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Marriage vintage

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10 Sassiest Vintage Memes About Marriage That Have Us Cry-Laughing

By Anna Jean Pollock
Published Mar 30, 2020











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Marriage is a beautiful thing, but sometimes we need to laugh & cry about it. Here are 10 funny vintage & sassy memes about it.
Let's face it, everyone seems to love a good meme. These short and sweet images with text have put a smile on many people's faces. People can relate to them and you can find all sorts of memes splashed all over the internet.
Memes about relationships and marriage are particularly funny. Everyone has experienced some of the things that are being expressed and it is way too relatable. These memes incorporate the good, the bad and the ugly that comes from being in a relationship. Let's take a gander at the following 10 sassiest vintage memes about marriage that have us cry-laughing...
The negative feelings that a bad relationship can create inside you can destroy your well-being. It is only after getting divorced that some people really see how unhappy they were in their marriage. This meme says it all. Life can go on after a failed marriage and you can still end up being happier than ever.
Life is all about laughing and being with a partner who is not too serious can really brighten up your days. YouTube is filled with videos of couples pranking each other and just having fun together. This is how relationships should be, light and easy.
It has been known that some guys aren't quick to notice all the little details about their mate. How can they possibly keep track of every haircut, new outfit or make up look? Unfortunately, they learn to take notice the hard way when their partner questions them about their look. That is after the color comes back to their face and their heart starts beating again!
Over the years the idea of marriage has come to change drastically. Back in the old days it was expected and normal for everyone to get married very young, start a family and live happily ever after. Today, it is safe to say that that is definitely not the way things are today.
People have more freedom to make their choices and do not feel like they need to confine to society's standards. Some people have fears of commitment and genuinely just do not believe in the idea of marriage. They dance to the beat of their own drum and that is perfectly okay.
Weddings can be some of the most wild , crazy and fun events ever. They usually are open bar and that is guaranteed to get people loose and have a good time. It is just a giant party filled with amazing food, great music and some questionable dance moves. Everyone is enjoying everyone's company all in the name of celebrating someone else's love.
Catching these moments on video is a great way to look back on some of the times the bride and groom may have missed. The host couple usually is so busy during their actual wedding that half the time they don't even get to enjoy it!
This meme is definitely one that almost every couple can relate to. Sometimes the hardest part about being in a relationship is figuring out what to eat. Whether it is deciding what to make for dinner or picking a restaurant, the task is never easy. People can be picky, indecisive and take forever to finally figure it out. have different tastes at different times so compromise sometimes has to be met.
The worst is when after all of the drama and you finally picking a place, your partner ends up eating off of your plate and not their own.
As much as weddings can be a hoot and a holler, they can also be a big old drag. You are not always in the mood to kick it up a notch and boogie down at a wedding. They are high impact and really require a lot out of you as a guest.
Summer time is when weddings seem to be happening back to back. Most weddings usually don't have guests showing up in flip flops and crop tops. They are events that are considered to be classy and most of the time require you to look presentable. Sadly, a three piece tux in scorching July isn't such a treat.
There is something very comical about certain relationships, especially long term ones. The relationships can consist of two people who completely love and hate their partners all at the same time. You grow so accustom to being with them and your daily routine that your partner becomes like a limb on your body; a part of you.
Living each day alongside your partner is not always sunshine and roses. They can be irritating, you can fight and unfortunately you cannot always escape because you live together! As much as a couple can bicker, they usually always end up coming to bed and making up. There is a saying: " never go to bed angry".
The notion of your partner not listening to you has been around for years. We have to say that there is definitely some type of truth to it. Being in a long term relationships allows you to be completely comfortable with your partner . This type of relationship can also make you take them for granted. Giving attention to your loved one is always important no matter how long you two have been together.
This includes making sure you are listening to what they are saying. Feeling like you are being ignored or not cared about can really cause problems in a relationship . It's important to always keep your eyes and ears open.
Judge all you want but Gomez and Morticia Adams were doing something right in their marriage. They were always so in love and infatuated with each other. Their relationship was solid as a rock despite living an alternative lifestyle. Sometimes the freakiest and weirdest people have some of the best relationships. Some people project a perfect cookie cutter lifestyle.
Sometimes that portrayal does not reflect what really goes on behind closed doors. It is refreshing to see couples whose relationship lasts, especially into old age. There's nothing cuter than an older couple holding hands on a romantic stroll and looking happy and in love .
Having a good group of friends to connect with a dish all your relationship drama with is essential. This is especially important when you are married . You need your friends there so you can unload and talk about all the annoying things you feel your mate does. They can help give you advice or let you know that what you're feeling is totally relatable.
Sometimes your friends just keep you sane so that you are able to fix things in your marriage when needed. Never get so immersed in a relationship that you forget about all your friends. They are the first ones you will run to if the road gets rocky.

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