Massage Therapy is Beneficial for Tension and Pain?

Massage Therapy is Beneficial for Tension and Pain?

If you hear someone say that they enjoy receiving massages, do they think it is an indulgence? Or do you think it indicates they are nice and caring? Massage can be very therapeutic for anyone of any age. Massage has been shown in studies to decrease stress, ease chronic pain, and lessen anxiety in those suffering from chronic illnesses such as cancer. Massage can also be used to treat various conditions, including chronic pain, insomnia, the stress-related tension and fibromyalgia.

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, massage therapy is the main treatment for back pain. Nearly nine out of ten Americans who use massage therapy claim it eases or soothes their pain. Massage therapy has been found to be extremely effective in alleviating menstrual cramps, soreness, headaches, pain muscle soreness, carpal tunnel syndrome, and menstrual cramps. It may even decrease the frequency of menstrual cramps. Some researchers believe that massage therapy helps increase the blood flow to the brain that can influence brain's hormones and chemicals that control anxiety, stress, and mood.

Studies have also shown that massage can decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. It has also been proven that massage can ease pain for patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. One study showed that women who had regular massages had lower blood pressure after six months.

A massage from a certified massage therapist will benefit your physical and mental well-being. Massage can create a sense of well-being for both the person receiving the massage and the therapist. It increases blood flow to the skin and muscles. This improves blood flow to your muscles, which provides them with more nutrients and oxygen. This increases the strength of your muscles. Massage can also aid in relaxation.

The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine is a San Francisco clinic that offers massage therapy. The center is located in San Francisco's SOMA district, the center is led by Dr. Mark Sias, a leading osteopath and holistic practitioner. Dr. Sias specializes in treating patients suffering from chronic pain and fibromyalgia, patients suffering from brain injuries that are traumatic, patients with dementia, those with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and developmental disorders, as well as those suffering from chronic pain and fibromyalgia.

The National Registry of Therapy Practitioners was established by the American Academy of Chiropractic Medicine and the San Francisco Medical Society to aid professional massage therapists in providing high-quality care to their clients. According to the San Francisco Medical Society, the National Registry of Therapy Practitioners offers "a guide to identify and evaluate the validity and reliability of massage practices." The academy cautions against silicone implants that could be leaking into vital organs. Sias advises avoiding these types of implants, since they haven't been tested for safety and may affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. 평택출장마사지 He stresses that his focus is on treating the tissue, not the adhesions, like some of the more popular methods do.

If you're interested in learning more about how massage can help you or your loved one Contact Sias at Sias Pressure Relief located in San Francisco. The Therapeutic & Bodywork Clinic provides individual massage and chiropractic treatment. In addition to receiving massage therapy from certified therapists, you may receive a chiropractic adjustment or manual manipulation as part of your treatment. The manual manipulation relaxes muscles that are tired and tight to promote energy circulation throughout the body. Massage is a component of a comprehensive therapy program.

Although massage may appear to offer promise for pain relief, the side effects like soreness headaches and muscle tightness nausea, vomiting, dizziness and mild muscle weakness are all typical. Additionally, the adverse effects are only temporary. Sias insists that you stop using massage therapy if you experience any side effects. If you experience any serious symptoms, call your doctor immediately. They can assist you in identifying contraindications and guide you to the best treatment.

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