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Marvel Charm Models Teen


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From the next generation of Avengers to Marvel's most uncanny new mutants, join CBR as we count down Marvel's most powerful teenage superheroes!
By D L Keatis Published Jun 10, 2018
They say that kids are the future. Each generation looks to the next to learn and assimilate from their descendants. They hope to see a brighter tomorrow at the hands of their sons, daughters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and students. The older generation expects their young to learn from not only their own successes and their failures too. Ever since 1938, superhero comics have always been about power and its responsible use. They are used as a parable to teach developing young minds that any form of power; whether it's learning to drive or being able to hurl elemental bolts, must be treated with respect. With great power comes... well, you know the rest.
Although superheroes were always adolescent power fantasies, it took a few years for young readers to start to see heroes of their own age crusading for justice. Thanks to trailblazers like Robin and Speedy in the DC Universe, as well as Bucky and the teenage Spider-Man in the Marvel Universe, kids could see that their peers needed to use their powers responsibly, just as much as their mentors did. The Marvel Universe is home to some great super-teams from the Young Avengers to the Runaways. Among their ranks are teens with extraordinary power, and the responsibility to use it.
This pint-sized mutant was introduced in Chris Claremont's legendary run on Uncanny X-Men in 1989, but many first fell in love with her thanks to the excellent animated X-Men series of the 1990s. As in the comics, Jubilee was presented as an orphan who had run away from her orphanage and was stealing food to survive. Upon being inducted into the X-Men she struck up a quasi-paternal relationship with Wolverine, showing readers Logan's softer side. As "mall-rat" culture was beginning to thrive among teenagers of the early '90s, it's only natural that such a character would resonate with young readers. Many of whom were, just like her, spending their free time wandering around malls gazing longingly at stuff they couldn't afford.
Many are so enamored with Jubilation Lee's winsome personality and almost-mascot status in those early comics that they underestimate just how powerful she is. Her psychokinetic blasts may well be likened to fireworks, but they are actually far more powerful than your average firecracker. In fact, her untapped ability to detonate matter on an atomic level makes her powers equivalent to a nuclear fusion bomb. Even without her mutant powers, she is formidable. After infamously losing her powers on "M-Day," she re-invented herself as Wondra and fought crime using advanced tech that gave her superhuman strength. Jubilee may have the lowest spot on this list, but she's still a force to be reckoned with.
Although Daisy Johnson, as played by Chloe Bennet in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a little older in the show, her comic book counterpart was drafted by Nick Fury at the tender age of 17. She made her debut in the graphic novel Secret War written by Brian Michael Bendis, with stunning painted artwork by Gabriele Dell'Otto. In the miniseries, Nick Fury recruits Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America, Daredevil, Luke Cage and Black Widow in a secret mission to infiltrate Latveria and overthrow its dictator, Lucia Von Bardas. The mission was so secret that Fury erased all memory of it from the protagonists' minds. Only Black Widow and Quake were left with the knowledge of what the team had done and it was Quake who landed the killing blow upon Von Bardas.
Quake can make seismic, earthquake-like vibrations with pinpoint accuracy.
Quake may be young and inexperienced, but her Inhuman powers are potentially devastating in their scope and application. She used them to defuse an anti-matter bomb inside Von Bardas and in New Avengers #20, she used them to induce a vibration in Magneto's brain that rendered him unconscious, but she can also use them for more devastating effects. In fact, in Secret War, she also used them to make Wolverine's heart explode.
It's not hard to see why Spider-Man resonated so strongly with young readers upon his inception in 1962. Unlike the Fantastic Four or Captain America, he enjoyed neither celebrity status nor the adoration of the public. He was maligned, misunderstood and frequently struggled to navigate the trials of superheroism alongside his more quotidian responsibilities like studies, work and family. But by the turn of the millennium Peter Parker was in his mid-20s and those 'growing pains' stories no longer worked. Thus, the Ultimate Spider-Man title was launched in 2000 was launched in an attempt to bring the character back to basics. In 2011, however, the Ultimate version of Peter Parker died and was replaced by Miles Morales.
Half-black, half-Latino and extremely affable, the character resonated with audiences of all ethnicities in an era that was crying out for greater diversity in superhero comics. Morales' powers are similar to his predecessor's and are the result of a genetically engineered spider bite designed to replicate the original Spidey's. However, he boasts some powers that Peter Parker did not. He is able to blend in with his surroundings like a chameleon and can administer a paralyzing "venom strike" that can incapacitate foes. In many ways, he is the ultimate, superior and best Spider-Man.
While there's no mistaking the racial parable of the X-Men comics, the titles have more on the agenda than preaching tolerance. They also teach young readers how to handle the powers that come with adolescence responsibly and the value of respecting teachers and peers alike. Many gifted teens have come through the doors of the Xavier Institute For Gifted Youngsters. All have grappled with their own personal demons while also coming to terms with their nascent powers. Amara Aquilla is no exception. She made her debut in New Mutants but will be familiar among gamers as the main protagonist in the original X-Men Legends video game on the Xbox, PlayStation 2 and Gamecube in 2004. As Magma, players got to explore the X-Men universe through fresh eyes and interact with many fan-favorite mutants.
