Massage Private

Massage Private


Massage Private

I felt safe and free to express my self, in the sacred space that Yogita offered me during this journey. She was like a sister to me, took me by the hand to the depth of my intimacy. She is loving and devotional, so it would not be difficult to surrender once you'll be there, naked in front an angel of God!

The Women in Love Workshop with Yogita helped me open towards my fellow sisters in the group and everywhere I go. It taught me how to surrender more, think less, be more of a woman and less of a man. I now live with a deep knowing that everything is possible.
My yoni massage (genital massage for women) is equal parts intuitive and down-to-earth, healing and deeply pleasuring, therapeutic and practical (from a sexological standpoint), tantric and magical…. I don’t distinguish between “types” of yoni massage as some practitioners do, because women – being extraordinary and complex in their sexuality – usually have intertwined issues intimately connecting healing and pleasure for them. In my approach, when intention flows properly and with sacred alignment, needs are met perfectly. Each massage is different for each woman and for the same woman on different days. The massage is guided by the stated wishes of the woman herself, and from there it is offered by consecration, within an approach of intuitive professionalism, and becomes a gift from the Divine to the divine – the woman receiving as the embodiment of Shakti. I simply facilitate this gorgeous feminine blossoming in taking place!

I felt safe and free to express my self, in the sacred space that Yogita offered me during this journey. She was like a sister to me, took me by the hand to the depth of my intimacy. She is loving and devotional, so it would not be difficult to surrender once you'll be there, naked in front an angel of God!

The Women in Love Workshop with Yogita helped me open towards my fellow sisters in the group and everywhere I go. It taught me how to surrender more, think less, be more of a woman and less of a man. I now live with a deep knowing that everything is possible.
< select one > Tantra Workshop Receiving Tantra Massage (women) Receiving Tantra Massage (men) Learning Tantra Massage (couples, singles) Workshops and/or Retreats Yoga Classes Consultation/Life coaching Bhajans Rituals and Initiations
Tantra Massage is many things! It is a life-changing experience, a sublime gift to yourself or your lover, a very personal and profound therapy, and … a massage as well!
Let’s demystify it a bit – just a bit! It should remain a little mysterious for you too, because every person experiences a completely unique journey into themselves….
In Tantra Massage, your genitals will probably be touched (with your permission). But this is not just a genital massage! Nor is it a full-body erotic massage with a “happy ending.” (Although most people feel very happy at the end!) This is a private session in which you are taken on a journey to your most inner intimate self. The entire session is held in a sacred, safe space in which you feel relaxed, comfortable, and free to express yourself.
I will introduce the session and prepare our time with a guided meditation. You will be asked to set your intentions and declare your purpose for the session as part of its ceremonial beginnings – a powerful phase during which you are freeing and clearing yourself of negative interference and aligning yourself with the creative process at hand.
When we start the bodywork, I ask you to stay fully present and communicate with me about anything which comes up for you during your session. I’ll touch base with you frequently, asking how you feel and guiding you through the process. Women will receive a “map” for their yoni (vagina), releasing pain if any exists and learning to increase the pleasure at the different orgasmic points inside the yoni . Men learn to increase their pleasure without ejaculating and, therefore, to increase their virility and become better lovers. Both women and men practice receiving a loving touch without giving anything back in return and thus turning more deeply inward. This is a great opportunity for you to let go of control, to trust and surrender fully.
I work with intuition and universal energies, so there is no routine for the massage. Each time you come, it will be different. Each person receives exactly what he or she needs to receive most in that moment.
At the end of the bodywork, I leave you peacefully without touch for a few minutes, so you can be present to the sensations in your body as a result of the massage, to enjoy them and relax. Then we will conclude with another short meditation before you dress to leave. We conclude together with some sharing and a hug. Namaste!
 Thank you again for this wonderful experience. You made it meaningful, joyful, and beautiful. It felt just right.

