Мастер эликсиров 3.3 5 квест как делать

Мастер эликсиров 3.3 5 квест как делать

Мастер эликсиров 3.3 5 квест как делать

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Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Чтобы сменить одну на другую, достаточно просто потратить голда на сброс уже полученной специализации и взять вторую у соответствующего тренера. Комментарий от Zermaht Если не хотите делать именно этот кв, то можно сделать любой другой Трансмутация или Зелье , потом заплатить г и скинуть. Затем бежим и просто учим Мастера Эликсиров. Комментарий от Amaroc итем нужен для квеста Алихимикам выбравшим специализацию 'Мастер элексиров'. Собрать 10 итемов можно при большой удаче за 1 поход. Итемы падают с мобов в НОРМАЛ режиме. На 80ом лвле проходится в соло но лучше с другом. Комментарий от Amadey Ума не хватило с выходом вотлка изменить квесты. Очень удобно для персонажей которыми в бк не играли бродить по двум старым никому не нужным инстам. Комментарий от Koriell Сбрасывать надо у тренера алхимии в Шатратте. Он же и дает кв. Комментарий от Happysweet с другом часа 2 сидели эти сути выбивали. Комментарий от YaZorg Народ, а у кого именно скидывать специальность? Лороким ничего не дает ни сбросить не обучить На данный момент у меня профа Мастер зелий. Комментарий от Elenber Я не могу зайти в 'Черные топи'! Пишет что не могу зайти пока не спасу какого-то типа из какой-то крепости! Стоимость сброса золотых. Далее берем необходимый навык: Комментарий от RazorBladeHNT Если ктото непонял вы сначало должны пойти к своему мастеру чтобы разучить навык и только потом к тому чей навык вы хотите получить. Комментарий от proscampy Ребят, не могу зайти в данж. Какой квест надо сделать и где его брать? Комментарий от asdoficoicovij Чтобы не фармить кв. Первый раз выпало 7, потом 3. В инст попасть довольно трудно, относительно других конечно. Комментарий от sasamark а как зайти второй раз шоб появились разломы? Квест сделал один раз, но итемов суть бесконечностей не достаточно. Мож не надо было сдавать квест? Комментарий от hollandrose Удалено. Комментарий от hollandrose Общее количество реагентов: Суть Бесконечности 10 шт. Древний лишайник 15 шт. Хрустальная колба 15 шт. Комментарий от ORDSmallville Также прокает на фласки! Комментарий от Saint16th Прокнуло 12 фласок О. Комментарии Комментарий от kronnyq Is there no way to switch which master you want to become? Комментарий от bdalton I ran black morass for the first time after accepting this quest. I recieved 2 Essence of Infinity. Could have just been unlucky. I will update this once I run it a few more times. Комментарий от cky2k what do they mean by You can only select one alchemy specialization. Комментарий от murakaz You can accept this as well as the quest for the other 2 specializations once you level your alchemy to or higher. The Essences drop from Rift Keepers and Rift Lords in the Black Morass instance. Комментарий от Lossie I picked those up, I believe I was lower then not sure though. Took me 2 Black Morass runs, got 5 essences of infinity each run. Imo this is the best specialization, since it procs when doing flasks too. Not the best moneymaker, but saves long farming hours for a raiding guild. Комментарий от nofax1 Finished this quest last night. Комментарий от Campfire An Alchemy skill of is required to get this quest. Комментарий от ceemeeir Got this quest on alchemy level Definitely no longer the case to get this many procs. Out of 20 elixirs, an extra 5 is much more typical. Комментарий от Saint All mastery has a chance to proc x1 up to x4 of the item. Just a matter of asking yourself what you make the most of. So looks like high-level pre-BC recipies still proc along with but not all. There are a handfull of recipes transmute, elixir and potion that can only be learned by an alchemist discovering them while crafting. There is no item created so discoveries can not be sold or traded. In addition the proc rate of a discovery is random and very low, less then. Комментарий от Reap I have made around elixirs and I got only 2 times x2 proc All elixirs over like elixir of empowerment, fel strength pot, elixir of major agility, flasks, etc. Комментарий от Herga What about flasks like flask of titans is that potions or elixir? Комментарий от Omnipotence I have made over elixirs and flasks of all kinds with Master of Elixirs active. After having read several wrong posts about master of Elixirs lets get some facts: Комментарий от Truant 'You need to be in Alchemy and at least lvl 68 to obtain the quest all that say otherwise: Комментарий от vilica i think u can abandon and change q before finishing it! This is based on a sample pool of over