Master Pc Mcstories

Master Pc Mcstories


Master Pc Mcstories
Disclaimer: No one under 18 is permitted to read this story and I rate it
“XXX” for the strong sexual content and incest... You’ve been warned!
This is copyrighted © March 1998 by .
Author’s Note: This was the very first story I ever submitted on the
Internet way back in March 1998. This revision is dated July 2003. If you
weren’t aware of it, this is the first part of a four-part story that
created the Master PC Universe.
The standard joke throughout high school had been... ‘Adam got the brains
while Lisa got the beauty’. Adam wasn’t blind... he knew damn well that his
looks didn’t compare with his sister’s, but it wasn’t because he was ugly...
far from it. It was simply that Lisa was beauty personified. His sister
was one of Harris High School’s most popular and beautiful juniors... so, it
wasn’t any great surprise that she would spend the majority of her free time
in front of her vanity mirror, while he, on the other hand, would spend his
free time in front of his computer.
On one Saturday morning, after returning home from a garage sale, he
overheard some giggling coming from Lisa’s bedroom. When he saw that the
door was slightly ajar, he couldn’t resist peaking in...
‘Holy, fuck!’ he thought with excitement... Lisa’s best friend, a blonde
‘hottie’ by the name of Samantha Peters, was strutting around in a skimpy
two-piece string bikini that showcased her incredible body and luscious
boobs... but before he got the chance to check out Lisa’s other friend,
Wendy Carmichael...
“Adam!” his sister shouted, making him jump.
He turned to his sister and saw her glaring at him.
“As you can see, we’re trying on new bathing suits... and would appreciate
it if you didn’t play ‘Peeping Tom’".
“If you don’t want anyone looking, close the damn door!” he responded in
anger, turning red with embarrassment.
Quickly, he made his way down the hallway to his bedroom and he could hear
the girls giggling at his expense. “Damn her,” he muttered to himself,
slamming his bedroom door behind him. Ever since Lisa had developed curves,
she’d been a stuck-up bitch and he was sick of being the butt end of her
smartass comments.
Then he remembered the software computer disc he bought and powered up his
Then he resurfaced the image of Samantha, who certainly was ‘hot’. Lisa and
Samantha had been best friends since grade school, while Wendy only started
hanging out with them recently. The three of them pretty much ruled their
Junior Class and were always seen together. There were even rumors that the
three of them were actually more than ‘just’ friends.
Adam placed the disc into his ‘E’ drive and ran the virus scan. He
remembered the old lady telling him that she had found the disc up in her
attic and hadn’t a clue as to how it got there. After the ‘no viruses’
message popped up, he ran the Wizard installation and 20 minutes later
‘Welcome to Master PC’ appeared on the screen.
“What the fuck is this?” he asked out loud. It wasn’t every day that he ran
across a software program that he wasn’t familiar with... and then he was
further shocked when a small 3D figure popped up on the screen and greeted
him... “Welcome to the Master Command Center... where the Master allows you
to become a virtual god to the people around you... Now, you possess the
power to bend their reality to your specifications. You are the Master’s
Adam stared at the computer screen in stunned silence, thinking that this
was something right out of a Jack L. Chalker sci-fi novel! Then the little
figure disappeared and a new screen popped up asking for the user’s name.
Quickly, he typed in his own name and then it called for a subject. He fed
the program his sister’s name and no sooner had he pressed ‘Send’; a
miniaturized 3D image of Lisa appeared!
There Lisa stood... arms down by her side, rotating around in a 360... and
standing at attention. What was even more amazing was the fact that she was
wearing the same exact bathing suit that he had seen her in a few minutes
ago! It was as if someone had shrunk her down and stuck her inside his
computer! He studied the image for a few moments and then clicked on the
‘Command Center’ option and read, ‘Whatever you enter, the subject will
immediately feel or become after pressing the ‘send’ button’.
Could this be for real? He thought for a moment and then typed. ‘You feel
very sleepy and need to take a nap. Tell your friends to leave so you can
take a nap’. Then he clicked the ‘send’ button executing the command.
It took about thirty seconds before he heard the arguing and moments later a
commotion spilled out into the hallway. He opened his door to take a look
and saw Wendy dressed and heading down stairs, while Samantha emerged
half-naked and highly upset. Had this been a coincidence? After the girls
had left, he walked to his sister’s room and knocked on her door.
“What is it?” his sister asked, sounding sleepy.
