Masturbating With Tampon In

Masturbating With Tampon In


Masturbating With Tampon In

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Natalie Morris Thursday 28 May 2020 9:03 am
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There are a couple of things that we all find it far too awkward to talk about. Periods are on that list, and so is masturbation.
So if you have questions about masturbating while on your period, you’re probably keeping them to yourself.
But neither periods nor masturbating are anything to be ashamed of. And if you do have questions – about hygiene, safety, concerns about pain, or even staining – you should be able to ask without feeling embarrassed.
As it’s Menstrual Hygiene Day, we asked sex therapist Mia Sabat, from female wellness app Emjoy , to answer all the questions women are too afraid to ask about masturbation and menstruation:
‘Fingering with a tampon or a menstrual cup is not a great idea,’ says Mia.
‘Although we might believe we’ll be cautious with fingering, we can accidentally push the product further in, potentially causing it to become stuck, resulting in a stressful and scary situation.’
Mia adds that if this does ever happen to you, you will be able to remove the lodged item; but, you might need to seek medical support.
‘You must also be wary of toxic shock syndrome (TSS), which is caused by either staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria,’ she says.
‘Tampons alone do not cause toxic shock syndrome directly. However, a tampon saturated with blood is an easy place for bacteria to grow.
As such, tampons should be changed regularly, and the lowest absorbency for your flow should be used to ensure safety.
‘If additional factors, like fingers or sex toys, are introduced, there is a greater likelihood of bacteria entering the body and toxins being produced, potentially causing severe harm.’
‘Like any other sexual practice, the period is not an impediment to enjoyment,’ says Mia.
‘The only thing that matters is if you want to finger yourself. If you do, then go ahead!’
She says the vulva doesn’t change when we are menstruating, either.
‘In fact, many women say they feel even more pleasure during this time. Your body is totally capable of receiving pleasure and orgasms during any time of the month.
‘Masturbation when menstruating is entirely natural, regardless of the societal taboo.
‘It is safe and pleasurable; but, as with any time that you enjoy intimate touch, before you touch your clit you should have clean hands.’
Mia says it’s fine to use sex toys when you’re menstruating, as long as you prioritise your sex toy hygiene.
‘Female bodies are more susceptible to vaginal and urethral infections during menstruation because menstrual blood causes the vagina’s overall pH to increase during this part of the cycle.
‘These increased pH levels provide conditions in which candida grows more easily, making your vagina more susceptible to infection.
‘Always make sure toys are clean before use, and make sure you are using toys made from safe and non-absorbent materials to protect yourself from harm.’ Mia does add that cleaning sex toys thoroughly can be a trickier if you are cleaning up blood.
‘Try to stick to toys that are made from silicone, metal or glass,’ she suggests. ‘And avoid anything with ridges, or complex shapes.
‘This should make it easier to clean properly and avoid any build up of fluids which could harm you in the future.
‘Any toys you use should be cleaned shortly after use, as you would normally, although it doesn’t hurt to be even more thorough when cleaning during menstruation.
‘If you’d prefer not to clean up menstrual blood, try experimenting with toys that focus on clitoral stimulation.
‘External sex toys can help you avoid menstrual blood, without compromising your pleasure.’
Probably the best news of all – Mia says that orgasms during your period are super beneficial.
‘The contractions that are generated during the climax, as well as the endorphins released, can help reduce menstrual pain and even headaches,’ she says. ‘Almost like a natural pain reliever.
‘In fact, masturbation further helps your body to combat stress and even reduce, if not relieve, pain.
‘In addition, more and more studies and research are concluding that masturbation and sexual stimulation benefit your overall health : alongside stress reduction, masturbating improves the immune system, helps to exercise the pelvic floor, and helps to improve sleep.’
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‘Feeling guilty when masturbating is a more familiar feeling than it may seem,’ says Mia.
‘There are many beliefs around masturbation that make it look negative – and because of historical taboos around periods, combining the two can make some people feel uncomfortable.
‘For either cultural, religious, or moral reasons, masturbation whilst on your period may be associated with something dirty, dangerous, or something you should be ashamed of.
‘However, masturbation is not only a common activity, but a healthy one too, and there’s nothing to feel guilty about.
‘It is a safe practice that can help you to connect with your body better, and give you more pleasure, which can help you to enjoy your sexuality even more.
Mia says it’s all about taking control of your pleasure, that it’s important to only explore and engage with what makes you feel comfortable and excited.
‘If you’re not ready to come into contact with your menstrual blood, that’s okay,’ she says.
‘You can masturbate by stimulating your clitoris while wearing the menstrual cup or tampon. That way you don’t have to come into contact with menstrual blood.’
There are plenty of ways to explore your body and experience self-pleasure without touching your genitals.
