Masturbating Young Small

Masturbating Young Small


Masturbating Young Small
9yr old daughter started masturbating?
Hello, just recently my daughter has started masturbating in the shower. This really bothers me and I don't know how to handle it or what to say to her. I want to be open and honest and I want her to know that she can talk to me but I don't know where to start with this one. Is it normal?
Yes, totally normal. I personally would just leave it as probing her further may just end up needlessly embarrassing her. It's perfectly normal to explore your own body, why does it bother you? Can I just ask (out of nosiness) how you know she is doing it?
How do you know?! Id say its normal x
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
Bless her she must have been mortified when you walked in. I am almost certain I did it at that age, I have done it for as long as I can actually remember (and there's definitely nothing wrong with me ). The important thing is that she shouldn't feel it's something to be ashamed of. Perfectly normal and absolutely fine to do privately.
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
It shouldn't bother you as this is totally normal. Children as young as six learn to masturbate. It's wrong to associate masturbation with adulthood and sex because it's not quite the same.
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Oh goodness. My daughter is 9 and hadn't given it a thought! I remember my mum walking in on me, on the floor, rubbing myself against a cushion!! It was never mentioned though. X
Oh gosh.... I hope my 9yr old isn't doing such things... She still seems so young. Although she bathes with her younger siblings with the door open.... Feeling your anxiety. X
I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
Don't make an issue of it. Somebody a while ago talked about a 'growing up box' which I plan to so for my two girls soon. It included books about sex and biology, sanitary towels etc... Maybe just do something like that and offer her the choice to come to you with any questions...
What is it that you are worried about? This is perfectly normal behaviour.
Oh gosh.... I hope my 9yr old isn't doing such things... She still seems so young. Although she bathes with her younger siblings with the door open.... Feeling your anxiety. X
Not a very helpful comment - it's perfectly normal behaviour
Maybe not helpful, but a scary thought none-the-less...
Maybe not helpful, but a scary thought none-the-less...
My eldest is 9 i wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that either. How do you know she does this? and does she just touch her bits or actually masterbate? i wouldnt have known how to at 9
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12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
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Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 31, 2022
Here's what to do and what to say -- because how you react matters.
Masturbation is a very natural and healthy part of childhood. And it can start at a younger age than you might think.
"It's the beginning of a lifelong learning experience about their bodies and, later, about sex and sexuality," says David Swanson, PsyD, a child and family psychologist practicing in Los Angeles and author of HELP -- My Kid Is Driving Me Crazy: The 17 Ways Kids Manipulate Their Parents, and What You Can Do About It .
Young kids touch themselves primarily for two reasons. The first is for pleasure. "In the beginning stages starting between ages 3 and 5, kids are exploring their bodies. They learn what feels good, and they'll continue to touch themselves," Swanson explains. The second reason is for stress reduction and relaxation.
Masturbation becomes goal-driven around age 10. Boys in particular are trying to get to the point of orgasm, and at around 11 or 12, they may start seeking pornographic material. "Parents need to be careful about what kids can access online," Swanson says.
What should you do if you find your child touching themselves? Keep in mind that reactions matter. When adults become angry or tell their children that masturbating is wrong, it creates a lot of tension for them, Swanson says. "You want to teach children that it's OK to explore their bodies."
When faced with your child's sexual exploration, Swanson has these tips for approaching the conversation.
Cool down. Charged parental reactions to masturbation often create shame. Leave the room if you're upset, then come back to address the behavior calmly.
Private business. Young kids need to learn when and where it's acceptable to masturbate. Tell them, "You're learning about your body right now. It's nothing to be ashamed of; it's natural. But I insist you do it in private." By age 6, kids should be clear on this point.
Picture perfect. Redirect your preteen away from adult sexual images, which can negatively affect how they view other people. Say, "I understand you are curious and want to learn, so we can buy a book that talks about sex." Then buy one that is age-appropriate and after your child reads it, answer any questions that come up.
David Swanson, Psy.D., child and family psychologist, Los Angeles, Calif.; author of HELP -- My Kid is Driving Me Crazy: The 17 Ways Kids Manipulate Their Parents and What You Can Do About It, Perigree, 2009.
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