“Are you alright?” he asked, nervously.
“I’m tired, go away!” she responded, sounding annoyed.
Adam had to know for sure, so he slowly opened her door and what he saw gave
him an instant hard-on! There she was, sprawled out on her bed in nothing
but her bathing suit, looking incredibly sexy!
Then he quietly closed the door and rushed back to his bedroom. Then, with
nervous excitement, he typed more... ‘Wake up. You feel uncomfortable in
your bathing suit and need to take it off. Once you’ve done this, leave
your bedroom and go downstairs to get a drink of water. You’ll know that
you are walking around naked but you won’t be able to do anything about it.
You will take one sip of water and then become very aroused. You’ll feel an
overwhelming desire to masturbate, so you’ll rush back to your bedroom. As
you finger yourself, you’ll fantasize about a dream lover, who strangely
looks like your brother. You’ll want and need to fuck him! Over and over
again... and only when your dream lover is sexually satisfied will you be
satisfied... and that will be when he tells you to sleep, which you’ll do
for one hour before waking up... and when you do, you’ll remember everything
with vivid detail... including how closely your dream lover looks like your
brother. Sure, this will embarrass you, but it will also arouse you!’
Adam quickly reread his commands... smiled... and then clicked ‘send’.
As Lisa pranced downstairs to get a drink of water, it was when she reached
the bottom step before she realized that she was naked! But even then, she
couldn’t seem to bring herself to turn around and put something on.
Instead, she made her way to the kitchen... poured herself a glass of
water... and took a sip.
“What in the hell am I doing?” she asked herself out loud.
She looked down at her naked body and blushed, wondering what in heaven’s
name would prompt her to prance around the house in her birthday suit? She
placed the glass down on the counter, remembering how she had woken up ‘hot’
and thirsty, but why would she strip out of her bathing suit?
Then she started to feel suddenly very, very horny. Her nipples were ‘rock’
hard and she reached up to pinch them. The sensation this caused nearly
made her knees buckle. Why was she suddenly so aroused? Her right hand
moved down to her groin, eliciting a groan and a desire to enter her folds.
She felt on the verge of exploding! Had she been dreaming of sex? Was this
the reason she was so damn horny? Then her eyes lit up! She was standing
here, stark naked in the middle of her kitchen, about to play with herself!
Quickly, she rushed out of the kitchen and back up stairs... and it was just
as she reached the top step when she noticed her brother watching her from
his bedroom door.
“What are you looking at?” she cried out, blushing... trying desperately to
cover herself.
“You’re such a tease,” Adam replied, smirking.
Lisa couldn’t hold out any longer and the second she entered her bedroom,
she began fingering herself. Her ‘need’ had become unbearable! She flopped
herself on her bed, while fingering herself harder and faster, groaning
louder with every thrust. It didn’t occur to her that her bedroom door was
left wide open... and that her brother stood there at her doorway, watching.
“Would you like some help with that?”
Lisa twisted around in shock, hearing the deep voice from her doorway. Then
it suddenly dawned on her... this was her ‘Dream Lover’! Without waiting
for her to answer, her ‘Dream Lover’ stripped off his clothes and joined her
on her bed. She found herself mesmerized by the size of his cock!
“Please,” she pleaded with him, licking her lips. He looked so virile... so
powerful! She felt so weak. Only fleetingly did it occur to her that her
‘dream lover’ looked like her brother.
Her ‘dream lover’ positioned himself between her legs and she could feel his
‘crown’ poking at her entrance.
“Fuck me!” she cried, wishing he’d thrust into her. Never had a ‘craving’
for someone’s cock felt so powerful!
Then her ‘dream lover’ thrust into her... filling her completely!
“Ahhhhhhhh,” she cried out, exploding with an orgasm!
Then she groaned and whimpered as her ‘dream lover’ continued to plummet in
and out of her, filling her with pleasures beyond comprehension... and then
she exploded with another orgasm and passed out from its intensity!
She wasn’t sure how much time had elapsed, but when she came too, she felt
her dream lover’s cock nudging open her lips, which she gladly accepted into
her mouth! She sucked and licked his shaft until her dream lover was ‘hard’
again... and then he flipped her around onto her stomach, positioned her
into a ‘doggy’ position and rammed into her once again!
“Uugggghhhhhh!” she cried out again, and her ‘dream lover’ provided her the
true meaning of multiple orgasms.