‘Try exploring your breasts and engaging with nipple play to see if you can achieve a nipple-gasm,’ suggests Mia.
‘Or, simply let your hands and mind wander to help familiarise yourself with all of your erogenous zones – you might just surprise yourself with what you find.
‘Sometimes, self-pleasure can simply mean giving your body the time, attention, and release it deserves – even if this isn’t an orgasm.’
‘My advice would be that if you feel any discomfort from menstruating, or are worried about the risk of staining, understand that there is nothing to be ashamed of,’ says Mia.
‘There is nothing wrong with masturbation during your period – and often it can be pleasant and beneficial.
‘The most important thing to take into account is whether you want to masturbate during those days, and whether or not your desire is outweighed by any discomfort you might feel about the practice.’
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Mia says the most important thing is to be empowered to have a conversation with yourself.
‘To make sure you are comfortable with your emotions and free from any feelings of guilt, doubt or shame,’ she explains.
‘It’s crucial that you feel safe and confident during sex – even if it’s with yourself.
‘When it comes to our bodies, it’s essential to educate ourselves so that we know how to make decisions that empower us.’

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In these divisive times, theres one thing we can all agree on and thats orgasms = good . Whether youre a conservative Republican or a far-left Democrat, chances are, you wouldnt turn down one of the best feelings in the world.
Orgasms are great for obvious reasons, but theyre also awesome for relieving stress , and hitting that sweet crotch high can momentarily take your mind off whatever it is thats bringing you down.
But as fantastic as orgasms are, the mental high isnt the only reason to make sweet love to yourself, especially during your period. When it comes to alleviating some of the uncomfortable feelings sometimes associated with this stage of your cycle , its mostly about the journey .
Here are 10 reasons why you should be masturbating every single day during your period.
Your breasts can be massaged to help with tenderness. During the time around your period, breasts can become extra tender, making them feel heavier, swollen, and just uncomfortable. Laying down and giving your boobs some much-needed massage as self foreplay serves the dual purpose of getting you ready for that wonderful good feeling, and giving you an opportunity to check for any anomalies in their texture.
before bed can help you sleep. During this part of your cycle, you could be experiencing some difficulty getting to sleep. One of the best times to masturbate is right before bed, and some science suggests orgasms can help you get to sleep easier. 1
If you decide to masturbate when using a tampon or menstrual cup, thats OK, you dont have to remove it unless you want to. One thing to keep in mind is that you may find a tampon will absorb the fluid that usually comes out of the vagina when you are aroused , so using a bit of lube might be beneficial here.
If you are engaging in mutual masturbation with a partner and this leads to intercourse, always remember to remove your tampon before having penetrative sex. Doing this with a tampon in can cause pain and lead to possible issues such as toxic shock syndrome and infections . Best leave it out!
Peer Answer: Sex can definitely affect your period because of all the hormones involved. I would check out what Dr. Molly has to say for this one.
This is not intended to be medical advice. Everybody is different so please make sure to consult your physician if you’re having issues. Do not delay or refrain from seeking professional medical advice from your physician because of something you have read on this site.
This goes for every day of your menstrual cycle, not just when youre bleeding, but sex doesnt have to mean penetrative sex.
Explore your other erogenous zones , adds Luna. Use a vibrator , Wartenberg wheel, feather, or your fingers to stimulate your clit , breasts , neck, inner thigh, lower stomach, and armpit.
Probably the best news of all Mia says that orgasms during your period are super beneficial.
The contractions that are generated during the climax, as well as the endorphins released, can help reduce menstrual pain and even headaches, she says. Almost like a natural pain reliever.
In fact, masturbation further helps your body to combat stress and even reduce, if not relieve, pain.
In addition, more and more studies and research are concluding that masturbation and sexual stimulation benefit your overall health : alongside stress reduction, masturbating improves the immune system, helps to exercise the pelvic floor, and helps to improve sleep.
Gunsaullus recommends something she calls “meditative masturbation” using mindfulness and all five senses to create a romantic, nurturing, and cozy environment for yourself. Draw yourself a bath complete with bubbles and a glass of wine, turn the lights down in the bedroom, and light a few candles create the kind of environment for yourself that you would for a romantic partner.
Need a little erotic enhancement to put you in the mood? Try Good Vibrations After Dark , a site with a vast collection of female-friendly porn, suggests Morse.
During your period, your vagina might be a little swollen and more sensitive than usual. Like we said above, it all comes down to blood flow and hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone play an important role in the intensity of your orgasm. During menstruation, your estrogen levels rise and progesterone levels decrease, causing the rise of testosterone . The rise of testosterone regulates the sex drive, which is probably why youre feeling extra horny during this time and your orgasms feel more intense.
