Master Pc Literotica

Master Pc Literotica


Master Pc Literotica
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Man enjoys his copy of the Master PC program, until...
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'What the...?' I was working at the computer late on a Friday when I spotted an odd e-mail that managed to get through my Spam filters. It was from an anonymous sender and the message was simple: "Try this program. You'll love it!". Attached was a huge zip file.
I almost deleted it, but something about it caught my attention, so I figured what the heck. I was planning on re-formatting the laptop anyway. I transferred the zip file to my laptop and opened it up.
After several long minutes of buzzing and whirring, a screen finally appeared: "Welcome to Master PC, the program that makes you a virtual god to those around you! Would you like to get started, view the tutorial, or get help?" Hey, I'm a guy! I don't read manuals and I don't need no stinkin' tutorials! I opened the program and saw what looked like a drawing program with a large central window and a box asking for the name of the 'intended target'. Target? Maybe I should read the tutor... nah! I typed in my wife's name ("Marie") and was astonished to see a picture of her appear in a window. She was sleeping in the picture, wearing her flannel nightgown but otherwise seeming to float on an invisible bed. Oddly, the nightgown was translucent, almost invisible and I could see her body in great detail. As I watched, awed, it slowly rotated. I clicked a small control to make the image stand up.
Incredible! Possibilities began to flit through my head- someone set up a web cam, it was a prank of some sort, it was just an incredible coincidence that the pre-loaded model and my wife looked exactly the same down to surgical scars... I began to examine the controls to get an idea of what this program really was. Hmmm- some of the controls allowed me to change the way the image looked! Wow!
Forgetting the impossibility of all this for a minute, I began to play with the image, morphing it in several ways. The image started as a woman of 47, who looked a bit younger in some ways, and a bit older in others. She was medium height with a skin tone that looked olive in some light, reflecting a partially Lebanese background. Her wiry dark hair was short and graying but her body was slim and toned. A few droopy areas and some sag, but not bad overall. Her breasts were small to begin with but have deflated further after gravity and 4 kids were finished with them. She was beautiful to me, but I was still intrigued by the possibilities the program seemed to offer. A small pop-up asked me if I wanted to save the initial settings. I brushed it aside with hardly a thought. The pictures were intriguing, but hardly flattering or worth saving.
First, I used a slider bar to 'youthen' her overall. I dropped her age to 19 and watched with amazement as the image changed- her hair darkening, skin tightening, breasts re-inflating, wrinkles I had not even noticed before erasing. Cool! Of course, even as a teen she was not a beauty queen. Not ugly by any means, just not... well, just not real noticeable. OK, what else can the program do?
I found a bank of controls that allowed me to play with various characteristics and started to try them out. I started with her hair. I made it longer and silky, like those 'waterfalls' of hair in the shampoo commercials. Hmm, this did not look right against her face now.
I reduced her nose, enlarged the eyes a bit- changing them from a hazel to an incredible grass green at the same time. Lessee... re-arch the eyebrows a bit... You know, when she was a child people often wondered if she were Oriental. I decided to play with that so I tilted the outer corners up a tiny bit and added the small fold to the inner eye. Wow! Mouth- smaller, thicker, pouty lips, tweak the cheekbones and jawline.
I opened a window with a few Asian models to help guide me and I quickly had a beautiful, young, erotic, Oriental-looking face that still looked a lot like Marie. This was too cool! Obviously, it was an advanced morphing program, and I could not wait for the next step.
I turned my attention to her body. The overall design was OK, but I changed the fat/muscle ratio and overall weight to create a long, slender figure. I turned her skin tone an exotic dusky hue that fit in well with the overall Asian theme. Her feet and hands were now a lot smaller than they originally were and that was perfect for my purposes. Her strong muscles gave her some curves and definition, as well as a delightful ripple in her taut tummy.
