Massage Gun

Massage Gun


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Alena is a writer specializing in health, wellness, and fitness. She writes about fitness and health products across the Verywell brands.
Fact checked by Shereen Lehman, MS on April 03, 2020
Shereen Lehman, MS, is a healthcare journalist and fact checker. She has co-authored two books for the popular Dummies Series (as Shereen Jegtvig).
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links.
"Top-of-the-line option with a price tag to match, but with six attachments and an adjustable arm, it definitely gets the job done."
"With this device, you'll enjoy many of the benefits of higher-end massage guns for a fraction of the price."
"Even on the highest of its three speeds, this device is quieter than the lowest speed of most other massage guns."
"A favorite among fitness trainers who are always on the go and use it on a variety of clients with unique needs."
"Incredibly lightweight and easy to hold, this mini massage gun is ideal for people with arthritis or weaker hands."
"This budget-friendly massage gun can last up to six hours on a single battery charge and sports an auto-shutoff feature."
"The OLED screen keeps track of your speed and pressure level, and you can customize it from your smartphone."
"With nine intensity levels and seven massage heads, this pick offers the most customizable relief on this list."
"If you typically opt for more aggressive deep tissue massages, this device is one of your best home alternatives."
"Portable and lightweight, it comes with a compact carrying case and delivers 35 pounds of force for maximum on-the-go treatment."
Massage guns are taking the fitness gadget world by storm. These percussive therapy devices target sore muscles with rapid-fire pulses, aiming to provide the benefits of massage therapy from the comfort of your home.
Many massage gun users swear by the gadget’s ability to help relax muscles, boost post-workout muscle recovery, and prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMs) by increasing blood flow to the soft tissues and reducing lactic acid buildup.
While researchers have yet to confirm the efficacy of massage guns specifically, studies do support the therapeutic capabilities of vibration therapy and massage, both of which are part of percussive therapy.1
Here are the best massage gun options on the market.
Best Overall: TheraGun G3PRO Percussive Therapy Device
Theragun is the pioneer of massage gun products, and the G3PRO is their top-of-the-line option with a price tag to match. With that said, it definitely gets the job done.
It comes equipped with six attachments and an adjustable arm so users of all heights can target any part of their body successfully. Handling up to 60 pounds of force before stalling, it provides pretty powerful percussive therapy. While its battery life is only 75 minutes, the GP3PRO comes with two batteries, both of which are rechargeable, so you can use them interchangeably.
The percussion speed of the GP3PRO makes it a louder option, which is something to be mindful of if you plan on using it in a public space like the gym. On the plus side, it comes with a nice carrying case and an interactive app.
Noise: 70 to 75 dB | Stall Force: Up to 60 pounds | Weight: 2.9 pounds | Customizability: Four unique arm positions, five speed settings, and six attachment heads
Best Budget: VYBE Percussion Massage Gun Pro Model
Great range of speeds and attachments
Interchangeable rechargeable batteries
Yes, you can enjoy many of the benefits of higher-end massage guns for a fraction of the price. Weighing 2.5 pounds, the Vybe Pro can handle more than 30 pounds of force before stalling, providing both deep percussion and strong pressure.
You can choose from nine different speed settings and feel confident that it can reach any muscle in need, thanks to its eight different attachment heads. It also comes with two swappable, rechargeable batteries, keeping it going for up to three hours.
This model from Exerscribe is the least expensive of the three they offer, but that doesn’t make it an inferior choice. The only real sacrifice made here is in the noise department—it’s a pretty loud device.
Noise: 60 dB | Stall Force: 30+ pounds | Weight: 2.5 pounds | Customizability: Nine speed settings and eight attachment heads
“I would recommend trying a few massage guns before buying one. And while it’s tempting to use the gun for longer sessions, limit percussive therapy to one or two minutes per muscle targeted. Also, if you’re prone to blood clots, you may want to check with your doctor before using a massage gun.”—Cori Giuliani, ACE-certified trainer at OrangeTheory Fitness
Best Quiet: opove M3 Pro Massage Gun
When searching for a massage gun, experts say noise control should be high on your priorities list, especially if you plan to use it around your neck and shoulders for stiffness and soreness.
"When you use a massage gun, noise is generated by the motor units, which is important to consider when you plan to use the device on muscles closer to the ears," said Latoya Julce, a fitness professional and registered nurse in New York City.
The OPOVE M3 Pro is one of the quietest massage guns on the market. Its 24-volt, high-torque brushless motor keeps noise between 35 and 55 decibels. Even on the highest of its three different speed settings, it’s quieter than the lowest setting of most other massage guns.
Its battery life is also competitive, clocking in around three hours for one full charge. And at 2.3 pounds, it’s a pretty lightweight option as well. Plus, it comes with a convenient carrying case so you don’t have to worry about misplacing its various attachments. 