Were not going to lie masturbation during your period could be a messy affair. Then again, it could also be absolutely fine. It all depends on your individual flow and how many days you are into your period. Some may experience only some light spotting, some may unleash a tidal wave of blood. Kidding of course! Masturbating isnt going to produce more blood, its only going to speed up the release of the blood you are already bleeding, so dont stress about it. If you have a heavy flow and you are worried about bleeding onto bed sheets or furniture, you may want to lay down a towel just to be safe. Another option is masturbating in the shower or bath for a nice, easy clean up.
“All pleasure is pleasure,” says McDaniel. “This may seem obvious, but often women put pressure on themselves to experience sexy-specific pleasure before and during masturbation, which can sometimes feel corny and forced.” Instead of focusing on bow-chica-wah-wah type of pleasure, try simply giving in to indulgence. Take the longest hot bath with oils, perfume, and candles listen to music that makes you smile put on your softest clothes eat the best food engage your senses. “Often, this will activate the pleasure centers of your brain and prime you for more pleasure,” she adds.
Now that you know that masturbating during your period is totally normal, its time to learn about its benefits. Masturbating is a healthy activity at any point during your cycle, but masturbating while on your period has certain added benefits.
Masturbation is a great way to learn more about your body and what you like during sex. Orgasm releases hormones that can help you feel more calm and relaxed. Masturbation during your period also provides these same great benefits.
After an orgasm, you release endorphins. In addition to their pain-relieving properties, these hormones can lift your overall mood. So having an orgasm during your period can help you feel happier and stress free.
Your body also releases dopamine and oxytocin when you orgasm. Combined with endorphins, they can provide powerful pain relief. Thats why many people who experience menstrual migraines have found that their headaches decrease or disappear after having an orgasm. These hormonal changes can also relieve other types of pain, such as the back pain that many people experience during their period.
If you have trouble falling asleep, youll be glad to discover that having an orgasm can help you fall asleep faster.
Although rare, getting pregnant or catching an STI is still possible without penetration. Certain viruses, such as HIV, actually live in menstrual blood and can be transmitted more easily during your period. If youre masturbating with a partner, make sure to use protection.
The top two things to remember when it comes to washing up period blood are:
There are several ways to remove period blood stains when washing your sheets or towels. These tips will work best for cotton.
The visible part of the clitoris is a pearl-sized organ, often covered by a hood, thats found at the top of your vulva where the two inner lips meet.
The glans of the clitoris is about the size of a pearl/pea, but the structure itself is much more complex and extensive.
Your clitoris is packed with thousands of nerve endings, making it the most sensitive part of your genitals. Thats why most people with a vagina experience orgasm by stimulating their clitoris.
Masturbation in general increases the feel-good neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reduced stress, says Sonia Bahlani , MD, a gynecologist and pelvic pain specialist in New York City.
When you orgasm , the body releases the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, both of which can help you sleep more soundly, she adds. Overall, you’re going to be feeling pretty relaxed afterward. “Oxytocin especially, when released during orgasm, is also thought to lower cortisolthe stress hormonelevels, and therefore give you a sense of relief,” says Dr. Bahlani.
There are also benefits to masturbating on your period specifically. It may feel better, for one. “There’s increased blood flow to the genitals, perhaps even to the clitoris, leading to increased sensitivity and pleasure,” Dr. Bahlani says. Menstrual blood is also a natural lubricant, which will help if you’re using toys during your period, she adds .
And what if you could skip popping an ibuprofen for a bit? Orgasms may also . With an orgasm, there’s the release of oxytocin a natural pain reliever that can get rid of some of the worst period cramps.
When you are curled up on the bed with a hot water bottle pressed against your stomach during that time of the month, having an orgasm may be the last thing on your mind. However, masturbating may actually be the one thing that will make you feel happier and take your mind off the pain.
According to a study done by the University of Charlottesville , the female participants were found to enjoy masturbating the most when they were on their period as compared to other stages of the menstrual cycle. The act of self-pleasure can also help to ease some of the discomfort that you experience during your period. Keen to find out more? Here are eight reasons why you should masturbate on your period.
Do you find yourself getting more easily aroused during your period? According to research done by the University of Chicago , theres a six-day phase during the participants monthly cycle when their sex drive seemed higher and that coincided with the same time frame as their period. This could be due to our testosterone levels being slightly higher than usual which affects our libido. The women in the study not only found themselves feeling more sexually active, they even had more sexual fantasies as well. Since you are already likely to be turned on, why not pleasure yourself to satisfy your needs?
Also known as edging, it is the art of stopping just before you reach the peak, and then starting again. It will not only increase your stamina but as you get closer and closer to the edge, you will ultimately have a mind blowing orgasm as the result of all th
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