Massage Spb

Massage Spb


Massage Spb
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Сеть массажных кабинетов “Массаж для здоровья” 1999-2022
Long, firm strokes using kneading and friction techniques combined with active and passive movements of the joints. Promotes general relaxation. Relieves muscle tension. Used primarily for a full-body session. Excellent for first time massage clients and long term users.
A good back massage will leave the recipient feeling relaxed. The massaging motion works to improve circulation and blood flow to the muscles, bringing them nutrients and helping them to remove toxins. In this way, massage not only feels good but it’s good for you too!
An Oriental-based system of finger pressure massage which treats special points along acupuncture «meridians», the invisible channels of energy flow in the body. Blocked energy along these meridians can cause physical discomfort so the aim is to release the blocks and rebalance the natural flow.
Primarily for the serious athlete who trains continuously and active individuals. Focuses on the muscles relevant to the particular athletic activity. Can include pre-event, post-event and maintenance techniques that promote greater athletic endurance and performance, lessen chances of injury and reduce recovery time.
Relaxation massage is essentially the same as a gentle Swedish massage that uses smooth, gliding strokes. The primary purpose will be to help you relax, and the massage therapist will probably move at a slower pace and use light pressure.
During a relaxation massage there is less emphasis on working out serious adhesions or knots in the muscle tissue and the therapist won’t push your pain limits in order to get the muscle to release.
Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful complementary choice for prenatal care. It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and edema (or swelling). In addition, massage reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, encourages blood and lymph circulation, helps to relax nervous tension-which aids in better sleep-and can help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.
Pediatric Massage is beneficial for children with and without special needs. The important sense of touch has amazing benefits to the physiological and emotional growth and development of children and their relationship to their parents and caregivers.
On-site chair massage is a highly effective technique that provides an immediate sense of vitality and well-being. A 15 minute massage to the neck, shoulders, back, arms & hands is performed right in the office setting. Massage Therapist, using a variety of massage techniques:Swedish, Shiatsu and Deep Muscle Massage.
By having regular massage sessions, the muscles condition will improve (they will tonify) and the skin will be more elastic and firm. How? The techniques used in massage act on the fat cells (adipocytes) and help them to detach from the tissues and reabsorb evenly. Massage has many health benefits for skin, connective tissue, muscular tissue and joints, circulatory and nervous system.
Aromatherapy is the treatment or prevention of disease by use of essential oils. Other stated uses include pain and anxiety reduction, enhancement of energy and short-term memory, relaxation, hair loss prevention, and reduction of eczema-induced itching.
Eases muscle stiffness and tension Increases circulation and warms deeper muscles Decreases stress and anxiety Good for chronic pain, rheumatic/arthritic conditions, fibromyalgia
Cranial sacral therapy (also known as craniosacral therapy) is a gentle, noninvasive form of bodywork that addresses the bones of the head, spinal column and sacrum. The goal is to release compression in those areas which alleviates stress and pain.
Cranial sacral therapy seeks to restore the natural position of the bones and can decrease stress from chronic injuries as well as provide relief from migraine headaches, neck and back pain, temporomandibular joint disorder (the inflammation of the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull) and more