Adam climbed off his sister exhausted and spent. Lisa had been a wildcat
and would have been begging him for more if he hadn’t instructed her to
sleep. He gazed down at her sweat, cum coated body and the sight of her
made him ‘hard’ again.
Why didn’t he feel guilty? It was his sister for Christ-sakes and wasn’t
what he just did a form of rape? Not to mention, incest! How come he
didn’t feel the least bit of shame or remorse? Why instead did he simply
want to fuck her again? He didn’t see his sister anymore, but instead a
sexy peace of pussy and it was all his. Then he found himself looking at
her critically, and concluded that she was too small on top. Sure, her tits
were shapely and perky, but he preferred a set like Samantha’s... Could
Master PC alter someone physically like it had mentally?
Adam hurried back to his computer to see what he could do... This time when
he looked at Lisa’s 3D image, her eyes were closed and she was naked!
Apparently, the image on the screen represented the subject in their current
attire... or lack of in this case. He brought up the command center again
and scanned the menu options... then clicked on ‘physical attributes’ and
then ‘breasts’. According to the ‘specs’, Lisa was only a ‘32 ‘A’ cup. He
clicked the edit option and typed in ‘34′D’, and then a preview option and
watched as they grew on screen. They looked spectacular! He searched for a
time element, but couldn’t find one. This meant that as soon as he pressed
‘send’ that Lisa’s breasts would grow instantaneously. How would she
explain them? Then he chuckled, thinking that it wasn’t he that had to
explain them, but her! He clicked ‘Send’ executing the command.
Adam rushed back to Lisa’s bedroom and saw that she had shifted position and
was now sprawled out on her back... and her boobs were huge! Then he
returned to his computer and brought up a different menu. First, he altered
their sexual sensitivity of her nipples by tying them to her clit... and
repeated the process for her anus. Then he clicked on her buttocks and
reshaped them, making them rounder and firmer. He looked back at the image
on the screen and smiled. Where Lisa had been a ‘10’ before, with maybe the
exception of her tits, she was now off the chart! Including her tits! He
had the chuckle at the thought that every time she wiped her ass, she’d feel
Finally, he brought up the command menu and typed... ‘The physical changes
you discover will surprise you, but also please you... especially your
bigger boobs. In fact, you’ll love your new boobs so much that you’ll feel
compelled to wear tight clothes that show plenty of cleavage. Despite their
fullness and extra weight, they’ll never grow sore and you won’t need a bra
for support. ‘Send’.
Adam smiled... then turned his attention to Samantha Peters.
Lisa knew something was very different the opened her eyes... and a second
later she cupped her breasts.
“Oh my, God!” she cried out, bolting upright in bed. She looked down at her
new boobs with stunned amazement! They were huge!
She sprang up out of her bed and rushed to her mirror, feeling them jiggle
and bounce as she did... and gasped at what was reflected in the mirror!
Huge was an understatement! How was this possible? As she stared at them,
she slowly began kneading them... caressing them... and as she did she found
herself growing more and more aroused.
“Oh, fuck!” she cried out, feeling her arousal cross the line to needing to
cum. Her nipples were so fucking sensitive that she had to pinch them and
when she did she gasped, nearly dropping to her knees. They were so
beautiful... so huge... and so round... and it was then that she noticed the
rest of her changes. Had she actually grown more beautiful during her
sleep? She turned slightly to check out her ass and saw where it was also
rounder and shapelier... not to mention, firmer.
She suddenly recalled her dream and blushed... remembering every thrust from
her ‘dream lover’. She couldn’t help it when she reached down with her
right hand and entered herself, elevating her ‘need’ all the more! There
she was... standing before her mirror, legs spread slightly and fingering
her self!
“Unnnggggggghhhhhhhhhhh,” she cried out, coming, soaking her hand in the
process. Exhausted, she struggled over to her bed and flopped down on it.
It must have taken her about fifteen minutes before she recovered... and it
was then that she noticed her bedroom door open.
“Oh my, God!” she cried out, struggling to get up and close it. She felt
soooooo embarrassed at the thought that her brother might have watched her
masturbating the entire time!
Adam smirked as he heard Lisa masturbating through the thin walls of their
bedrooms, but instead of watching his sister, he typed Samantha’s name into
‘Master PC’ instead. He decided that Samantha was going to be his
girlfriend in public, while Lisa would remain his sex toy in private.
