Massage And Much More

Massage And Much More


Massage And Much More
I did some “research” in some of the local massage websites and stumbled on this “tool”, apparently made in USA (or at least designed in Silicon Valley). Not sure what it is. Looked up Google for the G-spot, could not find it. Sorry.
From Beijing, an unfiltered view on business and economy.
(edited 14 Oct 07 – see “tool” I discovered)
Let’s put it this way – I have been traveling my bit over the world and peeking into local entertainment to continue my human studies. Obviously in Bangkok I obtained my PHD. No comments, right!? But now I feel I have to update my courses.
Since 1980 I have seen here an incredible evolution in the attitude of Chinese regarding “social interacting” and married life. Living next door the biggest club in town, Destination, “to spend your queerer kuai” (sic – China Daily) and “where the crowd is almost exclusively y-chromosome-possessing” (That’s Beijing). OK, if you guys did not get it yet, it’s a big gay club, packed so much on weekends that it spills over to Gongti Xilu. Once going there with my better half, the lady selling the tickets asked her if she realized it was a gay bar. Of course we know, silly you, the maid of our best friend moonlights there in the vestiaire. We landed there on their anniversary party and we promptly got two mugs with their logo. Better not use those in business meetings, might give some hints where to find me in late nights.
So, Beijing as I knew once, changed. But poor Gilbert still had no clue. I do like a good sauna house and massage. We have our own massage ladies across the street (Liuzheng Massage Clinic), excellent professionals and they come to our home to repair my body from the training schedule – preparing for the next Beijing marathon. I find myself in my bedroom alone with not less than 5 ladies. If your imagination goes astray, stop there. Me plus wife plus daughter and three massage ladies, OK!
My preferred sauna house is 5 minutes walk – Pacific Ocean Club. I learned about this entertainment novelty less than two years ago. I just love it. A huge building, huge sauna area (one for ladies and one for men). Families go there sometimes with the kids and everybody meets (in pajama, courtesy of the Club) in the restaurant for a Chinese buffet. You can relax in the large (mixed) relax room for a foot and leg massage, and watch TV on your personal flat screen. Or you go watch the show between 9 and 12 pm (with foot massage if you want). Or rent a room to have a choice of massages. All pretty “clean”. Some Chinese rent a room to play mahjong. The staff, particularly the masseuses are friendly (not yet used to that in Beijing), OK, they don’t speak a word of English and so my Chinese is improving a bit. It’s all is pretty cheap, some clever Chinese just go there for the night instead of a much more expensive hotel room. Yes, breakfast is served too. A unique experience – I see sometimes small tourist groups go there for the experience. Lots of stuff you can do there, too long to list. Real fun.

For the inexperienced in Beijing, those clubs are a rather safe choice – never follow the touts who promise “special massage”. At your own risk. And probably much more expensive.
My daughter had to invent some business plan for a summertime course at Beida (Beijing University) and for some reason she chose outsourcing of massage (I know, weird family). So the whole family did a study on massage in Beijing.
Poor Gilbert, naive laowai from Belgium.
OK, the ads in the newspapers look sometimes a bit “appealing” but I really never guessed.
See here some snippets from Beijing and Shanghai ads in reputable magazines and newspapers:
“Lost Paradise – Blossom Baby – Sweet Dream – Charlies Angels – Ardour Touching – young and excellent masseuses and masseurs – royal oil massage by two ladies – buttocks massage – prostate care (or maintenance) – kidney treatment – in your hotel room or at home – 24hrs – sensuous pleasure massage – minority student (needs translation here… nothing to do with China’s Minorities!).
Wait a moment – prostate maintenance? So, I asked what Traditional Chinese Medicine that was. Oops. Says my wife, “don’t you know? That’s ED treatment”. Look, I show you the websites. OK, from here on censorship has to move in. Kids, time to go to bed!
ED, ED, what is that? Wife: no lift-off. Needs exercise. It’s all in the training, you see. You have to maintain all this in good working order. Well, there is of course also ED with flute music. Wife adds: not real flute, you silly. Just think how one plays the flute! Oops. Hey! What about equal opportunities, no discrimination? Wife: well, there is something like picking the lotus. But I don’t find it right here on my web search.
OK… I really have to stop here.
So it seems those places are all advertised on the web and also contribute to the torrent of sex spam we get every day. Wife: well, if you go there you need to see an ID to get into the nice apartments (pictures available on the web). Matter of being sure who comes there, you see what I mean. Wife: look, handsome boys too. Big muscle. Here he shows auto-ED-treatment.
Oh boy. Beijing 2006. Wife: I think Beijing is getting more “choices” than Bangkok. Anyway, same 5 minutes walk I can have genuine Thai ladies giving oil massage (Bodhi Massage House – very nice place). Bangkok is coming to Beijing.
Well, I’ll keep it simple. I prefer my 5 ladies in the bedroom or the girls of Pacific Ocean torturing my feet while they smile, chat with me and I drink my Yanjing Pijiu (15 non-queer kuai).
Cheers. Welcome to Beijing!
The Club is on Gongti Bei Lu (Worker’s Stadium North Road), accross from The Outback restaurant (north gate of the Stadium), next to the huge construction site, about 150 m from the main road. Further info: by e-mail…
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The orgy of consumerism and waste: are we the last generation on earth?

