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В году в процессе соединения определенных элементов швейцарским ученым Альбертом Хоффманом был создан наркотик марка ЛСД Его химический термин — диэтиламид d-лизергиновой кислоты. В х все значимые психиатрические учреждения мира стали проводить опыты над людьми и животными. ЛСД C20H25N3O вызывает зависимость и желание употреблять его в увеличенных дозировках, имеет свойство накапливаться в теле человека. Когда вначале настроение поднимается, то позже настает противоположный эффект — появляется ломка, агрессивное поведение, галлюцинации и подавленное состояние. Последствия от применения LSD — искаженное восприятие реальности звуков, времени, цветов. Человек дезориентируется в пространстве, все начинает плыть вокруг. Когда закрываются глаза, то возникают яркие мелькающие узоры. У принимавшего ЛСД меняется мышление, поднимается настроение, приливают силы. Чтобы испытать чувство эйфории на полный день, хватает принять всего лишь мг препарата. В момент появления лизергиновой кислоты в крови, наркотик стремительно перемещается по всему организму. Действует марка ЛСД C20H25N3O на: психологическое сознание, повышение настроения, вызывает эйфорию, приводя к усиленному сердцебиению, повышается потливость, нарушается фокусировка зрения. При передозировке у наркозависимого происходят противоположные последствия: уменьшение пульса, раздражительность, депрессия, боли в желудке, понос, тошнота. Вследствие передозировки человек способен совершить даже самоубийство. Хранение, перевозка, производство, переработка ЛСД без цели сбыта в небольшом размере для ЛСД LSD — 0, г или мкг наказывается ограничением свободы сроком до 3-х лет, в крупном размере для ЛСД — 0, г или 5 мг — на срок от 3 до 5 лет, в очень большом размере для ЛСД — 0,1 г или мг несут наказание ограничения свободы на период от 10 до 15 лет. При организации постоянного изготовления наркотиков — срок лишения свободы до 20 лет. Как вернуться к нормальной жизни и находить радость без наркотиков? Мы можем помочь в этом! Нажимая кнопку Получить консультацию, соглашаюсь с Политикой конфиденциальности и даю согласие на обработку своих данных ст. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. ЛСД - что это? Какие последствия приема ЛСД? Правовые последствия. Реабилитация от ЛСД зависимости. Бесплатная анонимная консультация Если Вам понадобилась помощь или у Вас возник вопрос, оставьте запрос по кнопке, с радостью поможем Вам. Предыдущая запись Дезоморфин или что такое крокодил. Следующая запись Отзыв бывшего алкозависимого о реабилитации. Фенилэтиламин — гормон любви, препарат наркотического действия, последствия Нужна консультация. Пожалуйста, оставьте свои правильные данные, наш помощник свяжется с вами в ближайшее время и вместе мы найдем выход. Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies. Enable All Save Settings. Останкинский купить Марихуана в интернете. Москва Западный купить Мефедрон в интернете. Только лучшие коктели для вас! У нас ты найдешь качество, лучшую цену и удобный съем отличного настроения вблизи. 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Earlier last week we saw the first-ever images of a Black Hole, a scientific breakthrough which most of us will never fully understand the significance of. Years of research conducted by hundreds of people and mountains of data all processed through an algorithm to give us the blurry yellow image we see above. A marvel of science and engineering and math which rivals the significance, if not the glamour, of the first orbital space missions. Both of which made possible by the brilliant minds working diligently to see them through. By the brilliant women seeing them through. Margaret Hamilton is the MIT computer scientist who wrote the first computer codes to launch a shuttle and successfully landed a man on the moon. Katie Bouman, the year-old computer scientist who developed the software algorithm that turned the stacks of hard drives in front of her into one single visible image of the black hole 55 million light-years away in the Messier 87 galaxy. We live in an age of marvels, where it is possible to look up to the sky and reach for the stars, or, at least, the photons. But for many of our girls and young women, seeing the possibilities for themselves in scientific fields can still feel like a bit of a stretch. As is disappointingly common, when textbooks reveal the