Magma's geothermic abilities allow her to manipulate lava from the Earth's core.
She can also create balls of heat energy which can be used as projectiles. In many cases, when using her powers, she assumes an energized form, coating her body with intense light and heat in the same way that Iceman encases himself in ice. This means that not only does she have devastating attack power, but she's very difficult to harm with melee attacks and can dissolve most projectiles.
What makes a hero? Is it their deeds? Their morals? Their principles? Or is it their unwavering ability to do the right thing no matter what the circumstances. All of the above is probably true. But a true hero is measured by their legacy; by the way they inspire others and lead by example. In the Marvel Universe, it goes without saying that Captain America is the greatest symbol of hope and justice, the yardstick by which all heroes measure themselves. When Captain America went missing and was presumed dead prior to the end of World War II, the US government made numerous efforts to replace him. Despite Dr. Erskine's death, numerous versions of the super soldier serum were made and recovered, although their effects were far less stable. Among the few who received the serum's gift was Isaiah Bradley.
Isiah's grandson Eli, inspired by his grandfather's example, became a hero in his own right under the alias of Patriot. Although he claimed that his powers were a result of a blood transfusion from his grandfather, they were in fact derived from experimenting with Mutant Growth Hormone. As a result, although his powers are unstable and take their toll both physically and mentally on Eli, his strength, speed and reflexes surpass those of other super-soldiers, even Captain America himself.
We could have listed these guys separately, but what kind of monster would separate such a great couple? Cloak and Dagger have now been given a new lease of life on television. While the nascent show isn't quite living up to its potential in the minds of some fans, this comic book duo is a force to be reckoned with. Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen made their comic book debut in the early '80s in the pages of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man. After some guest appearances in different titles, the couple was eventually given their own miniseries. As became increasingly common in the '80s, it dealt more with social issues than brawling with super villains; focusing on the pair's different social backgrounds, issues of vigilantism and the war on drugs.
Cloak and Dagger are far more than your average street-level brawlers.
Indeed, the teens are among the more high powered characters in the Marvel Universe. Cloak can open up gateways to the Darkforce Dimension, enabling him to teleport, become intangible or dispatch others to the Darkforce Dimension by enveloping them in his cloak. Dagger, on the other hand, is suffused with psionic light which she can hurl as charged daggers. Cloak's darkness is a corrupting influence, while Dagger's light can become overcharged if she is not allowed to vent it into her beau. Let's face it, there are worse reasons for couples to stay together!
Believe it or not, Hulkling's powers have nothing to do with the more familiar green-skinned goliath. While the Hulk is a child of gamma radiation, Hulkling's power actually comes from his alien lineage. Teddy Altman (real name Dorrek VIII) has Kree and Skrull genealogy and is the genetic son of Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel. Aside from his impressive powers, Hulkling is best known for his romance with Wiccan, which won acclaim as one of the most touching and important same-gender relationships in comics. In one interview, Hulkling's co-creator Allan Heinberg revealed that he had originally envisioned him as a female character masquerading as a male because he was worried that audiences would not respond positively to a young gay character.
Hulkling's part-Skrull physiology makes him a shapeshifter, allowing him to impersonate others with total accuracy but that's just the tip of the iceberg. He can independently alter different body parts and give himself manifest a range of physical abilities. His skin is all but impenetrable, even to high-caliber weapons, and he has an enhanced healing factor like Hulk and Wolverine. His enhanced Kree blood also gives him superhuman strength. His diverse skillset and raw power make Hulkling an extremely powerful member of the Young Avengers.
Time will tell what outlandish powers we will see in the New Mutants movie, and though it has been delayed until August 2019, many fans of the comic book title are hoping that it will be worth the wait. It's safe to say that the ever-shifting roster of New Mutants has seen some of the most prodigiously powerful young mutants ever to grace the pages of Marvel Comics. David Alleyne is no exception. Even before his mutant powers began to manifest, David was an extremely intelligent young man, but in his teen years, he found that the answers to tests and exercises just came to him whenever his teachers were in the room.
Prodigy is able to absorb the knowledge and skills of anyone in close proximity to him.
Theoretically, this would allow him to telepathically learn anything from martial arts techniques to nuclear launch codes instantly. While this may not be the most visually spectacular of powers, it has an extremely wide range of potential uses. Indeed, Prodigy has imposed mental blocks upon himself, preventing him from retaining the information he has absorbed for the sake of his sanity. In the "Too Much Information" storyline, we see that Prodigy has the potential to end world poverty, make discrimination a thing of the past and rid the world of all known diseases.
Logan was a success of a film on a number of levels. It reminded audiences that superheroes could be used to tell a wide range of stories outside of the typical action adventure. It provided a thematically fitting and heartbreaking end for Hugh Jackman's tenure as Wolverine and (along with 2016's Deadpool) demonstrated further that an R-rating didn't necessarily mean that a superhero movie wouldn't make money. But chief among its many accomplishments was introducing mainstream audiences to X-23, played to perfection by the young Dafne Keen. Although Keene was only 12 when she played the role, the X-23/Laura Kinney of the comics has generally been in her mid to late teens.
