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Age 23
City Nairobi

Amanda Anal Brazilian – Brazilian escort in Dubai

Age 23
City Dubai
Height 168

Katie Last week – Ukrainian escort in Dubai

Age 24
City Dubai
Height 165

Age 22
Height 163 cm / 5′4″

Izabell Sanchez – Brazilian escort in Dubai

Age 24
City Dubai
Height 160

Quincy – New escort in Nairobi

Age 24
City Nairobi

Quincy – New escort in Nairobi, 24

Tantra Masseuse Daniela – Czech masseuse in Dubai

Age 36
City Dubai
Height 175

Exclusive Services(South B) – Kenyan escort in Nairobi

Age 32
City Nairobi

Katya – Polish escort in Dubai

Age 22
City Dubai
Height 170

Katya – Polish escort in Dubai, 22

Julia Milf 45 Years – Russian escort in Dubai

Age 45
City Dubai
Height 172

Preety Kamba Babe – Kenyan escort in Nairobi

Age 22
City Nairobi

Graciela – Kenyan escort in Nairobi

Age 21
City Nairobi

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We try to avoid political comment, but one of the team knows a person directly affected by what just happened there. The horrific and cowardly bombings in Sri Lanka are an offense to the people who follow the religion which the responsible people claim to be 'fighting' for. We are all disgusted by this violence, especially when it is done in the name of a religion where the majority of its followers reject it.

Sri Lanka recently emerged from a decades-long civil war (it's complicated, but it was great that it stopped, however ugly the events were). Tourism surged, rebuilding started and a lot of people started to get out of poverty. That progress is going to be stopped dead because of some idiots in explosive vests.

We have been helping a charity in Sri Lanka looking out for vulnerable girls and women over the last couple of years. We will now look to see if we can help more there or in other ways.

We just dropped advertising prices in Colombo by 40% as we know our paying advertisers might suffer as well. Our commitment to providing a free service to all advertisers remains - we know this has generated thousands of inquiries for them in the last months. Every cent an advertiser doesn't need to pay to a middle-man or woman is a cent closer to better life.

Sri Lanka is a beautiful country, full of welcoming and very nice people. Go visit.

We are sad to announce we will end service in the US within the next 10 days. Yeah, not cool.

For US advertisers:

We recommend you list on Slixa - they have built a high-quality platform covering the major cities in the US & Canada. It is a service being run by people who care about their advertisers, providing leads from high-caliber clients and they have strong testimonials from their current advertisers. Please check them out .
Sorry, but your account, listing and associated data will be
deleted within 10 days. If you also have a listing in another country,
only your listing in the US and its associated data will be deleted.
If you want to keep your data make a copy on your computer or phone of the description on your listing, public
questions & answers, reviews and download any images.

For US users / visitors:

Sorry we won't be able to help any more. Try Slixa
We will try to identify US-only users. Those accounts and any associated will be deleted and we will send an email to confirm.

Why are we doing this?

FOSTA/SESTA came from an initiative to combat 'human trafficking' and 'exploitation' (which we, you, and pretty much everyone agrees are very bad things). They were already illegal under US law, but the new legislation added a lot of other things which made life difficult for independent adult sexworkers and any online platform they might use. A few very brave members of Congress and senators voted against it because of the problems they identified in the bills - but politics being politics - they were not fixed. So a 'dumb' law got passed. In the current environment, we are not sure that the challenges to it (like this one ) will succeed, so decided to suspend service.

It is making life difficult for US law enforcement to do their jobs, there's a good write up here . It's also making life hard for real people - here's one reaction from an advertiser to our announcement:

This is where my main source of income came from. I'm heartbroken. [...] Rent is due soon and my car payment [...]

Statement : since FOSTA/SESTA, this site has not billed a single dollar to any advertiser or user, nor has received any other financial income or benefit based on any activity in the US. We assumed a large cost in that period to continue providing service in in terms of listings moderation, advertiser and user support, and costs for bandwidth and hosting.

We maintained service to help advertisers avoid costs (e.g. avoiding enriching intermediaries) and so they could exercise their rights to free speech under the US Constitution.