amazing stories of scientists working to unravel the mysteries of the universe, certain voices are often left out. Blurry, black and white images often reveal groups of stiff-backed older white men standing sternly in front of a blackboard. Women and people of color are, more often than not, conspicuously absent. Of the top 50 science celebrities followed on twitter, only 4 are women. But while women and people of color are woefully underrepresented, they are there, they are making a difference and, more than that, they always have. Benjamin Banneker — Benjamin rose to acclaim in a time when African Americans were more often seen as property than academics. He published a series of almanacs, on every subject imaginable with incredible accuracy. He rose to such acclaim that, when writing to Thomas Jefferson, urging the then Secretary of State to work against slavery, he included a handwritten copy of one of his almanacs. Jefferson, after writing back to Banneker, sent the almanac on to the French Academy of Sciences as proof of the capabilities of people of color as a whole. Caroline Herschel When she was only ten, Caroline fell sick with typhus, which stopped her from growing. Unlikely to marry, she moved to live with her brother in England and worked with him on telescopes. But soon Caroline began to work more on her own, cataloging everything they found. Caroline discovered three nebulae, eight comets, and was awarded the Gold Medal of Science by the King of Prussia for her achievements. She was the first woman to ever discover a comet and two of her astronomical catalogs are still being used to this day! Sophie Germain — When she was 18, the Ecole Polytechnique a school of mathematics was founded in Paris, but would not take female students. Using a fake name, she submitted a paper to J. Lagrange, who was very impressed with her work, even more so when he found out she was a woman and became her mentor. Sophie was able to enter a circle of scientists and mathematicians that she would have otherwise been excluded from. She wrote to German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss about her work on Number Theory, which many believe still does not receive the credit it deserves. Gauss helped convince the University of Gottingen to award her an honorary degree in mathematics. The family found and sold fossils in Lyme Regis to make ends meet. In the s Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Birch auctioned off his fossil collection and donated the money to the Anning family, most of which the family had found originally. Mary took over the family fossil business, having a keen eye and an impressive knowledge of anatomy. She made many great discoveries, starting at age 10 with the first known Ichthyosaur fossils, and the first every Plesiosaur. The Plesiosaur, which looks like the Loch Ness monster, was initially doubted. But when it was discovered to be real, it launched the family, and Mary Anning, to international fame. She was exceptionally gifted at numbers and languages and was tutored by notable figures including Mary Somerville, the first woman admitted to the Royal Astronomical Academy. Babbage also had ideas for an Analytical Engine before he died. Ada was asked to translate an article on the Analytical Engine from French to English. She added her own notes, which ended up being three times longer than the original article. Percy Julian A renowned chemist who isolated and chemically synthesized many compounds found in nature which proved to have medical value. He also conducted research that leads to the discovery of such medicines as Cortisone and modern-day Birth Control. Charles Drew — Charles Drew held both Doctor of Medicine and Masters in Surgery degrees, but is best known for his work in blood research. In addition to other areas of research, Drew was the first doctor to develop a method for separating blood plasma from platelets and red blood cells. She continued to produce incredible breakthroughs in DNA research up until her death. As human computers were eliminated in favor of machines, Annie remained. She would continue to work on everything from battery-powered cars for space exploration, to measuring the damage to the ozone layer, and testing nuclear facilities at Plum Brook. She is also a physician who worked as a general practitioner. She speaks Russian, Japanese, and Swahili. Jemison was also a