Masters Of Sex Party Of Four

Masters Of Sex Party Of Four


Masters Of Sex Party Of Four
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Home Article Masters of Sex recap: Party of Four
It's the dinner party from hell; and even more trouble is brewing at home for Bill... and Libby
By Nicole Sperling September 21, 2015 at 01:40 AM EDT
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Masters of Sex recap: Party of Four
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What happened to poor, distraught Bill? The man who was willing to do anything to get Virginia back? Why does he seem to have read The Pick-Up Artist and is using the Neg method to shame Virginia into choosing him? It clearly can’t work. Or can it?
The show opens with Bill and Virginia arriving at an upscale Chicago restaurant for what is supposed to be a celebratory dinner after securing a hearty advance from Little Brown for their second book. But Virginia is fuming. Not only has Bill hijacked the presentation to the publishers but he spontaneously added in a chapter about the very thing they agreed last episode would not continue: the surrogacy program. Virginia’s ire only increases when she finds out Bill has attempted to make a reservation for four — inviting Dan Logan and his wife along to celebrate their advance and what Bill hopes will be the end to the Logan/Masters & Johnson Partnership.
But things don’t go exactly as Bill has planned. First off, he has no reservation at said upscale restaurant, that is, until Dan swoops in and rescues him with his insider status and penchant for steak tartar. The two couples are escorted to their two-top for four, but not before Dan’s wife Alice, played by an always great Judy Greer, overhears Virginia in the bathroom getting upset with an inept attendant who sprays perfume on her — something she quickly wipes off because “the man she’s seeing” doesn’t like perfume. Hah, funny, Dan also doesn’t like perfume on his women and despite the couple’s unorthodox relationship, she’s not happy with him flaunting his mistress in her face. Which gives Alice every reason to go off the wagon and imbibe in the champagne Bill is generously pouring.
Things only go from bad to worse as Virginia uses the cozy soiree to express her irritation with Bill. Bill only ups the ante, proclaiming, again, without Virginia’s consent, that this advance means Masters and Johnson can terminate their relationship with Logan. That doesn’t fly with either Virginia or Dan, who calls Bill out for setting up this dinner prior to having met with the publisher — so determined he was to expose Dan’s marriage to Virginia, hoping that would end her affair with him.
The two couples go off and have their own fight, Virginia and Bill’s in the coat closet of the restaurant — an apt spot since Virginia has refused to relinquish her coat for the entirety of the evening, hoping she would make her escape early. Dan and Alice engage in the final battle of a failing marriage. It’s a heartbreaking scene, especially when Alice makes Dan tell her what he loves about Virginia and though Dan wants to continue to protect her, he’s realized the marriage has come to an end.
And if we thought things were going bad for Bill on the road, that’s nothing compared to the misery that’s about to hit him at home. And I’m not talking about Libby contemplating leaving him — though that is a comeuppance he does deserve. For a brief moment it looks like Libby is going to achieve some real happiness, something she so deserves, but as my colleague pointed out last week , it’s a shame it has to come at the hand of a man. But this is the 1960s, and gearing up to leave your husband, especially for a woman who has no discernable income of her own, is not an easy thing to do. It becomes far simpler when football coach Paul Edly promises to love her and her children, even going so far to hope that the children will one day call him “Pau.” And Johnny sure likes him. Finally a man in his life that’s willing to talk to him and spend time with him, something Bill never does.
Another sad scene comes from Libby when she practices how she’s going to let Bill know she’s leaving. It’s the moment when she admits that what will bother her most won’t be any yelling or sadness, but if he’s indifferent to the whole thing, which is what she fears the most. That he just doesn’t care one way or another.
NEXT: A not-welcome plotline emerges ​
And this is where things get ugly — and I’ve got to say, quite far-fetched for my tastes. This show is dramatic enough and investigating people’s sex-lives has proven to be quite fertile territory for suspense-making episodes. So why do we have to take this into the misunderstanding realm — where a kid’s playground insult turns into an accusation against Bill for acting inappropriately with the school bully Dennis? To recap (since that is what we do here) a detective shows up late at night at the Masters residence to question Johnny about what he said on the playground when he insulted Dennis, saying he had to ask his father about how to make his penis work correctly. Now we all know Dennis came to Bill with a question about his wet dreams and Bill, as an appropriate medical doctor, explained to Dennis what is happening to his body, using a medical text as a visual aid. It couldn’t have been more innocent — the only thing Bill did wrong was not actually taking the same care when it came to his own son. But now the thing has escalated into an investigation, one that could entrap Bill and even worse, elucidate where Libby’s true loyalties lie.
Paul, of course, thinks these accusations could be true and urges Libby to take the kids and leave Bill, immediately. But Libby knows that Bill is innocent, and more importantly, she is so committed to reinforcing to her children that Bill is a good father — even though he is not. Libby is really sacrificing herself here. She knows Bill treats her son the way he does because he was never shown love by his own father. And of course, she doesn’t want the cycle to repeat, for both Bill’s sake, and more importantly, for her son’s. And so, the big plans she has to marry Paul, may not just be put on hold while this all gets settled, but could, in fact, be the end of their potential future together. I predict Bill will never know of her sacrifice.
There is just one more episode left. It would be a real shame if it ends with Bill being carted off to jail. The man has so many bigger issues that need punishing more than a ridiculous pedophilia claim. I really hope the writers don’t go much further down this path. If the claims — confirmed by Dennis — only lead to Bill and Johnny finally having a truthful conversation, since it’s clear that Johnny thinks his father hates him, than this story line will have some merit. But if it goes on more than that, it will diminish what has become a very insightful season.
And speaking of insight, what will happen with Dan and Virginia? Bill sounded the warning to Dan, bringing up Virginia’s previous love Ethan — that man she was going to fly off to California with, only to bail at the last minute. That story hangs over the episode when Dan shows up to Virginia’s hotel room at the end of their miserable night. He’s left his wife, he’s professing his love, but the ambiguous expression on her face suggests that this might not be what she wants. For Virginia seemed perfectly content to eat dinner alone at the table.
Will she stay? Will this time be different? Dan seems to think she’s “a person, not a project” like all the other affairs he’s had but does Virginia? Her look seems to suggest no. My theory is she bails again for the sake of Bill. Happy endings don’t seem to be her style.
All will hopefully be revealed next week. Until then…
This Showtime drama tells the steamy story of real-life sex researchers in the 1950s.

