Massage Lisa

Massage Lisa


Massage Lisa

Benefits Of Massage
About Lisa
Price List
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Swedish Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Hot Stone Massage

Prenatal (Pregnancy) Massage
Myofascial Release
Integrated Massage

Not all massages are equal. Some leave you walking out of a session in more pain than
when you went in and others are so ineffective they leave you wondering why you bothered
getting a massage in the first place. Visit us and say goodbye to bad massages.
Copyright © 2021 by Lisa Goodchild. All rights reserved.

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Deep Tissue, Cupping Therapy, Muscle Recovery

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Hours And Scheduling
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Lisa's Therapeutic Massage Studio
Benefits Of Massage
Photo Gallery

 In 2006, I earned my Associate Degree in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Later, in 2016, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Science as well as a certificate in Personal Training.
I enjoy helping people find the source of their pain and working with them to reduce stubborn muscle tension. 
I love spending time with my husband, my three kids, and my dogs. I like to explore my local community by biking and running in the warm weather. 

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