professor at Dartmouth College, and the founder and president of not one, but two tech companies. Shurouq Al Hamaideh 22 Shurouq attended a Social Entrepreneurship training program in before starting a business with her friends teaching computer programming and website design to teenagers in Tafila, Jourdan. Despite limited resources, barely three months after launching, 33 teens and young adults had graduated the program, half of them girls. Katie Bouman 29 The young computer scientist and member of the Event Horizon Telescope team that created the first-ever true image of a black hole. She led the development of the algorithm which created the image from millions of data points. Katie worked with hundreds of others to see the project to fruition and played a significant role by verifying images, selecting filtering parameters, and developing the algorithm that put all the images together into the picture we recognize today. She will begin teaching at the California Institute of Technology in June of this year. When women are empowered to achieve the same goals and success as their male counterparts, it benefits everyone. The Global economy is changing, and while service industry jobs will continue to disappear, opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics will continue to grow. If girls are represented and encouraged equally in STEM fields when compared to boys, they will be in a better position in the decades to come. Representation matters, especially with kids. Where you see the people in your life around you reflects what opportunities you see for yourself in the future. When kids see people who look like them succeeding in a field, no matter what it is, it makes it easier for that child to see themselves in that role one day. Exposing kids to a broad variety of options and possibilities gives them access to an equally broader range of opportunities in the future. This is just as true in art and music as it is in business and politics, but holds particularly valuable in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We should always endeavor to give our children every resource they need to succeed, every tool they need to help them reach for their own stars…. Check out this and more original content available every week at TheNerdyNanny. You can also check out Eve Daniels, author of The Nerdy Nanny books, on YouTube where she gives writing and academic advice as well as updating you on all of her latest and upcoming projects. У тебя разгар соревновательного сезона — и параллельно ты рассылаешь рабочие резюме? Производитель: FotoDivan Акционная цена! На страницах этой книги разворачивается новогодняя история о девочке Мари, её брате Фрице, загадочном крёстном Дроссельмейере и Щелкунчике, который каждую ночь оживает вместе с…. Всем привет, читающим мой отзыв? 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RichardDwerm October 19, , pm. Edwardelacy October 20, , am. CharlesHax October 20, , am. Henrycaw October 20, , am. Kevinsed October 22, , am. Davidkange October 22, , am. Michaelbains October 22, , pm. RicardoSwign October 22, , pm. Kevinsed October 22, , pm. Davidkange October 22, , pm. Kevinsed October 23, , am. Davidkange October 23, , am. Michaelbains October 23, , am. RicardoSwign October 23, , am. Kevinsed October 23, , pm. Davidkange October 23, , pm. Michaelbains October 23, , pm. RicardoSwign October 23, , pm. Kevinsed October 24, , pm. Davidkange October 24, , pm. Michaelbains October 24, , pm. Каталог детской мебели в интернет-магазине : Reply. RicardoSwign October 24, , pm. EdwardTer October 25, , am. Davidsof October 25, , am. JosephHop October 25, , am. Williamaname October 25, , am. EdwardTer October 25, , pm. Davidsof October 25, , pm. JosephHop October 25, , pm. Williamaname October 25, , pm. BryanJunda October 26, , am. BrandonHeide October 26, , am. Stevemab October 26, , am. BryanJunda October 26, , pm. BrandonHeide October 26, , pm. Stevemab October 26, , pm. IsmaelTal October 28, , am. CharlesMic October 28, , am. RicardoSwign October 28, , am. IsmaelTal October 28, , pm. RicardoSwign October 28, , pm. CharlesMic October 28, , pm. IsmaelTal October 29, , am. CharlesMic October 29, , am. RicardoSwign October 29, , am. WinstonMiz October 29, , am. AnthonyDuh October 29, , am. Kevinsed October 29, , am. Michaelfrava October 29, , am. Davidsof October 29, , am. JamesCaurb October 29, , am. Jeffreynot