Master Slave Quiz

Master Slave Quiz


there are leaders, there are followers and there are people that just want to make money. but the question is, which one are you? find out when you take our little quiz!
do you want to be a money maker? do you want to be a follower? or do you want to be a leader? when you take this quiz made up of of twelve questions you will find out.
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For the slave:

Hello, poor soul! What's your name?
According to Master? Flare. My real name is Jake.

When/Where did your master pick you up?
When I was little, he stole me from my parents along with my brother. He promised to pay my parents, since we were in poverty at the time, but he took us during the night.

Are you glad they did?
Well, I suppose. He did save me, after all. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be alive.

Do you work for your family/out of duty, or were you forced?
Force. But now, I work out of duty and love.

Does anyone from your family work with you?
My brother Spaark (previously named Stuart), but I killed him a while ago…

Do you trust your master?
With all my life.

Have you ever had your doubts about them?
Sometimes, though I hate to admit it. Occasionally he will act without thinking, and that lands us both in trouble.

Do you enjoy working for your master?
Very much, yes. Well, maybe that is a bit of an overstatement. It can be very, very unenjoyable at times.

Do you have a friendship with them?
We're closer than master and slave, I assure you. More like brothers.

Have you ever (purposely) done something against your master's rules?

Why/Why not?
It was to be with a girl I loved. I proposed to her, despite Master telling me to stay away from her.

Did you get punished for doing so? If yes, what happened?
He told me to leave. I wasn't allowed to be his slave any more.

How did you handle this?
Very badly. I felt as though my life had broken, and left a gaping hole. Although I was with the girl I loved, I was lacking a purpose in life. I murdered her, and Master let me return.

Do you ever wish you could change something about your master?
Sometimes, I wish he could speak English better. Trying to translate his speech is quite difficult sometimes, especially when he's angry. He just sounds like "HURGLJRFEJIERHELRKLRKG" and that's all I translate from him.

Have you ever considered killing/running away from/betraying your master?
When I was first taken, of course. I have never wanted to run away from him ever since.

Would you do any of that right now?

How old are they?
He's just a bit older than 10.

Are they "your type"?
Ah-ahm..well..he's…uh…cute…I guess…

How much do you get paid?
I don't get physical, steady payment. That's the difference between a slave and a servant, as I have recently learnt. He does let me take whatever I want when we attack a town though.

What do you eat?
Anything I want, except for apples and fish.

What do you wear?
Boxer shorts that I wore when I was 12, a shirt I wore when I was 12, a suit of armour that I made myself and a mask resembling Master's. I made the armour for both of us, as he was a starting villain at the time he picked me up, and demanded I made him armour. * sigh *

What do you have to do on a regular, daily basis?
I wake up in the morning, 2 hours before the sun rises, I catch some fish and cook them, topping them with applesauce and putting them on a wooden plate for Master to eat when the sun is just about to rise (he always wakes up in time to see the sun rise). We then go through the day's plan- if one was made the previous night –or I get to relax in the lair. At around 10:00, I feed his daughter and play with her, showing her some guns or whatever, then I feed her again at 1:00, and again at 6:00, then put her to bed. I have to clean any messes I make during the day, and make any meals Master asks for. If I'm lucky, he'll let me eat something.

What is your least favourite task?
It would probably have to be battling Phantom and LightShine. To be honest, they both terrify me. Whenever Master tells me I need to battle them or face them, I start shaking in my boots!

Do you have a favourite task?
That is classified...…....

Does your master give exceptions to you from "unconditional rules"?
* laughs * Yes, actually. For every one.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like your master?

Have they ever done anything unreasonable to you?
Unreasonable, yes. He requested I did something to him that was rather out of my comfort zone, but when he told me it was one of the rules that was hidden on the list, I had to comply. But since then, I haven't argued against this behaviour of his…

Have you sworn your life/made any vows/deals to them? If so, are you planning to keep to them?
He gave me a list of 22 rules to sign, when I was old enough to understand. At the bottom, it states; "By signing your name on the line below(in your blood), you hereby sacrifice your life to Lord Meta Dragon, and swear to abide by all 22 rules."
I only found out later that when I counted, there were only 21. It missed the number after 10.
I much later found out that the missing rule was written backwards, in between the lines of another rule…

Would you faithfully serve them for the rest of your life?
Would I? Of course I will!

What is the worst thing about being a slave/servant?
My lack of freedom. I am contended with what I have now, however.

Hey, thanks for taking the quiz! Here, have a backrub.
Woah, speaking of which, he might be wanting a backrub right about now. Thanks for the reminder.
Completed half of a quiz with Master..
Here is his half.

The road is blue-lipped with cold. One hour’s drive to type officious little documents for eight hours, then another hour back, and again again the next day the filling and unfilling of holes in the sand I am so small and mean-hearted. Winter casts its iron gaze over everything I can see. People want to be doctors, or lawyers, or gardeners, or travelers or lovers or loved I have only ever wanted to be home, tucked away like a secret, like a flower pressed in the family bible. And there’s no such thing as a soul, the high white towers of god are empty and chilled with drafts, but still the birds eddy in an
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