Noise: 35 to 55 dB | Stall Force: 50 pounds | Weight: 2.3 pounds | Customizability: Three speed settings, and five attachment heads
"Be careful about relying on guns as your only recovery tool. You should also stretch, rest, get massages, and try cold and heat therapies to maintain flexibility and aid muscle recovery.”—Latoya Julce, fitness professional and registered nurse in New York City
Best Portable: Hyperice Hypervolt Massage Gun
Fewer speed settings than other options
The Hypervolt is a favorite among many fitness trainers (including our expert source Cori Guiliani) because it’s easy to transport from location to location and use on a variety of clients for their unique needs.
It weighs 3 pounds and sports an ergonomic design that fits easily in any gym bag. It also comes with five different attachments and offers three different speed settings, making it a versatile tool.
Even better, it’s quick to recharge after a battery life of almost three hours, and it has a gauge that reveals exactly how much battery it has left when it’s turned on. The Hypervolt also delivers on the quiet front, using a proprietary silencing technology to keep the percussion noise to a minimum.
Noise: 60 dB | Stall Force: 57 pounds | Weight: 3 pounds | Customizability: Three speed settings, and five attachment heads
"One of the reasons we decided on a Hypervolt when shopping for massage guns was the quiet motor. I can use it in the evening while watching TV without needing to turn the volume up to a roar, and can even hold a normal conversation over the hum with no issues."—Kate Geraghty, Commerce Editorial Director
Best Mini: RecoverFun Mini Massage Gun
Mini massage guns aren't the most powerful options on the market, but they definitely get the job done for people looking for basic relief. They are particularly useful for folks who have weaker hands or struggle with chronic arthritis pain and can't hold heavier devices comfortably for an extended period of time.
This mini massage gun from RecoverFun is both affordable and effective, generating up to 3,200 percussions per minute across four different speed settings to provide significant therapeutic relief. Meanwhile, it only weighs 1.1 pounds, and the ergonomic design makes it both easy and comfortable to hold up to areas in need of relief.
The brushless motor is surprisingly quiet—48 decibels quiet—and the battery lasts an impressive five hours on a single charge. The USB charging port design helps you keep it powered up while on the go as well.
Noise: 48 dB | Stall Force: Not provided | Weight: 1.1 pounds | Customizability: Four speed settings, and four attachment heads
Massage guns are fairly simple to use—you'll want to aim the head about an inch away from your skin as it pulsates. Experts recommend to only use it for one to two minutes per muscle group, and advise to start on the lowest intensity and work your way up.
Best Battery Life: Sportneer Percussive Massage Gun
If you’re the person who always forgets to charge your phone, this massage gun is the one for you. Our expert, Latoya Julce, says good battery life is key for massage guns, "especially for trainers on the go tending to multiple clients."
This massager's rechargeable lithium battery will work for up to six hours on a single charge, and the device sports a 10-minute auto-shutoff feature to protect both the battery and your body. The lightning bolt light on the side also changes color to indicate how much battery life remains at any given time.
With five speed levels and six massage heads, you can truly customize each session to your specific needs with this massager. It's also portable at just 1.8 pounds and only reaches a maximum loudness of 45 decibels on its highest speed setting. It comes with a carrying case to keep all components protected and organized as well.
Noise: 45 dB | Stall Force: 16.5 pounds | Weight: 1.8 pounds | Customizability: Five speed settings and six attachment heads
Best High-Tech: Theragun Elite Handheld Percussive Massage Gun
If you're looking to upgrade your massage, check out the Theragun Elite. A newer version of our best overall pick, this sleek massage gun features Bluetooth connectivity, an OLED screen, a 120-minute battery life, and a customizable speed range to target muscles. The OLED screen keeps track of your speed and pressure level, and you can customize the speed of the gun from your smartphone, which ranges from 1,750 to 2,400 pulses per minute.
Not only will the Elite deeply penetrate and relieve painful muscle tension, but it'll do so without making as much noise as Theragun's previous models. It also comes with five different attachments, a power adapter, and a carrying case for easy storage.
Noise: 53 dB | Stall Force: Up to 40 pounds | Weight: 2.2 pounds | Customizability: Five speed settings, ability to pick your own speed, and five attachment heads
Best Versatility: LifePro Sonic LX Professional Massage Gun
Folks who crave customizability in their at-home massages need to consider this LifePro device. It features nine intensity levels and comes equipped with seven different massage heads.
The device provides 1,800 percussions per minute on its lowest setting and 3,400 on its highest, rivaling top picks like the Theragun. Weighing 2.3 pounds, it's lightweight enough for most people to use comfortably, and the larger button design makes it easy to toggle between settings while using it. Meanwhile, the battery lasts up to four hours on a single charge, so you won't need to worry about recharging it after every single use.
Noise: 55 dB | Stall Force: 50 pounds | Weight: 2.3 pounds | Customizability: Nine speed settings and seven attachment heads
Best High-Intensity: TimTam Power Massager Pro
If you typically opt for more aggressive deep tissue massages, this device is one of your best home alternatives. The TimTam Power Massager Pro is lightweight, quieter than many other options on the market, and more powerful, so it can help relieve your muscle soreness faster (the manufacturer says in 30 seconds).