Individuals advertising services on the platform range from people in a good economic position to those close to or in poverty. We do know from some advertisers that we helped them get 'to a better place'. Many others have asked us to "please carry on and don't stop the site". Unfortunately, we know that suspending service in the US will make life worse any advertiser who is already having trouble surviving. We doubt many legislators who voted for the law understood the real-world effects it would have, or that most US citizens would be in favor of it.

The main justifications for the new law in the US were child exploitation and human trafficking (even if existing laws already covered those things). We have processes in place to identify this type of behavior, stop listings of that type and have never got a complaint for the US about anything like this. Stopping exploitation and trafficking is something everyone who cares about people and building better societies completely agrees with. Confusing these things with the much more complicated debate about what individuals are allowed to do (or not) is not useful. Often, media coverage of these issues often does not look at the root causes, the real effects on people or why the law got passed in the first place. Nor does it call to account the law-makers to do their jobs and revise legislation to actually help people.


We will make a donation to EFF on the behalf of common sense in the
world. In the same way we have donated over the past years to a number
of projects to help women and children in vulnerable situations, single
mothers trying to escape exploitation and other good causes.

Learn more here

We now have payments working again. Apologies for the disruption this has caused in the last months. Our payment processor suspended service without notice and it took us a while to get another solution in place.

If you have any problems, please let us know .

US listings

Due to new legislation in the US, we have taken the decision to phase out US listings on the site. We're sorry about the impact this will have on our US advertisers and their income and safety, but we don't currently see any other option. More information will come soon.

An academic study from the University of Leicester in the UK has highlighted some interesting points about what matters for sex-workers. They claim that Beyond the Gaze (BtG) is the largest study to date about safety, working practices, attitudes and regulation.

One of the key findings was that online services were "....of considerable importance in developing services, enabling independent working and greater control over working circumstances, and improving safety strategies." The BtG study also, "confirms that levels of violent crime encountered by internet-based sex workers are considerably lower than those reported in studies of street-based workers.

Although some of these conclusions may be obvious to people working in the industry, it is good to see this type of academic study. Quantifying and describing real-world experiences will help influence public opinion and may help politicians understand and adapt legislation for the general good.

Website | Download study

We wrote a while ago about people trying to scam Massage Republic users .

We now need to add another alert. We have just had a couple of reports that advertisers are being contacted both:

by phone, and,
using fake email addresses like massagerepublic[something]

They are asking for for an account registration fee to be sent to them (Bkash has been one method they have used).

We don't:

have a registration fee
use Bkash
call people asking for cash, email people asking for cash (if you want to upgrade, do so onsite please
use any email that is not from

We do know that it can be difficult to know if an email is genuine - so if you have any doubts, contact us and we will assist.
Try: if Massage Republic is blocked in the country you are accessing it from. Warning: this is not an SSL site Or try a proxy or VPN service to get round local censorship. We can recommend PureVPN or UltraSurf .
This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyse traffic. Your IP address and user agent are shared with Google, together with performance and security metrics, to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics and to detect and address abuse. Learn more Ok was created to help service providers connect with their audience and serve the needs visitors in a responsible way.
This blog is about new features on the site and feedback from advertisers and users. Go to the blog homepage .

© 2022 All rights reserved.