consumables made since completing the quest. It is random though, if you keep making stuff, it evens out. Комментарий от Mazu To choose another specialiazion you need to relearn alchemy from skill 1. Комментарий от wowinfo People that have not decided yet. That might change the way it works. Комментарий от Sengi I think they changed the discovery thing with the patch , I got Flask discovery right after the patch http: So you have 3 mights each might sells for gold as it has been said in wowhead so farming all mats and xmuting a might gives you gold if middle calculations are being taken. But just farming for 20 elixir of major agility mats ends up for ,8gold if again middle taken. So here we go with the important questions; 1 xmute is once a day 2 elixir is nonstop and even includes flasks 3 each try has its own chance to proc 3 ech try has its own chance to discover a new recipe 4 you can make flasks and elixirs from the different herbs not only teracone and felweed as in the above elixir of major agility 5 Guilds are making Dungeon runs and so flasks and elixirs are needed much more then Primal Might which are only in demand of item makings All in all Elixir mastery overwhelms Xmute mastery unless your server has an extreme unpredicted situation as above statements have listed. But i dont think that will cause people all to go for xmute mastery: Maybe differ from server to server. But imo elixir mastery overwhelms xmute. Just wanted to make a Elixir vs. P Hope it will help you to have an idea. But if you wanna go for xmute or potion sure it is your desicion: Комментарий от arul You can unlearn your current specialization in Stormspire Netherstorm. Комментарий от Balatist Total mats required for the potions: Комментарий от Berentor You need to be lvl 68 and have Alchemy. You will find about 4 Essence per run so it will be 3 or 2 runs. And the total mats needed for the potions is 15x Ancient Lichen, 25x Terocone and 15x Felweed. So there is no reason not to do this quest since you will need to run Caverns of Time anyway. Комментарий от MartinSir got it at skill Комментарий от Biggreentank Dont ever say irregardless again. Комментарий от pipevza I did Bm yesterday and couldnt get the 10 items for the quest, i got Phelip NE Hunter Pyp Human Pally Chiteria NE Druid Betelgeuse Dranei Mage agamaggan ;. Комментарий от Graebeard I picked up the quest from Lauranna, believing I would have a choice of one of three directions. I then picked up the items she wanted but then realized all she had was the Master of Potions. Комментарий от ChuckWhitson It appears that after you drop a mastery you also lose your cooldowns. I was able to transmute another primal might about 15 minutes later without the proc of course. Комментарий от dichotomi I am a level 66 Priest with my alchemy at yet I can not get the specialization quests Комментарий от Shankota Need to be 68 to start the mastery quests. Комментарий от xstaindx Took me 5 runs to get all the required crystals for this quest in Black Morass. Комментарий от Lcfr I found a good power leveling guide for Alchemy Alchemy leveling guide Комментарий от Kupotek Bypass that Black Morass quest: Pick up transmute Mastery in Stormspire, Netherstorm 3. Hand in Primal Mights 4. Unlearn Xmute Mastery for g 5. Learn Elixir Mastery in Shattrath free. Комментарий от venjur First, people like to take the easier path sometimes, fine, if they have the cash, whatever. Also, those things are annoying as all hell to get, the droprate is poo, and have heard of people running CoT times to get them all, its a big timesink. So, alternate methods are sometimes smart after all. Комментарий от gelf Of course the cheaper option is to go to Cenarion Refuge and get the potions mastery quest 5 super mana pots, 5 super healing pots, 5 dreamless sleep pots, and a book from the 2nd boss in Botanica then pay g to drop it and go pick up elixir mastery Will only require one run of Botanica, not even the whole instance and now locks can summon people without flying mounts into the instance, so possible to do at lvl Saves you the cost of 4 primal mights. Комментарий от Hxcobra I just had Elixirs of Wisdom proc. Комментарий от FinnrSlayer IF your poor.. Комментарий от Kaban94 Which Caverns of Time is it in? Комментарий от dakoto I Made a discovery today alch. Комментарий от nathangast to the previous poster yes u can learn flasks before Комментарий от Yodii I think you can change pecialization for g or am I wrong? Комментарий от lunali They must of upped the droprate of the crystals for BM. Got them all in 2 runs. Комментарий от laseven - Master of Elixirs is an Alchemy profession specialisation remember you are stuck with