It also features a unique, auto-heating tip and a vibration attachment, providing two more soothing elements of a traditional massage in one device. The TimTam Power Massager Pro features a 175-degree articulating head and makes 50 percent less noise than the brand’s previous model. The only downside: Its battery life is pretty low, clocking in at about an hour.
Noise: 25 dB | Stall Force: 75 pounds | Weight: 2 pounds | Customizability: Adjustable arm, rotating head, eight speed settings, and two powered attachment heads
Best for Travel: Ekrin Athletics Bantam Percussion Massager
Equipped with a compact carrying case, the Ekrin Athletics Bantam Percussion Massager is designed to alleviate muscle pain and soreness on the go. The small and lightweight structure allows for maximum control, and the included attachments—a flat head, bullet, round head, and fork—provide targeted treatment for all-over use.
The percussion massager delivers up to 35 pounds of force and weighs in at just 1.1 pounds. While compact and portable, the three-speed intensity levels (2000, 2600, and 3200 revolutions per minute) provide relief for everyday users and seasoned athletes alike.
Featuring Quiet Glide Noise Reduction Technology, the 50 decibel device can be used indoors without fear of disruption, and the quick USB charging capabilities will keep it going for up to 6 hours on a full charge.
Noise: 50 dB | Stall Force: 35 pounds | Weight: 1.1 pounds | Customizability: Three speed settings and four powered attachments
You don't have to spend big bucks to get high-quality, therapeutic relief from a massage gun. If you're new to percussive therapy and want to give it a try before really investing in a top-tier tool, we recommend the Sportneer Percussive Massage Gun for its price point, battery life, customizability, and reliability.
Meanwhile, if you've been using massage guns for quite some time and want to take your muscle recovery work to the next level, you can't go wrong with the TheraGun G3PRO or the Theragun Elite. These top-of-the-line options from a well-renowned brand give you plenty of power and personalization.
The motors that power massage guns can be surprisingly loud, so it can be a rather unpleasant experience to use them on neck and shoulder muscles. Luckily, lots of newer models have prioritized decreasing this motor noise.
This term refers to the amount of pressure you can apply to the head of the massage gun before the motor stalls. Folks who want deeper, more aggressive percussive therapy typically need massage guns with higher stall force.
Because these devices are often held with one hand, weight is an important factor. You want to feel confident that you can hold the massage gun steadily and safely on the targeted muscle while it’s running at its top speed.
Some massage guns come with a handful of head attachments, some offer an adjustable head angle on the device itself, some provide both of these features, and some neglect both. Consider customizability as you think about which muscles you typically need to target and how many different types of massage therapy you enjoy using on those muscles.
Massage guns provide percussive or vibration therapy, which is a type of massage that applies rapid bursts of pressure to muscle tissue. Percussive therapy helps to increase blood flow to a hyper-targeted area, which can then help reduce inflammation and muscle tension, as well as begin to break up knots that may have formed in the muscle tissue due to stress or following a particularly intense workout.
Massage guns do not completely eliminate muscle soreness, but they can help to alleviate it.
Yes, massage guns can be harmful if they are used improperly. Most experts recommend massaging a specific area for no more than two minutes at a time, and it's important to massage soft muscle tissue exclusively. Avoid using a massage gun on bone, tendons, ligaments, and on the trunk of your neck (near your carotid arteries).
It's also best to avoid using a massage gun on existing wounds and injuries, as the additional blood flow can exacerbate that inflammation rather than alleviate it. Remember: A sore muscle is not the same as a strained, pulled, or torn muscle.
Lastly, it's not a good idea to use a massage gun on a place with impaired sensation, because you won't be able to tell if you're actually creating further damage to the area.
It depends on the type of massage you're after. Big round head attachments are typically used on larger muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Its larger surface area makes it more efficient on these larger targets. Meanwhile, a small round head attachment is a great all-around pick that works well across the body.
Some massage guns come with a flat head attachment, which works better on smaller surface area targets, such as between the shoulder blades and along the length of the IT bands. A flat head is particularly helpful on denser muscles.
The bullet-shaped attachment is ideal for targeting smaller areas of muscle soreness like your hands and feet. Just be mindful of the pressure applied with the bullet attachment because it's quite concentrated to a small surface area, and be extra careful to avoid bone, tendons, and ligaments.
Lastly, the two-prong attachment that looks like a vertebra helps bring relief to trigger points along the spine, especially toward the lower back. Again, be careful to never press the attachment itself against the spine.
As a former personal trainer, seasoned health writer, and avid exerciser, Alena Hall understands how critical a quality recovery practice is to a person’s overall fitness routine. She's always exploring the latest and greatest health gadgets as they enter the market, but more importantly, she looks for scientific research that validates their claims.
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