Copyright 2006-2022 |
Gilbert Van Kerckhove
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31 in 31 #31 Completing the task in 31 days – what I learned
and what next     

I really enjoyed the process. I am already comfortable with
writing so that part was relatively easy. Also the topics seem to flow along
probably because I am in the middle of several projects and trying to organize
them as best as I can. I liked the limitation and also the freedom of no more
than 350 words. It made it much easier for me. There were some challenges and I
expect more in the one year course starting next week. Technologically, I am
still a bit all thumbs about loading pictures, using videos, uploading to
youtube and generally making the blogs more lively and interesting. I am still
in the “brain-dump” phase of learning to blog. I would hope that the blogs
become more fun to read and that I can organize the blogs to support my various
businesses. I have thought of a title for the blog Transitions &
Transformations / Pets & People. However, the free blogs don’t like capital
letters or strange signs like “&”. Skipping that minor problem for a
moment, I would like to write about transitions, transformations, pets and
people and that will cover all the aspects of my businesses as well as my
deeper interests. It is important to me to be conversant with the modern ways
of communicating such as blogging, social networking etc. Not only is this the
current way to communicate but it will become even more in the future. I think about
my mom who will be 96 next month. She lives completely independently and is a
bit of political junkie in the best sense of that term. However, she is afraid
of computers, does not have email and so must use the methods of her youth to
get information such as the library, magazines and newspapers. It works for her
but she misses out on a lot of things she would love. So again, thanks for the
opportunity and on we go.

31 in 31 #30 A little “mediation” seminar          

The school where I received my mediation training has
seminars each month on mediation topics. I went to my first one last night and
want to share what I learned. The seminar was titled CPR for Communications – A
better framework for conflict resolving conversations. If there is a trick to
mediation that I am discovering, it is to discern the interests which underlie
a position. CPR in this seminar means Content,
Pattern , Relationship. Let’s say
there is an argument between husband and wife. Content refers to the story or
the “facts” in the situation. Pattern goes deeper and sees if there is a history
of similar incidents and looks for what underlying need is not being met.
Finally, how is this pattern affecting the relationship? So, if you can follow
this, there are 6 different answers that are given that will probably NOT be
the same. The husband gives his take on CPR and the wife gives her take on CPR
(imagine a chart with 6 boxes). A crucial aspect of the mediator’s role is to
be able to help the parties identify the patterns and also help them focus on
this affects the relationship. It is very easy to get caught on content. A
simple example will help – The wife says she will be home at 6PM and the
husband has made a delicious dinner. She does not call and arrives at 6:30. As
she walks in the door, he yells at her, she yells back. It does not sound like
the meal will be happy. If it was ONLY a content issue, I suppose he might be
concerned and ask what happened before blowing up. However, if we look toward a
pattern, we may find that he can’t rely on her word and perhaps she needs more
leeway in their relationship. By the way, in this encounter, it turned out that
she had forgot her cell phone at home and did not realize it until she tried to
call on the ride home

