Mars In Cancer Woman

Mars In Cancer Woman


Mars In Cancer Woman
by Denise March 21, 2019, 9:32 am
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The Mars in Cancer woman is usually a very introverted and restrained native who rarely opens up to other people. Only when she is sure that she won’t get hurt would she finally reveal herself.
However, Mars’ influence brings a whole new perspective here, making her less likely to close off after being hurt, and more likely to trust other people. She still exhibits the typical Cancerian instincts of protection, of hiding in her shell when the situation turns dire.
The Mars in Cancer woman in a nutshell:
She is very protective of her friends and family, just like any typical native of this sign, and she spends a lot of time and energy in making sure that everyone is fine. Her emotional investment is immense.
She often gets anxious and a sense of desperation washes over her when any one of her close ones disappear from her line of sight.
This vulnerability makes her weak to attacks from other people who want to manipulate and use her. She’s prone to emotional instability and she’s going to take quite a long time to escape the bad mood.
The Mars in Cancer woman is one of the most sentimental and affectionate natives out there, always searching for her soul mate with whom to build up a long-standing relationship.
Commitment is something that she deeply wants from the bottom of her soul, and she’s willing to go to extreme lengths to get it. Most people are effectively charmed and enchanted by her surreal beauty and femininity.
Loving, with a sensual and erotic aura exuding from her whole being, this woman seduces any man with just a wink. As for her ideal man, she would like someone with spirit, grit, and an adventurer’s bones lodged deep within.
He should be prepared to take care of her, and to resist all the emotional overturns that she manifests from time to time. She’s a very routine-based woman who prefers doing her own thing.
This is more a need for them, to form certain mechanical routines that they follow. And this need can quickly transform into vices, dangerous habits like smoking, taking drugs, casual sex, and so on.
If she really feels it necessary to take on such habits, she should at least at least choose a few healthy ones like doing sports, jogging, eating healthy etc.
Generally, she’s very playful and acts like a child, making tantrums if she doesn’t receive what she deserves.
Whenever they feel that their partner might finally explode out of anger, they try to repair the situation or back off so as not to get hurt in the process. They have this sixth sense that helps them avoid dangerous situations.
She tends to keep her sorrows and regrets bottled deep within, and this happens for the whole duration of a relationship. It’s clear that, eventually, she will release all these negative energies in an explosion of epic proportions. This results in a break-up.
The woman born with Mars in Cancer just wants to be honest, to receive honesty in return, and to have a stable and secure lifestyle. Establishing a family and seeking for fulfillment in the sense of belonging is her dream, a very emotional and idealistic one.
She would always protect and defend those she loves, especially her children. As for her social life, she proceeds with a lot of caution and attention before going to a social event.
The Mars in Cancer woman is a special kind of individual when it comes to sex, relationships, and love itself. Her emotional meter is unique, in the sense that it’s always pointed towards the highest levels, and it never drops.
What does this specifically mean? It means that she’s probably unable to have one-night stands without involving her feelings and emotions. She’ll probably fall in love with the guy after the agitations end.
This is also the reason why she gets so easily hurt after a romantic disappointment or a break-up. The fine line between physical pleasure and emotional depth is non-existent in her case.
She wants to feel safe and secure from all dangers, and she gets this feeling after having sex with somebody, a certain spiritual bonding that defies reason and logic.
The interesting thing here is that the Mars in Cancer woman doesn’t get completely ruined after such emotional turmoil. These obstacles in her life are quite common, but her wish to find romantic fulfillment and spiritual bonding is also great.
It’s so great, in fact, that she seems to always revive and reawaken with new strength each time she gets taken down. Her emotions are unstable and quite erratic. This is why not even she knows her real desires.
Promiscuity, sadism, masochism, a long-standing relationship, a family or the lack of one, these are all present in her mind, a contradiction of great importance.
The Mars in Cancer women are very vivacious and innovative. They won’t be satisfied with just being in a relationship and having a loving partner who takes care of them.
They want to experiment, to walk all the roads, test and experience every single feeling alongside their partner.
If they feel that a pause is needed in the relationship, or that they should break up for some time, that’s what they will do, in spite of the irrationality behind it.
She is uncertain and unwilling to make the first move. The fear of being rejected and hurt gnaws at her for too much. Insecurities and anxieties are the ones who forced her to take a step back, to hide in her shell, and to wait for someone to bail her out with a tender and sweet smile.
This is actually her ideal type of man, someone who can take care of her affectionately, someone who supports her lovingly whenever she reaches the end of the rope.
This doesn’t mean that these women want the type of man who’s overly romantic, the type who is so sensitive he’ll start crying at funerals and whenever something dramatic happens.
She wants a masculine and reliable person who can ensure her protection against all odds, someone who’s either emotionally or physically strong, or both. He must also want to establish a family which he’ll love more than anything in the world.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope .

Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 25, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Mars in Cancer is a very sensitive, sympathetic and caring person. A true humanitarian at heart.
Mars in this position bestows several qualities. The person will be ambitious, domineering, possessive and possess hidden leadership qualities.