I flared her hips a bit and enlarged her buttocks a bit to create a beautiful 'bubble butt' with a pair of dimples just above the rounded cheeks. Then I began to inflate her breasts. Now, I love big boobs, but this body just did not look quite right with a pair of FF's, so I started from 'A' and gradually inflated them, keeping them firm and round. I got a bit beyond a 'D' and they looked perfect- big and buoyant, but still in proportion to her. I noticed a check box that offered to automatically compensate for the size by adjusting back and other muscles, so I clicked on that. Her torso widened a tiny bit to accommodate, but otherwise everything was looking good.
I went over the image again, tweaking details- smallish aureole, perky nipples, long fingernails, slightly more defined calves, longer eyelashes, and so forth. At the end, I had a picture that would rival any that Mike James might make! God she was sexy! I had a picture of a young Asian woman of about 5′ 5″ with flowing black hair, measurements that were 36D-20-32, and the muscle tone of a trained gymnast.
Just about then, I noticed another set of controls- ones that claimed to work on internal issues. I opened them up to discover a whole section of controls for health, sexuality, cognition, and so forth. Huh? I began to open them one by one and diddled with them as I went. Fast healing, resistance to sexually transmitted diseases, incredible aerobic capacity and stamina... Wow!
Without really thinking about it, I began setting them to create a sex slave. Suddenly, it hit me- I was creating a virtual girlfriend! Duh!
I went back and began to create a woman that loved and worshipped me, a veritable Geisha to go along with the Asian look. A woman skilled in lovemaking as well as housekeeping and fine art. A woman of great intellect and wit, but totally subservient to and constantly aroused by me. I was getting turned on as I clicked control after control in my quest for the perfect Geisha.
Finally, I was rewarded with a screen that asked me if I wanted to execute the changes, and asked me when to start them and how long it should take. I figured that the more time I gave it to process, the more realistic the simulation would be. I told it to start immediately and to take 30 minutes. I figured that if I liked the results, I could always do another and let it process all night.
I went to get a late night snack and then swung by the bedroom to get my robe when I was stunned to see what was happening... Marie was lying in bed, but it was not really her! The person in our bed was a lot younger, with a halo of jet-black hair fanning out over the bed around her vaguely Asiatic-looking face! I pulled back the sheets to see her body flowing within her gown. Her breasts had already grown enough to make the nightie snug across her chest, and her hands and feet were visibly different as well!
Oh my God! What was going on here? How could this be happening? My thoughts were spinning in my head as I stared at her in astonishment. Suddenly, her eyes popped open and, upon seeing me, she suddenly leapt form the bed and bowed at my feet.
"Greetings, Master. How may this one serve you?" Her voice was musical, yet sent a shiver of arousal down my spine. She just sat there, forehead touching my toes, hands and forearms firmly planted on the carpet.
"Stand up, Marie! What happened to you?" I yelped as I helped her up. She stood like a cat stretching- perfectly balanced grace and power. Her incredible green eyes looked into mine as she replied.
"Master? This one does not understand? This one just wishes to serve you as ever. Please, may this one pleasure you?" As she spoke, her delicate hand was touching the cloth over my crotch without placing any pressure on me. I could feel her warmth through the thin fabric. I nodded permission and she gasped with joy as a smile bloomed on her exquisite face.
She led me to the bed and helped me lay in a comfortable position, propping me with pillows. I actually began to relax as she slid the ill-fitting gown off her lithe body and approached. She lifted her breasts and asked me if I liked them and wished to taste them. I said yes and she positioned herself so as to let each teat dangle enticingly above my face as her hand undid the tie of my pajamas and slid into them to find my almost quivering cock.
Her hand was small, warm, and ever-so-gentle. It barely touched my rather smallish manhood and coaxed it to painful rigidity. The feelings were incredible- her feathery touches, the taste and sensation of her pillowy breasts and rock-hard nipples, the soft murmurings she whispered hotly in my ear... Oh god, it all felt so good! I was being swallowed up in this overwhelming sensation of being engulfed in a warm cloud, with hot currents of pleasure shooting through me. I barely noticed that her other hand was caressing my nipples, neck, and an especially ticklish spot on my side. The sensations changed as the bed rustled and her perfectly formed mouth replaced her hand on the head of my cock. She licked at it with tiny cat-like strokes while gently squeezing and releasing the shaft with her long fingers. When she went from licks to swallowing the head, I almost lost it, especially after her tongue began to press and rub on the sensitive flange. I probably would have cum then and there, but she pressed a thumb against the underside of the shaft, right at the base and held it back.
