Mastrubation Stories

Mastrubation Stories


Mastrubation Stories
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We Asked People for Their Most Embarrassing Masturbation Stories
"I didn’t want to put in “jalapeño juice in vagina” because it would corrupt my search history."
When you break down masturbation to its basic elements—privacy, a little bit of inspiration, some elbow grease, and hopefully a modest cleanup routine—there's obviously nothing to be embarrassed about. But for young people who haven't quite figured this out, each attempt has the potential to cause deep shame and/or personal injury.
As something of a public service, VICE asked several self-identified self-pleasurers to share their most embarrassing masturbation stories. Because whether or not you consider yourself skilled in the area of dialing the rotary phone, shakin' the bacon, or whatever euphemism you prefer, you probably didn't start out as a masturbatory pro.
I was driving from Calgary to Edmonton, and I'd done a bunch of partying the night before so I was super hungover. I had the window down, the music on blast, and I was doing everything and anything to keep myself awake but I was still, like, pass-out-flip-my-car tired.
I thought, what can I do to keep myself awake? And then I had an idea. I thought, well I'll just rub one out and that will keep me awake, easy peasy. I planned to do it nice and slow so it would take up as much time as possible. And so I started, and it was great because I was pretty good at keeping it hidden from other drivers for a long time. But then at one point I kind of lost track of things—I was giving 'er hard—and this semi drove up beside me, too close, and so I sped up to try and get by him so that he wouldn't see.
Photo via flickr user Rennett Stowe
He sped up too, keeping pace, and so he definitely did see, because next thing I knew he was giving me the big ol' honk honk. After that I put [my penis] away and just had to laugh. But I hadn't finished yet, and so once the semi was gone I took it back out and tried to keep going. But I just couldn't finish. And that was the worst part for me: I gave myself blue balls. Though I did make it to Edmonton alive, so that's good [laughs].
So my friend and I, when we were maybe 13 or 14, used to have these elaborate masturbation parties. Not with a bunch of people or anything; it would just be us and we'd tell each other these elaborate, lavish fantasies and then just, you know, do our own thing. We were both really into theatre so one of our favourite fantasies was one where the Phantom of the Opera would swoop down from the battlements and proposition us—in the kindest way possible!—for sex. And then of course he'd rip off his mask to reveal himself as whichever boy we'd been crushing on at the time.
Anyway, this one time we were having one of our "parties" after watching Pride and Prejudice , and we were completely overcome with Mr. Darcy. How could you not be? And so, in my friend's room, we started to touch ourselves. I should also say that both her parents were super religious. To the max. Her mom came home from work early that day and suddenly she was right outside the door, about to come in. We sprung up off the bed just as she came in, but it was super obvious what we'd been doing because we were both super sweaty. We had our clothes on, thank god, but still. We just knew that she knew, but of course it wasn't something anyone was willing to express because her family was so sex-negative.
That incident didn't stop us from continuing our parties. I mean, I've been masturbating since the crib. I used to hump furniture and everything. It's just something I've always needed.
When I was 10 or 11, my older brother was having a sleepover with a bunch of his buddies. And I guess around that age people start talking about sexy things, sex jokes and stuff, and so I was hovering at the corners of the room, trying to hang out, when I overheard them talking about masturbating. One of them made a joke and was like, "oh are you gonna masturbate later tonight?" and he made the hand gesture that you make for masturbation, which is that closed fist you shake in front of your crotch. And I didn't know how to masturbate, so I saw that gesture and was like, oh my god, that's how you do it.
That night I went to bed—and I didn't have a boner because I was 10 years old and, you know, we don't get many boners at that age—and I got into bed, made a fist and started hitting my flaccid penis with my closed hand. I was like, oh my god that really hurts! So I gave up masturbating for about two years. I thought, well that's not for me .
It was a rainy Sunday and I was making chili. I like my chili nice and hot— muy picante as they say—and so I chopped up all the veggies and things, including many jalapeño peppers, and threw them in a pot. I washed my hands well—at least I thought I did—and sat down to watch a little Project Runway while my chili was boiling away.
During a lull in the show, I thought, well I'm a bit bored and sleepy here in my sweatpants, so why don't I just rub one out? A couple minutes in, I was gearing up, about to roll into O town, and I started to notice that my vagina was burning a bit. I was like, hmm, I wonder what that's all about? And so I ignored it for a while, but then it started to hurt A LOT, like it was lit on fire. I was suddenly very afraid. But then I realized there was likely some jalapeño juice on my fingers, and so naturally I took to google for a remedy. I typed in something like "jalapeño juice on skin burning how stop?"
I didn't want to put in "jalapeño juice in vagina" because it would corrupt my search history. But anyway, Wikihow said to pour cold milk on the "affected area," and so I filled a huge measuring cup with skim milk, sat myself on the toilet, leaned back and doused myself. It was an odd experience, but it did ease my suffering. And so after that I showered and had a nice bowl of chili. Which was delicious.
I used to babysit for this really rich family that lived in a mansion where the bathroom had this really amazing shag rug. And so I used to go into the bathroom, lay down on the rug, and masturbate after the kids were asleep. I would leave the door ajar so that if the kids called for help I could hear them. But one time, the dog—whose name was Buddy, ugh—came into the room while I was masturbating. I friggen hated that dog—it was a Bichon Frise, ugliest thing ever. Anyway, maybe Buddy got excited or something when he saw me masturbating on the rug, because he started humping my leg. It was awful. Put me totally out of the mood. And from that day on, every time the dog came to greet me at their house, he'd hump my leg. Didn't matter what I was doing—the dishes, cleaning, whatever—he'd go for me. It was super embarrassing because I felt like the parents knew, you know? Like, they knew I'd used their house as a masturbation station because I'd suddenly become a sex symbol to their dog.
So the idea of jerking off into a sock was really popular when I was growing up. Geometrically, the idea made sense, but I guess I'd never considered what I would do with the sock afterward. I was probably about 14, in my bedroom doing my thing, and I decided to try the sock method out. It made the initial clean up a revelation since there was really nothing to be done. But then I had this sock. I couldn't put it in the laundry because my mom did my laundry and she would find it and know that I was a young man doing young man things. Same went for the garbage, because I guess at the time I imagined my mom to be some kind of suspicious raccoon that combed through all the detritus in the house.
Our house backed onto a forest so I decided the sock best belonged there. I walked to the edge of the yard and hurled it into the woods. But you see, it was winter and all of the trees were bare. The sock wrapped itself around the branch of a particularly tall birch. I'm talking like 30 feet up. It stayed up there, bright white, and waved like a shameful flag for months until summer storms came and blew it off. My mom totally noticed, too. She kept asking everyone in the house, who knows what's going on with that sock? My strategy was deny, deny, deny.
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The most embarrassing masturbation stories
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May is masturbation month. To celebrate, Refinery 29 asked several brave women to reveal their most humiliating self-sex stories.
Now, most of us have an embarrassing sex story or two and masturbation is natural so there should be no shame is the retelling of an erotic tale turned wrong.
Still, for most of us, such stories remain within the circle of trust.
So kudos to these brave, or crazy, women for speaking out about the most awkward sex stories.
"My grandmother had gifted, I guess it was my dad, with a body massager for his shoulder," she begins.
"I was trying it one day and then I started playing with it. I put it in my pants. Then it was time to go to college and I took it with me. I lived in a suite with three other girls.
"I came back from class one day and they were sitting there watching TV. I had left it on my bed and one of them was just like using it. They were all using it as a body massager.
"I couldn't tell them that I was using it to masturbate because I was embarrassed so I just let them play with it forever, for the rest of the year. Then it became the dorm room's body massager after it had been my little naughty secret vagina massager.
"So the massaging wand from an as-seen-on TV ad, to my grandmother, to my Dad, to me, to my vagina, to college, to four roommates, plus friends that would come over, plus maybe even my roommates figured out another use for it and it was also their little personal massager for their vagina which makes me feel very uncomfortable now that I think about it."
That said, Betsey isn't that uncomfortable. "You know, we all got something out of it so you're all welcome," she concludes.
Other uncensored self-love stories include one woman recalling having her seventh grade phone sex story, which she wrote about in her diary, being discovered by her mum. Another woman was riding her pillow when she was walked in on and yet another recalls how she was attacked by her concerned cat in the midst of self-pleasuring.
Embarrassing? Sure. But, c'mon we've all been there. Right?
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19 Best Quiet Vibrators To Masturbate In Peace
12 Reasons Your Vagina Hurts So Damn Much

