Masters Overwatch

Masters Overwatch


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How do I get to masters in Overwatch fast?
Author has 411 answers and 350.6K answer views · 2 y ·
Is it possible to get to Master’s by playing symmetra-only in Overwatch?
How do you get credits in Overwatch?
How do I get into the top 500 in Overwatch?
Avid Overwatch gamer, mains tanks and supports · Author has 163 answers and 487.8K answer views · 4 y ·
Is it possible to get to Master’s by playing symmetra-only in Overwatch?
How do you get credits in Overwatch?
How do I get into the top 500 in Overwatch?
How do I improve the aim in Overwatch?
How does the top 500 work in Overwatch?
How do I improve my aim in Overwatch PC?
Why do I join matches already in progress in Overwatch?
How does quick play work in overwatch?
What percent of players are masters in Overwatch?
How do you exit the practice range in Overwatch?
How do you get Rampage in Overwatch?
Is it possible to get to Master’s by playing symmetra-only in Overwatch?
How do you get credits in Overwatch?
How do I get into the top 500 in Overwatch?
How do I improve the aim in Overwatch?
How does the top 500 work in Overwatch?
How do I improve my aim in Overwatch PC?
Why do I join matches already in progress in Overwatch?
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Obviously you need to play, review your play, and figure out what you are doing wrong and what you should be doing but, for details to watch out… The starting point I like to look at is a post Jayne made on reddit .
Bronze and Silver, players generally have fundamental problems in their play. Things like poor mechanics because they never played FPS before, no aiming ability, no awareness of their surroundings or audio/visual queues, no understanding of team work (for example, running and gunning like it’s CoD).
Gold. Usually the problem is positioning. Fix your positi
Obviously you need to play, review your play, and figure out what you are doing wrong and what you should be doing but, for details to watch out… The starting point I like to look at is a post Jayne made on reddit .
Bronze and Silver, players generally have fundamental problems in their play. Things like poor mechanics because they never played FPS before, no aiming ability, no awareness of their surroundings or audio/visual queues, no understanding of team work (for example, running and gunning like it’s CoD).
Gold. Usually the problem is positioning. Fix your positioning so that you aren’t getting punished and you are able to punish the mistakes that the enemy team is making.
On the topic of gold/silver, from my personal experiences… Playing too safe is also a problem. If are around average at FPS games, playing too safe could land you around low gold or high silver. You need to have some aggressive so that you actually make plays and punish the enemy team for their mistakes.
Platinum is usually bad ability usage, cooldown management, and ultimate usage. Basically, make sure you are getting value out of your abilities and don’t let yourself get punished for having an ability on cool down.
Diamond. Figure out who you synergies with on your team and who you counter on the enemy team. Actually take advantage of the synergies and counters. Like Orisa Roadhog, do the halt hook, and actually get picks from doing it. Don’t just run any thing into the enemy comp either, if they have Roadhog, Reaper, Junkrat and you are Winston. Well, you are an idiot. If you are Reaper or Roadhog and you are playing against a Winston. You should be shutting down that Winston.
Master. Essentially take the above information and apply to the entire team composition. Also you need to start worrying more about the map, flank routes and map control.
GM, Jayne says he likes to quote Surefour. I’ll just past the quote here.
"There are three factors that make a good player. Mechanics, Game Sense, and Positioning. To be Grandmaster, you need to have perfected one of those skills, to be T500 you need to have perfected two, and to be a pro player you need all three."
I’m a tank main. I was in Gold for like at least 10, 15 seasons, some seasons I skipped. I once dipped into Silver because I started playing too passively in an attempt to avoid making mistakes. I never considered my self stuck in elo-hell or any thing but, I was having a lot of trouble stopping my self from making the mistakes I was making before. I then climbed back into mid/high gold, platinum in a season. Things started clicking and then the next season I got into diamond. Not that long ago I played a little bit of overwatch again, placed in diamond. Didn’t really play that much though. Apparently I’m still diamond.
During that climb I referenced Jayne’s post a lot.
After that I started to get bored and stopped playing. If I continued playing I believe would certainly have gotten into master.
So summarized starting from gold… Understand what your hero pick can and should do. How you are able to use your hero to punish the enemy team and then position your self so you can punish the enemy team and accomplish your role at the same time.
Platinum, make sure you are getting value out your abilities. Your abilities certain uses. Maybe they secure easy picks, maybe they protect allies, what ever the case is. Knowing how you should be using them and attempting to do so is one thing. Consistently using the abilities how you should be using them and getting value out of them is another thing.
Diamond… Well I got into diamond but I haven’t gotten out of it. So my next step would be looking at what Jayne said diamonds generally need to work on, look at what I’m doing, try to figure out what I am doing wrong and should be doing.
I'm a player in Platinum, so I don't have much advice. However, my friend is in Masters, so I asked him what one should do to get there. His response (which I paraphrased) -
I'm a player in Platinum, so I don't have much advice. However, my friend is in Masters, so I asked him what one should do to get there. His response (which I paraphrased) -

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