He will give his all for the benefit of others and have very high ideals. Most of the time he will take on too much responsibility because he feels that he can handle it better than anyone else and must carry everything on his own shoulders. This makes him inconsiderate from time to time but as soon as he realizes it he will rectify things.
Mars in Cancer can be challenging to have in your birth chart. They are naturally attracted to helping a cause and desire to make a difference. They like making their own decisions and have an appreciation for the finer things in life.
As someone with Mars in Cancer, you find pleasure in many things. Mars is the planet of action and passion—these are your areas of strength, so you need to seek out circumstances that allow for creativity and freedom.
With Mars in Cancer, you can expect to be an extremely sensitive and emotional person with a deep well of compassion and a drive to help others. You are highly protective of your loved ones and really care what others think about you (in a good way). You may also have trouble observing the obvious or taking things at face value, which could lead to some doubts or confusion.
Mars in Cancer is an exceptionally sensitive and protective influence. It gives courage for the expression of deep-felt emotion.
The most appealing trait of Mars here is the ability to overcome feelings of fear and timidity, which can cause unnecessary delays in taking action. This placement encourages personal and material security as well as a strong desire to help others.
The Mars in Cancer woman possesses a calm disposition and quiet manner. She is charming, has a sense of humor and is kind to others. She is quite expressive in her speech but respectful of others.
Her mode of thinking is not always logical, instead it is emotional and subjective and though it makes her less efficient she still seems clever enough. She possesses intuition and emotivity that makes her conscious of other people emotions.
The Mars in Cancer woman is the feminine form of Mars and can represent an aggressive, energetic and courageous female. Although she possesses these qualities, her sense of self-preservation is very strong and will always be one of her top priorities. Known to be dominant in their relationships, this woman requires attention especially if her partner does not show her love enough.
When Mars is exalted in Cancer there is nothing to stop this woman. In fact, depending on her other planetary positions, she may be a very strong and powerful person, with a single-minded purpose that influences those around her.
She may appear quiet and unassuming on the outside, but inside she has tremendous inner strength for getting what she wants out of life.
Mars in Cancer women are highly emotional and compassionate. They have an active imagination, a tendency toward mysticism and may be interested in astrology or metaphysical science.
They are extremely dedicated to the well being of those they love. The loyalty of a Mars in Cancer woman is a rare quality that is not easily given or broken. They are extremely protective of their loved ones and can be easily hurt by criticism.
She is the most affectionate of all Mars sign women. She gives her amorous love, holding nothing back. Her man is her core of strength and she depends on him for security, safety, and comfort.
The Mars in Cancer woman is the most homemaking of all the Mars sign women, preferring a life centered around home and family. She loves to cook, clean, decorate, care for children, and play wifely roles. More than any other sign, she wants to be a mother and may choose to have a family early in life.
They are thick skinned, emotionally reserved, and fiercely loyal. They make excellent guardians of the home and can be fiercely maternal towards their loved ones. They consider themselves to be domestic goddesses and may try to rule every aspect of the household.
Mars in Cancer men have an interesting mix of personality traits. The masculine anger and strength is present, but there’s also a sweet sensitivity that draws people to them.
They are attractive because they have all these qualities, and they also act on their instincts. They are very practical when it comes to survival, and you always know where you stand with a Mars in Cancer man.
He is a born leader and protector with a courageous soul, and strives for perfection in everything he does in life. He’s a spiritual being too along with his intense and restless energy.
He has a giving heart and is sensitive yet brave. He’s got a very purposeful way of living life. His intuition is the rudder that steers him in the right direction in every aspect.
If you are in love with a Mars in Cancer man, you have certainly turned the head of a stubborn, hard to impress guy who is set in his ways and proud of his accomplishments. He’s got a strong sense of integrity and doesn’t like to be played for a fool.
Quiet and protective, he puts everyone else’s needs before his own – often including those close to him. A canny businessman, he has keen insight into people and likes to use this talent to his advantage.
Mars in Cancer men are protective, sensitive, nurturing and sensuous. They seek women for whom a home is the center of life and babies of their own are the ultimate source of fulfillment. If you are looking for a man who will put you first with considerate kindness, adoring attention and thoughtful gifts, look for a man with his Mars in Cancer.
He is the ideal man to depend on when you need help. He will be there to lend a helping hand when you are in trouble, and he has the deep sense of loyalty needed to sustain a long relationship.
He is sensitive and possesses an artistic temperament, so he likes to express himself in creative ways. He can be somewhat moody at times, but that just means that he is an artist with his emotions.
Mars in Cancer individuals are moody, and emotional to a fault. They are also extremely driven to be the best in everything that they do, very goal orientated, and extremely passionate about whatever it is that they are focusing on at the time.
Mars in the sign Cancer describes a man who is affectionate, warm, patient, understanding and nurturing. It is not unusual for these men to take on responsibilities that others shun, such as helping out with household chores or providing advice to younger siblings or friends. These men find it easier to discuss their feelings than other men.
Mars in Cancer transit refers to a time when Mars, the ruler of Aries and Scorpio, is in Cancer.