the one you choose you can learn by completing the quest 'Master of Elixirs'. Комментарий от Garrott I specialized in Transmutation first because on my server it was a lot easier to farm the motes for the primals than it was to get a group for The Black Morass. Getting the Transmute Mastery first then dropping for the g is a pretty good option for Alchemists who are: Комментарий от Tjista I had to this Quest too on No special buffs or potions. Just bring food and water and you should be set. Now on to Black Morass I got just Essences per run, so you probably have to reset the instance a few times. Like I said, my gear is crap. Mostly questgreens and a few blues. Комментарий от ChefDementia I had potion mastery on my alt since before the potion nerf, just got around to dumping it for elixir mastery. Комментарий от shadow You DO NOT HAVE to do the quest anymore, just go to SPEC master you learned your previous spec. I want to be an Elixir Master to help provide me with Flasks and Elixirs more easily. And there is a way to avoid this a little bit. To start from the beginning, to choose a Mastery you need to do a quest. Normally you get the pre-quest from the trainer in the tower in Honour Hold, Hellfire Peninsula; it sends you to three difference characters not sure exactly where on everyone, though I believe it is in Telredor, Zangarmarsh, Shattrath, Lower City and Stormspire in Netherstorm. Anyway, go to Stormspire if you choose to do this quest you can of course do any of them, but the whole point with this is to take the easiest one which requires least effort , talk to Zarevhi in Stormspire or talk to the Gnome in Honour Hold first, who will give you a follow up. Anyway, take the quest and turn in the four Primal Mights. Then simply go to the NPC who trains the Mastery you wish to have, and talk to them, and they will give you the Mastery you wanted without forcing you to do their quest as well! You need, if you choose the Transmutation Mastery, four Primal Might 50g on the AH, but a lot cheaper if you buy all the mats, probably 50gg altogether and a g for the fee of un-learning your Mastery. Комментарий от daviez Well I had a lucky day, these flask was my first when I just learned the Elixir master http: I was expecting it to take longer due to reports of low pop rate. Try going HERE for actual discussion on this quest. Комментарий от hellomynameis Hoped they had changed this level requirements, but as of today, I still cant pick it up as lvl66 with alchemy. Комментарий от Archelaos Just an FYI, as of patch 3. It still works as of the date of this posting so hop on it before Blizzard nerfs it! Комментарий от corey can someone tell me what to do i cant find the infinity stuff and i cant kill anything so what do i do? Комментарий от Exsel i dont know what has been changed but i have been a alchy for over 4 months now and normaly on Flasks of the Frost wrym it would make 2x normal and proc for 4x. However since 24th July 09 i have been procing x8 also here is screeny http: Комментарий от Taurendance So this mastery affects Flasks too? Комментарий от Alamandaros Can anyone confirm if the drop trans trick still works as of 3. To learn elixir mastery without the dungeon: Комментарий от Teenka farming the essences of infinity is annoying beacause you have to do escape from durnholde first and then go farm them to black morass. I think it was worth it though because it procs on flasks too which makes it great way to make tons of gold easily. This is a very long quest. The CoT part is the most annoying. The get to CoT: Black Morass for the quest items you must complete CoT: To get to CoT: Escape from Durnholde, you must do the pre-req quest 'The Caverns of Time'; which is about 10 minutes of following a stupid NPC. Save yourself A LOT of time, and farm gold later. Essence of Infinity does not drop every kill. Some more wasted time. You must be honored from your faction in order to purchase Elixir of Major Agility recipe. Coming from a lvl 60 hunter who did the epic bow quest which took weeks. Комментарий от Mollip00 Apparently this has not been updated for 3. You just pay to unlearn your current one, then go to the NPC trainer for whichever specialty and train it. No quest, no items needed. Комментарий от Stixxz Cheers for the great tip! Works like a charm! Комментарий от Kizzmo25 I did this as a decently geared 80 Shadow Priest, I did it the first time with my friend a feral druid and I healed him, he quit after the first time though and I only gained 3 shards from it. I went back in a second time and managed to down the first 2 bosses solo. The portal after the second boss I got my last shard, overall took me less