It is so good to connect with the power of the yoni, to share it, and to see that there are such amazing open-minded, caring, and inspiring people in this world allowing this to happen.
" I can honestly say I can still feel the powerful effects of the ecstasy that I experienced when I was finally able to surrender fully…. Yogita revealed that Shakti bliss exists within me! "
" Thank you again for this wonderful experience. You made it meaningful, joyful, and beautiful. It felt just right "
" Yogita [is] an amazingly gifted woman, full of joy, energy, enthusiasm." 
Yogita is such a special teacher. She has a beautiful way of helping others to open. … I love how she has the perfect balance of being direct and strong in her teaching and guidance while being loving, affectionate, and open.
I have never had such a profound and deeply releasing experience. This is pure magic.
It was truly a beautiful, life-changing experience. I discovered my body like I never had before, and got in touch with my sacred femininity…. I am overflowing with gratitude for this experience.
Aida Diop, Belgium/Senegal (a virgin at the time)
Aida Diop, Belgium/Senegal (a virgin at the time)
[This massage] was more effective than any other healing I have tried…. The effect this has had on my love life and the confidence [it] has given me are really the best gifts I could have asked for. Things have really opened up for me now and I’ve been experiencing new sensations each time I make love. I feel so empowered.
I experienced … the surreal pleasure of my first-ever G-spot orgasm. I can’t find words to describe this experience. Yoni massage has opened my eyes and my body to a new level of being and I will forever be changed by the experience.
 I love you, Yogita! I have never met anyone so powerful, balanced, and pure. I don't really know your path. However, I can imagine how much work it has taken to become the amazing woman you are and it’s so inspiring!
You have taught me to open my heart again and tap into the fountain of Love.... Because of this my life is forever changed.... Please continue this work that you do with women – you have a divine gift....
Yogita can move energy! Once I let go and let [her] have my body, everything from emotions to energy started to move and open up in ways that are unexplainable.
[Yogita] is the ultimate giver. Selfless, yet deeply involved and connected to you throughout the session…. Yogita has an amazing touch and is obviously well versed in many techniques whose only goal is to bring you ecstatic joy in both body and mind. 
I can say proudly that [after the massages]…I improved my sexual ability, I can control and even prevent my ejaculation, I enhanced my sexual awareness, I feel more confidence with my body, [and] I am a better lover.
This workshop has been a liberating and amazing experience. … I would recommend this workshop to couples who want to share an intense and memorable bonding experience, deepen their sex life but also kick-start mutual communications which will transform their whole relationship.
My partner and I had the exquisite opportunity of having a lingam and yoni massage from the fabulous Yogita on the island of Phangan! We were heart blown and opened by her skills, care, teachings, and tenderness. …Thank you, Yogita, for sharing your life work with us and being a powerful cornerstone in our evolution.
 Thank you again for this wonderful experience. You made it meaningful, joyful, and beautiful. It felt just right.