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From the sexually liberating to the straight-up strange.
When you settle in for a good old-fashioned solo session, chances are it involves a trusty vibrator, a massaging shower head, or nothing but your fingers and some lube. You probably opt to fantasize about something sexy, or tune in to some choice clips from your favorite erotica to get you going. You know, standard stuff.
But all of us like to mix up our masturbation routine from time to time. Which begs the question: Have you ever masturbated somewhere not-so conventional? Say, the beach? Or maybe you've joined the mile-high club... solo? 
Well, thanks to the age of oversharing on the internet (hey there, Reddit!), plenty of women are taking their craziest masturbation stories public (quite literally).
Curious about their masturbation escapades? Here nine women from Reddit reveal the craziest placed they've O'ed on their own.
"I used to work at a sporting goods store. There was a guy that worked there and every day I worked with him I just wanted to jump on top of him in the back room and have my way with him. One day, I caught a glimpse of him changing into his work shirt in the back room and his shirtless body threw me into a frenzy. About half way through the shift, I couldn't take it any more. The picture of his tight, ripped body was burned into my head. I went into the changing room and promptly soaked the wood bench under me. Probably the hardest I have ever make myself cum in my life." — Anonymous Reddit User
"In a Forever 21 fitting room, vibrator and all. I really needed to get off, and I had just bought the new toy . Why wait until I got home?" — RedditVirgin218
(Add something extra to your sex life with the JimmyJane Form 8 vibe from the Women's Health Boutique.)
"I masturbate while driving. It's just too easy not to, really, when you're alone and without panties underneath a skirt or dress. I wonder if anyone has suspected it...perhaps after noticing that, in addition to a real happy driver, there's only one hand on the wheel." — cuntingseason
Watch men and women spill the honest truth about exactly what they think about masturbation:
"Next to the USS Nevada, waddup waddup. I was in 300 feet of water in the Pacific Ocean, next to a nuclear missile capable of wiping cities off the face of the earth." — tonyaa
"I was sleeping over at a friend's and we were sharing a bed. I thought he had already fallen asleep and I had been having the raging desire to get off all night—for some reason I thought just going for it was a good idea. I got under a blanket and was close to finishing when my friend turned over and told me to stop moving around so much. I completely froze and apologized. Then he asked me what I was doing. For some reason, I decided to be honest and tell him. He asked if I was being serious and it was dead silent for a minute before he said, 'Well I interrupted you, I might as well help you finish.'" — beautysupremes
"In my 8th grade history class while watching a movie. I can come by just pushing my thighs together and a little movement. No one could tell." — AirmansGirl
"School toilet. (IT WAS VERY CLEAN!) Damn you sexting ." — Jellicent