As a clone of Wolverine, she was trained to become an assassin of prodigious skill and ferocity to eventually kill Logan. As it turned out, she became his successor, donning the familiar cowl herself. Like her forebearer, she has an extremely fast healing factor, an adamantium-laced skeleton and an extensive knowledge of martial arts. Upon catching a whiff of a trigger scent she will fly into a beserker-rage-like state and destroy anyone or anything that she comes into contact with, with alarming savagery. Thanks to her mother, Dr. Sarah Kinney, she still retains some humanity. Otherwise, she would be one of the most unstoppable villains in the Marvel Universe.
For the uninitiated, it might seem that Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat's abilities extend to being able to walk through walls. But while this skill is pretty useful in and of itself (especially when you've lost your keys) there's a whole lot more to this beloved mutant character. While she has appeared several times in the X-Men film franchise (most notably by celebrated actress Ellen Page), it wasn't until X-Men: Days Of Future Past that we really got to scratch the surface of Kitty's powerset (pun semi-intentional). Like Jubilee, she has oft been depicted as a mascot or kid sister figure among the X-Men but in recent years she has broken this mold in a number of ways. She has been a member of Excalibur, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and even joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Pryde can become intangible, making her potentially impervious to all physical attacks
Her phasing ability could scientifically be described as quantum tunneling and is good for a whole lot more than walking through walls. She can also phase with other people or objects and is able to phase out of sync with the planet's rotation, which essentially allows her to teleport. Mutant powers aside, she also has a genius-level intellect and is one of the most gifted martial artists on the team.
Billy Kaplan is a key member of the Young Avengers and partner to Hulkling. Like his alien boyfriend, Wiccan was created by writer Allan Heinberg and artist Jim Cheung. His appearance borrows design elements of both Scarlet Witch and Vision, and it was later revealed that he was in fact (in a manner of speaking) their son. Like Hulkling, Wiccan has a complicated genealogy. He is the long lost twin brother of the young hero Speed and was forged by one of five fragments of the demon Mephisto's soul. You can only imagine the Thanksgiving dinners. In the early issues of Young Avengers, we saw that young Billy was bullied at school for being gay and that to console himself he would spend his free time hanging out at the gates of the Avengers mansion. He idolized Scarlet Witch, even before she found out that they were in fact related.
Wiccan is potentially one of the most powerful magic users in the Marvel Universe and in New Avengers #51-52 he was even suggested as a candidate for Sorcerer Supreme. Indeed in the "Battle Of The Atom" storyline, a future version of Billy is seen wielding the Eye of Agomotto. He is able to track and locate people all over the world, can teleport himself and others, can wield telekinetic bolts, breach force fields and astrally project just like Doctor Strange.
You don't need to pick up a single comic to know that Loki is the God of Mischief, or that death is rarely more than a temporary inconvenience for him. In the comics, he has assumed many forms, demonstrated a fluid approach to gender and fought many battles on the side of right and wrong, while always pursuing his own agenda. After seeing his brother torn apart by a dark force known as the Void in the "Siege" storyline, Thor searched far and wide for his brother, convinced that he could not be truly dead. He eventually found his brother, albeit in a much younger form, on the streets of Paris.
Kid Loki started out with no memories of himself or his deeds from his previous life.
He found that he was roundly despised by his fellow Asgardians and feared by the people of Midgard. Nonetheless, he has proven time and again that he is a better man than his previous self. Despite being a Frost Giant, his power set is markedly Asgardian, although he is physically even stronger than most Asgardians. He is still a powerful mage and while he may have lost the memories of his previous life, he has retained his cunning and skill in combat.
Another Grant Morrison creation Noh-Varr is a young officer of the Kree Empire from an alternate dimension. Thus, he has many of the same physical traits as the alien warrior race but is much more human in appearance. His DNA has been infused with that of a cockroach, giving him a host of powers unavailable to his fellow Kree. He came to our reality when his inter-dimensional ship was shot down by the forces of Dr. Midas. He has proven himself easily manipulated, meaning that though his intentions are usually noble, he is not always on the side of right. Most notably he served as a one-time Captain Marvel in Norman Osborne's Dark Avengers.
In typical Grant Morrison fashion, Marvel Boy has a range of eclectic and outlandish powers. Like his fellow Kree, he has superhuman strength and speed, but his part-insect DNA also makes him triple jointed and enables him to survive attacks that would crush others of a similar power set. He can also scale any surface much like Spider-Man. He can reprogram his synapses to make himself impervious to pain and enter a psychological state known as a 'white run', enabling him to defeat his opponents with unmatched focus.
In 2019, we will see the MCU counter the success of DC and Warner Bros.' Wonder Woman with a movie based on their own beloved female superhero Captain Marvel. When Carol Danvers hits the big screen, we know that her biggest fan, Kamala Khan, can't be far behind. Although she has only been i
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