It is so good to connect with the power of the yoni, to share it, and to see that there are such amazing open-minded, caring, and inspiring people in this world allowing this to happen.
Thank you, Yogita, so much for your professionalism! You are fiery, sexy, and have a big heart!! It was really nice and I enjoyed being in this group with the beautiful ladies present. I’m sure each one of us takes something special from this experience! Thank you – you are beautiful! I love you, Elena
What I appreciate most about Yogita is her devotion to the work she does and her ability to be a no-nonsense strong leader and organizer and a warm-hearted, funny, and soft woman at the same time. She helps and inspires me the most by being who she is, an empowered woman who expresses many aspects of divine femininity.
When a woman is drawn to vaginal, or yoni , massage for its therapeutic benefits or ability to activate and magnify her pleasure potential, she does not always come boldly and directly. Many women are very hesitant, either because they have self-esteem issues which block their ability to receive or they have been subjected to some form of abuse or trauma which has closed them down physically and/or emotionally. In fact, many women come for yoni massage because they are non-orgasmic. Others are not fully satisfied and fulfilled in their sexual life and they want to learn how to expand their orgasmic potential.
Tantra Massage for women indeed helps women open and relax in such a way as to experience different states of orgasm during the massage itself. However, the best attitude for approaching a massage should not be oriented toward expectations and goals, but rather toward: pure openness…. When a woman tries to reach orgasm or her man aims to give her enough pleasure to reach orgasm, she is pushed into a subtle form of stress and such a goal-oriented approach can even block its intended result. Most of all, she’ll be taken away from the present moment – the opportunity to fully enter a deep relationship with herself. Instead of being present – relaxing, enjoying, receiving pleasure, and expressing joy freely – she will be trying to reach somewhere else, a mental projection built from what she thinks she should be experiencing. If she doesn’t reach that imagined goal, she’s liable to feel more frustrated, disappointed, and as if something is wrong with her or that she is not good enough, conclusions which feed a vicious circle that may continue to create a shield that blocks her from her highest potentials.
Some women have never had an internal orgasm when they come for a session and, during the massage, they do. This common scenario is sometimes attributable to a lack of ability to surrender and relinquish control, which is often the manifestation of a trust issue and closed heart. Sometimes this is evident when a woman can orgasm by herself but not with a partner. In addition, women may realize that other factors have contributed to taking them out of an orgasmic sphere, namely the dynamic that is at times created when men try to please their partners and women want to let their partners feel that they succeeded. This tension even leads some women to fake their orgasms, which is one of the worst things a woman can do within her sexual life, for herself and her relationship. A man will feel then that his partner does orgasm with him, so he will come to expect that she should continue to reach orgasm, and efficiently so. The woman will be put into another pattern of creating an expectation for herself and her lover.
Often, I have been approached by couples where both partners feel the woman has a problem as she can’t reach orgasm. To their credit, both of them realize that they need to show more patience, and this lack of patience is usually the first admitted problem. Secondly, they often feel blocked and afraid to say that they are not enjoying the experience, because the man fears his self-esteem may be damaged and the woman is afraid of rejection, and so… it all circles back to achieving the woman’s orgasm – which now produces more stress for both partners. However, both need to realize that it takes time for women to warm up. They need to take it slowly and build up their arousal. And they need to be able to enjoy and love themselves in the process. Sometimes, a couple attends the woman’s session together and – surprise – a woman who is normally not orgasmic with her partner reveals herself to be extremely orgasmic during the massage. This may also trigger feelings of inadequacy in the man, who suddenly realizes the problem may not be the woman’s after all, and even resentment in the woman, who has long felt blamed for intimacy problems in the relationship, when perhaps she was simply not provided the right stimulation or her partner did not last long enough to take her to orgasm.
Taking all of these factors into account, my invitation to women today and every day is to: be yourself, enjoy yourself, and love yourself! Allow yourself to stretch into the greatest openness within your personal universe, dropping everything related to conventions, expectations, and goals. If the orgasm comes, it comes. Letting go of expectations removes any boundary for the experience and allows the full and limitless range of potential to manifest.
In the right conditions, being touched in the right way, cradled within an aura of sacred space while you are loving and enjoying yourself, you will reach orgasm exactly because you are relaxed and enjoying, you can let go of control, and you don’t expect a thing. When it comes, let Shakti come to you and through you, bringing the divine aspect of the massage deep within you like a river of love that reaches your heart….
Men who choose to approach Tantra Massage usually do so for different reasons than women. A man does not normally have trouble achieving orgasm during either lovemaking or masturbation. Normally, he may confront feelings related with fear of rejection due to the size or appearance of his penis ( lingam) , as well as performance anxiety and feelings of inadequacy surrounding his sexual relationships with women. For such emotional issues, Tantra Massage can bring a great deal of self-confidence to men.
One of the best benefits of this massage for men is that men learn greater control over their sexual energy. This is of enormous help to men who face issues pertaining to their capacity for arousal and premature ejaculation. First of all, men learn to recognize the gradations of arousal and to experience greater and greater levels of pleasure without ejaculation. Not only does this expand the capability of a man to handle pleasure, allowing him the possibility of increasing his own orgasmic potential, but it also trains him to experience lovemaking without ejaculating. This is very important in Tantra, as it brings men and women into closer synchronicity during their phases of arousal, allowing them to experience deep orgasmic states together.
Through this massage a man may also become multiorgasmic and even whole-body orgasmic, as he learns to disperse his arousal energy and to sublimate his pleasure into higher states of awareness, bliss, and even spiritual states of samadhi .
I offer private sessions of Tantra Massage more commonly than any other type of session. All sessions are intended to spiritualize your sexuality, lead you into greater awareness and openness, increase your orgasmic potential, bring you emotionally and mentally into a very positive and affirming space, heal sexual traumas, support you in sexually opening up, and release anything that blocks you from experiencing yourself in the fullest, deepest way possible.
In addition, everything valid for lingam massage is valid for prostate massage, for those who wish to explore this option. The prostate gland has been described as the “male G-spot,” with the ability to activate an enormous pleasure potential and to release blockages surrounding fear, shame, and guilt even more effectively than a lingam massage. Prostate massage forces men to become more receptive and to open themselves up to connect more deeply with their feminine side.
The prostate is accessed through the anus and rectum so men must have a willingness to explore this area if they wish to pursue this type of massage therapy. Prostate massage costs more than lingam massage and is valid as an option in a second session only.
Private massage workshops are teaching sessions based around private Tantra Massage sessions with the two partners in a couple participating. If your partner wishes to learn how to give you a Tantra Massage, this is a perfect opportunity. Two friends can also choose to learn together, using each other as models for practice. How do you know that you want to learn? First come and receive a session, then you can learn to share this gift with others. If you want to learn to give, first you need to learn to receive!
I recommend beginning teaching sessions only after both partners have already had private Tantra M
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