Given all the issues that Asian massage parlors are having, like Orchids of Asia , this is no time to be visiting massage parlors. Sure, I don’t know about you, but I really love a good massage. Nothing like a nice loosening up after a hard week. So, when I saw the site, Massage Republic, I thought, “Great! Maybe I can find a masseuse local”. That was until I started to check out what the site was really about.
Look, I’m no prude, so after a few seconds of poking around I was sure that I wasn’t going to get a legit massage out of using Massage Republic, but instead, I was going to get a “massage”. If you are a prude, or you’re just not sure what I’m talking about, many times sites like Massage Republic advertise massages when in fact they are a front for sex work of all types .
Now, I am not the type of person that wants to waste money on paying someone to give me the old rub-and-tug, I have dating sites and hookup apps that have left me with enough women for a long time. Never will I pay more than a site membership fee for sex of any type.
That being said, some guys are A-OK with the risks of using escorts, prostitutes, streetwalkers, and erotic masseuses. If that’s you, great. That’s why I continue to check out these types of sites, so I can at least point you away from the absolute worst of the worst in escort sites.
If you’re considering using Massage Republic, please read my review first. If you’re not convinced by what I say, at least be safe, ok?
The moment you land on the Massage Republic website, you’re going to get a pop-up looking to get your email address. You’ll also see that they are advertising adult content and by entering your info, you agree that you’re an adult, and you agree that you and the site women are just going to spend “free time” together.
Needless to say, I did not give Massage Republic my email address because I didn’t want to be blasted with spam and I certainly didn’t want my email address connected to an escort site. If you think those types of sites are immune from being hit by the feds, you’re living in La-La land and I’ll have some of what you’re smoking!
Trust me, escort sites are shut down all the time, look at Backpage. Not only was it shut down, but the entire site was also seized by the government under the suspicion of sex trafficking. Do you really want to be involved in that kind of mess?
Anyway, back to joining Massage Republic. Once I declined giving them my email address, I put in Southern Florida, a hopping and exciting area, to see just what was available on the sex work spectrum. I supposedly had 45 escorts available to me and 14 of them had verified profiles. They also offered me the following services:
If you’re not into having a strictly straight sexual encounter, you can also utilize the services of a trans woman, or a shemale, whichever she’d prefer to be called. You can also search for other services, location, and pricing.
Massage Republic quotes prices, but you’ll probably have to discuss what final price you’ll pay with whichever escort you decide to go with. Prices are quoted at $40-$1,000, with an average cost of $355 for an hour.
Remember, that’s for South Florida, so things are more expensive down there. I’m sure some little Podunk town in Iowa is going to have cheaper prostitutes. Or, you could just skip the high fees and invest your money on something that won’t give you cooties or a record, like a hookup app or dating site.
One major character flaw that Massage Republic has is its advertising that is literally everywhere. Bad dating sites do this to get you to click on the ads, so they get a kickback for your traffic to those other sites. They also use the ads to make their own site look exciting and sexy and fun.
Rarely are any sites like Massage Republic or their third-party advertisers exciting, sexy, or fun. If you see any dating sites that are brimming with advertising, avoid them.
You’re all grown men and you don’t need me harping on you like an old bitty, but I’m going to anyway.
Using any escort site, especially one that is so blatant about what they’re providing, is very risky. I don’t mean the “getting a disease” thing, although I’m sure you don’t want anything that can last for a lifetime or take your life.
And I don’t even mean the “it’s unsafe, you could get robbed, beat up, or worse” thing. Yes, that would suck big time, but you’re a grown-up and you made the choice to order up a complete and total stranger from the internet based off of pictures that could be stolen or faked.
No, what I mean is, you really are pushing your luck by putting any personal information into an escort site because sites like this get raided all the time. I mean, the creator of legit got raided in April of 2019 and the authorities took his computers and memory cards . I bet you all the members of that escort site have their buttholes in a pucker right now!
Look, you have to do what works for you, but seriously pause and think it out first. With your brain. On your shoulders.
I really don’t know why anyone uses escort sites. There are so many other options out there and they are not going to cost you anything beyond a membership fee to a dating site or app. Sure, the girls on Massage Republic cater to fetishes and they’re hot, but you can’t be assured they are who they say they are and you certainly can’t guarantee that they won’t rob you, give you a disease, or cause you trouble when the feds raid the site.
If I were you, I would avoid Massage Republic and any other site like it. There are just too many risks associated with this illegal activity and you have many other options available to you.
If you want to get some booty and smash without all that possible law enforcement and breaking the law, then just join one of these dating apps for adults . You will meet someone looking to bang for free here – guaranteed.
Frankie Moretti is an Italian investment banker who's a go-getter with an eye for staying ahead of trends. He's a sucker for hot women, data, fine wine and lik
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