31 in 31 #29 Looking Back One Year 

It is hard to believe how much has happened in one year
since I retired from my career job. Originally I had the thought to simply do
dog massage, one dog at a time, very loving, very meditative – I am actually
doing that and I am invited to do it as much as I like in a variety of shelters
and doggy day cares. That part is all volunteer. I also teach classes to dog
owners about the basics of massage and I work on dogs that have medical needs.
All very good. Six months ago, I added
mediation to my goals. I am a reconciling being and it is in my nature to see
issues from many sides at the same time. I thought mediation would b e a good
vehicle for this. I took the required course and now am going through my paces
in both Small Claims and Eviction
Court to help people and to hone my skills. I
expect to do at least 50 mediations in the next year and eventually specialize
in pet related issues. Finally, I started a business with a person I met this
year. We called it Forever care for Pets and it is in its infancy. It
essentially addresses the question, “what will happen to my pet when I can no
longer care for her.” One of the marvelous things of all these adventures is
the new people I have met as well as the situations I find myself. Dog massage
alone would not have provided for the variety, the challenges and the
opportunities. Each of these businesses is now launched and so to speak step
one is complete. Step two will be highly intensive, taking a lot of time as I
make specific commitments to help each grow. More to come.

Today I launched a business and website called and I
have been reflecting on launching anything. Perhaps the most profound
meditation I have seen on this subject comes from a surprising source. It is
from a book and website called “Journey of the Universe”. It is a most
wonderful narrative about the narrative of the universe itself containing
everything. Quite a scope. And what I am calling a launch, they poetically
refer to the big bang as a “flaring forth.” Don’t you love that? And wait, it
gets better. If the universe itself flared forth in a way that billions of
years later allowed for a planet Earth and still billions of years after
allowed for humans, then we are, in the deepest sense, the universe in its
manifestation as a human. This one thought is so large and comprehensive that
it can change a life if we can meet it with the required energy. Let me say it
another way, on a deep and true level, I am not the person writing this blog
(although there is an aspect of myself that is certainly writing this). But in
the sense of who I actually am, my larger self I am the universe itself. – the
trees, the mountains, the rocks…How could it be otherwise? So my little launch
of the website which is certainly a big deal in my little “self”, on a deeper
level, it is the universe itself acting and in some way, a launch is a launch
whether it is the great flaring forth or something much smaller.

31 in 31 – #27
Massaging at the MSPCA Walk

It was three years ago that my wife and I brought our two
dogs to the MSPCA dog walk with about 300 other dogs. It was a wild and crazy
time with contests, vendors, and of course, food. One of the vendors was a wife
/ husband team focusing on dog massage and hydro-therapy. Our two dogs got a
nice massage and the thought occurred to me – “hey, this is a pretty cool thing
to do.” I asked them how to become a dog massage therapist and they suggested
the Bancroft School which I eventually chose a year
later. I kept in touch over the years and emailed them a few months ago that I
would be happy to join them in their tent massaging dogs making it a complete
circle. Well, today was the day and it was so much fun to be with them as
people came by and we massaged sometimes three dogs at a time. I felt fully
comfortable having massaged hundreds of dogs at similar types of events over
the past eight months. As often happens, someone says their dog is not
comfortable with men and I say, let’s give it try and see how it goes. At least
half of the time, the dog really loves it and the owner is surprised and happy
and so it went today. The energy at these types of events is quite joyous and
the love that people have for their dogs really comes through. For me, it is
like a bath in fresh clean water – very refreshing.