9yr old daughter started masturbating?
Completely normal. My eldest did it around that age, havent spotted my youngest one at it yet but shes only 9 Walked in on my son (11) in the bath a few weeks ago, his wanger was stuck up like a sore thumb. As soon as he heard me go in the bathroom he flipped over onto his side (id already seen in lol), went bright red and when i apologized for walking in on him (whilst trying my best not to laugh), he said "Sorry Mum, I had water in my ear " 😂😂
Not a very helpful comment - it's perfectly normal behaviour
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make their comment unhelpful Sent from my iPhone using Netmums
My eldest DD is 8. She used to share baths with my youngest but recently asked if she can start having a shower in private. She's also had a bit of irritation down below so I had to get her some cream which she's been applying herself. A few times, not long out from her bath, I've caught her rubbing down there whilst under a blanket on the sofa. When I've looked at her she's said "I'm just making sure the creams still there" lol. I just remind her that we don't touch ourselves in front of people & if for any reason you do you must wash your hands after as we don't want noonie & bum germs coming into contact with things. My youngest DD is always poking herself too, not in a pleasurable way though. She's one of those children who always seems to have a back & front wedgy lol so her poking about is more to rearrange her underwear.
I wouldn't worry, it is normal for children of all ages to mastubate and play with themselves, with young children it is nothing sexual, they have just discovered that area and do it because it feels good
I know this ain't no help but I didn't even know about stuff like that at 9 I started when I was 13. But it seems normal all girls figure it out at different ages but I wouldn't be concerned I would just leave her to it. I would however only be concerned if she had sex which she hasn't that's only when I would start to worry. So don't worry what she is doing is normal behaviour... I'm no expert but I think why your worrying is because she is your little girl and she's still a little young but don't stress yourself out it's totally normal. X
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I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make their comment unhelpful Sent from my iPhone using Netmums
The initial quoted post has been deleted
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
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11 year old daughter started what???
9yr old daughter getting phone calls from "boyfriend" Help!
Help caught 10 year old son masturbating :-(
Its perfectly natural. My daughter ( now 11) masturbates pretty openly at home
We are pleased that she is not ashamed of her body and its natural functions and can enjoy them!
Much better this way then in hiding.
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Nothing to feel guilty about its normal for a 9 year old girl
It’s not really anything to do with you she’s finding her body her body! How do you know anyway yes it’s young very young but hear things at school ,
would you want someone ask you why you masterbate aslong as she knows the birds and bees safety etc and knows to talk to you no need embarrass her and say you know it’s not really your issue
My 11 month old has started crying/whinging all the time - please help!
Why has my 5 month old baby suddenly started waking through the night?
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12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
14 year old daughter still not started periods
How do you know that's what she's doing
Realize I'm way late to the original discussion, but I'm new, a father of 4, and found this interesting. Its been a while since I recognized that my 6 year old daughter had found her nether region and the joy that can be had from it's stimulation. I wasn't for sure at first, but she would always have her hands under a cover or other object and had this far away look in her eyes. When interrupted she was always nervous and didn't wish to discuss.
I was a bit weirded out by it, but after deliberation I realized I wasn't much older than her when I first found the pleasure in my parts. I'm a single father so the best that I could do was just to tell her if she would rather be somewhere private with her thoughts that maybe she could go elsewhere to get away from me and here brother and sisters.
That was pretty much all that was needed. I had never caught or noticed her older 3 siblings doing this and it always made me a little uncomfortable.
Mostly I just wondered what she was thinking. I'm quite sure she had never seen me performing like that nor did she ever see me with a partner to my knowledge.
She turned out just fine, is in high school and performing well and normally. I did enjoy reading the other comments and was wondering if any other fathers were commenting. There were and all comments are good ones to think about and consider.
Two months ago which was totally my fault I walked into my 9yr old daughter's room and accidentally saw/caught
her masturbating. I quickly walked out while saying sorry.
It's not something I see as bad it's just I didn't think she was at that self pleasuring stage yet.
Pretty sure this person is just a perv...
13 year old daughter and boyfriend?
my 12 year old is out of control and has started to hit me.
12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
9 is not young it's totally normal at that age if you had said 7 that would've been different
It's was going to happen one day bet the 11 Yr old is too if they share a room
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