October 29, , am. Frankrem October 29, , am. RobertHaw October 29, , am. RichardDwerm October 29, , pm. WinstonMiz October 29, , pm. AnthonyDuh October 29, , pm. Jeffreynot October 29, , pm. Kevinsed October 29, , pm. Michaelfrava October 29, , pm. Davidsof October 29, , pm. Врач-флеболог клиники — современная медицина по доступным ценам в Москве! JamesCaurb October 29, , pm. Frankrem October 29, , pm. RobertHaw October 29, , pm. WinstonMiz October 30, , am. AnthonyDuh October 30, , am. Jeffreynot October 30, , am. Kevinsed October 30, , am. Michaelfrava October 30, , am. Davidsof October 30, , am. JamesCaurb October 30, , am. Frankrem October 30, , am. RobertHaw October 30, , am. RichardDwerm October 30, , am. WinstonMiz October 30, , pm. AnthonyDuh October 30, , pm. Michaelfrava October 30, , pm. Jeffreynot October 30, , pm. Kevinsed October 30, , pm. JamesCaurb October 30, , pm. Davidsof October 30, , pm. Frankrem October 30, , pm. RobertHaw October 30, , pm. RichardDwerm October 30, , pm. BrandonLoard October 31, , am. GlennSef October 31, , am. GlennSef October 31, , pm. GlennSef November 1, , pm. BrandonLoard November 1, , pm. BrandonLoard November 2, , am. GlennSef November 2, , am. GlennSef November 2, , pm. BrandonLoard November 2, , pm. KoreyClank November 3, , am. MartinFem November 3, , am. Какие виды услуг мы предлагаем: Reply. Keithsnoma November 3, , am. Ralphmek November 3, , am. RichardTog November 3, , am. Wallacewhops November 3, , am. ErwinRhity November 3, , am. Danielcouri November 3, , am. GlennSef November 3, , pm. BrandonLoard November 3, , pm. GlennSef November 4, , pm. BrandonLoard November 4, , pm. RichardTog November 5, , am. RussellDaype November 5, , am. GlennSef November 5, , am. RussellDaype November 5, , pm. GlennSef November 5, , pm. GlennSef November 6, , am. RussellDaype November 6, , am. RussellDaype November 6, , pm. GlennSef November 6, , pm. GlennSef November 7, , pm. RussellDaype November 7, , pm. Kevinsed November 8, , am. Haroldrip November 8, , am. DavidLouck November 8, , am. BennyHok November 8, , am. EdwardTer November 8, , am. CharlesSceft November 8, , am. Michaelevevy November 8, , am. Michaelevevy November 8, , pm. CharlesSceft November 8, , pm. Edwardbow November 10, , am. Edwardbow November 11, , am. Edwardbow November 12, , am. Edwardbow November 12, , pm. BrettCag November 12, , pm. Edwardbow November 13, , am. Edwardbow November 14, , am. RussellTen November 15, , am. RussellTen November 15, , pm. Wesleyliawl November 16, , am. WilliamviseE November 16, , am. RobertVem November 16, , am. WilliamviseE November 16, , pm. RobertVem November 16, , pm. WilliamviseE November 17, , am. RobertVem November 17, , am. WilliamviseE November 17, , pm. RobertVem November 17, , pm. CharlesDauts November 18, , am. IsmaelTal November 18, , am. Wesleyliawl November 18, , am. CharlesDauts November 18, , pm. JosephBes November 18, , pm. DwightSog November 18, , pm. BruceFeags November 18, , pm. ShawnJarma November 18, , pm. Thomashiple November 18, , pm. Davidlab November 18, , pm. Haroldrip November 18, , pm. ErnestBAK November 18, , pm. DavidrhymN November 18, , pm. RodneyZer November 18, , pm. Matthewleark November 18, , pm. Wesleyliawl November 18, , pm. RichardTog November 18, , pm. RichardDwerm November 18, , pm. CharlesSceft November 18, , pm. BrettCag November 19, , am. RussellFuh November 20, , am. Edwardelacy November 20, , pm. IsmaelTal November 20, , pm. Wesleyliawl November 20, , pm. HenryCoefe November 21, , pm. Wesleyliawl November 21, , pm. Edwardelacy November 21, , pm. BrettCag November 21, , pm. Franktaume November 22, , pm. Douglasnog November 22, , pm. AnthonyDuh November 22, , pm. DavidLouck November 23, , pm. Haroldrip November 23, , pm. Charlestub November 23, , pm. WilliamviseE November 23, , pm. CharlesLes November 23, , pm. EmanuelEncox November 23, , pm. DwightSog November 23, , pm. ErwinRhity November 23, , pm. JosephBes November 23, , pm. Michaelfrava November 23, , pm. JerryBut November 23, , pm. MiguelMib November 23, , pm. CharlesDauts November 23, , pm. Stevenkew November 23, , pm. ScottHor November 23, , pm. LarryRat November 23, , pm. Douglasnog November 23, , pm. Franktaume November 23, , pm. AnthonyDuh November 23, , pm. Douglasnog November 25, , am. Keenanpek November 25, , am. AnthonyDuh November 25, , am.

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