest Masturbation Marathon of All Time
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[STRICTLY NO SOURCING] subreddit for the discussion of synthetic psychoactive research chemicals a.k.a. Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS)
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I've been doing some introspection over the past month following an insightful 4-AcO-DMT trip and, to be frank, my lifestyle needs to change. A lot. In addition to taking better care of my health I need to make more of an effort to be the son and brother my family deserves and the reliable, caring friend my bros need me to be. These people are worth the effort and I've been failing them.
One of the lifestyle factors I'm particularly ashamed of is my compulsive masturbation marathon habit: I'll pick up some meth from an old friend, snort that shit and go to town on myself while compulsively downloading RedTube vids. While I only do this a few times a year, these marathons can take up to 72 hours and they seriously interfere with my work schedule and personal relationships.
I already know what you're thinking: "this guy is pathetic. Street drugs? Insufflation? Free tube sites? What is this, a fap marathon for casuals?"... and I'm not even going to argue with you. I need to do better, which is why I'm asking for your help in orchestrating the greatest masturbation marathon of all time, a transformative experience and something I can really be proud of.
I'm in the process of making a purpose-built home theater system complete with a nitrous-dispensing La-Z-Boy, 20lb of Pussy and Ass , a deluxe penis pump, rave toys, a smoothie-maker (so I don't have to leave my wankchair for nutrition) an ultraviolet lighting system, a premium subscription to and a few other bits and pieces. What I'm missing is the perfect drug combination.
I need the most ravenously sexual and euphoric stimulant combination the research chemical world currently has to offer. These drugs must be water-soluble as the combo will be administered via a winged infusion set inserted within my forearm for the duration of the marathon, as I expect to be rolling/stimulated to the point of incapacitation, being barely capable of any movement that isn't animalistic thrusting.
Thank you in advance, and God bless.
I've been doing some introspection over the past month following an insightful 4-AcO-DMT trip and, to be frank, my lifestyle needs to change.
I'm in the process of making a purpose-built home theater system complete with a nitrous-dispensing La-Z-Boy, 20lb of Pussy and Ass, a deluxe penis pump,
Have you considered adding a coffee enema into the mix there? Or getting an ex drill sergeant to scream abuse at you throughout the experience? Craigslist can help with this.
And maybe live streaming the whole thing to some local Facebook groups? You could get someone to fire darts dipped in rat piss at you from across the room, too. In for a penny, in for a pound.
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IIRC, caffeine + amphetamines can be a neurotoxic combination.
Caffeine also prevents neurogenesis (the growth of new brain cells) which can't be good during a 3 day meth and nitrous binge.
The reason I'm going all-out on a home theater system is the intense nystagmus I get with high doses of meth. My eyes bounce around in my skull so violently that I can't tell what's happening on my smallish PC monitor.
If a VR headset means I don't have to drop >$2000 on a roof-mounted projector and full wall screen then please, tell me more!
Don't be on the news for dying during a crazy jerkathon.
Isn't that how everyone dies? I just assumed that was the default option.
I gotta try that. Time to get an Occulus Rift
I second this, the last thing the RC community needs is a good stim getting scheduled because "area man masturbates himself into dehydration, coma" makes the front page of the local newspaper.
I was discussing a similar idea yesterday: get a holoportation room set up with some lasers projecting overhead and hack the software to add cat ears/tail the partner model. They can decorate their room and reskin my avatar to their thing and we'll save both sessions to eventually build a library of futuristic VR voyeur fetish sex tapes.
Better start saving now because holoportation will require expensive cameras and some serious computer specs to get that 8k res industry standard by the time all this stuff actually hits consumer market, but it might pay for itself if you could find an oculus rift voyer porn niche to market your futuristic sex taps to. Might even wanna invest stocks in VR companies once the porn industry gets on board with application/game that lets users remap characters however they want them (or have vanilla tastes and skip all the modding, I don't judge). What a time to be alive.
I find human women pretty good... Lucky me I guess. I usually just get 2 girls, at least one of which eats ass, and then fuck them for a few days, and when I need to rest, I we just go shower and clean each other up, then go 12 more rounds. This elaborate greasy fuck chair fake pussy lubed up big screen swinging giant black dino dicks seems boarder line excessive/unnecessary... Donate your elaborate masturbatorium funds to some hookers, and meth and be done with it.
EDIT: this is all a tale of fiction..
Dude how much $ was that 20lb thing
Around $400. I'm a little worried about the logistics of the toy; in the past I've found Tenga eggs really unsatisfying and unnatural-feeling if they haven't been left in a hot water bath to warm up, so I'm thinking I might buy a self-contained fondue kit and use it to keep a few gallons of lube heated nicely, to be ladled into the Pussy portion of the dismembered 20lb of Pussy and Ass whenever it needs a little warmth or lubrication.
What do you think? I asked solely about the psychoactives in the OP but I'm really looking for input on all aspects of this adventure.
1g of 4-FA and 1g of 6-APB in 72 hours, woke up with my penis hurting and 50 bookmarked fetish videos.
This is what I'm looking for. How sexually euphoric was this experience on a ten point scale?
6-apb is a pretty long benzofuran. I wouldn't use it more than a day or so
3-fpm can be easily abused, not sure about sexual qualities. Hmmmm can't think of much else right now
The benzofurans are too empathogenic for this purpose, I need the degradation and high probability of childhood abuse of the performers to send me into a masturbatory frenzy, not provoke empathy.
Edit: 3-FPM may be useful as a minor addition to an a-PVP based combination if I decide to go that route... thanks!
How did the human race seriously get to this point?
This is like the ultimate testament to our evolution. We no longer have to worry about defending our caves from tigers, but rather if we should buy a fondue fountain to hold warmed lube that we ladle into a synthetic pussy and ass as we watch thousands and thousands of women digitally get boned
There's not much more transcendence left in this journey my friend

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World champion masturbator Masanobu Sato isn't shy.
He's pleasured himself in front of crowds at San Francisco's annual Masturbate-a-thon, and has even talked to the press about his handy, award-winning techniques.
But now the Japanese sex toy representative and his girlfriend are opening up about one of Sato's favorite pastimes for an online series on masturbation produced by Metropolis . ( Watch video above .)
The two-time champion begins masturbating for two hours every morning as his girlfriend goes about her daily routine.
But the woman isn't phased by Sato's actions, and sometimes she even helps out by timing his performances.
"He puts a lot of effort in it, and I just have my own hobbies," she explains in the video clip .
In 2009, Sato broke his own record by masturbating for an impressive 9 hours and 58 minutes at the Masturbate-a-thon, the San Francisco Weekly reports. His previous record was 9 hours and 33 minutes.
But self-gratification isn't all fun and games. Apparently, there's some actual training involved when preparing to go the distance.
"I swam twice a week and gained about 5 kgs in muscle," he told the San Francisco Weekly in an email . "That helped me a lot, too, in terms of stamina."
The Masturbate-a-thon is an annual affair sponsored by the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco, where events are held in a place appropriately titled the "masturbatorium."
If a man is taking part in a competition, he must stay aroused without ejaculating for as long as possible , a 2010 article in the San Fransisco Weekly explains. At times, the event attracts more males than females, which can be a turn off for some participants.
For more on Sato's story, watch the video report by Metropolis embedded above.

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