Главная > Статьи > Our massage therapists:
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Сеть массажных кабинетов “Массаж для здоровья” 1999-2022
We employ qualified personnel with medical training, certified massage therapist and a great experience.
Director of massage centers network «health massage». Author of Internet projects and Organizer of seminars for massage.
Vladimir excellent command of massages such as therapeutic, anti-cellulite, dot, kids, figure correction, massage for pregnant women.
In 1991 he graduated from the courses on medical professionals and acupressure at the Research Institute of Emergency Care. II Janelidze.
In 1995 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Medical Pediatric Institute.
In 1998 he passed the courses of the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and received a certificate in the specialty — medical massages.
Seminar on Vacuum gradient therapy, massage Rolling, Soft Tissue Release (STR), trigger and indicator points, anti-cellulite massage Contour.
Penza Graduated Medical School in 1995. In 2001 he held massage courses. In 2003 he took refresher courses.
He is fluent in medical, anti-cellulite, sports, prevention, Lymphatic drainage, skulpturiruyuschim, honey, vacuum, relaxation, children’s massage, facial massage, stone therapy. Passed seminars on massage deep tissue massage skulpturiruyuschemu AI Grebennikov, in the face massage, «Kamala».
She graduated from the First Medical Institute. IP Pavlova in 1987 with a degree in general medicine. Passed training courses on massage in MAPA in 2001. Good has curative and anti-cellulite, segmental, dotted, children’s massage, has soft manual therapy techniques.
He finished FGUZ «Kislovodsk Medical College» specialty «nurse masseur» in 2011.
In 2011 she received a certificate in «Medical massage».
She took refresher courses in 2015 on the theme «Medical massage» in GBOU ACT «Kislovodsk Medical College».
Lydia perfectly owns all kinds of massage: classic (curative), anti-cellulite, cupping, sports, relaxing, baby massage, massage for pregnant women, cosmetic facial massage.
Tatiana in 1984, graduated from medical school and courses of therapeutic massage.
3 years He worked as a masseuse in Cuba. In 2000, training was held at the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and received a certificate in the specialty — medical massages.
He is fluent in all the techniques of massage: anti-cellulite, sports, lymphatic drainage, vacuum, baby massage, deep tissue massage skulpturiruyuschim. Performs cosmetic facial massage, massage for pregnant women. Ongoing training. Improve their knowledge and skills by attending various seminars for massage therapists.
He graduated from medical school at the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute.
He was trained at the school improve the skills of workers with secondary medical education number 1 and got a certificate in the specialty medical massage.
Additionally, he held training courses on the following methods and practice: «Shiatsu»; «Chiromassage»; «Rolling», «Soft tissue release»; «Deep Tissue Massage»; «Lipoefferentny massage»; «Biosmoticheskoe wrap»; «Chiromassage»; «Lymphatic Drainage Massage»; «Vertebrology in practice masseur»; «Somatoemotsionalny» and «Stone Therapy».
He speaks techniques of classical, therapeutic, anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, glubokotkannogo, massages, stone therapy.
Studio of Nadia Kim «The Art of Massage» (classic, anti-cellulite, Thai massage the reflex zones of the foot);
Institute of Manual Therapy «INMASTER» (hiromassazh, haemolymphatic drainage neyrosedativny massage bioosmaticheskoe wrap);
School art massage «ESTETISTA» (lipoefferentny massage, modeling massage the breast);
Training and Wellness Center Baptist Clinic professor Ogulova AT (Massage internal organs);
School massage techniques «FLYHANDS» (myofascial release, trigger point therapy, anti-cellulite massage circuit);
Israel Body & Massage Center (deep tissue massage).
Practicing classic massage in a wide range of light effects to the power of massage (for those who prefer a strong kneading).
In his work he uses a Thai massage techniques (seminar on «Thai massage of back and neck and neck area» of Kasatkina V).
Performs sports massage, allowing cause the muscles, joints and ligaments to normal after training and before them.
He achieved excellent results in the correction of the female figure, blayearsrya training anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage in Mardin VE, as well as massage techniques skulpturiruyuschego by the author’s method A. Grebennikov. Passed training course in cans and honey massage in Mardinskogo VE
He graduated from medical school at the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute.
He was trained at the school improve the skills of workers with secondary medical education number 1 and got a certificate in the specialty medical massage.
Additionally, he held training courses on the following methods and practice: «Shiatsu»; «Chiromassage»; «Rolling», «Soft tissue release»; «Deep Tissue Massage»; «Lipoefferentny massage»; «Biosmoticheskoe wrap»; «Chiromassage»; «Lymphatic Drainage Massage»; «Vertebrology in practice masseur»; «Somatoemotsionalny» and «Stone Therapy».
He speaks techniques of classical, therapeutic, anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, glubokotkannogo, massages, stone therapy.
Practicing classic massage in a wide range of light effects to the power of massage (for those who prefer a strong kneading).
In his work he uses a Thai massage techniques (seminar on «Thai massage of back and neck and neck area» of Kasatkina V).
Performs sports massage, allowing cause the muscles, joints and ligaments to normal after training and before them.
He achieved excellent results in the correction of the female figure, blayearsrya training anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage in Mardin VE, as well as massage techniques skulpturiruyuschego by the author’s method A. Grebennikov. Passed training course in cans and honey massage in Mardinskogo VE

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