She continued bobbing her head on me for a few more minutes, alternately sucking and licking and using her hands in some creatively erotic ways when I blew my load. She aimed my ejaculate onto her creamy breasts, and rubbed it in while making a deep purring noise. She licked her fingers clean, then carefully licked and sucked me clean.
By now, it was about 3 in the morning. I had cum hard, had been shocked to see these changes, and should have been wired, but I am ashamed to say that I fell fast asleep in the comfortable afterglow of orgasm, especially with her softness beside me and her loving caresses lulling me to sleep. I had some wild dreams that night, but one thought nagged me... I could not put my finger on it, but something was trying hard to bother my bliss.
The next morning, I woke late as usual for a weekend. Marie was not beside me, which worried me for some reason. Suddenly, I snapped upright in bed! Oh... my... GOD! What if she found the computer? What will the KIDS think about all of this? I scrambled out of bed to see the laptop still open and humming along, seemingly unchanged from yesterday's activities. I started to close the programs and stopped... Could I... SHOULD I use them to 'adjust' the kids so I can leave Marie like this, just for another day or so? I called up the kid's profiles and used cut and paste to tell each of them that 'mommy had left for the weekend, as she had planned to do for some time.
A family friend, Nika, was going to stay and help out. Nika is from Japan, so ignore any odd things she may do. Treat and obey her as you would your mother. Ignore anything that you see her do with or near me that may seem inappropriate'. I sent a similar message to Marie so she would play along. Thinking about how ripples of lies like this keep growing, I suddenly realized I'd have to do the same to other friends and family that might try to reach us over the weekend. Man, I probably should have just taken Nika away for the weekend.
Nika? I was thinking of her as a separate person already? Eh, it might be easier this way. I heard rustlings in one of the kid's rooms, and it occurred to me that I was naked at the computer. I shut it down and took it into the bathroom with me as I prepared to shower. You know... this program works so well, I wonder if it will work on me? I re-opened it once I was locked in the master bathroom and called up MY profile. Again, the 'save' screen popped up and a nano-second before I dismissed it, it suddenly hit me that I might want to save my settings before I changed anything. Again, I had a small nagging sensation that I was missing something, but I could not pin it down and saved my specifications.
OK, first things first. I weighed well over 400 lbs. I brought myself down to 210 and boosted my muscle mass, height, etc. so I ended up looking perfectly proportioned, but big. Youthened down to about 32, tweaked healing, aerobic capacity, power, speed, etc. Wow- this was so cool! I'd be a master at almost any sport I tried! Got rid of any need for glasses, fixed a bunch of medical problems, even some I did not realize were happening. Then, I gave myself a big cock. I always thought mine was too small, so I gave myself one that was about 9″ long, 3″ thick at erection, and still about 6″ long limp. Nice big balls, no hair on most of my body, etc.
When I was done, I looked enough like myself to still be able to use my ID and be recognized in passing. Not bad, not bad. A few quick commands to have the kids and others think it was normal to look like this and the weekend was going to be fun! Now, where was Nika in all this, I suddenly wondered?
When I opened the door, reveling in how things felt in this new powerful body, I was greeted by Nika kneeling outside the door, wearing on of Marie's old dresses, but with accessories and touches that changed it from a teacher's dress to a courtesan's wrapping. Her hair was up in an elaborate do, and her make-up was exotic. She looked lovely and incredibly fuckable! She led me to the guest room, where she had apparently been working since late last night. It was gorgeous- colorful draperies, fresh flowers, candles, diffused lighting, light music, even some hint of fragrances in the air. In the middle was a bed strewn with pillows and flower petals, and a study chair nearby had been outfitted with soft cushions.