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Watch Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 11 Online

Come on Virginia, don't let Bill manipulate you again!

Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 11 managed to be both infuriating and compelling at the same time. So where were Bill, Virginia, and company left by the end of this installment?

Well, let's just say not very happy. 

I need to get something out of the way first. Judy Greer's appearance as Dan's wife made me wonder, for the millionth time, why she's not a household name by now. She's always a scene stealer, and playing Alice was no exception. I was wondering if we were going to meet the woman Dan didn't seem to mind leaving behind at home.

Everything about the dinner scene was perfect, from Alice's insistence at drinking her white wine, to subtly letting Virginia know she knew the true nature of her involvement with her husband. Greer managed to portray Alice in a way that made you feel sorry for her, yet probably wouldn't want to go home to her because she's probably a giant ball of emotional insecurity.

Dan has had a lot of affairs over the years, but he never said he was in love with any of them. His admission to Alice clearly shook her because she felt the need to put Virginia in her place.
Did you think you were different? They all do. Enjoy it, Virginia. He's a lovely man. A true gentleman. He'll always open the door for you. He'll never forget your birthday, whisk you away on business trips, take you in his arms and dance with you even though there's no music playing, and when he shows up at your doorstep and tells you that he wants you to spend the rest of your life with him, in that moment, you will think he means it.

The moment Dan showed up at Virginia's door made me incredibly nervous and sad because I don't see this relationship ending well for either of them. Not only did Alice get inside Virginia's head, but she also let Bill manipulate her...again.

I was so proud of Virginia for calling Bill out for hijacking their meeting with the publishers and for ambushing her with the dinner with the Logans. However, as much as she's aware that Bill is always manipulating her, she can't help but allow it to happen. 

It's very depressing that she lets Bill control her life because she's scared of him shutting her out of their research. She told Bill she could find real happiness with Dan, but she let him tell her what her life should be. 

Everything Bill says and does is to benefit himself and what he wants. Bill has to be the center of Virginia's world, or he falls apart. Instead of letting Virginia make her own decisions, Bill's decided he knows what's best for her. 

Bill's a smart enough guy to know he should be honest with her like Dan told him he should. For whatever reason, Bill can't seem to let himself just tell Virginia he wants to be with her. Instead, all he does is try to mentally and emotionally control her.

I want to jump into the TV and shake Virginia's shoulders and tell her to get away from Bill as fast as she can. However, we know the real Masters and Johnson eventually married, so she's not going to leave him any time soon on the show. 

Another woman I wanted to slap some sense into was Libby. I was so hopeful for her future. She was laughing with Paul and coming up with the best way to divorce Bill. I should have known it was all too good to be true. 

The detective showing up to question Johnny about the nature of Bill and Dennis' relationship makes sense, but I also can't help but think this is just a stupid way for the writers to keep Libby trapped her horrible marriage.