Samantha was Lisa’s best friend and it only seemed logical that she’d be the
one... and depending on how things progressed from there, he considered
adding Wendy to the mix.
Samantha wasn’t wearing her two-string bikini anymore, but that didn’t
matter. She was absolutely breath taking, possessing long blonde hair,
sparkling blue eyes, a shapely well-rounded ass, and a nice pair of boobs.
At the moment, she was dressed in skintight low-rise jeans and a blue tube
Adam then brought up Lisa’s file and split the screen in order to compare.
Lisa presented a wild sexier look, while Samantha radiated a sweeter, more
innocent look... They both oozed sensuality.
First, he started by enhancing Samantha’s attributes by tightening up her
ass, tapering her thighs, and then giving her near perfect boobs a lift and
firming them up. For the most part, he kept the changes subtle, thinking,
why mess with perfection? Then he brought up the command menu and began
typing... ‘You suddenly feel an overwhelming attraction for Lisa’s brother,
Adam. The sexual attraction you feel for him will grow stronger and
stronger with each passing minute and you’ll discover that you need
‘release’, but masturbating won’t help; only Adam will help. You’ll realize
that you can’t cum unless you’re with Adam. ‘Send’.
Samantha was sitting down watching television when ‘it’ happened. She had
been upset with Lisa and thinking about their fight when quite suddenly her
thoughts shifted to Lisa’s brother, Adam. At first she smirked, remembering
how Lisa had embarrassed him, but then her thoughts turned to sex, which
proved mildly arousing.
Images of Adam flashed through her head and in every one of them, he was
stark naked and ‘hard’... and in every one of them, she was in a submissive
position, feeling a ‘need’ to be conquered. “Ohhhhhhh,” she groaned,
feeling wave upon wave of pleasure!
As fast as she could, she staggered off the couch and up to her bedroom.
Why was she suddenly horny for Adam? She leaned back against the door and
closed her eyes and now saw herself on all fours and masturbating.
Quickly, she stripped out of her clothes and once she was naked, she dropped
down on all fours and began fingering herself! Harder, faster... and
deeper... but no matter how hard she tried to cum, she found she couldn’t!
Reluctantly, she pulled her sticky gooey fingers out of her hot throbbing
pussy and reached for her robe... then darted on down the hallway to the
bathroom. Seconds later she was straddling the toilet seat and
finger-fucking herself all over again... but regardless how hot and juicy
she felt, she still couldn’t cum.
In desperation, she hopped into the shower and made it ice cold... thinking
this would surely cool down her strange ‘heat’, but again she couldn’t find
relief. She turned off the shower and closed her eyes...
She was on her knees and naked... inside a huge palace... and she looked up
to the throne and saw Adam, also naked, and looking down at her. She looked
at his cock and immediately recognized the object of her ‘hunger’ and
‘need’... her every desire!
Lisa put on a loose fitting robe, which did very little to hide her new
boobs, and pranced down the hallway to the bathroom. She loved how much
they bounced. As she waited for the tub to fill with water, she couldn’t
resist playing with them... and found herself aroused all over again. She
started to run through the images of the different boys in her school, and
wondered which one of them to fuck first. She giggled at her decision to
start with the letter ‘A’ and fuck the entire alphabet. There wasn’t a boy
in her school that could say ‘no’ to her, especially now with her new boobs.
As she soaked in the tub, she realized that she could do something that she
couldn’t do before, and lowered her mouth down over one of her nipples...
and this led to another bout of self-pleasuring! She also saw an image of
her ‘dream lover’ and again noticed how closely her ‘dream lover’ looked
like her brother. ‘Damn... why did they have to look so much alike? She
realized with a slight fear that if she didn’t get laid soon, she’d be
looking at Adam in a whole new light.
Samantha knew she sounded desperate when she talked to Lisa on the phone,
but she didn’t care. ‘Wait till Lisa finds out why I want to come over’ she
thought to herself with a nervous giggle. Now, as she made her way to the
Lowell residence, her only concern was that Adam was home.
She had dressed like she was going out on a ‘hot date’, wearing clothes that
accentuated her very beautiful body. It was after her shower that she
noticed that her appearance seemed somewhat different... more beautiful in
fact. She seemed to be more tightly wrapped and slightly curvier. Now, she
just hoped that Adam would look at her in a sexual way and not as his
younger sister’s best friend.
“Lisa... Oh my, God! What happened to you?” she asked when her friend
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