Mars is your unconscious energy, primal motivation, the source of your instincts and raw talents. It gives you a fighting spirit when faced with challenges and crisis and ultimately makes you want to triumph over them. When this planet moves through Cancer, your emotional body is on high alert.
This transit is a time capsule for your emotions as well as passions. As you’re locked into very specific habits, it might feel like you’ve been frozen in time.
You may feel overwhelmed or out of sorts with the situations at hand. There are some things that you need to drop as new and exciting changes begin to take place.
Those unnecessary parts of your life will fall off effortlessly and the next phase of your life will bring many new positive aspects, including opportunities for success and money. It’s okay if you are feeling overwhelmed because your brain has a lot of stuff going on right now.
A Mars in Cancer transit is a time of year when you can successfully finish your long-term projects, but you should not rush them. This period is a very sensitive one, and it may get too emotional at times.
In order to avoid minor misunderstandings, fighting and breakups with friends and relatives, try to avoid excessive negative emotions, dangerous kinds of sports and risky hobbies. Your family may require support from you during this transit, so you should pay closer attention to their needs. You might be more reserved than usual during this period of time, which won’t harm your social reputation at all.
Are you prepared to launch thorough an introspective, emotional and even intense period of your life? During a Mars in Cancer transit, this is precisely what can happen to you as Mars the fiery planet of energy and drive stations direct.
You may feel a strong desire to eat emotionally, overeating or indulging in comfort foods. Perhaps you feel inwardly vulnerable or subjected to feeling and mood swings that are contrasted with your usual sense of invincibility.
While you’re a bit withdrawn during this transit, it’s actually a great time to recharge your emotional tank and thoroughly do a little maintenance on your relationships or even your own self-image. This is a period of retreat and reflection rather than action.
What does this placement say about your personality?
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Mars in Cancer demonstrates the strengths of your Zodiac symbol, the Crab. While you have a hard exterior, protecting your soft inner self, you still shy away from overwhelming stimulation.
If prodded too much, you retreat, which comforts you and gives you space and time reflection and growth.
Some may misunderstand your need for a fight tendencies, but your actions are mere in self-defense.
The Fiery and Masculine energy of Mars in Cancer will give you bravery to face more fears . You will feel more capable and equipped when Mars is in your Sign.
You may be a homebody, but you know how to make your man feel like King of the Castle.
Your isolation is your respite from the rough world, and you have very specific tastes concerning home management, budget, and appearance.
Cancer is the Sign most closely related to emotional sensitivity. They are hesitant and shy around new people because they want to make sure they will not get hurt.
People with Mars in Cancer are incredible in bed , because they view their bed partners as soul mates, in most cases.
Even in non-committed relationships, you can have life-changing lovemaking experiences with a Cancer, in the presence of Mars.
Women with Mars in Cancer make excellent comforters and counselors. You are the type bring a potted plant and pictures of loved ones into your cubicle—maybe even a rug and a lamp.
You like your creature comforts, and you tend to get –well, crabby—when you are not in your comfort zone.
Be aware of the limitations that this strict routine can place on you. While you may seek comfort in these rituals, they may also hinder you search for new and healthier coping mechanisms.
You have strong maternal instincts, even if you do not want children of your own. You would make a great teacher, therapist, or stay-at-home-mother thanks to your love of children.
Women with Mars in Cancer love to help others by organizing, planning, and hosting meetings and parties. You would benefit from making social contacts with people who you share interests with.
You need to get out of the house more, so look for an outgoing friend to shadow—a Leo is a great conversationalist and wonderful wing woman.
Men with Mars in Cancer love to cuddle. This man is all about laying in your arms, and with his head on your chest. They feel safe and protected, in the lap of their protector.
You are soothing and calming to their tired nerves, and they will make sure that you feel just as good in their company. Once committed, a Cancer will stay loyal forever, and you will be spoiled!
With Mars in Cancer, Men can feel controlled by their own emotions, at times. So, in bed, take the pressure off this man by taking control.
A Cancer will usually seek out a more outgoing mate—partly because they like to be dominated in life and/or in the bedroom.
If your man allows you to see his submissive side, know that this comes with the responsibility of protecting his vulnerable ego. Do not shame or laugh at him.
Your Crab is very soft-hearted, and will not quickly forget your harsh words or careless actions.
Treat him with care, and you will be handsomely rewarded with affection, especially when he is feeling extra tough under the influence of Mars in Cancer.
Your best prospects for love are with a partner who appreciates all the time and energy you put into making your house a home.
You are not materialistic—rather your partner knows that you are all about nurturing others and helping them feel comfortable, as well.
You are a pacifist and peacemaker, and you are a wonderfully sweet soul, protected by the strength of Mars in Cancer.
Find a partner who can stay home with you. Find someone who will be loyal and respectful to you.
Find someone who is the dynamite lover you crave in your comfortable and carefully curated home life—you will find love and fulfillment with a detail-oriented Virgo.
Their inner perfectionist and shy personality will cozy right up to your warm and loving heart, with Mars in C
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