than two runs. Комментарий от mythology As confirmed it is just g to drop the spec, and then free to take a new spec. I decided to drop Transmute Master for a short time to make flasks. A lot of flasks. Since a patch a while back you get 2 x Flasks which each last 1 hour, and is the result of one non-Proc flask making. I still have about 10 stacks of Frost Lotus left, and will be turning these into flasks shortly and will update my results when I am done. My results so far are something to think about: So flasks is less than transmutes: Unless you are making huge amounts of flasks, potions or transmutes there is probably little point in changing spec. The chance to get x5 cardinal ruby every 20hours has gotta be the best money spinner. You can literally make g in 10seconds if you get lucky. If you have stealth abilities, you can sneak all the way to him. Did this on my 72 rogue with another 80 rogue. We stealthed to second boss, killed him, and I spent 20 minutes flying around Outlands collecting the herbs I needed for the 5 x Super Mana Potions, 5 x Super Healing Potions, and 5 x Major Dreamless Sleep Potion. This was much more affordable only costing g for the alchemy respec than buying 4 primal mights which were going for g a pop on my server. Комментарий от littlelot This is a dungoen quest and I cant find folks to go with me and it doesnt appear to let you in by yourself, you gotta be in a group, any suggesstions? Комментарий от WarDaft Accidentally soloed this partially on Heroic. Apparently it just decided to switch to heroic for me without asking. Комментарий от Endem In case there was any question - Respeccing does still work in 4. Confirmed with a Potion Mastery - Elixir Mastery trade. Unlearned Transmute Master, went to this NPC in Lower City, learned Elixir Master at no cost, aside from paying g to unlearn Transmute, thats all you have to pay thats if you farm the mats for the Primal Mights, cost varies on each server for the Primal Mights and save yourself the hassle of doing BC dungeons. Комментарий от Clatu You gonna need about in Alchemy skills to be able to complete all the elixirs. Elixir of Major Defense , sold from vendors, by: Elixir of Major Agility , sold from vendors, by: Офицер-логистик Ульрика - Honored with faction - Horde: Интендант Ургронн - Honored with faction - Recipe: Elixir of Mastery , sold by Alchemy Trainers. Essence of Infinity , drop from, Суть Бесконечности Black Morass Instance. Комментарий от omni I just completed the Master of Elixirs quest today. I am a level 74 fury warrior, and went in to BM with a 70 Druid healer. For the Elixir of major defense you need to make, I farmed the ancient lichen by soloing talonsworn forest rangers in terokkar forest. They drop a ton of lichen. All in all, not a difficult quest chain, saved some cash too. Actually, I see farming motes for transmute master way more time consuming. Комментарий от Gracin Potion Mastery is definitely the best possible way to go no matter which Alchemic Mastery you decide upon. After turning in the quest it is your choice of what path you actually choose to follow, just speak with the quest giver once more and choose to forget your mastery. Комментарий от boz Everytime a flask procs it counts for that many extra for Лабораторная работа. Cost is g to unlearn. You do NOT need to do the mastery quest once you have done one for a different mastery. Lorokeem Cenarian Refuge in Zangarmarsh Elixir Mastery: Lorokeem Lower City in Shattrath Transmutation Mastery: Zarevhi Stormspire in Netherstorm Hope this helps. Комментарий от Durpmode Does it have to be done on Heroic or no? I was told it did. Комментарий от carllocarlos OMG! Oh my what I do now! Комментарий от carllocarlos ooohhhh I just abandoned the quest and keep it again and I find this quest way too difficult. Комментарий от valtorius Did BM 2 times 1 normal and 1 heroic to get the Essence of Infinity. Easy as 85, but really boring. Комментарий от Nautik This quest is being removed in patch 4. Комментарий от Elvenskwig Replaced in cata with Мастер эликсиров. Комментарий от vampa i was master in potion. You are very good with elixirs, if these are any indication. You will make a fine student. These essences will provide me enough materials to formulate my recipe. I will be known among all alchemists for this discovery! При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! У вас может возникнуть желание проверить написание своего комментария перед тем, как поместить его на сайт. Задавайте вопросы на наших форумах , чтобы получить гарантированный ответ. Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. 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