"Master has changed?" Nika asked. I assured her that it was still me and she nodded once (Duh. I forgot to change her memory of me!) "Does Master like Nika's room?" I assured her that I did. "May Nika now fully service Master?" This third person thing- I don't know. It was irritating somehow, but also sent shivers down my spine. Nika led me to the chair and asked me to sit as she began to methodically undress us, touching, kissing, licking, or sucking me every second of it. She seemed especially excited by my new cock-staring at it when it came into view, almost hypnotized by the power that radiated from it.
She broke off her gaze and brought out a bowl and some washcloths. She gave me a sponge bath with warm scented water that had some mint or something in it that left me feeling fresh and clean. Starting with my feet, she then rubbed in a mild fragrant oil over every square inch of my body, skipping my cock and balls for now. She then had me lay on a low table in the room and proceeded to massage me top to bottom, then she stepped up on the table and literally walked on me! It felt incredible! As she was stepping off, I rolled over and snagged her hips, dragging her pretty hairless pussy over to my lips. I plunged my tongue deep inside her as she screamed out in pleasure. Her hips began to pump against my face almost immediately as I brought her to a quick and vocal orgasm. "Master! You are wonderful!" Nika gushed as she melted on top of me. This servant stuff was fun, but I really wanted to touch and please her as well.
She quickly revived and I took command again, standing up and lifting her to my waist, my cock brushing her pussy as it stretched wide so she could wrap her legs around me. I lowered her onto me, but I was so big and she was so tight that she just sort of sat there, cock pressed against her lips for a long second as her juices leaked out. Then, she just sort of relaxed open and slid down an inch onto me- it was tight and red-hot! I sank fully into her, relishing the sensations of stretching a young cunt to its limits combined with the sensitivity I gave myself. God, even my toes were tingling! I pulled back with an audible slurping noise, then plunged in again nice and easy. Again- a bit further and faster, then back I picked up a building rhythm that soon had my banging her loud and hard with her body convulsing with shuddering orgasms rolling through one after the other and her screaming her head off! She was a wildcat, thrashing and twisting, milking every ounce of pleasure from our rutting. When I came, it left me lightheaded and giddy. I literally saw stars as previously unimaginable amounts of hot sperm blasted into previously unreachable depths of her tight cunny.
God, I collapsed in a heap beside her, one of her big tits laying hot and heavy on me as she cuddled to my side. Even with my new power and endurance, this had been a workout. A knock on the door... "Hey, Dad? Are you about ready? We have to go to my game."
After a quick clean up- accomplished in large part by Nika's talented tongue, I was up and at'em. The kids greeted Nika with joy and squeals of "Aunt Nika!" They seemed oblivious to what we had been doing. So far so good! For the rest of the morning, I hauled kids around while Nika did some shopping. By the time we got back, she had cleaned and mildly redecorated the house AND had a light and delicious late lunch spread for us. The new décor included several elements of 'feng shui', like the use of mirrors, water, fruit, and so on. Nice. Comfortable, fresh... and oddly Marie-like. It was getting harder and harder to think of Nika as Marie- but every so often, I saw a mannerism or phrase Marie might use, making the situation more surreal. The afternoon was spent with housework, homework, some TV and playing some basketball outside. Nika fit in like a beloved aunt who visited often. She rolled on the floor with the kids, helped with homework, and watched TV... but she also fixed and brought in some snacks and would not hear of us helping her clean up. An odd mix of familiar and subservient.
After a delightful and entertaining dinner, where Nika managed to get each person to share a high point of the day and otherwise keep up a stimulating conversation, we watched a movie together and ate spiced popcorn. The kids went to bed a bit later than usual, but hey, it was a long weekend and they finished their homework. Nika cleaned up and we watched the news and some TV. I was just sitting there, casually stroking her breasts, face, hair, etc. as she just as casually was tracing my cock and balls. Suddenly, she got a big grin on her face and said "Master, may this humble one please you?" By now, I recognized that her use of the third-person was a gimmick- she had not used it at all in front of the kids. I agreed and waited, curious to see what her creative mind came up with this time.
She sat in an effortless tailor position at my feet
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