31 in 31 #26 Being with a super star

Today I had the fun and privilege of being with a super
star. Many articles have been written about her, she has own face book page,
there was a line of people and dogs who wanted to take a photo with her, and
she has a tee shirt with her picture. I got to give her a massage surrounded by
her adoring fans. Her name is Lilly and she is a pit bull who rescued a human
from the railroad tracks last May by pulling the person to safety. In the
process the train hit her and crushed parts of her body including her legs. She
was rushed to the animal emergency room and a team of wonderful surgeons put
her together with a steel plate and other surgical procedures. Miraculously she
fully recovered and became a sensation in the Boston area appearing at many events, winning
awards for courage and being a fantastic ambassador for pit bulls. If you know
pit bulls, you will know that many simply ooze sweetness and kindness. Lilly is
great with children, puppies and pretty much everyone else who wanted to be
near her. My wife and I had discovered how wonderful pit bulls can be several
years old when we were volunteering at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah . We took one for a “sleepover” in our
cottage and she immediately jumped into the bed took a big sign and said OK,
let’s all sleep together. In fact, my wife wrote a great article about her which led
to her being adopted by a wonderful family. It is heartening to see that little
by little the general public is beginning to be educated about pit bulls. For
wonderful stories and photos, google Lilly the pitbull and enjoy.

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Hello to all who receive this. I have assigned myself the
task to explore how “effort” has played out in my life. That is, I am going to
make an effort to delve into effort. It appears that every being on earth must
make efforts for survival and continuity. For humans, there appears to be the opportunity
and even a call to make efforts to fulfill an even deeper human purpose as
well. I am going to select some stories from my life to see what I can learn
and share. I hope you find it useful and enjoyable.
In addition to sending emails I will put each these posts on
my website .

I give full permission and actually hope that you will share
these stories with others.
In 1975, I was 28 years old and feeling totally in the
groove, flowing with the tide. Seven
years earlier, I had ventured to Boston to find my “spiritual adventure,” and it
had come to pass. In fact, what actually occurred was far beyond what I could
have imagined. For seven years, I had been part of a focused and spirited group
of people, mainly my age group with one mentor, Cesareo. Through a series of fortunate
coincidences and good guidance, I was in my third year of law school at night,
teaching high school during the day, fully participating in our own Gurdjieff inspired
group, and had a budding romance with a wonderful girlfriend, Catherine, also a
member of the group. I did not want to be anywhere else. I did not think of
this as any kind of stepping stone to anything later. I had found my place.
Cesareo was all about focus, effort and attention. He moved
from goal to goal and considered obstacles as invitations to go beyond. He was
a Cuban immigrant who liked saying things like “only the impossible is
worthwhile.” Since I greatly admired him, I did my best to adopt this attitude.

Our group intensively studied the Gurdjieff teaching (called
the Work) and our primary book was Ouspensky’s “In Search of the Miraculous”.
In one section, Gurdjieff explains that only super efforts count. He
gives the example of a man who has walked for miles through wind and rain to
get home. He finally arrives but then chooses to go out again for another hour
to make this super effort. At the time, I understood this to mean that the
regular efforts required to meet life’s demands were not sufficient for the Work.
There needs to be a voluntary effort that is not simply to meet life’s requirements,
but for something higher than that. What specifically that something higher might
be remained unclear. Seeing Work in this way encouraged me to push myself
whenever possible -. stand when I could sit, run when I could walk, that kind
of thing.
Both Catherine and I were teachers and had our summers free.
Many of our group, maybe 30-40 people, were planning to go to a Work retreat in
the Swiss Alps, run by Michel deSalzmann, one of the leaders of the Work
internationally. Some of us had been before and it was an extraordinary experience.
We could not wait to go again. For those who could stay longer, the trip would
include Paris, Spain and Morocco as well as our time with Michel. Our group’s
main mode of exploring was by walking, often fast walking.
In keeping with my idea of making efforts, a week before we
were to go, I was jogging in the park across the street from our communal house
in Brookline. Eight of us had lived together for a year in this spacious,
elegant, six-bedroom brick Colonial on a beautiful tree-lined street in
Brookline. All was going well until I
stepped into a hole that I had not noticed and severely twisted my foot. Within
short order, the swelling in my ankle had tripled in size and Catherine and I
went to a local emergency room. White walls, quick diagnosis -badly sprained
ankle. I would need to walk on crutches and the doctor suggested rest,
elevation, ice and ibuprofen. I told him about our upcoming trip and he
suggested I might want to cancel. “H
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