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Your June Horoscope: Communication Clarity

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Korin Miller
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.

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14 Oral Sex Toys That Actually Feel Like A Tongue
What It Means To Identify As Demisexual
How To Be The Best Sexter They’ve Ever Had
19 Best Quiet Vibrators To Masturbate In Peace
12 Reasons Your Vagina Hurts So Damn Much

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If you want to see people mentally freak out while trying to appear calm on the outside, ask them to talk about the first time they masturbated. Given that your friends might find that a tad strange, the folks at Cut decided to do it for you.
They asked 100 people this very personal question and filmed their reaction. Oh, and their answers, too. And it was amazing.
One woman just looked super, super uncomfortable. There was a lot of nervous laughter. Still, some people opened up about it.
Plenty of women talked about using a shower massage head to get off, while others noticed something was different when they climbed a metal pole on the playground. “I was like, ‘Whoa. What’s going on?’” one woman said. (Whether you're new to masturbation or more experienced, the rechargeable magic wand from the Women's Health Boutique can take self-pleasure up a notch.)
Other women said they started out by humping their stuffed animals. “My parents would catch me doing that and they were like ‘Stop, stop that!’” one woman recalled.
And speaking of parents, Cut even got one guy’s mom to ask him the question, and he totally wasn’t having it. But other guys got real about the experience, noting: “It was like a massive tickle fight with your d*ck.“ A different guy added, "All of the sudden I thought I was going to pee."
Watch men and women spill the honest truth about exactly what they think about masturbation:
The age that people started ranged from four to 30, and one woman said she felt guilty afterward because she was so young. Still, other women said they’ve never done it. “Why would I do it to myself when I can get someone else to do it for me?” one said. (Well, we've got 10 reasons right here.)
A lot of people used magazines and shows for their inspiration, including the Victoria’s Secret catalog, Real Sex , Fear Factor , and Sex in the City .
If you want to watch the full video for yourself, check it out here:

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