Libby's justification for needing to stay made me want to scream. I may not be a parent yet, but I do know that children learn by example, and she's doing more harm to them by keeping their family together. Her children are growing up in a home where their parents don't love each other, and their father has no desire to be close to them. 
I am protecting them from the false impression that their father is a monster because if I leave now, that is what I am saying, not just to the world, but to my children, and there's no taking it back. No matter what happens, no matter if the charges are dropped, he will forever be the man their mother didn't want under the same roof.

I don't know what fantasy world Libby is living in, but I highly doubt Bill and Johnny's relationship will change. If anything, Johnny may end up just like Bill if he's forced to grow up around someone so emotionally detached from the people he's supposed to care about. 

It breaks my heart to see Libby do this because Paul would make a better father and role model for her children. A parent doesn't always need to be the person to whom you're related by blood. Libby's children deserve better than Bill, and she's robbing them of that chance if she officially decides to stay.

I'm not sure what's going to come of the accusations against Bill. Again, this all feels like a forced way for Libby to stay by Bill's side. 

So over to you! What did you think of "Party of Four"? Will Virginia send Dan back to his wife? Will Bill be stunned by the allegations against him? Can Paul convince Libby to walk away from Bill? What are your predictions for Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 12 ?

Sound off below, and don't forget you can catch up on any missed episodes when you watch Masters of Sex online via TV Fanatic!
Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter .
You were just looking out for yourself. You're always just looking out for yourself.
Coat check girl: May I take your coats? Bill: Yes, thank you. Virginia: I'll keep mine, thank you very much. Bill: You sure? I think you'll be more comfortable.. Virginia: Is this another thing you would like to overrule me on? Bill: The lady will be keeping her coat. Virginia: In case I throw a drink in his face and need to make a speedy exit, which is entirely possible.

As the late '60s become the early '70s, the world and our characters are all about revolution. Bras are burning, sex is everywhere, and William Masters and Virginia Johnson reap the benefits and the pressures of the revolution they've let loose in the world. Personally, they begin the season at odds and burdened by lies, only to slowly switch roles in both their work and the bedroom, as they s...
Genres Drama , Romance Subtitles English [CC] Audio languages English
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In the wake of their fallout, Masters and Johnson search for purpose in a world without one another and look to work as their personal lives crash down around them. Libby finds herself alone for the first time since her marriage and discovers some unexpected allies. Season premiere.
Masters and Johnson turn to new partners in an effort to put the past behind them and focus on their expanding clinic. Libby evaluates her relationship with Bill and Virginia given their fractured triangle.
3. Masters of Sex: The Pleasure Protocol
Masters and Johnson adjust to life with new partners, but their respective cases cause them to second guess their instinct to remain separated. Libby encounters a new romantic prospect and does her best to embrace life as a single woman of the sexual revolution.
Johnson, Masters, Libby and Keller wind up together at a party thrown by Art and Nancy. Pairings and perspectives shift as the night wears on, until the light of day exposes the consequences of the evening prior.
Johnson and Masters' legal troubles come to a head as the trial begins with Keller leading the charge. Johnson, assuming they’re to be exonerated, does her best to revive their careers, as Masters faces the reality of what these charges could mean for him, Johnson and the practice.
Johnson looks to get her relationship with Masters back on track in the form of a new book deal while Masters does his best to find satisfaction elsewhere in his life. Betty and Helen ready themselves for the newest addition to their family while Art and Nancy discuss the consequences of their party.
7. Masters of Sex: In To Me You See
Masters looks to groom Art as his protege in a new area of research at the clinic and Johnson does her best to keep Nancy at arm’s length as their work takes them out of the office for an evening. Betty seeks an unlikely source for assistance in her fight for equal rights to Helen’s baby.
Masters and Johnson go on the road and pose as a couple to investigate practices at a competing clinic. While Bill and Virginia are away, Art, Nancy and Langham take advantage of their absence to further their own agendas.
Masters and Johnson return from Topeka, each grappling with the trip’s ramifications. Art and Nancy look to tie up loose ends in order to have a fresh start, and Libby and Bram embark on a road trip that changes Libby’s perspective.
10. Masters of Sex: The Eyes of God
With the wedding plans being threatened as things unravel at home and work, a visitor from Masters’ (Michael Sheen) past reemerges.
Michael Apted - director See profile
Mindy P. Pennington Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2016
Sensuous, sexy and a little erotic with a sweet story line. Bill Masters really DOES have a heart and feelings. Perhaps the experience of going to AA has helped his character realize that about himself. Its surprising to see him be the aggressive one in the Bill/Virginia relationship and her take the demure role, (not like her at all). I like it though it shows she can change as well and that she has a multifaceted personality too.
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